The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 379: Take control of life and death

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At this time, everyone in the hall was completely shocked. Unexpectedly, Sayuri Aokawa actually dared to kill Shi Likai.

And just the next moment she said to kill Shi Likai, Young Master Shi died instantly, without any signs. Is it true that even Ye Chen’s maid would have any magic method, or was it actually Ye Chen who did it himself?

Almost everyone recalled the rumors of Master Ye Xian. In many rumors, Ye Chen is a martial arts god, the technique is arrogant, and if there is any disagreement, he will kill. Cheng Boxuan, Qiu Lingyun, and Ito Musang all died in his hands.

Before these rumors, everyone may not believe, but now, everyone believes. Otherwise, there is no way to explain. Why did Shi Likai suddenly die?

Countless eyes looked at Sayuri Aokawa, and then to the indifferent young man, then quickly bowed his head and dared not look straight.

The power is not terrible, the terrible thing is that this person can still take your life and death at any time, it is too terrible, enough to be afraid! Just like the ancient emperor, he kills one word and controls life and death.

Ye Chen didn't express anything about Qingchuan Sayuri's "recklessness" impulse. The majesty of the Immortal Emperor could not be provoked by mortals. Those who dare to provoke will have to pay the price of their lives. Even if Sayuri Aokawa did not shoot, he would not let Shi Likai go.

For Ye Chen, Shi Likai is just a ants, even if he does not use any magical skills, he can make Shi Likai better to die.

Not to mention, as long as you let out your words, those Yanjing who are anxious to please his giants will fully attack Lingyun Entertainment, and even Long Teng will come forward. Everyone has a stone Xiangchen. No matter how powerful the entertainment circle is, how can it be compared? Ever true power?

With his current identity, it is easy to defeat Lingyun. But Ye Chen chose the most decisive and decisive.


When Shi Likai asked him to kneel and apologize, and threatened to throw his friends to the downstream, Ye Chen unprecedentedly showed up to kill.

Although he wanted to integrate into the secular world, he was always too lazy to care about these mortals. But this does not mean that when Shi Likai rides on his head and humiliates him, Ye Chen will remain indifferent.

In the martial arts world, there is still an iron law that cannot be humiliated by the strong, not to mention his immortal emperor?

If someone in the universe of the last life dared to speak to him like this, Ye Chen slaughtered his entire sect early to deter the planet. The strong must not only have strength, but also have the determination to use it.

Ye Chen certainly made Yanjing's top tycoons bow, but the specific news was only circulated in the top circle of China. The ordinary high society rich and young people, he was only in a somewhat skillful impression. After all, many things cannot be believed in this rumor.

Therefore, even if Shi Likai knew that he was Master Ye Xian, he didn't take any precautions. Instead, he said "we will write off". Even now, there are a lot of clueless families who are trying to provoke themselves by sniping the East China United Chamber of Commerce.

But now, Ye Chen's maid was killed neatly. After the provocative Shi Likai, the audience was completely deterred by his means.

After the news came out, I am afraid that for the entire China, no one dared to hit him and the United Chamber of Commerce.

This is Ye Chen's purpose. After all, he will open a new school. Money is an indispensable thing, and the East China United Chamber of Commerce is his most advantageous logistical support.

At this moment, the audience was silent, and no one dared to speak.

For a long while, Kong Jiaming pretended to bravely stepped forward and said: "Ye Xianshi, I'm afraid the reception will not be held again. Please go to the VIP bedroom to rest."

"No need." Ye Chen waved his hand at random. He had achieved his goal at this time, and he was too lazy to mix up with the crowded capitalists.

He glanced at everyone, whether it was General Yang, Du Wanwan, or everyone whose face had been swollen. When he saw Ye Chen's eyes, he was terrified and trembling. Especially Du Wanwan, with two legs and one soft, directly slumped on the ground, even the red dress was raised too high, and he didn’t pay attention to the spring light.

Other rich, big and young, celebrities, even dare not look directly at Ye Chen's eyes. Ding Liangcai and others were more shocked than scared. Although he and Ji Junlan knew that Ye Chen was very strong, they didn't expect him to be so powerful. Not only did they fear all kinds of giants, but they also claimed their lives.

As for Xie Yanran, she was completely dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, Ye Chen, who was so humble in high school, jumped into the Nine Heavens Dragon!

"Damn, why didn't I just see him right now, and I knew that Ye Chen was so identified, where else do I need Ding Liang before Shi Likai?"

Xie Yanran was so annoyed that he shot his thighs straight, hoping to go back in time. In that case, when he saw Ye Chen's first glance, he was stalking and said that he had to climb into his bed.

"Let's go."

Ye Chen patted Ding Liangcai's shoulder and went out first. The crowd around the door spread out like a tide, and everyone looked at Ye Chen with complex eyes, with fear, shock, and doubt. But no one dared to stand up and said that he would win him or Qingchuan Sayuri.

Ding Liangcai and Ji Junlan, then woke up like dreams, followed by Ye Chen's footsteps, and Qingchuan Sayuri was like a shadow.

Only Xie Yanran was still stunned on the spot.

She just abandoned Ye Chen without hesitation and ran towards Shi Likai. At this time, even if she was cheeky, she didn't necessarily care about it, and she didn't take it for herself.

But with such thick legs of Optimus Prime, if she didn't fight for it, Xie Yanran would not be reconciled anyway, so she struggled for a few seconds, or quickly chased Ding Liangcai and others.

It wasn't until this time that Shi Xiangchen spoke slowly. Although his voice was hoarse and concealed a trace of grief, he could barely keep calm.

It is worthy of being one of the big guys in charge of the entertainment circle. Shi Xiangchen started from scratch. What kind of changes and setbacks in his life have not been encountered. At this time, he shows the essence of Xiaoxiong, even if his son is killed, he can remain calm.

There is still sorrow in his eyes, but a smile has been squeezed on his face: "There was a small accident at the reception, the dog suffered a heart attack, and it disturbed all the guests and friends. I am here to accompany everyone."

Shi Xiangchen apologized while recruiting his assistant: "Xiao Zhu, you will represent me first, and preside over the reception."

"I know, Shidao." His beautiful female assistant nodded again and again.

Everyone hurriedly said: "Shi guide, there is an unpredictable situation in the sky, and there is a blessing in the end. No one thought of this accident. Please don't be too sad."

So in the eyes of everyone, Shi Xiangchen held Shi Likai's body and stepped out of the reception...

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