Xiaolong: "Just kidding, our boss said it's not an example, what else can I do?! Seriously, I didn't eat well at noon today, do you have time the night after tomorrow? I bring my girlfriend, you bring Your girlfriend, let's get together alone!"

Fang Zheng frowned and replied to the message: "The day after tomorrow? Let me check the time, it should be fine."

Xiaolong: "Let's talk first! Brother Zheng, please don't tell me you want to come, but you can't come to put the pigeons if you have something on the day. If you don't have a girlfriend, I'll ask my woman to introduce one to you!"

Fangzheng: "Don't worry, I just talked about it the day before yesterday, but my girlfriend might be a little scary to you. Are you sure you want to see me?"

Xiaolong: "Brother Zheng, what am I afraid of your girlfriend?! It's not my mother! That's it, I'll call you the day after tomorrow and wait for my news!"

Fangzheng: "Don't worry, I should be able to go. For my girlfriend, I have to ask first, give me two minutes."

Sitting in the cab, Fang Zheng glanced at Jiang Xiyao's phone screen again, the woman's expression was strange.

Fangzheng asked, "How is it? Are you going? Wouldn't it be nice to let Xiaolong know that you are my girlfriend?"

Jiang Xiyao pursed her lips and thought about it carefully: "It doesn't matter, I will arrange the time in advance. We didn't agree before we became lovers. If one of us needs it, the other can't refuse if there is nothing important."

Fangzheng snorted: "That's right, I've almost forgotten about this, so I'll tell him that we'll have a meal together the day after tomorrow, but I don't know what Xiaolong's expression will be when he sees you."

Jiang Xiyao moved her eyes: "It's probably going to be interesting."

Fangzheng went back to Xiaolong's message and said OK there.

Start the car and drive home.

Looking at Jiang Xiyao on the road, he was very curious about what he had done this afternoon, so he told the other party about Yang Yibiao.

After Jiang Xiyao heard it, she was shocked and incredulous.

"You still do boxing?! So powerful?"

Fangzheng shrugged: "Why not? It's just that I haven't fought for a long time, and I'm just a little bit stubborn."

Jiang Xiyao smiled and shook his head: "Fangzheng, I don't think you are abrupt in any line of work, except being a teacher, I really can't imagine, how could you be a teacher?"

"Didn't I explain it to you? But if you don't understand it, it's right. If you understand my whole being, then I won't have to be manipulated by you in the future?"

Jiang Xiyao nodded: "It's true. For women, it is very important for women to have a sense of mystery in men. It is because of this sense of mystery that many women fall in love willingly."

Fang Zheng teased: "You are also among these women?"

Jiang Xiyao gave Fang Zheng a strange look: "What do you think?"

Fang Zheng didn't answer, but just smiled. After all, all the ghosts know whether it's not included, but what Jiang Xiyao thinks, Fang Zheng doesn't know. Damn system capabilities are often not used at such critical moments.

Before the two returned home, they had a simple dinner at a nearby restaurant. Jiang Xiyao wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday.

But every time the words came to her lips, she couldn't open her mouth for some reason. After a while, dinner was over, and she didn't say sorry to the other party.

Going home after dinner, Jiang Xiyao used to lay out a yoga mat in the living room if he had time, do yoga for more than half an hour and then take a bath.

But today, she simply washed her face, then sat on the sofa to read customer information, and used her mobile phone to work.

Fangzheng vaguely guessed something, opened the Eagle's Eye, and indeed a faint white light appeared on Jiang Xiyao's lower abdomen.

The ability of the Eagle's Eye, Fangzheng has also known about it since this time, it will follow his own thoughts, in a specific line of sight,

Find the special point you want.

In other words, this ability is actually implemented according to Fangzheng's idea. You look at a place and feel that something is wrong, then open the eye of the eagle, and this golden finger will help you quickly find out where the wrong place comes from.

As for the echo of the bat, Fangzheng has also concluded a rule in the past two days. The condition for opening him is that it is dangerous and unfavorable!

Only when someone has dangerous or unfavorable thoughts about themselves, the bat echo can hear the voice of the other person's heart.

Therefore, in most cases, the practicability of the Eagle's Eye is actually better than that of the bat echo, but at a critical time, the bat echo can unexpectedly help Fangzheng get through some difficulties.

Right now in the living room, Fang Zheng saw the faint white light from Jiang Xiyao's lower abdomen, the eagle's eyes were closed, and he didn't say anything else. After taking a bath, he went to the kitchen to find brown sugar and made Jiang Xiyao a cup of brown sugar water.


Jiang Xiyao, who was still sitting on the sofa staring at her phone, heard Fang Zheng's voice, and when she looked up, she saw a man coming with a cup of brown sugar water.

The woman was a little surprised.

"You... how did you know?"

Fangzheng didn't even answer, Jiang Xiyao laughed: "I really can't hide anything from you, can you find this? Because I didn't do yoga today?"

Fang Zheng sat next to Jiang Xiyao and handed her the water glass: "Almost, try it."

Jiang Xiyao saw Fang Zheng stirring constantly with the spoon. After he was done, he took a sip and the hot water flowed down his throat to his internal organs.

But it's not just the body that is warm.


Fangzheng: "Why don't you get busy with work today and I'll accompany you to watch a movie in bed? Take a break?"

Jiang Xiyao thought about it carefully and nodded.

"Okay, listen to you."

Today's Jiang Xiyao seems to be particularly good at discussing things.

It was not the first time that the two of them saw each other wearing pajamas. After changing their clothes, they turned off the lights in the living room and lay on the bed in the bedroom.

In the past, there was a little tiger between the two as the dividing line, but now the dividing line of the little tiger has become a bystander, lying quietly on Fang Zheng's right hand.

Jiang Xiyao was sitting on the left side of Fangzheng. The two were almost next to each other, covered with a quilt and leaning against the head of the bed.

"What are you looking at?" Jiang Xiyao saw Fangzheng put the laptop on their lap, and he was looking for a movie inside.

"What do you usually watch?"

Jiang Xiyao dragged a long voice in her throat: "I rarely watch movies. I didn't have so much time before. After being with you, I don't know why, but I feel like I have more time."

Fangzheng opened a love movie: "Look at this, it seems to be very popular recently, and it was just released on the software."

"Well, that's it."

The romance film that Fangzheng opened actually had an outrageous plot, and the more they watched it, the more they felt that the director of the film had suffered a heavy blow to his head!

It's so bloody to film campus love, and the finale of the movie is that the heroine gets married and the hero goes to cheer as a passerby.

Classic scene.

The more he looked at Fang Zheng, the more tired he became, so much so that after the movie was over, he had to spit out, "What is this filming? Xiyao, why don't we change it?"

Who knew that he had just turned around and saw Jiang Xiyao's sleeping face, the woman's head resting on Fang Zheng's shoulder, and the scented breath caused her chest to rise and fall.

I don't know when, Jiang Xiyao had fallen asleep leaning on Fang Zheng.

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