The Boss Behind The Game

Chapter 286: April Fool's Day Event

The refining trial has officially come to an end.

But after this trial, the players had one more activity in the game, and that was reading.

The value of alchemist players are already very clear, this is a life-like occupation that is enough to make poor players rise.

Nowadays, many big guilds even offer extremely high salaries and generous treatment in order to win over a group of alchemists. These conditions are enough to make most players envious.

It can be said that reading to change destiny is real in the game Zhengzhan Online.

Therefore, in order to obtain the qualification of alchemist in the next trial, players would pick up the three basic books in their spare time and study them carefully.

"Learning makes me happy" has also become one of the players' mantras.


On this day, players encountered a very strange thing when they went online to log in to the game.

Can't even enter the game!

Confused players no matter how they clicked "enter the game", but the screen was still stuck on the side of the character, and they couldn't log in anyway.

And not one player encountered this problem, but all players encountered this situation.

Immediately, the forum on Zhengzhan's official website was bombarded by players, asking all kinds of questions about what happened.

What puzzled them even more was that the government, which has always been very efficient, never responded.

Hacked? Server crashed? The Zhengzhan company finally couldn't hold on to the situation of using love to generate electricity and was about to go bankrupt?

Various speculations emerged one after another, and the more they thought about it, the more frightened they became, and the mentality of all the players almost collapsed.

Getting used to the second world in the game, the feeling of being unable to log in to the game suddenly seems to have lost something important, which makes the players very panic.

Ever since, the players mobilized their strengths and began to inquire about the news of the Zhengzhan Company from the outside world. The players even prepared to start crowdfunding again, intending to rescue the Zhengzhan Company that may be on the verge of bankruptcy.

Faced with the possible disappearance of the Zhengzhan Online game, the players became very united, and each took the initiative to use real-world channels to inquire about it. Some newspaper bosses even used the front page to ask the general public what happened to Zhengzhan Company.

Even Wu Guoyi was so frightened that he quickly called Lu Wu, wondering if there was a problem within the Zhengzhan company.

Lu Wu who received the call obviously did not expect such a big impact, after thinking about it, he said something:

"Happy April Fools' Day!"

After knowing that today is April Fool's Day, Wu Guoyi's heart hanging in the air finally fell, but he still raised his middle finger to Lu Wu through the phone, expressing his strong contempt.

Players' uproar continued on the forum for several hours, but finally subsided after a post appeared.

[The game can be entered, today is April Fool's Day, look at the lower right corner of the entry interface! 】

(with photos)

The post included an image that was magnified three or four times, and in the corner of the image was a tiny line of text "Enter the game!"

After knowing the reason, the players were immediately enraged.

Abyss Knight (Europe): I almost thought that Zhengzhan Online had closed down, so I was ready to donate a year's salary to help, bad review (angry)

Watermelon Taro: Autistic and autistic, the official description that has always been very serious has collapsed. If it weren’t for April Fool’s Day today, if you dare to be so naive, I would smash the heads of your monsters (murderous eyes)

Strongest Sydney: This wave of Tianxiu, come, come, the evildoers stretch their heads over, let me say hello to each of you with a hammer!

Crayon Shin-chan: It actually made me miss three hours of reading. Studying makes me happy, don’t you monsters understand? I strongly demand compensation for the loss of my lack of reading, at least 100,000 soul coins (funny)

Lonely and Invincible: Also frightened! MMP, **** you evil group behind the scenes!


After knowing that this is a problem with the official skin, the players finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, after this incident, the players also realized the status of the online game in their hearts, and hoped that the game would continue to run well, so posts proposing to open a recharge channel emerged again.

This time they stood on the moral high ground, and they all seemed very righteous, as if I only want to open the recharge for you to continue to run better, definitely not for yourself to become stronger!

Of course, Lu Wu directly ignored their proposal.

What money is not money, creating more soul coins for me is the right way, recharging is evil heretics, not advisable!

After knowing how to enter the game, the players finally began to enter the game collectively this time.

But after entering the game, they were dumbfounded again.

[Suspect you use cheats and other aids, and remember that you are a first-time offender, so clear your personal space and equipment bar as a punishment! 】

At this moment, the players all wanted to kill.

The inside and outside of Hades are full of players wearing the initial equipment of white cloth. It can be said that no player was spared.

All kinds of high-end equipment obtained through months of hard work are all gone, as if the account has not been ransacked.

Although they knew that this was the official trick again, the players could only grit their teeth and hold on.

The rich players immediately opened the mall, planning to buy a decent set of equipment and use it first.

But at this time they were dumbfounded again, the number of soul coins displayed on the mall interface was 0!

At this point the game prompt appears again.

[Game Tips: Unfortunately, your account has been ransacked by hackers, and all your soul coins have been lost! 】

So the forum is boiling again.

Some players even found the customer service channel on the official website and wanted to give feedback to the official through the customer service.

However, the result of the chat made the player dumbfounded, and after the screenshot was sent to the forum, the players were even dumbfounded.

Pippi Shrimp: Ms. Customer Service, I strongly request to end the April Fool's Day show operation, please help to give feedback to the game planners, help duck~!

Customer Service No. 1: No!

Pippi Shrimp: Mr. Customer Service, are you so capricious?

Customer Service No. 1: Hmm!

Pipi Shrimp: I want to report you!

Customer Service No. 1: Stupid, you don’t have my superior’s phone number, and there is no reporting channel on the official website, who do you go to report to (roll eyes)

Pippi Shrimp: are too much!

Customer Service No. 1: It is said that I have just unlocked the authority to ban the forum, and there are even more extreme things I want to try (funny)

Pippi Shrimp: Society, society, beg for mercy, beg for mercy!

Facing the incomparably domineering official, the players once again began to play cute and coquettish on the official website forum, shouting that they don't want to celebrate April Fool's Day, and hope to return the equipment and soul coins as soon as possible.

But the commotion soon subsided again.

Because the players found that although they did not wear the equipment, the damage from fighting monsters did not change.

In other words, during the April Fool's Day, only the appearance of the equipment disappeared, but the attributes did not change at all, which was equivalent to the equipment becoming invisible.

After reaching this conclusion, the players tried to open the mall to buy a few bottles of blood recovery medicine to see if the soul coins were still there.

Turns out it was available for purchase.

In other words, the soul coin is only invisible.

Regarding the official's rude move, the players began to collectively post pictures of brass hanging middle fingers on the forum to express their feelings at the moment.

Of course, in addition to tricking players, Lu Wu will also give players April Fool's Day benefits.

At eight o'clock in the evening, a notice appeared.

[Announcement to the whole server: Happy April Fool's Day. From 8:00 pm to the early morning, the mall is free except for one-time consumable items. Items purchased during this period will be recycled after early morning (items purchased during this period cannot be discarded, Can be traded!)]

The sudden wave of benefits released by the official made the resentment in the players' hearts dissipate immediately.

At this moment, they seemed very happy, and began to praise the Zhengzhan official on the forum for really considering the players in every way, and being a role model for all game manufacturers, completely forgetting how distraught they looked in the morning.

After the event started, all players were extremely excited to be able to squander soul coins at will.

This time, the players put on high-end equipment collectively, and each player was shining brightly.

Many players wear one piece on their body, put three pieces in space, hold one in hand, and put ten in space!

Some players also took various screenshots as souvenirs, intending to show newcomers later that they once had a warehouse full of purple clothes.

Even items such as wings, which were originally out of reach of players, can be purchased and used during the event. The whole Beiqi is full of players flapping their wings and flying around.

During the period, all kinds of show operations emerged in an endless stream.

Why set up a stall to sell 10 pieces of purple clothes for 1 soul coin, buy more and get more free, so it's almost sold by the catty. It even held the first flight competition, from Hades to Liuli Coast to see who has the fastest speed, and the winner will be rewarded with 1,000 purple clothes.

The April Fool's Day event can be said to have completely entertained the players.

The carnival didn't stop until 12 o'clock in the morning.

However, the players were still unsatisfied, and they all began to post on the forum to call on the officials to hold more such activities. They felt that 4 hours was not enough.

At this time, another official announcement was issued.

[Official Notice: All players will randomly open a limited-time hidden professional event in advance! 】

Seeing this information, the players were extremely excited. After all, compared to the items in the mall, hidden occupations and inheritance occupations are what players dream of the most.

So the players clicked on the notice post with excitement.

However, there is only one sentence in it.

I lied to you!

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