The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 674: go away

After seeing this scene, Kuang Shi Lang was shocked in his heart. Although he lost to Reinhardt in the swordsmanship duel just now, if it is a real life and death battle, he does not think Reinhardt can be defeated so easily. He, but through the palm of Reinhardt’s present performance, the crazy dead man felt how naive his previous thoughts were. With Reinhardt’s current strength, if he wanted to kill himself, maybe he could do it with a single blow. , And I don’t have a chance.

   "Then try to change the arms and domineering..."

   Reinhardt's body didn't move, and immediately began to mobilize the armed domineering in his body, and the domineering began to flow.

   The domineering aura that is not used everywhere in the body should also be mobilized...

   Thinking of this, Reinhardt's physical feelings were more real, and his domineering converged on his right arm.

This feels like a hundred rivers entering the sea, rushing forward, Reinhardt's years of physical skills and domineering practice, I don't know how much dominance is deposited in the body, at this time, under full mobilization, all gathered towards the right arm. , Rumbling rumbling... Suddenly, the ground began to shake, and under the influence of this terrifying domineering air, bursts of violent blasts began.


Reinhardt took a palm shot, and a huge crack appeared in the space in front of him, and then the air shattered like a mirror, without the slightest wind and waves or air currents, and some were just powerful to the extreme destructive power, which directly shattered the space in front of you. , The huge sound is like thunderbolts from nine heavens.

"One... once... succeeded?" Tianyue Jialuo was stunned, and Kushiro was also stunned. No one thought that this kind of high-end domineering skill could succeed in one attempt, how terrible it is. Talent...

Reinhardt's state at this time is slightly relaxed. Although he used the high-level armed color domineering correctly for the first time, he still needs to practice uninterruptedly if he wants to use it proficiently, so that this'flowing domineering' is attached. This is the biggest difficulty in terms of body, weapons, and the form of abilities shown by the devil fruit.

   After a while, after the scene completely calmed down, Kushiro asked in shock, "You...who are you?"

   "You will know later." Reinhardt turned his head and glanced at Kushiro, then put his arm away, took another long breath, and walked to Tianyue Jialuo.

   "Senior Jialuo, thank you for your help this time. If there is anything I need to do, please speak directly."

   For Tianyue Jialuo, Reinhardt expressed his gratitude for not only helping him to smelt the new weapon "Nightmare", but also guiding his high-level armed **** domineering.

Tianyue Jialuo shook his head, but after thinking for a while, he continued: "If you can, I hope you can help me take care of the Polkaria Kingdom in the North Sea. That is the foundation I set up with my old friends. If you have time, please take shelter."

   He can see that although Reinhardt hides his identity, he is definitely not an ordinary person. With his displayed strength, he believes that there are not many opponents in this world.

   "Is it just like this?" Reinhardt was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this request to be so simple. It seems that Tianyue Jialuo is a very nostalgic person, and he still remembers Polkalia in the North Sea for so many years.

   "I thought you wanted me to kill the snake..." Reinhardt smiled.

   Tianyue Jialuo shook his head: "Since that idiot Mitian didn't accept Roger or Whitebeard's help, I can't accept your help today."

   Speaking of this, Tianyue Jialuo still seems to have a lot of complaints against Guangyue Mitian, and continues: "The affairs of the country of Wano are our own affairs. We did not allow outsiders to intervene before, and now we still cannot let outsiders intervene."

   "Do you really believe that the nine of them will be able to accomplish this in the future?" Reinhardt couldn't help but sneered slightly.

"This is probably the fate of the country..." Tianyue Jialuo sighed, "I'm a person who is about to enter the earth, and I can't manage that much now. If it wasn't Mitian's stupidity 20 years ago, I would fight it. This life will also kill the snake."

   "Senior Jia Luo..." Crazy Death Lang couldn't help but cried out.

"A city, a country, what kind of leader there is, there is what kind of temperament." Reinhardt smiled, seeing that Tianyue Jialuo didn't lie, so he said again, "In that case, senior Jialuo, don't worry. , I wrote down your request."

   "Thank you..."

   "No, I should thank you." Reinhardt shook his head, "I have done too little compared to the help you gave me."

After saying goodbye to the two, Reinhardt left alone. This time the purpose of coming to the country of Wano has been achieved. It is time to leave here. As for the situation of the country of Wano, he has a basic understanding of it. It is nothing but the Orochi who stole the country of Wano. Regarding this, Reinhardt is not interested in managing this.

Reinhardt followed the same route and returned to Baiwu’s Fortuna Town after leaving the bell. At this time, Fortuna Town was completely under martial law, and there were soldiers guarding everywhere, but for ~ This is completely useless, and soon passed through Bai Wu quietly.

   Back on the sailing boat, Reinhardt took off his mask, put on a black crown again, and hung the "Nightmare" on his left waist.

   "Brother, your knife..." Blatter asked in surprise when he saw that the weapon on Reinhardt's body had changed.

"New weapon, nightmare!" Reinhardt said with a smile, and then ordered the sailboat to return to the voyage, and then said to Blatter, "Return to Redding, I will teach you how to practice advanced armed **** domineering. In the next two years, three of you Ace members must fully master this technique."

For Blatter, it shouldn’t take long to learn this skill, but for Meester, especially for people with weak talents in physical skills and arrogance, it’s estimated that it will take a long time Be able to comprehend.

  Bra nodded, and then asked: "When will I be there in Deresaros?"

"It will take at least two months to wait for the preliminary work of Doflamingo's factory to be completed." Reinhardt thought for a while and said, "When the time comes, go and transfer Ghaith over, and Drero, who will stay with you. Sass."

  Blatt is in charge of the Dre Rosas **LIE factory, and he must have his own cronies in his hands. As the boss of the North Sea Mafia, it is time to meet in the new world.

At this time, Haiyuan calendar 1518, more than a month after the World Conference, the revolutionary army finally disappeared completely under the siege of the world government many times. Others did not know, but Reinhardt knew where the revolutionary army was hiding, in the world. After many bases were abandoned everywhere, all members of the Revolutionary Army were hidden in Baldigo, the island of white earth on the great route.

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