The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 298: The martial arts master with the Qinglong Yanyue Sword

"MLGB, kid B, you come over to me, today I don't care about the few brothers, don't stop anyone, don't you want to be a hero, don't hide, come out and see Lao Tzu's Wang Fa."

After talking about it, he rushed in the direction of the city management brigade.

And the few young men who followed Big Brother Qingpi, who looked like his younger brother, rushed towards him in a daze.

This drive caused the shop owners who were already nervous to follow them to rush out subconsciously.

The shovels and crowbars actually fell on the bodies of these city administrators one after another.

But how could this group of urban management law enforcement officers sit still?

The truncheons in their hands were not vegetarians, and they turned against the enemy.

Only Lao Fu who was pushed to the wall was slightly bitter. What is this called? He didn't see Gu Zheng taking a weapon out on a patrol today.

The baton was put on the table by him.

The reason why Gu Zheng is unwilling to take it is also very simple. Sometimes when a temporary worker is equipped with this, it is really no different from a security guard.

But for Gu Zheng nowadays, it was extremely dangerous.

He looked around at the periphery of this fairly clean shop that had been cleaned up, and he couldn't even find a handy weapon.

But before he thought about how to help his colleagues, he suddenly discovered that there were a few figures secretly following the wall and intending to take pictures.

Comrade Xiao Cong is now nervously moving towards the camera screen, yelling, using the style of a sports announcer to broadcast this sudden social fight.

"The viewers in front of the TV, I'm Xiao Cong, a reporter from Social Channel, and what I am reporting to you is a violent fight against law enforcement staged at the Xiaomenhong wholesale market."

"You can see from the camera lens that the two teams now entangled in resistance are the field law enforcement officers of the Fengtai Urban Management Brigade, and the young and middle-aged resistance team formed spontaneously by the owners of Xiaohongmen Commercial Street. "

"Their two teams are extremely disproportionate in terms of equipment rationing and the number of personnel."

"Take the two leaders who are currently fighting on the front line, the captain of the urban management brigade and the merchant Qingpi brother."

"First of all, in terms of personal qualities and physical abilities, two people are not a heavyweight player."

"According to my visual observation, the player who is raising the watermelon knife and slashing at the captain, he is more than 1.85 meters tall and weighs 80 kilograms. He is a heavyweight player."

"But what about our current captain who is fighting with a plastic baton? The height is only about 1.75 meters, and the weight is thin. It is estimated that he can barely be regarded as a lightweight player."

"With such disparate conditions, even the captain, no matter how flexibly and flexibly in the process of resisting violent personnel."

"But as long as no one can cooperate with it, there is only one final outcome, and that is to be cut to the ground by the opponent's knife after the defense is exhausted!"

"Oh! God! What did I see! The slash of the green-skinned brother just now caused the captain to improperly respond and fell to the ground sideways!"

"Oh my God! Human tragedies are about to happen, revolutionary martyrs, can't just sacrifice in vain, God, why should it be so cruel!"

"Earth, please give me a hero who is in trouble!"

"My reporter, Xiao Cong, I want to be this brave warrior and save the captain from the enemy's butcher's knife!"

I don't know what you think, anyway, the two big men who are fighting inextricably, under reporter Cong's explanation, don't mention how uncomfortable.

In fact, the foot of the city management team slipped, and there is no credit for this reporter's explanation.

So when he said that he was going to see righteousness and courage, reporter Gao behind him uttered in horror toward the front of the camera: "Xiao Cong, go and see righteousness and courage, that person is here."

Waiting for Xiao Cong to turn his head and take a closer look, isn't it?

The green-skinned big brother actually kept the captain one step away from him not cutting, and walked straight towards him with a watermelon knife.

As he walked, he yelled: "Damn! Chirp is like a duck, so noisy that I can't even lift the knife anymore. Didn't you just say you want to practice with me? Come over and be a hero! "

He said that he knocked twice on his leg with the back of the knife. This was to prepare for cutting melons and vegetables for a while.

At this time, Xiao Cong, looking from the perspective of a high photographer, was so tall, he straightened his back, and he didn't move a bit under his feet.

Like a fighter, facing the painful life and the crushing of the coming evil forces.

But only the person involved, Xiao Cong, knew, he was frightened.

I saw a four-finger-wide machete, so he slashed toward his front door in a daze. He didn't even have the idea of ​​dodge resistance, his legs were weak!


Suddenly, a golden object was inserted obliquely from the side, a crosspiece was pushed and pulled, and then another was pushed down. It was dangerous and dangerous to put the machete aside, resolving a **** tragedy.

The person who offered a helping hand was actually Gu Zheng.

And the photographer Gao, who was in charge of shooting in the rear, quickly glued the lens to this hero who fell from the sky.

I saw the person in the camera brandishing the weapon in his hand and hitting the opponent without fighting back.

Daqingpi changed from the side of the abuser to the side who was passively beaten in an instant.

But the weapon in the opponent's hand, like the one with eyes, can always hit the place that his watermelon knife can't parry.

The skin on Daqingpi's body was faintly aching from being beaten, and the places that were occasionally stabbed by a stick were also very coincidental. They were all places that made him angry or awkward.

But it was strange, and there was no bleeding.

While Da Qingpi was still wondering, Lao Gao during the filming process couldn't help being amused by the scene he recorded, and his face blushed.

It turned out that Gu Zheng, who didn't carry weapons, couldn't hide in the corner like the old Fu, and he was too timid.

When he checked whether there were any slabs on the floor, he was attracted by a basket behind the door of a shop.

This should be a shop selling children's toys.

Most of the stuffed in the basket are cheap and simple children's toys.

There was a bundle in the big basket at the door, similar to Monkey King's golden cudgel and Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue knife-like imitations.

When Gu Zheng noticed them and held one of them in his hand, he was relieved.

Because this is a solid weapon, especially the Azure Dragon Yanyue Sword, I don't know what metal was mixed in when casting it, and the weight was not light when I started it.

With this kind of thing, it is not a sharp weapon, even if it is drawn to these people, no one will say anything about it.

So the current situation in the field has changed. Gu Zheng alone, with a knife in one hand and a stick in the other, is actually dancing like a tiger down the mountain.

After this crackling routine came down, the opponent Qingpi's big brother loosened his wrist, and Gu Zheng actually took the watermelon knife off!

As the leader of a team, everyone was drawn into this situation. The younger brothers who followed him naturally couldn't let him off the culprit like this!

"Asshole! Brother, we're here to help you!"

Several young and strong lads didn't care about getting entangled with the city management team opposite him. They copied their weapons one after another and surrounded Gu Zheng.

After Gu Zheng rescued him and kicked him from the dementia state by a kicker, Xiao Cong on the side discovered that acting bravely is really not something ordinary people can do.

He ran out of the melee circle in three and two steps, and honestly started his out-of-camera commentary by the wall.

"Everyone can see in the camera that this brave urban management team member is now in a very dangerous situation."

"In this meeting, there are five or six mobs armed with weapons."

"Compared with the shovel and iron rod in their hands, the toy weapon in the hands of the city manager at this time, uh, looks so weak and weak."

"But our People’s Urban Management Team Gu Zheng, that’s right, if the audience who watched our Channel 6 program in front of the TV yesterday can tell, this is the city management team that won the championship in the marathon yesterday. Athlete, Gu Zheng."

"He is now experiencing the biggest crisis in his urban management work."

"Oh! God! These shameless people moved. Under the command of that shameless big brother, they rushed to Gu Zheng who was alone!"

"Oh, that's not right! The comrades of the surrounding urban management team are ready to move closer to Comrade Gu Zheng, ready to help their teammates!"

Photographer Gao hurriedly followed the commentary to the crowd with the most conflicts on the other side, and then heard reporter Cong's screams.

"Oh! God! The rescue intentions of the colleagues of the Urban Management Brigade were discovered by this group of vendors. They used shovels to stop every member of the team from moving!"

"Now that the number of people is seriously out of balance, Comrade Gu Zheng is left with only self-reliance! Let's turn the lens to Gu Zheng's side again!"

Photographer Gao quickly turned the lens back.

A dramatic scene happened.

"Gosh, what did I see, I can't believe my eyes anymore."

"Now these seven people have fallen into a melee battle group."

"The surrounding siege personnel formed a momentum of encirclement, and various weapons fell on Gu Zheng's body in the center like raindrops."

"But please take a look! Comrade Gu Zheng in the middle looked as usual, with two gorgeous weapons dancing impermeable to the wind, and turned out to be like a large invisible net, blocking all attacks in his own defensive circle. outside."


"God, what did I see? Gu Zheng actually took advantage of a gap between the opponent players and slashed the Azure Dragon Yanyue Sword directly on the face of Brother Qingpi!"

"Oh my God! Brother Qingpi turned out to be the first person to fall down with his face covered!"


"No! This is not the most amazing ~ In the electric light and flint, the two brothers who were distracted by the fiasco of Brother Qingpi are now covering their crotch one after another and falling down. Go down!"

"What happened! Who will tell me! With my 600-degree nearsighted eyes, I can't see it clearly at all."

"Maybe we can only see it in the replay of the camera in front of the TV in the future."

"God! Just when the audience in front of the TV and I explained this weird phenomenon, I didn't expect that even the remaining three people would be solved by Gu Zheng in one go."

"This time, we didn't miss it! In the screams of everyone, these three people were resolved by two side splits and a horizontal kick."

"Looking at this posture, I seem to have seen the legendary martial arts master."

"The record of one to six in the various novels has actually been recorded by us in reality! This is really shocking!"

"Wait, Comrade Gu Zheng moved. He came to the captain and said a few words, huh? Why did he turn his head and wave at me?"

Gu Zheng, who was already annoyed by reporter Cong, beckoned to Uncle Fu: "Uncle, quickly cooperate with our captain to find a way to tie up these people. I guess the police in this area are coming soon."

It means that the time has come to grab the credit. Do you still want to get a promotion?

Fu Sheng, who was well versed in the doctrine of the bottom, immediately understood it, and then with the most solemn expression, walked towards the group of people who were holding their heads and wailing.

On the other hand, Gu Zheng was carrying two weapons, rushing towards the large group of people who were still fighting on the opposite side, and went for reinforcements.

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