"call out----!!"

Emerald green flash covered the ice dragon.

The huge ice dragon was vaporized by the flash in the blink of an eye, and Leon's body was also covered in the light of the flash.



After the light disappeared, a big hole was opened in the ruins again by Su Chen's virtual flash.

Leon stood awkwardly not far away. His clothes were in tatters and he looked very miserable, but most of them were skin injuries.

Su Chen's purpose was just to teach Leon a lesson, so he held back when attacking.

But compared to the physical injuries, the biggest impact on Leon was the mental impact.

"No...this is impossible..."

He had always thought that Uru was the strongest magician, and he had always aimed to surpass Uru since he was a child.

In order to surpass Uru and realize his dream, or deep down in his heart, he desires to kill De Lyonla to avenge Uru.

He spent ten years to achieve this goal, and he firmly believed that his strength had surpassed Uru.

But he never imagined that what he believed in, like his faith, could be so fragile and vulnerable.

He was defeated without even taking a single move from the man in front of him, which undoubtedly had an unimaginable impact on Leon.

Gray came to Leon and looked at Leon who was in self-doubt and said: "Uru told me before he died that he would go to the country to the west, where there are many magicians more powerful than her, so I went there. Fairy Tail.”

"There is indeed a group of magicians with powerful magic there. I also find it very incredible."

"Su Chen is the most powerful among those powerful magicians. Stop dwelling on the past. Open your eyes and look around. You will have more goals, right! I don't have the qualifications to say that you are the one. .”

Suddenly, “Ho ho ho ho—!!!”


A harsh sound resounded throughout the ruins, causing the entire ruins to shake violently.

"This... this sound... I can't forget it..." Gray's whole body trembled when he heard this voice.

It was the owner of this voice who destroyed his home and family, and the master died as a result. From then on, his fear of this voice took root in his heart.

Gray clenched his fists tightly. He could never resurrect Dai Lyonla. There was only one way he could think of, which was to freeze absolutely.

"Dai Lyonla..." Upon hearing this voice, Leon also recovered from his trance.

Soon, Su Chen and Gray arrived at the bottom. Natsu, Lucy and Happy were already here, and three people fell not far away, namely Yuka, Toby and Sherria.

Ultear just threw Natsu and Yuka to the bottom, and several people were fighting at the bottom. Later, Lucy and Happy came to help and defeated the three people together.

Immediately afterwards, the ice on Dai Lyonla's body began to melt.

Natsu came to Su Chen and said: "Gray! Su Chen!! Now the world has no choice but to take action! Defeat that devil!!"

"Ahem! You...can't defeat it...it's mine...in order to surpass Uru...the only monster that Uru hasn't defeated...now it's up to..."


Gray slashed Leon's neck with his hand knife, and Leon, who was already injured, fell to the ground.

"That's enough, Leon, leave it to me! I will seal Lyonla for the sins I committed ten years ago!!"

Gray crossed his arms in front of him in an absolutely freezing spell-casting posture.

"Stop...stop!! Gray!" Leon immediately knew what Gray wanted to do when he saw Gray's gesture.

"Do you know how long it took me to melt this ice cube?! Don't waste your efforts!! No matter what, I will melt the ice cube and challenge Dai Lyon again!"

Gray said with persistent eyes: "This is the only way to do it. This is the only way to stop it now!"

"You idiot!!"


Su Chen slapped Gray on the head, and Gray screamed and was immediately slapped away.


The whole person was embedded in the stone wall, and Gray was a little confused.

Natsu, Lucy, Happy and Leon were also startled by Su Chen's actions.

Su Chen cursed unhappily: "He's just a demon from the Book of Zeref, and you are going to live and die. Don't you feel ashamed, I still feel ashamed."

"Don't talk about just a demon from the Book of Zeref. What if Zeref appears in front of me? I haven't fallen yet. When will it be your turn to live or die?"

"Just get out of here!"


I don’t know whether it was because Su Chen said it was just a demon from the Book of Zeref, or because he said bad things about Zeref, who created them and was worshiped as a god by them, Dai Lyonla was angry.

Powerful magical energy condensed in his mouth and shot towards Su Chen.

"Su Chen! Be careful!!"


A terrifyingly powerful explosion appeared.

"Wow!" Natsu and others were blown away by the explosion.

"Su Chen!!" Gray exclaimed.


An impact appeared from the center of the explosion, blowing away all the smoke and debris from the explosion.

Su Chen's figure appeared in front of everyone, his body covered with a layer of emerald green spiritual pressure, powerful spiritual pressure, plus his own steel skin defense.

Su Chen was unscathed by such a terrible explosion.


Su Chen raised his right index finger, and emerald green spiritual pressure gathered in front of it.

False flash!

"call out----!!"

An emerald green flash shot towards Dai Lyonella.

"Boom boom boom——!!"

The light penetrated the ruins from the ground and shot into the sky.

After a while, the light disappeared.

At this moment, a huge hole appeared behind Dai Lyonla, and the purple moon hanging in the sky could be seen from this big hole.

What shocked everyone the most was not the big hole, but Dai Lyonla.

At this time, Dai Lyonla's upper body had disappeared, leaving only his lower body standing in place.

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