The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 278: The vicious female supporting role fled to farm (28)

  Chapter 278 Vicious Female Supporting Escapes to Farm (28)

  It rained for three days in a row, and it cleared up on the fourth day.

  The fields are moistened by rain, so there is no need for irrigation for a short time.

   Let’s spare more time to continue burning charcoal, opening kilns, bricks and tiles, so that every family can live in a strong and warm brick house before the cold winter comes.

   Seeing that the rain had stopped, Xu Yin first went to see the ginseng seeds in the germination box.

  After soaking, the seeds of medicinal materials that germinate, only the baby ginseng has not germinated.

  Other seeds have been sown into the soil some time ago.

  For every acre planted, 100 energy points were harvested, which made her very motivated.

  Mosquito meat is still meat no matter how small it is. There is no 100, so where can it get 1,000 or 10,000.

   What made Xu Yin even more delighted was that the ginseng seeds sprouted after three days of absence!

   In this way, the seeds can be planted in the soil in time for autumn!

   Withstood the wind, frost and cold in winter, the ginseng seedlings unearthed in the next spring will surely be strong and powerful.

  The good mood lasted until noon, and Orion Village came to give her another wave of surprises.

Among the herbs that the three brothers of the He family picked up this time, there were actually three kinds of herbs that had never been delivered before: [Natural Bezoar], [Chonglou], and [Fist Ginseng], which helped Xu Yin light up the remaining three that hadn't been seen for a long time. An illuminated herbal guide.

   "Chinese Herbal Medicine Illustrated Book" has been completely cleared.

【Ding! The whole book of Chinese herbal medicine illustrated book is lit up, and a random skill is rewarded—concealment (non-permanent)]

  Xu Yin didn't pay attention to the newly received random skills for the time being, and settled the herbal money for the three brothers first.

   "Brother Hero, don't worry about money for herbal medicine. We still have to catch a market. We hunted a wild boar yesterday, and this knife is reserved for you."

  The boss of the He family worked calmly, and waited until all the victims who had come to see the excitement had left, then he took out a piece of rump meat from the basket, which is the fattest part of the wild boar.


  Erlang shouted in surprise, and then covered his mouth, for fear of being heard by people outside.

  The eyes that can shine are staring at the meat of the knife.


  Since his father passed away and his brother was conscripted to serve in corvee, he hasn't seen him again.

  Although I heard from people in the village that wild pork has a strong smell and is not as delicious as domestic pork, but when there is no meat, it is good to eat some! It's never worse than pickles!

  Xu Yin couldn't help laughing seeing Erlang's expression like a hungry wolf.

   said to the three He family brothers: "How much do you plan to sell this pork? I bought it!"


  The three brothers of the He family looked at her in disbelief.

   "Hero brother, there is almost a whole head here."

   "I know. How much do you usually sell at the market? My family hasn't eaten big meat for a long time. It's almost winter, and the weather is getting colder. It's not bad to eat cured bacon for the New Year."

   "But bacon takes too much salt."

  The locals are reluctant to put salt in cooking, so they are not willing to use salt to marinate bacon.

  People in the mountains wait for the northwest wind to blow, and hang a few catties of air-dried meat on the porch to dry for the New Year.

  Xu Yin didn't explain much to them, anyway, she wanted this pork!

  Finally, the three brothers left two loads of herbs and a head of wild boar, and returned home with a pack of white money.

  Xu Yin gave them thirty taels.

  Ten taels are pork money, and twenty taels are herbal medicine money and bonuses.

  The piece of natural bezoar helped her a lot.

  Because I didn’t know until it was lit that the last picture book turned out to be natural bezoar.

   It is true that bezoar is a medicinal material, but how can it be included in Chinese herbal medicine? The dog system misled me!

  Fortunately, the youngest of the He family once heard a sentence from the doctor in the town: the ugly hard lump in the stomach of the cow that died of illness is a medicinal material.

   Just a while ago, the old cattle in their village died of illness, and every family lined up to divide the meat and internal organs.

  The old hunter who slaughtered the cow was holding the ugly lump and yelling about it, saying that he wanted to throw it away.

   He Laosan remembered what the doctor said, so he begged for this thing.

   Otherwise, Xu Yin might not be able to guess for several lifetimes.

  According to her, twenty taels are all reduced!

  But the three brothers of the He family felt that even twenty liang was hot, and at first they refused to accept anything, but Xu Yin persuaded them to accept it with the reason of "if you don't accept it, you won't want your herbs".

  More, let’s pay them back when I have a chance to help them in the future.

   There was an extra pig in the house, a big wild boar with a net weight of 300 catties. Erlang was both excited and anxious.

   "Sister-in-law, if someone sees you, will you come and **** her?"

   "No." Xu Yin smiled and said, "I forgot how strong sister-in-law is? Do they dare to come and **** it?"

   "That's right!" Erlang immediately put aside his uneasiness, and looked at the pork excitedly.

  Smelling the smell of wild boar at close range, his face wrinkled into a little old man: "It smells so bad! Why does the meat taste so delicious!"

   "It smells delicious when cooked!"

  Xu Yin raised the knife in his hand, and disassembled two big fans of pork.

   "Stew the pig's head meat for a while, let's share it with everyone, and then stew a pig-killing dish. It's a celebration for the kiln!"

  Erlang covered his chest, feeling a little pain in the flesh, but recalling what his sister-in-law had said to enlighten him, he nodded with pain: "Okay!"

   "You go to Li Huaniang to help."


  Erlang ran out of the house after speaking.

  Xu Yin decomposed the remaining meat.

  Leave half of the streaky meat to be salted; cut the other half into three-finger-wide strips, cut about a dozen strips, and give benefits to Chen Mancang and the others later.

  The charcoal burning and kiln burning are all supported by these strong laborers with a strong sense of responsibility, so she can grow herbs without distraction.

  Save some spare ribs for the Chinese New Year to make sugar spareribs for the two little ones to taste, and save some to stew potatoes when the time comes.

  The hooves are half-marinated with salt like the pork belly, and they are stewed with salty hoofs for Chinese New Year.

   Stew two pig's trotters first, and store the other two in the system warehouse. When she plants some soybeans next spring, the pig's trotters stewed with soybeans will be delicious.

   All the fat is boiled into lard, and the lard residue is let Erlang share it with his friends.

  Half a spoonful of lard is given to each family, which is regarded as a welfare for working for her.

  Considering that every household is fleeing famine, they have not touched meat for at least a month. Suddenly eating high-fat dishes may cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

  Xu Yin asked Li Huaniang and several other women who came to help to say that when stewing the butchered vegetables, put some mushrooms and dried bamboo shoots to absorb the oil.

   In addition, she mixed a pot of Erhe batter, and then scooped it into the broth to cook noodles for eating.

   "Today is to celebrate the successful trial firing of our private kiln!"

  When everyone heard that Xu Yin brought back a wild boar and wanted to invite the big guy to eat the butchered dish, their blood boiled.


   Meat that you haven’t touched for a few months, or more than half a year!

   Meat you want to eat even in your dreams!

   "Xu Yingxiong is such a good man!"

   "We are really lucky! We are fortunate to be pioneering wasteland with the hero brothers."

   "Don't say anything, I'll hang out with the hero brothers from now on!"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

   "Add me!"

  Before Xu Yin knew it, the victims spontaneously formed a team, and Xu Yin was the only one to obey.

   When she heard about it from Shi Fengnian, it was already two days later.

   "Everyone said that we have been here for at least three years to open up wasteland. In the past three years, it is impossible for a group of dragons to have no leader. Therefore, you are elected as the village head, brother hero. You are literate and smart. Give me a name! You can't call it a deserted village. It's too ugly."


What? Let her be the village head?

  (end of this chapter)

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