After bidding farewell to the old man Guahama, the two went back.



   Rena followed behind the devil with a worried look on her face.

   "Can we really find the fish that grandpa said tomorrow?"

   forgive her for thinking about this question.

   "I don't know, maybe not."

   "Oh! Then why are we looking for him? Maybe he is a liar."

   The Demon King was a little surprised, but she didn't expect to say the word liar in her mouth.

   "I don't think he is. A liar will not spend two years doing such a stupid thing."

   Rena frowned, and she couldn't figure out why the old man was so obsessed with a fish, is that fish very valuable.

   Just as she was thinking, the master suddenly stopped. Rena didn't stop the car and slammed into the master lightly.

   When she was about to ask something, she suddenly saw the master looking into the distance. She followed and found a familiar figure.

   It is Elena. She sat on the stone railing with a melancholy expression and stared at the sea blankly. At this time, the sun was only a little bit left, and the night began to fall.

   "Strange, what is she doing here."

   Rena looked a little unhappy.

   Soon Irina also paid attention to the two of them, and she waved to them on WeChat...

   "Have you found the grandfather?" Her expression returned to her usual look.

   "Of course I found it, what are you doing here." Rena's tone was a little different from usual.

Irina didn’t care, looked at the sea again, and then said: “I like to come here to see the sea very much. Whenever I look at the sea, my heart will become incredibly calm. If time could stop at this moment, it would be great. what."

   She said with some intoxication.

   "Sorry, I made you laugh, it's getting late, let's go back."


   When the three returned to the hotel, it was already dark, and the hotel owner was very hospitable and invited the two to have dinner together.

   The next morning, before the sun came out, the two demon kings came to the dock.

   At this time, the old Guahama man was smoking a cigarette and sitting on a fishing boat.

   "Huh! It's so late, but I still keep the promise, what else to watch, I won't come up soon."

   he scolded.

   The devil didn't say anything, he leaped gently on the boat, and Rena jumped up, but he was far less calm than the master, and Mikji also jumped up. The cat who is not afraid of water, the old man Guahama saw him for the first time.

   "Go! Let's go!!"

   The old man yelled and drove the ship with a wooden pole in the stern. With a sound of Udi, the fishing boat rushed to the sea at a rapid speed. The speed was so fast that Rena and Mikki on the boat almost flew out, but the Demon King stood upright on the bow of the boat, showing no sign of shaking.

   Watching the land farther and farther behind will make people's heart more and more disturbed, but this old man is on the contrary. It seems that the closer he is to the center of the ocean, the more excited he is.


   I don't know how long it has been sailing, the fishing boat always stopped, and Rena and the kitten Mikki spit on the side of the boat for a long time.

   "I can't stand it at this level, it's really useless, I advise you to stay on the land in this life." The old man Guahama said, while putting the net, the Demon King was behind to help.

   Rena was panting. Although she wanted to refute, she really didn't have the strength.

   After finally getting over, she suddenly felt thirsty.

   "Master, water."

   As soon as she finished speaking, a kettle that she had used flew in front of her, and Rena subconsciously caught it.

   After drinking a few sips, she suddenly became energetic.

   She looked at the kettle in her hand, and suddenly realized that she had never seen the master drink water, so where did the water in the kettle come?

   "Master, is this a magic kettle."

   Rena asked while holding the kettle.

   "What's the matter?" The Demon King was a little relieved. After so long, she always noticed that most people should be suspicious in two or three days.

   "Then the water is changed by magic? The master, you teach me the magic of changing water, then I am not afraid of running out of water!" She said excitedly, but she did not expect her to recover so quickly.

   "Huh, return magic water."

   Guahama old man said with disgust.

The Demon King shook his head and said: "There is an old saying that I would rather drink ten mouthfuls of sea water than a mouthful of water that is not water. Water that is qualitized with magic power is water that is not water. They are the same as water, but Not as water."

   "Although I don't understand what you are talking about, but I like your old saying, hehe."

  The old man Guahama smiled for the first time, and it seems that the old man is not that difficult to get along with.

   swish, the last bit of net was also put into the sea, only one thing floating in the sea and a rope remained.

   "Then why can't you drink magic water."

   Rena doesn't seem to give up yet.

   The devil had nothing to do, and sat on the side of her boat to explain to her.

   "The reason is very simple, that is, the magical water will disappear. If you drink it, it will be absorbed by the body. Of course, most of it will be eliminated from the body, but the fatal part is left in the body."

As the devil spoke, he stretched out his index finger, and suddenly some seawater floated out of the sea, turning into a human form and standing on the If this is a human body, then after the magical water enters the body, part of it Will be transformed into a part of the body. As the devil explained, a mass of red liquid turned out. The little man made of sea water held the mass of red liquid and drank it into his body. Suddenly, part of his body was dyed red.

   "So, what would happen if the magical water disappeared at this time." The Demon King looked at Rena's eyes and asked.

   Reina swallowed, even she could sense that something bad would happen.

   "That's right, a large number of cells will be dehydrated and die directly, and the body will receive great harm, even death."

   As soon as the voice fell, the red part of the villain's body suddenly disappeared, and the villain made of sea water suddenly became distorted, unable to maintain its original shape, and changed back to sea water.

   Rena was taken aback, but the old man laughed.

   "You are an amazing magician, even an old man like me can understand it," he said.

   The devil smiled awkwardly, it was not because of a dull apprentice.

   However, the old man's face suddenly became serious, and he said, "But I still look down on the sea if you are."

Then he looked at Lingnai and continued: "Little girl, no matter how thirsty you are, don’t drink sea water, as that will make you dehydrated and die. The sea is like this, the surface seems calm and calm, but in fact you are not careful It can swallow you."

   Rena's face turned blue after listening to it. Aren't they in the ocean now!

   Seeing him scared the other person, the old man laughed "hahaha" again.

   "Come on! Before we catch that big guy, let's fight the sea first."

   After speaking, the old man took out three fishing rods.

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