The Boss Behind The Game

Chapter 787: Working to Make Money Plan

After New Year's Day, Lu Wu and the players all knew that a new battle was about to begin.

Before leaving the Star Ring World, Lu Wu made an explanation to the Marvel tribesmen and told them to continue collecting star cores. At the same time, the auction house was still open to them, but in the future, the auction house must be used within the teleportation array connected to the artifact... And so on.

After doing all this, Lu Wu led the players to tear apart the space barrier and left the Star Ring World.

Lu Wu has not yet decided where to go next.

However, he plans to return to Linlang World first to collect some information and at the same time let the players exchange some needed resources.

Since the artifact is currently connected to the teleportation array in the Heavenly Demon Station, the soul coins consumed for this space jump are greatly reduced.

After a short period of silence, the players descended into the Demon Station in Linlang World.

After instructing the players to move freely, Lu Wu walked towards the intelligence trading center in Linlang World.

Players also flew to the major trading areas, preparing to purchase strength-enhancing resources or law belts.

After a period of flight, Lu Wu's figure landed in the intelligence trading area.

Lu Wu couldn't help but smile when he thought that he wanted to buy information from the Holy Spirit Tribe again, but the ultimate goal was to overthrow the rule of the Holy Spirit Tribe.

This time, he did not directly enter the Holy Spirit Clan's information sales area, but went to other areas of the information trading area.

When Lu Wu came to the information trading area many times, he always went directly to the most reliable Holy Spirit tribe, so he had not visited the place carefully.

However, since other races can roll out sales networks in the information trading area, even if they cannot be compared with the Holy Spirit Tribe's intelligence, they must have their own characteristics, otherwise the intelligence trading would have been monopolized by the Holy Spirit Tribe.

So Lu Wu was curious about what kind of information other races were selling here.

While wandering around, Lu Wu was surprised to find that many intelligence centers actually sold real-time information.

For example:

[The special spiritual material "Infinite Crystal" is about to be bred in the Mo Ran Galaxy. The specific coordinates are priced at:...]

[The super extraterrestrial space beast "Great Destruction" is about to give birth to a child,

After getting it, you can get a cub with the potential of the Great Emperor Realm. The specific coordinates are priced at:...]

[The black natural disaster is about to break out in the Quinn galaxy. This intelligence agency provides real-time reports. The specific price is:...]

Here, Lu Wu discovered that all information could be sold, including important opportunities.

But unlike the Holy Spirit Clan, other intelligence agencies provide real-time or important intelligence lists, and you can choose the information you want.

When the Holy Spirit Tribe sells information, they don't provide any information lists at all. They can give you answers as long as they provide resources.

In contrast, the superior and inferior judge.

But what made Lu Wu very curious was where these intelligence agencies got their information.

The reason for the Holy Spirit clan is that there is an "all-knowing and all-powerful" boss who can share some of the power of the Holy Spirit's laws with his subordinates, allowing them to perceive everything in the world.

Therefore, the Holy Spirit Clan's information is very accurate and reliable.

But these intelligence agencies are amazing. Although they don't have such capabilities, they can still collect important information in a short period of time, which really arouses Lu Wu's curiosity.

However, Lu Wu did not step forward to ask. After all, this was everyone else's secret, how could he tell it so easily.

Along the way, Lu Wu came to the eastern area of ​​​​the intelligence transaction.

As he continued to observe, a message hanging at the door of an intelligence agency caught his attention.

[Iron-Blooded World Recruitment]:


Recruit powerful foreign legions at high prices and come to our world to participate in the war. Rewards will be provided based on the number of people and overall strength. The specific prices are as follows.

At the end of each war, the battle merit is calculated, and the battle merit is converted into "Holy Spirit Stone" as a reward.

At the same time, for all casualties in the war, the Iron-Blooded Alliance will give additional Holy Spirit Stones as rewards.

Additional reward for death in battle:

Divine Realm: Ten Thousand Holy Spirit Stones

Void Mirror (Ancient God Realm): Ten Holy Spirit Souls (one Holy Spirit Soul is equal to one hundred thousand Holy Spirit Stones)

Early Emperor Realm - Peak (Fourth Stage): The minimum starting point is 500 Holy Spirit Souls, details can be discussed in detail

Extra heavy damage reward, rewarded based on your own injury severity:

Divine Realm: 10,000-30,000 Holy Spirit Stones

Void Mirror: 10-15 Holy Spirit Souls

Early stage of the Imperial Realm - Peak of the Imperial Realm (four stages): a minimum of 550 Holy Spirit Souls is required to start, details can be discussed in detail

Iron-Blooded Alliance: We do not accept any individual registrations. We only accept registrations from more than one million forces to participate in this battle. The specific coordinates are as follows: Iron-Blooded Star Territory

... Isn’t the Jagged Alliance bad at math? How come being seriously injured gives you more extra rewards than dying in battle?

But I have to say that the reward given by this recruitment really made Lu Wudu feel excited.

He is so wealthy that if converted into soul coins, the amount of resources consumed in fighting a battle is probably more than all the soul coins he has in stock.

Thinking of this, Lu Wu immediately turned around and headed towards the Holy Spirit Clan intelligence agency.

He plans to purchase a piece of information about the "Iron-Blooded Alliance" to see why this force is so wealthy.

A moment later, Lu Wu walked out of the Holy Spirit Clan's intelligence agency, with a thick stack of intelligence details about the Iron-Blooded Alliance in his hand.

During the inspection, Lu Wu gradually understood why this force was so rich.

The Iron-Blooded Alliance is a powerful organization that emerged from the Iron-blooded world.

The core group of members of this organization are called "Predator".

They control the cutting-edge technological power in the outside world, and also master the most advanced cultivation methods.

Walking is a special system where technology and practice grow simultaneously.

All Iron-Blooded tribesmen are talented warriors. They live for fighting from the moment they are born. They can control cold killing machines, and they also have powerful bodies that are not weaker than any training system.

They invade other worlds not just for plunder, but fighting is their greatest desire.

In the eyes of this fighting race, death in war is not an honor, but a shameful performance.

Only by relying on one's own ability to survive a harsh war is the glory.

This also explains why this race gives more extra rewards to serious wounds than death in battle.

In the extraterritorial campaigns, more and more extraterritorial forces surrendered to the Iron-Blooded Tribe, eventually forming the huge empire "Iron-Blooded Alliance".

Huge wealth was accumulated during the growth of this force.

Until now, this force has become one of the super dominant forces in the outside world, controlling 308 worlds, and affiliated forces are spread throughout the star field where they are located. Although it cannot be compared with the Holy Spirit Clan, it has surpassed most external forces in terms of level.

Not only is it wealth, this force is even more terrifying in terms of combat power.

Its supreme leader "Iron Blood" has broken through the imperial realm and reached the level of "illusion realm".

According to the intelligence description, except for the initial defeat against the Zerg army led by "Blade", this force had almost no failures on its way to rise, and at most suffered losses.

Seeing this, Lu Wu was curious as to why such a huge force still needed to recruit thugs. Is there anything they couldn't deal with?

Out of curiosity, Lu Wu continued to check.

The subsequent description of the intelligence gave Lu no answer.

It turns out that the star domain where the "Iron-Blooded Alliance" is located also has extremely formidable opponents. In the endless wars between the two sides for many years, neither side has managed to reach the peak of the other's power.

This force is called the "Alien Legion".

If the Ironbloods are born warriors, then the "alien" are born killing machines.

From the initial suppression by the Iron-Blooded Alliance, a large number of lives in the clan died, and they could only wander outside the territory. Now they have gained an advantage. The Alien Legion has huge growth potential, and has even surpassed the Iron-Blooded Alliance in terms of combat power.

Because the alien species has a very terrible special talent "parasitic reproduction".

It can lay eggs in other living beings, and then continuously absorb the host's bloodline power, racial talents, etc.... When it finally breaks out, the newly born alien species will inherit most of the host's abilities.

Every parasitism is a transformation of genes and bloodline, and the potential of this race will be enhanced by this.

Moreover, even if their parasitic host dies, as long as the body is still there, they can still be parasitic.

Just like this, relying on constant parasitism and reproduction, the alien forces were oppressed at the beginning, and now they can compete with the Iron-Blooded Alliance. And at this rate of development, the alien species already has a tendency to dominate the star field where it belongs.

Therefore, one side of the Iron-Blooded Alliance and the Heterosexual Legion will inevitably be subverted and become a stepping stone on the way to the rise of the other side's power.

Seeing this, Lu Wu understood why the Iron-Blooded Alliance needed to recruit external forces to help.

It must be at an irreversible disadvantage. If we don't seek help from outside forces, we may be on the verge of destruction.

This couldn't help but give Lu Wu an idea.

Do you want to sign up?

Players won’t really die anyway, so killing alien species will give you soul coins and experience, and you can also get extra rewards in the Iron-Blooded Alliance if you die. This is definitely a profitable business.

After having an idea, Lu Wu bought a piece of detailed information about the "Alien Legion" and started to check it out.

Since you have decided to go, you must first get to know your opponent.

While checking the information about the alien species, Lu Wu had to sigh that this race was really scary.

To give a simple example, a dog is parasitized by an alien species and lays eggs in its body.

Then the newly born little alien will gain part of Bai Mei's bloodline inheritance power, and this ability alien species can also be reproduced and passed on to the next generation.

Of course, in real situations, since Gouzi's digital body is locked by the artifact, the alien species is naturally unable to plunder Gouzi's bloodline.

However, other extraterritorial races do not have the same abilities as players, so if they are parasitized, unless they are disembowelled and the alien eggs are decisively removed from the body, a new alien species will be born in a short time that absorbs its own talents and abilities.

During the inspection, the alien's overbearing growth style made Lu Wu feel his scalp numb, it was simply heartless!

Sure enough, there are all kinds of biological races in the extraterrestrial world, Lu Wu couldn't help but sigh.

Lu Wu has seen three such rapidly developing forces at this stage, and they all rose as fast as cheating.

The first is the Legion of Death.

The way zombies grow is by constantly devouring flesh and blood, providing nutrients to viruses, and thus evolving.

The second one is the Zerg.

The Zerg do not rely on external forces to evolve. Resources and energy are only consumables for the reproduction of the mother nest and their own evolution. They rely entirely on their own adaptability to grow and evolve.

The third one is the alien army that we just learned about.

They rely on parasitism to grow, which is the most domineering way Lu Wu has ever seen.

The stronger the parasitized host, the stronger the growth potential of the new alien. The most terrifying thing is that the talent gained can be passed on to the next generation. If it continues to accumulate, the potential is really terrifying.

But in the comparison of these three forces, Lu Wu feels that the strongest one is the Zerg, this is for sure.

Because he had purchased relevant information about the Zerg and knew how terrible the adaptive growth of the Zerg was, far beyond what the alien species could match.

Because the talent of "adaptive growth" represents infinite possibilities.

As the alien species grows, it can only acquire the abilities possessed by the host and cannot create new abilities.

But the adaptive growth of the Zerg is different. It can give the Zerg warriors all possible abilities.

In extremely cold environments, they evolved cold-resistant antibodies.

In the hot environment, they evolved heat-resistant antibodies.

Death storms, black blood tides... all horrific extraterritorial natural disasters are unavoidable disasters for many extraterritorial beings, but for the Zerg, they are a new evolutionary opportunity.

This is why the Zerg have endless possibilities.

They are able to evolve unimaginable abilities that other races cannot imagine, and every evolution is a sublimation of their own life forms.

Resources and energy are just indispensable evolutionary consumables for the Zerg, and their growth potential attribute has already been fully utilized.

Until now, the Zerg are still the race with the strongest potential that Lu Wuwu knows about.

This can be seen from the fact that "Blade", the supreme leader of the Zerg tribe, dared to challenge the Holy Spirit tribe.

The only regret is that after the death of the supreme leader "Blade", the current Zerg tribe is completely in disarray. It has lost its former terrifying combat power and operates independently, and even the Zerg groups are killing each other.

... He decided to lead the players to sign up for this battle and work for the Iron-Blooded Alliance.

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