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After talking, Ye Chen waved his sleeve easily.


An unimaginable grand truth came out of Ye Chen's hands. In the void, a surging blue wave appeared. This raging wave, like a tsunami running through thousands of horses, swept through the world, ran across a hundred meters, and ran into a tornado.


Cyan real yuan, hit the tornado together in an instant.

Two huge forces collided in the air and burst into thunderous sounds. The void seemed to be unable to withstand the impact, and the trees on both sides were suddenly stirred into pieces of wood wool. Even a lot of rocks were involved, but they were also cracked. After one blow, Ye Chen has also reached the top of Huashan Mountain, and has fallen smoothly to the top of the mountain.

"Xiao Yijue?"

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed, staring at this weak and talented man standing with a negative sword.

The breath on his body is the most powerful one that Ye Chen has returned to the earth. The kind of sword spirit that rises to the sky communicates the vitality of the world. The whole body is like an iron plate, very condensed, and there is no trace of defects. The spiritual power is like a sea of ​​oceans, vast and vast, almost making Ye Chen think that this is the rebirth of the old Xingxie.

"No, Xuan Xian's words, even if there is no Golden Pill, but it should be far superior to the Divine Realm, and be integrated with the world and the vitality, there is no difference. Just like the fish entered the water. And this Xiao Yijue is still human, distance It has almost evolved into an immortal. It’s almost like this. It’s the sky. If you don’t have a destiny, you can’t enter eternal life.”

Ye Chen shook his head slightly, his expression dignified: "But, why does he give me a threatening feeling in his body. Is there any hidden magic weapon or hole card?"

"Ye Chen, I have been waiting for you for three days."

Xiao Yi stood up, and Gujing Wubo's eyes finally showed a splendid color:

"You are indeed the most amazing and beautiful young generation in this century. It was Musashi Ito that year, and it was not as powerful as you. If decades later, who can achieve Xuan Xian, you are the most promising."

Ye Chen smiled in his eyes and said lightly: "And is the person who is closest to Xuan Xian now, is it you?"

The two looked at each other silently and suddenly laughed.

But at this time, the people on the Vice Peak had not yet recovered. They lowered their heads and saw the aftermath of the energy collision, which also seemed to be swept by a torrent, and a square of 100 meters of open space was formed at the foot of the mountain.

The power of one blow is as good as ever!

Watching the crowd, they were all terrified, and were frightened by the terror of the two.

However, many of the powerful gods shrank their pupils and looked at Ye Chen. Only they knew what Ye Chen's blow just meant.

"Xiao Yi absolutely condensed the power of the heavens and the earth, and then merged into hundreds of meters of tornadoes. Ye Chen turned her back on the true power of her own, and blocked the hurricane hard, and was equally divided with Xiao Yi. With the power of mortals, the world was shaken !Is this still possible with God Realm?"

An old man riding a giant snake said in horror.

Everyone's heart sank slightly. Xiao Yi is absolutely in control of the world, almost inferior to the old Xingxie old man. Ye Chen can break the world with his own strength. Does this mean that his true elemental mana is no longer comparable to Xuan Xian?

"Too strong, too strong, this battle, Xiao Yi has no chance of winning. The body of Xuan Xian plus the power of Xuan Xian, this leaf dust, besides being unable to mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth, is a living Xuan Xian!"

The Living Buddha of Langri shook his head again and again, and long ago extinguished his revenge.

"not necessarily."

Joyce burst into the eyes, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and said: "Xiao Yijue's Haotian sword has not yet been sheathed, and Ye Chen has not changed into the legendary blue-haired **** man, both... Didn't play really."

Everyone glanced at him and looked at Xiao Yijue. Sure enough, they saw that Xiao Yijue was not discouraged and shot again.


This time the prestige is much stronger than before.

"I thought that after going out of the mountain for decades, when I was looking for Ito Musashi, I won and lost, but I didn't expect you to have more Ye Chen in the world. Hurry, hurry."

Xiao Yi absolutely laughed.


At this moment, a lightning bolt thick as a tree trunk cut through the sky and flashed in front of them. When the lightning disappeared, Ye Chen and Xiao Yi started at the same time.

Ye Chen stepped on the ground and punched.

His violent punch shattered all the rain curtains in the air and made a passage of hundreds of meters. The channel is two meters wide, from Ye Chen to the sky all the way. It can be seen that the power of Ye Chen's fist is terrifying, as far as more than 100 meters away. It was the sight of the **** realm, which was overshadowed by it.

"Without borrowing the slightest force of heaven and earth, and letting out the true qi alone, let it go for nearly a thousand kilometers. How strong is the intensity of this leaf dust's true qi? How condensed is it?"

The pupils of the war wolf king shrank, he was also proud of his fist and kung fu, but in the face of Ye Chen's younger generation, he felt as if he was facing a huge beast, and he couldn't bear the heart of confrontation at all.

With hundreds of meters of energy, every **** can do it. But just like the end of a strong crossbow. The boxing power of the kilometer is basically no lethality. I am afraid that even the Holy Land may not be threatened.

But the power of Ye Chen's punch was what it was when he hit it. It can be seen that his invigorating condensate is like substance. More terrifying than any laser shell.


It is different from Ye Chen's unique boxing strength.

Xiao Yijue raised his slender fingers and stroked in the air. All over the rain, turned into a sword of water. These water swords are three inches long, and each sword has a sharp edge, shining with a chill. In an instant, the entire sky seemed to have thousands of arrows.

"Swoosh swoosh--!"

With Xiao Yijue's finger pointing, thousands of water swords, like a strong bow and a hard crossbow, rushed towards Ye Chen. Each water sword is only three inches long at the beginning, but in the process of flying, it attracted the vitality of the world and gradually grew stronger, and finally grew to a length of seven inches. Double the power.

"Boom Boom--!"

Countless water swords struck the fist and made a sharp popping sound.

But Ye Chen's punching power was so aggressive that it was enough to kill the punch. How can these water swords stop it alone. In a series of explosions, the boxing power is still unstoppable and domineering.


Xiao Yijue's sword changed, and the sword in the sky turned into a tornado. At a speed ten times as fast as before, it crackled on the invisible fist. Each water sword weakened the strength of the fist. Although it was very subtle, after thousands of water swords, the fist finally slowed down, and finally stopped outside Xiao Yi's ten thousand feet, and dissipated out of thin air.

Many holy realms are silent.

Although the two were just a blow, the strength they showed was terrifying.

Ye Chen's fist is as strong as Tao, one punch is enough to bombard the **** realm.

Xiao Yi absolutely recruited thousands of water swords, each of which was comparable to an armor-piercing projectile, not to mention the Wu Sheng, even the Wu Shen's body protection qi, may not be able to withstand.

But this is just a casual blow by the two of them, and when they really give their full shot, what terrible power is that?

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