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"Huh, since that's the case, then die."

Seeing this scene, Uesugi also knew that no one would bow his head to himself. He said a word coldly, and then slammed his sword sideways and cut it towards Luo Peng.

He was very annoyed in his heart. For the first time, he used other moves besides the knife extraction.

"Desirable sword flow, mysterious mystery? Cross the autumn water!"

The knife was cut out, just like the autumn wind swept the leaves, the surging sword was overflowing, and even surprised many martial artists sitting on the ground.

Luo Peng smiled bitterly, he knew he couldn't see the knife at all. Since he couldn't see it clearly, he wouldn't be able to fend off, and he could only close his eyes and wait for death.

But at this moment...

"Cang Lang--!"

Only hearing a crisp sound, Luo Peng was safe and sound, but among him and Uesugi, there was already a cross.

"Huh? Who is coming?"

In the eyes of Uesugi, there was also a look of surprise. This was the samurai sword in his hand. For the first time, he failed to get blood after being unsheathed.

"Alas, I thought I would never report this name again in my life." The fat innkeeper sighed and shook his head, "Under the white banner."

"Hercules Condor White Banner!"

Luo Peng was suddenly shocked, but this is his own senior, one of the last cadres of China Dragon's official special organization "Dragon"!

Uesugi also sneered: "I don't care who you are. Those who dare to block my plan will die!"

Bai Zhanqi's eyes dropped, and he whispered: "Captain Luo Peng!"


Luo Peng stood upright subconsciously and saluted a military salute.

Bai Zhanqi whispered: "I am definitely not the opponent of this person, but maybe you can stop him for a moment, you immediately take everyone away, and report the matter to Longteng people, no mistake!"

After a pause, he whispered again: "Help me take care of the stupid girl."

"Colonel White!"

Luo Peng burst into tears. He knew that the other party was already telling the story. He just hated his ability and could not share the worry for the other party!

However, at this moment, a cold and bone-sounding voice rang out: "Think too much. Today, none of you can run away."


What surprised Uesugi also was that his ambition was to be empty-handed into the white blade by the white exhibition flag, firmly holding the samurai sword and not allowing it to enter.

"Colonel White's eagle claws are truly extraordinary."

Luo Peng had just smiled, and Bai Zhanqi spurted blood out. The opponent's strength really crushed them too much. Even if Bai Zhanqi caught the blade, the fierce knife gas still hurt his heart.

At this time, Lu Cheng also picked up and stopped those warriors who were about to flee, sneeringly said: "Master Sword God hasn't spoken yet, I'm afraid it's not so easy to go.

"Traitor, I'll kill you first!"

Luo Peng's eyes were fierce, and he flew up with a sharp blow.

"Huh, my men, I can't help you with life and death!" Uesugi Qiu was like a shadow, slashing towards Luo Peng's heart. With this knife, he deliberately slowed down the speed, just to let the other party react and come back to block. This will save Lu Cheng.

However, what he didn't expect was that Luo Peng didn't mean to stop his hand at all. Instead, he put more force on his hand, and the electric light flint stabbed Lu Cheng's chest!

At the same time, Bai Zhanqi also leapt up, and held the blade of Uesugi Qiuya with his eagle claw hand. Although the blood was flowing down, he let this knife avoid Luo Peng's vital point.

But at this time, Lu Cheng, who seemed to be in the middle of the sword, actually smiled coldly and patted Luo Peng's mind with his backhand!


Luo Peng spouted a big sip of blood at that time, and said in amazement: "You..."


Lu Cheng burst into laughter, and said coldly: "Luo Peng, Luo Peng, you are too simple. I dare to jump out and stop you. Is there no point to rely on?"

When he said this, he opened his petticoat and proudly said: "This silkworm soft armor, but I bought it for a large price, and now it seems to be worth the money."

Lu Cheng said triumphantly, but did not find the silk on the soft armor, which had been cut by the other party's sword. Of course, it didn't matter even if he didn't find it, because Luo Peng now has no strength to push the sword up even half a centimeter. .

But at this moment, Gu Sanniang, who had been silent, rushed into the battle, but she did not attack Shangshanqiu or Lucheng, but slapped a lot of hands behind Luo Peng. Back!

At this moment, everyone thought Gu San Niang had also turned to Uesugi Qiuya, even the islanders themselves thought so.


But the next second, it was Lu Cheng who screamed. It turned out that Luo Peng used this force to send the sword in his hand forward once more and pierced his heart impartially.

"No! I can't die, I can't die here...I want it, I want..."

Lu Cheng spit blood and lay down on the ground, struggling constantly, just like a broken puppet, hysterical, nonsense.

"I want, I want to be... Wulin Supreme...!"


Lu Cheng's head fell heavily on the ground, but this smiling tiger couldn't laugh anymore.

"Ha ha……"

At this time, Uesugi also had a very angry smile: "Although it is just a dog, but you can kill him in front of me, you are also a bit capable."

He glanced at Lu Cheng's body with the look of garbage, and then looked at Gu San Niang: "Dead fat pig, in order to express his praise to you, let me personally cut off your head!"

Gu Sanniang’s fat face showed a sick smile: “Oh, I thought I was the same person as Na Lucheng, as ambitious as I am, and I did not put benevolence and morality in my eyes. I even felt that I should Don't hesitate to trust you..."

Speaking of which, Gu Sanniang smiled with relief: "But then I figured out that everyone must have their own bottom line. Like Lu Cheng, there is no bottom line. It is no longer a person, but a dog. ."

At this time, Bai Zhanqi also supported the dying Luo Peng, stood beside her, and looked at Uesugi Qiu said: "Yu Sui Qiu Ye, your martial arts are indeed very high, but we are just non-influential martial arts, but the Chinese martial arts. Dignity and bottom line, even with blood, you have to defend it."

"No one will bow your head here!"

Speaking of which, all the warriors were also inspired by the courage of qi and blood, Qi Qi shouted loudly: "Never bow your head! Never bow your head!"

Seeing this scene, Uesugi Qiu also closed his eyes and sneered, "So, let me step on your corpse, cross that bottom line, and go to the peak of the sword god!"

Everyone took a deep breath, preparing to die generously, but at this moment, a clear voice suddenly sounded:


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