The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1687: Wanhua Fourteen Swords

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"A little skill."

Ye Chen smiled slightly, and Zhou Daoxuan didn't borrow other supernatural powers. He only blocked his sword based on the Divine Thought, and even if the Divine Thought was cultivated, it would not be much worse than his own.

"But if you think this can stop me, it's a joke!"

In Ye Chen's eyes, the sky was soaring, and his sword was like a rainbow, turning into a 20-foot-long golden rainbow. This sword already has the power of crossing the robbery. Although it is only a trace of power, it also makes the Xianzun Zun and Jinhuang'er Daxianzun of this level can't help screaming, and blood is bleeding from both eyes. Come.

The power of this sword is so horrible that it hurts at first sight!

"You go first, I stop him."

Seeing this sword, Zhou Daoxuan also looked grim.

His figure flickered, and instantly turned into five blue shadows of Divine Thoughts. Every shadow of Shennian actually combated a kind of mastery. In the end, the five fists combined into one, and with the force of the explosion of extremely terrifying Shennian, he slammed on the flying sword.


In an instant, the underground was like a nuclear bomb exploding.

The soaring energy directly destroyed everything around, and exploded a huge hole on the ground. Jin Huang'er and Xumi Xianzun immediately turned into two figures, rushed out of the ground, and fled into the distance.

"Where to go!"

Ye Chenren walked with the sword, and directly merged with the sword, turning into a golden rainbow to chase out of the ground, and went straight to Zumi Xianzun. But just after Ye Chen broke through the ground, blood droplets flying at high speed hit the flying sword.

These blood droplets have great penetrating power. The spar can penetrate the real energy of Ye Chen's body and cut directly on the flying sword, spinning rapidly, making Ye Chen Jianguang tremble violently.

When he swept his mind, he saw on the ground, a number of black guards in black clothes, but still unable to cover up the surging blood of the whole body, came rushing.

Not far away, there were more reinforcements to kill. Each of these people had scarlet eyes and surging breath, comparable to the Russian Blood Wolf Guard, and there were many in number, dozens of them.

"Shuangye Xianzun, I've been laid down on the Tianluodi net here, so stop."

Zhou Daoxuan rushed out of the cave behind him, with a chest in his heart:

"The Scarlet Guard is a war weapon personally developed by the Five Great Immortals. Although it squeezed life to the extreme, the power erupted during this period is definitely not what you can imagine. If you turn around and leave, how can we stop? "

Zhou Daoxuan's expression was calm, and he was in control.

As the Taoist Immortal Sect Master, he has survived for nearly three million years and has never decided to move. I will never take it easy. Once the shot is taken, it is bound to kill with one blow to achieve the goal.

Ye Chen Shen Nian swept out, and it turned out that countless weapons in the sky and underground were aimed at him. It can be vaguely felt that some weapons can threaten his life.

Xumi Xianzun stood in the distance in the distance, looking at him with a smug smile, it seemed that Ye Chen would bow his head.

"Oh, it's up to you?"

Ye Chen smiled contemptuously: "The God of Creation is here, and he dare not threaten me like this."

After talking, in Zhou Daoxuan's furious eyes, a golden dragon-shaped halberd spewed out from Ye Chen's eyebrows. After the volley appeared, he immediately cut to the distant Xumi Xianzun.

Become a soldier!

This halberd of Shennian created by Qi Yaolianhua was originally the nemesis of the spiritual cultivator of Shennian Spirit. Unless this kind of monk's mind is beyond Ye Chen, it is impossible to miss the trick.

In Zhou Daoxuan's furious eyes, and under the gaze of many scarlet guards around him, the dragon-shaped halberd brought a ray of golden awns, violently across the sky, and slashed to the Xumi Xianzun.

"Stop it!"

Zhou Daoxuan shouted loudly, condensed without money, and struck the dragon pattern halberd. Many Scarlet Guards in the distance brought a wind and rushed towards the Dragongrass Halberd, actually trying to block the Halberd with their body.

But all this has no effect in front of the dragon pattern halberd. This halberd was originally condensed by Shennian. The nature that can be blocked is only Shennian, but Zhou Daoxuan's Shennian alone cannot stop Ye Chen.

The dragon halberd, like a phantom, does not exist in the world. It passed through countless scarlet guards, attacked with energy, and slammed into Zhou Daoxuan's divine thoughts, and shot towards Xumi Xianzun.

"How dare you do it?"

Xumi Zun was startled, but Ye Chen unexpectedly shot out under the siege of many deadly weapons.

His figure flickered, and his body suddenly exploded with monstrous flames. The blue flames fluctuated as deep as the sea. This is the most protective shield for spiritual strength. Xumi Xianzun was confident and used Dao Xuan Xianzong's strongest defense magic power, but he was hard to carry Ye Chen's flying sword, and he couldn't die.

However, in the horrified gaze of Xumi Xianzun, the dragon pattern halberd directly shredded the protective shield of mental force formed by the blue flame and cut directly into the soul of the god.

"Do not!"

Xumi Xianzun made a terrifying and terrifying howl.

Everyone around looked shocked, and saw the surging blue flame around Xun Xianzun, suddenly dimmed, and then extinguished. Immediately afterwards, the blue mango in his eyes began to disappear quickly, and the breath fell abruptly. Finally, the whole body fell directly from the sky as if there was no power to support it.

Xumi Zun's soul was turned into two halves by Ye Chen in a flash.

The soul is broken, and the undead body must die!


Xumi Xianzun's body hit the ground and set off a dust.

The audience was dead, everyone was stunned, and even the scarlet guards with few mood swings were dumbfounded.

That's Xumi Xianzun! Dao Xuanxian respected Zhou Daoxuan's parents and eldest son, and he was the only son of his wife!

The Golden Phoenix, the holy lord of the Phoenix Sect, lost his soul and fell, and said in his mouth:

"This is dead? How is it possible? This is done."

While Zhou Daoxuan stood there, his face was iron green, this powerful man who could maintain the elegance of the aristocracy, and at this time a shocking murderous intention broke out on his body. His blue eyes, like the eternal sky, stared at Ye Chen, saying one by one:

"Shuangye Xianzun, do you know what you are doing?"

"If you kill, kill?"

Ye Chen smiled contemptuously and didn't care. A Zhou Daoxuan in every district didn't pay attention to him.

"kill him!"

Zhou Daoxuan was angry and waved his hand.

"Swoosh swoosh--!"

The Scarlet Guards rushed towards Ye Chen frantically, not afraid of life or death at all, but even when Daxian Zun saw it, he had a headache.

But Ye Chen is not an ordinary Daxian Zun. Although the Scarlet Guardian is powerful, how can he put it in his eyes?


A golden gleam flashed on his wrist, and the Tianlong gold bracelet had turned into a long sword. His wrist shook suddenly, and his momentum instantly rose to an unmatched level.

The long sword in his hand instantly transformed into nine hundred and ninety-nine pieces of sword light, and then suddenly merged together to form fourteen pieces, blooming like a killing lotus.

Wanhua Fourteen Swords!

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