The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 452: Family meeting

   North Sea Katan Island, Reinhardt’s base camp in the Kingdom of Polkalia.

In order to deal with the coming war, Reinhardt temporarily blocked the Port of Clock Harbor, so a large number of tourists were temporarily prohibited from entering the Port of Clock Harbor and the Kingdom of Polkalia. In addition, Reinhardt was also speeding up the kingdom’s soldiers. The pace of training.

   In the king's hall, in addition to Polkalia's own country officials, there are also the ministers and nobles of the kingdoms in other waters of the North Sea who came to the king's hall at this time.

Those kingdoms that had been captured by him long ago, after **** massacres, the nobles had no idea of ​​resisting at all, but in the North Sea hundred countries, Reinhardt only captured six kingdoms, because these six The geographical location of the kingdom is just right for Polkalia to be in the center of the North Sea.

   He can become the King of the North Sea, and he does not need to capture all kingdoms. On the one hand, he cannot succeed in this kind of thing. On the other hand, if too many countries are captured, the world government will certainly not let it go.

He became the king of the North Sea, which is the consensus of the hundreds of countries in the North Sea. This is the core. In addition, he has the greatest power. The dark world has been taken into his hands. The business aspect has been fully spread throughout the North Sea and even the world. In addition, the transportation industry is also slowly expanding as the sea train is gradually built.

Reinhardt has the funds of a wealthy enemy country, a strong armed force, the prestige of the Megatron Beihai, at least four high-level combat power, and the navy, the world government and other aspects of support, the king of the North Sea is not He is none other than.

In the king’s hall, Reinhardt assisted King Fiona to preside over the entire day’s work. After the officials of the other six countries and their own officials withdrew, only some family members were left in the hall. After a while, Reinhard The other members of the special work agency arrived one after another, and at this time the outside of the hall was completely dark.

In addition to Roentgen, the family members are here, headed by Blatter and Meister, behind them are Mosel, Daphis Ryu, Anubi, Bender, Igarashi Sake , Ghaith, Cole, Braunk and others, as for Demi, the three gophers were still young, so Reinhardt did not notify them.

   After waiting for everyone to sit down on the table full of food in the hall, Reinhardt said in a deep voice: "Other things will be put aside for the time being. I'm talking about a big thing that is urgent."

   After hearing these words, everyone was shocked. It was the first time they saw Reinhardt's serious expression.

   "Our family will face a great threat this time."

   Reinhardt looked at the crowd, and then continued: "This threat comes from the evil army, the Kingdom of Djerma 66."

"Germa 66..." Daphis Long was stunned for a moment when he heard the name, and then he reacted again, showing an expression like that before, and then he muttered for a moment, looking from the family members around him again. Glanced.

   His actions made the family members other than Reinhardt a little surprised, but it is not surprising that Dafeisi Long himself is the scientific assistant of King Germa 66.

Although Daphasis Long joined the family a few months later than Mestre, it is still about two years since Daphasis Long has worked hard as a family scientist in the past two years. , Not only brought power technology, but also allowed Reinhardt to make rapid progress in steam technology that has not made any progress.

   Therefore, with the scientist Daphis Long, he also brought power technology, and the development of the entire Polkalia Kingdom was also greatly helped, thus entering a new level of prosperity.

  More than that, Daphis Long and Heigl have studied each other, gradually combining electricity and air, trying to create a technology that combines the two and has the characteristics of electricity and air at the same time.

Daphis Long is an electrical scientist. The so-called analogy is like this. Every scientist is a genius. He quickly understood the principle and use of steam technology. Compared with electricity, it is difficult to make electrical devices. I prefer to use steam technology frequently, because it is much easier than making electrical devices.

Hegel is a scientist provided by Doflamingo. Although he has worked for Reinhardt for many years, Reinhardt has never planned to include him in the family. The main concern is that he is Dover. The chess piece that Langming put in, will take away the steam technology at that time.

However, although Hegel is not a member of the family, Reinhardt is also secretly guarding and unable to participate in such meetings, but his status in the kingdom is still very high, and the laboratory built by Reinhardt is also under his control. Below, it was clear that Reinhardt gave him a lot of authority.

  He is a scientist in the field of machinery manufacturing. He has a very high level of manufacturing for all kinds of armors and equipment. Even Cole and

The revolver that Braunk jointly manufactured received a lot of help from him, and the stun gun and thunderbolt thruster on Dafissi Long's body, these two devices were modified by Hagel~www. Performance has been improved a lot.

   It can be said that Haigel and Daphis Long are no less important to the family than Blatt, Roentgen, and Meester.

   At present, the basic structure of the Reinhardt Work Agency has been determined. With Reinhardt as the leader, the three major forces are Waldo Roentgen in the Nature Department, Vic Blatt in the Animal Department, and Mestre in the Superman Department.

He uses the normal imperial-level pirate team building mode. Although Reinhardt is not a pirate for the time being, the family building work must be in the forefront, because in the near future, he must go to sea if he wants to compete for the top of the world. Go to the new world.

   But for a long time now, Roentgen's true identity must be hidden.

After Daficius Long finished speaking, he sighed slightly: "It's no wonder that the Kingdom of Germa 66 has always been aiming to rule the North Sea. He saw your threat and there is no reason not to act. ."

Everyone nodded and understood what he said. The Kingdom of Djerma 66 once ruled the North Sea by force. Vinsmok Gage naturally hoped to reproduce the glory of the year. To do all this, we must first eradicate it. Reinhardt Jobs is the biggest threat.

   "You know Germa 66 best, and I need the most detailed information about their kingdom."

   Reinhardt thought for a while, and then continued: "For the time being, put aside the research work on steam technology in your hands. At present, you are focusing on the Kingdom of Djerma 66."

   Takahashi of course has no objection. Since joining Reinhardt Jobs, he has understood that he will never go on his own in the future.

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