The Boss Behind The Game

Chapter 192: Mutter’s Coffin

Seeing the zero ship being pushed into the water little by little under the super-loaded state, Liu Kai showed a smile on his face.

This time, he originally thought that the zero ship had entered the safe zone, and their encirclement and suppression operation would be considered a complete failure, but at this time, a player made a suggestion.

His idea is very simple, that is to gather the strength of the players and use the method of stacking materials to sink the invading zero ship.

At the same time, in order to prevent everyone on the zero ship from escaping after entering the safe zone, the player also made a key suggestion to force it to continue to enter the combat state.

In the player's explanation, Liu Kai knew that there were loopholes to exploit in the sea area safety zone in the current game.

This is like when Instantly invaded Hades, when Hades was a safe zone, but this does not apply to other creatures other than the player. They can still force the player into a fighting state when they attack in the safe zone.

Relying on this, before Zero emerged from the water, the players released in advance a few domesticated corpse wolves that had not yet been digitized, and they were forced to enter the fighting state again by relying on them pawing and pulling on the Zero ship. Unable to log out.

In this state, they immediately logged into the zero ship and started stacking supplies, and finally the zero ship was overwhelmed by the ever-increasing load and was completely pushed into the bottom of the water.

Although the zero ship has the ability to dive, at this moment, the effect of the diving skill of the 3 tilt has ended, and the diving protection layer has long dissipated. Suddenly, a large amount of sea water poured in, and the weight increased again. Durability wears off quickly.

Soon there were cracks on the surface of the hull, and in the expectant eyes of the players in the Chinese server, the zero ship finally ran out of durability and cracked, turning into black mist.

As a result, everyone in the Zero Guild broke away from the protection of the hull and began to quickly float towards the water surface.

But when they surfaced, they were horrified to find that huge corpse wolves jumped out of the surrounding battleships, rushing towards them.

This time, the united counterattack of the Chinese server players won the final victory, and the forum was full of joy.

Crayon New: Sure enough, your father is still your father, haha, use the loopholes in the game to overwhelm the super battleship, the brother who came up with the idea, you are so talented and funny)

Team Leader of the Demolition Office: Indeed, this player has a really big brain. He made two suggestions. First, use external creatures to put them into a fighting state.

Then use the weight to crush it, absolutely!

Crayon New: Conquest Emoticon Pack Complete Income New dynamic picture: overwhelmed bubbling and sinking gif

Strongest Sydney: Hehe, what a beautiful brother, since they dare to take the initiative to attack, then after we kill the rock, we will invade their Void Domain on a large scale (funny)

One knife into the soul: let them develop for a while, and then double the return, my Beiqi army is the strongest, I don’t explain how funny)

Lonely and Invincible: Inexplicably feel comfortable, cool~

This naval battle can be said to have made many Chinese server players feel elated.

The crisis of being harassed by this super battleship in the false sea area for the past two days has finally been lifted.

In order to cope with the possible next invasion, the Chinese server players have also begun to work hard to upgrade their warships to prepare for the next big war.

As a result, the materials in the mall have risen again.

This made Lu Wuxiao, who was sitting behind the scenes, bloom, because he got a commission for every transaction in the mall, and the originally exhausted soul coin pool was replenished with a large amount of soul coins.

At this time, in the vain sea area, a private ghost ship was tossed and drifted with the ups and downs of the nucleus.

Hu He, who was sitting on the boat, was staring at the compass in his hand intently, looking up at the water surface from time to time, as if he was confirming the position.

At this time, the value on the compass suddenly jumped, and then the pointer on the compass began to circle.

"It's here!" Looking at Han, Hu He's face showed surprise.

During this period of time, he tried more than a hundred methods of refining Hanba, but because of the huge gap in his own strength, it was even difficult to break through the surface defense of Hanba, let alone refining.

After knowing that refining Hanyan was not feasible, Hu He spent a lot of effort to escape from the safe zone, and decisively drove the ghost ship to start the journey of escape at sea.

After all, he didn't dare to go to the land. There were two nemesis there. No matter where he hid, he would be judged back to the safe zone by the cruel "backstab".

Helpless, Hu He plans to start the sea search for corpses this time, and return when the strength is large.

Originally, he planned to find an island where a strong man might be buried, but when he passed the sea area in the northern part of this illusory sea area, his compass reacted.

Hu He, who realized that there was a strong man's corpse here, immediately prepared to go down and explore.

Glancing at the silly instant corpse spirit beside him, Hu He opened the mall, searched in the special toolbar, reluctantly bought a special diving suit, and began to put it on.

After everything was ready, Hu He jumped into the water, put away the ghost ship at the same time, and probed downward.

Although he was protected by a diving suit, the underwater temperature still made him feel icy cold. The light wavered in the water like ripples, and it was even darker when he looked down.

This gave Hu He, who was constantly diving, the illusion that he was gradually getting into the mouth of the underwater monster.

The deeper you dive, the greater the water pressure. The human diving limit so far is 332 meters. However, Hu He doesn't feel very comfortable when he dives to 500 meters, relying on the multi-fold increase in physical fitness in the game and the protection of special equipment. strenuous.

At this time, Hu He was completely surrounded by darkness. Fear arose in this environment, and the shaking of the surrounding water would give Hu He the illusion that a giant water monster was swimming by. Guaranteed to die, Hu He really dare not play like this.

In the case of unclear vision, Hu He turned on the search light on his forehead.

A beam of strong light shot forward immediately, illuminating a range of about 10 meters in front.

But at this moment, Hu He suddenly turned pale.

Because under the flash of this beam of light, a huge fish eye with a diameter of about three meters was staring at him, and the bloodshot lines in its eye sockets were clearly visible.

"Lying on the grass!" Hu He spat out a string of bubbles, his heart pounding.

This feeling was much more exciting than watching a horror movie, and he almost fainted from fright.

Giant Spotted Spirit Fish): A docile giant spirit fish that feeds on seaweed, small shrimp

As if disturbed by the strong light, the giant grouper flicked its tail and quickly dived downwards, then disappeared from Hu He's sight.

Seeing the giant grouper fish leave, Hu He was still in shock.

After he took out the compass and looked at the strong corpse, he hesitated in his heart. He felt that his ancestors didn't work so hard by themselves. They even dug up the corpses and found monkeys. Does this count as expanding their business?

"Anyway, I'm not afraid of death!" Gritting his teeth, Hu He began to dive again.

After continuing to dive for about 200 meters, Hu He felt that his breathing was no longer smooth due to the oppressive feeling underwater, but since he had reached this point, he naturally would not give up and continued to go deeper. The corpse spirit also foolishly followed.

After continuing to dive for a while, Hu He glanced at the dive depth on the map and found that he had reached 1,200 meters underwater.

Just as he was about to continue down, a beam of dark green light shone from the right, which shocked Hu Xinxin, and he turned his head to look at it suddenly.

A dilapidated, decaying ghost ship slowly approached from the right.

This ghost ship seems to be very old, and the hull is covered with a thick layer of green moss, but what makes people feel weird is that there is a lamp still emitting a dark green light hanging on the broken half of the ghost ship. kerosene lamp.

With every chair of the kerosene lamp, the dark part inside the hull appears and disappears, as if several black figures are lurking, barking their teeth and claws with every chair.

Such a strange scene made Hu He shiver uncontrollably.

"Game, it's just a game!" Hu He murmured a few words, cheering himself up.

As the undersea ghost ship slowly approached, the compass on Hu He's body suddenly started to jump, and the value instantly turned red, sending out a "Drip! Drip! Drip!" prompt.

The corpse of the strong man is in the ghost ship? Hu core shuddered.

But the infiltrating ghost ship in front of him made him hesitate for some reason.

Seeing the ghost ship that was about to pass by, Hu He gritted his teeth and said in his heart, "The timid will starve to death, the bold will die!".

Then he reached out and grabbed the rotten wooden pole of the hull, and slowly followed the ghost ship forward.

After stabilizing his figure, he slowly landed on the hull deck.

At this time, Hu He waved to the corpse spirit beside him.

Immediately after receiving the order, the corpse spirit began to swim towards the inside of the hull, while Hu He slowly followed behind.

Living in the boundless darkness of the deep sea, the psychological pressure is undoubtedly huge. This is like watching a horror movie. Although you know everything is fake, the oncoming fear will still affect you. At this time, Hu He was in a state of terror, and this strange and terrifying atmosphere made his spirit tense to the extreme.

"Huh~!" After taking a deep breath and relieving his emotions, Hu He began to swim towards the cabin.

As he went deeper, Hu He discovered that there were still small creatures that lived on moss in this decaying ghost ship, but the interior space was very compact, and all objects had been decomposed, and would disperse into a cloudy mess when lightly touched. crumbs.

The more he probed inside, the more Hu He felt the compass vibrate on his body.

When he came to a wooden door corroded with several holes, Hu He stopped in his tracks.

At this moment, the corpse spirit pushed forward, and the wooden door broke into countless pieces, and scattered towards the surroundings.

The fine wood chips drifted and scattered in the light, so Hu He couldn't help but stretch out his hand and swipe twice to scatter the wood chips on the masking line.

Then he slowly looked inside the wooden door.

The light penetrated the water surface stained brown by sawdust, and a black skeleton with only half of it left appeared in Hu He's sight.

Seeing this skeleton, Hu He's expression brightened. He knew that this was the target he was looking for.

But then Hu He's expression froze, because he found that the black skeleton was very strange, it seemed to have been bitten, the bones connecting the upper body and the missing part were incomplete, the fracture surface was very rough, and several bone spurs stood out, It looked as if half of his body had been torn off in the middle.

Although he was puzzled, Hu He didn't think about it. Anyway, what he wanted was the corpse, so he slipped his arms into the room and swam towards the black bone.

At this time, Black Bone's analytical data steel.

Muhumut Warriors):

Character details: A member of the Gumut Empire died in battle against the invasion of the Undersea Death Clan. As a warrior of the Mut Clan, he was buried in the coffin of Mut's death and floated on the bottom of the sea, accompanied by a ghost lamp.

Strength level: mid-term ghost governor

Read it. (Read, read, read.)

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