The Bowl of Seven Emotions

Chapter 300: No regrets

When Tang Shu woke up, it was early morning the next day.

She moved a little bit, and she felt tingling all over her body. It was an indescribable sensation, and the continuous pain was constantly eroding her consciousness. She knew that it was caused by a mismatch between body and soul.

She doesn't know how long this pain will last, but the joy of resurrection is enough to cover everything.

"Dongsheng." Her lips opened slightly, and she whispered softly.

The man standing by the window with his back to her turned around, in the dark, still clearly capturing the flash of pain on her face, and hurriedly stepped forward to help her up, and put his hand on her forehead. Touched, a little annoyed: "You have a fever."

"It doesn't matter, it's just that the body is a little uncomfortable." Tang Shu whispered, following his movements, leaning against his chest.

"Blame me, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't suffer these crimes." Chen Dongsheng held her hand in one hand and kissed gently on the cool lips, with a low voice.

Tang Shu smiled silently and shook his head, "It is my wish to let you survive, even if I cannot reincarnate for this, I have never regretted it."

From the day she was conscious, she had opportunities that others could not imagine. Even if she has to experience life and death like ordinary people, she will never lose the memories she once had.

Before getting to know Dongsheng, her life for others may have been ups and downs, or wonderful. She has experienced natural and man-made disasters and witnessed the change of dynasties. She has known many amazing people, even helped them, and made a legend in the history books of later generations.

But she never felt that she was such an amazing person. She is just an ordinary person wandering in the mortal world. From birth to death, she has experienced laughter, joy, joy and sorrow.

The only thing I haven't experienced is probably the love that has caused countless men and women to sink in this world.

Until, she met Dongsheng who was also floating in the world.

Dongsheng used to be a human being and was exiled by his father because of a big mistake. In his long life, only darkness and death were always with him.

The era when they met was in turmoil. She was the young lady of the Chen family in troubled times, and he was a nearly broken remnant soul.

Tang Shu had already forgotten how he fell in love with this person. Probably because she lived too long and was too lonely.

When someone finally understands you and shares with you secrets that will never be told to others, even the hard-hearted will sink.

For the first time she felt the taste of love, as if the air was sweet.

But good times are always short.

Even if he tries his best to survive, his soul is still escaping, and soon, he will become the dust between heaven and earth.

She once heard the legend of Pangu opening the sky, Pangu opened the sky with a single axe and turned into a prehistoric state. At that time, she felt that Pangu was not dead, but existed in another form between heaven and earth.

But when she saw Dong Sheng dissipate, she realized that if the soul of the person in front of her was really scattered between the sky and the earth, even if he didn't really disappear, he would no longer be the person she knew.

Pangu was dead, and his consciousness disappeared. Even if his spirit becomes a saint, it is no longer him.

Dead, it just doesn't exist anymore. She couldn't let Dongsheng die like this.

So for the first time in her life, she violated her principles and resurrected a person who shouldn't have survived.

The price of resurrecting a dead soul exiled by the ancient emperor, even she could not afford it.

She gave her life, as well as the seven emotions and six desires accumulated in the Seven Emotion Bowl over thousands of years.

She thought that she could be reincarnated again, and they could finally stand together in human form.

However, she soon discovered that the price paid for resurrecting Dongsheng was far more than what she had paid.

She couldn't reincarnate safely anymore, and she failed to reincarnate twice in a row, causing her soul to be greatly traumatized, and she might never have another chance.

However, Dongsheng did not give up the vows he had once made. He woke her up from her deep sleep.

When she woke up, no matter what he had concealed, she did not regret everything she had done for him.

After a long silence, Chen Dongsheng held her hand and slowly tightened, clasping her fingers, "Even if you regret it, I won't let it go."

He doesn't understand love, even if the remnant soul in this body has been struggling unexpectedly for so many years because of the so-called love, he hasn't been touched. His previous compromise was just to completely remove the remnant soul.

He was born evil, and his father Huang Zhuanxu exiled him. For this reason, he was named a fierce beast and transformed into a beast.

Before he was dying, he met a silly woman who was so naive to deceive. Because of his few words, he gave up his life and resurrected him.

How ridiculous!

After getting everything he wanted, he should have left, but at that step, he never stepped out.

He stayed, gave the young man who had served her a long life, arranged many, all in order to make her alive.

Chen Dongsheng felt that his behavior was stupid.

But when her soul woke up in this body, there was no distracting thoughts in his heart, only her was left.

"No, I will always be with you." Tang Shu's voice was soft and soft, "In this life, will we grow to the youngest?"

"Of course." Chen Dongsheng hugged her and shook her gently. "No one can separate us."

The bodies of the two people seemed to merge into one in the dark, and they no longer distinguished each other.

A few days later, Tang Susu suddenly saw a piece of news on the Internet. When a tourist bus was driving on a mountain cliff, it encountered an accident.

According to a reporter's report, the people in this car are all with the same surname, and they are relatives, because they come to attend the wedding of relatives and get together. Who would have expected such an accident after the return journey.

Soon, the identity of the person in the car was investigated, and Chen Dongsheng, the common relative of the deceased, was pushed to the forefront.

The news was quickly suppressed, and a curious reporter followed up and broke the news on the Internet that Chen Dongsheng personally used a large sum of money to compensate relatives and family members who suffered an accident. The specific compensation amount is about one million or more per person.

Tang Susu flipped through the messages under the news. Most people were talking about the bad luck of these people, and some were feeling that Chen Dongsheng was generous.

Only a handful of people think there may be some conspiracy in it.

But soon, those people were sprayed out.

Many people think that there are so many conspiracies in this world. If they think there are conspiracies, maybe their hearts are crooked.

Tang Susu read the messages one by one, and finally closed the webpage silently.

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