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Today is the most dangerous day for the He family to establish themselves on the island. All high-level elders and Zongjia's sister-in-law were all urgently recalled and held a meeting in the Hejia Building.

"Who the **** is it, I dare to offend the majesty of my family!"

A middle-aged man patted the table heavily, his eyes flashing with anger, he was the eldest son of He Cheng, the father of He Yingzhuo, He Zhengye.

At this time he was already dealing with 50% of the property of the He family, and he was recognized as the next heir. The prestige in the He family was still very high.

Seeing him angry, everyone else lowered their heads, daring not to speak, for a long while, He Cheng sighed a long time and said, "It's the'Legendary Ye'."

"What Ye Xianshi..." He Zhengye hadn't responded at first, but he quickly remembered and exclaimed, "Is that Ye Xianshi who named you father who loves the pearl jewel?"

He Cheng sighed and nodded, "Ah, this time it was wrong for my father. I thought that with the help of our He family, I didn’t have to be afraid of a warlock, but I didn’t expect this guy to be so magical. Mr. Yuli, all died under his men."

Hearing this, a gorgeously dressed woman said in horror: "You are talking about Mr. Yuli, a Chinese-French mixed-race child? Lin Biluo Lin Tianshi's closed disciple?"

This woman is called He Jinwei, and he is as wild as He Caiwei. He once pursued Mr. Yuli, and he knew nothing about his ability.

"Did you even plant Mr. Yuli?"

"This guy does seem to have some skill."

"But this is not the reason why he can offend my family!"


There was a lot of discussion, but the expression on the face was relatively relaxed, and the so-called Ye Xianshi was not taken seriously at all. This group of people has occupied a high position for a long time, and has long been accustomed to arrogance, and ordered the group to be heroes. Where can a mainland Tsai be allowed to do great things for himself?

Before when He Caiwei returned with Ziyun Dan, no one believed that Ye Xianshi's story, she thought she exaggerated deliberately, in order to show off her credit.

This is still the case now. Although He Cheng said that Master Ye Xian is very powerful, they didn't see the other person's ability with their own eyes, and naturally disdain.

Seeing this, He Cheng sighed: "Maybe you can deny his skills, but this guy is still the chairman of Qingchuan Enterprise!"


Everyone was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He Zhengye stood up and said, "Dad, are you kidding me?"

He Cheng stomped his cane and said angrily: "Everyone is dead, do I still have a joke? At that time, there were nearly a hundred people present at the reception, would you like me to find them one by one to prove to you?!"

When they saw the grandfather's boom, everyone dared not question it anymore, and now they also understood that the He family had indeed reached the point where the wind and rain were shaking.

After the atmosphere calmed down for a while, everyone thought about each other. After a while, He Zhengye said: "Dad, things may not be so serious. Be aware that this is Ao Island, where is our home!"

"As the so-called strong dragon does not suppress the head snake, the forces of the Qingchuan family are, after all, most of them in the island country. If they want to fight with us on this island, even if they have the upper hand for a while, I am afraid that they will continue to be weak. We can slow down with them. Come slowly, can the islanders still live on the island of Australia?"

Others heard it, and they all felt very reasonable, and they all agreed, He Zhengye was proud, and continued: "And maybe, this is still an opportunity for our family. We can blunt the knife to cut the meat, and slowly kill Qingchuan. Gangxiong’s funds and expectations-he was so stupid that he was here to play around with a continent, aren’t the seniors of the Qingchuan family all fools?"

"We can even get on the line with them, cooperate inside and out, and overthrow the Qingchuan Gangxiong! At that time, this big fat meat of the Qingchuan enterprise, our family can also be divided."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes gleamed with greed. That was one of the top 50 enterprises in the world, even if it was one-fifth, it was enough for everyone to support.

However, at this time, He Caiwei, who had been holding her body in the corner, suddenly whimpered: "Useless, Master Ye Xian has already cast a spell on us. Everyone will die, all will die..."

Everyone in the He family was unclear, so he didn't laugh until He Cheng said the blue flame, and thought He Caiwei was too timid.

"How can there be such a evil spell in this world, that is not invincible? I can't believe it."

"Yeah, maybe Ye Chen just set a fire on He Yingzhuo and bluffed you."

"Cai Wei, did you take that surname Ye, how can you help him talk everywhere?"


He Cheng's expression eased down after listening to everyone's comments. The secret was that he was really too timid and was scared by that surname Ye?

"Zhengye is right, no matter what, here is Ao Dao, even if the surnamed Ye has Qingchuan Gangxiong behind him, how can he fight me?"

He Cheng thought this way, and his nervousness gradually let go. At this time, He Zhengye also stood up and said generously: "Never let this surname Ye be so arrogant. I suggest to immediately use the He family forces and start to deal with the island. All parties tried pressure to fully attack the Qingchuan Group and asked them to hand over Ye Chen to justify the reputation of my family... Ah!"

He Zhengye had just said half of the words, but he couldn't help guarding his body, a large blue flame gushed out, and instantly covered the whole body of this guy.

"Ah, ah--!"

He Zhengye screamed loudly, but he couldn’t stop the flame erosion at all. A junior was quick to pick up the fire extinguisher to save the fire, but no matter how much foam was sprayed, the blue flame on He Zhengye’s body did not extinguish at all. the meaning of.

All the people around were in a mess. He Caiwei even hugged his head with his hands, his eyes murmured absently: "It's over, it's all over, no one can run away, we will all die, we will all die..."

Just a few seconds later, He Zhengye turned into a pile of ashes, and everyone in the He family who had just returned to the breeze looked at this scene dumbfounded, and he dared not speak anymore.

Only He Caiwei was still holding her head and exclaimed desperately: "All will die, all will die..."

"No, shall we become like this?"

"It has nothing to do with me, I didn't mess with Ye Xianshi!"

"I don't want to die!"


Under the influence of He Caiwei, everyone in the He family also cried out loudly. In the end, He Cheng paused with his cane and shouted, "Okay!"

Grandpa He is still very prestigious. This group of people slowly stopped crying. He Cheng glanced around for a week and saw that no one could worry about himself. He sighed and said:

"Preparing the car, I'm going to see Master Lin!"

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