The Birth of the 9th Circle Wizard

Chapter 242 source code (9)

Applicants were plentiful.

Most of them were battle wizards, though they had something in common.

It seems that the manager is still undecided.

“Still, aren’t they great people just to have followed you this far?”

At Soon-won's words, the team leader shook his head.

“A job that deals with life shouldn’t be like that.”

A profession that deals with life must be dedicated. If you don't like it, don't take a job that deals with life.

That was the theory of team leader Jeongcheol Kang.

“If a doctor is ignorant, he kills people. So are the wizards. If you neglect your training, you will get hurt, and then your colleagues will receive the damage.”

It has an exoskeleton personality.

Soon-won had no intention of arguing with him.

“That’s right.”

said the sage.

The way to live happily is to avoid arguments.

Recognizing that others are different from you is the first step.

should not be forced

"now! Then, 12 people will be put into one group. The team leader is coming forward.”

Kang Jeong-cheol moved forward, and Soon-won naturally joined his team.

“Let’s go, Soohyun-ah.”

The team members were all strangers.

Soon-won, assigned to Recon Team 7, went with them to the misty meadow.

“Isn’t that just an ordinary fog?”

“Yeah, what… .”

I already scanned it.

It wasn't a fog with a curse or attack magic on it. However, there was a spell that made him lose direction and could not use the compass.

There, the mana concentration of darkness was very high.

‘For what purpose did you do this?’

I know it was installed to prevent wizards. But he didn't know how to stop him.

“Once you come in, there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Kang Jeong-cheol motioned to keep going. He didn't notice that it was a mist enchanted with disorientation.

“Would you like to go in a little more?”

“Isn’t it better to go back when nothing is going on?”

Soon-won gave a hint, but Kang Jeong-cheol shook his head.

“What if the main unit enters and falls into a trap? Let’s go a little further.”

Walked another 20 minutes.

There was nothing special except the grassland continued to spread.

“Okay, let’s go back.”

It was then.

Paz! Puss!

Something was poking out from the surrounding land. After all, it was a white human bone.

“It’s a skeleton!”

“Ready for battle!”


Skeleton warriors were carrying bone shields and sharply discarded swords.

He noticed that it was not an ordinary undead that radiated a vicious energy from his eye light.


There would be no vocal cords, but it made a shriek-like cry emanating from a deep pit.

“Hey heck!”

Just hearing that sound made the mana inside my body shake.

He vomited blood from his nose and mouth, and in the worst case, blood was oozing out of his ears.“You are well prepared for the wizard. Those who cannot move their mana, draw their weapons!”

Although the mana of Gangjeongcheol was overturned, it was not to the extent that he could not use magic.

“Sacred Light, grant me the strength to slay the undead! Holy Weapon!”

Kang Jeong-cheol's spell gave the team members' weapons divine power.

“… That’s great.”

Kang Jeong-cheol is famous even among wizards.

did. Except for the time he ate and slept, he was so crazy about magic that he didn't even know who the president was.

He said that he didn't even watch the World Cup or the Olympics, so I could tell how crazy he was with magic.

“We must break through the siege! I'm going through that!"

One of the team members shouted.

Kang Jeong-cheol thought he was right and nodded his head.

"let's go!"

The sword and the sword collided.

As expected, a weak and weak skeleton warrior

It wasn't. It's hard to call it a Death Knight, but it felt somewhere in the middle.


Soon-won raised his neck by flowing the skeleton warrior's sword sideways as it slashed his sword with the force to split his head.


He stomped on his skull and detonated what was about to come back.

“Is that good enough?”

Kang Jeong-cheol was preparing to help in case of an unexpected situation.

“You don’t have to worry too much about me.”

“No, I’m a student wizard, so I have to be careful.”

Soon-won smiled bitterly.

It was a situation in which he could not reveal his identity by showing his skills. If their identity is discovered, the rumor will go to Han Ji-hee and Jeong Se-yeon, and then virtual reality will be logged out.

“Just a little bit further! cheer up!"

Fortunately, the Skeleton Warriors are not in large numbers to completely surround their teammates.

The clumsy siege quickly escaped and we were able to face it head-on.

Diversity! Diversity! Diversity!

“The sound of horseshoes?”

The sound of horseshoes was heard in the mist, and a knight riding a horse appeared. The one wearing black armor was none other than a skeleton knight.

“Death Knight?”

It was a monster whose power was said to be comparable to that of a 7th circle wizard. The wizards looked at Kang Jeong-cheol in bewilderment.

“I will deal with him!”

“Are you okay?”

"Of course! You take down the Skeleton Soldier!”

“… all right!"

If the Death Knight moves in earnest, team members may be injured. Kang Jeong-cheol fired a fire bolt at his horse to get the Death Knight off his horse.


The problem is that the horse the Death Knight is riding is also an undead. The gnome jumped to avoid the fire bolt.

And he quickly kicked Kang Jeong-cheol back with his hind feet.


There was a shield, but it shattered in an instant and pushed back.

“ね! That's great power. However… .”

Kang Jeong-cheol lowered his hand from top to bottom. Then arrows of fire fell from the sky.


It hit the undead horse directly.

The Death Knight jumped off the lit horse.


Judging from the posture holding the sword, it was clear that he was a famous knight before he was alive. Kang Jeong-cheol

I tried to deal with magic without mixing swords as much as possible.

‘The problem is mana… .'

doesn't move well

“Holy Light!”

“Key profit!”

Upon receiving her divine light, the Death Knight turned her head and covered her eyes with her hand.

Kang Jeong-cheol did not miss the gap.

He aimed inside his helmet and stabbed his sword.


Death Knight's Reflex Speed ​​Than Attack

was faster The guy who turned his head to avoid the sword turned his body one turn, aimed at Kang Jeong-cheol, and lowered his sword.


I couldn't tell if it was because I turned my head to the Holy Light, or if it was a trap, or if I was fast enough to ignore it all.

What is certain is that his head is in danger of being split.


Soon-won quickly cast a spell on the Death Knight. Kang Jeong-cheol looked surprised.

So he looked at the sword approaching him.


M |,

It was only then that I noticed that the Death Knight's movements were sluggish. As soon as he took a backstep to avoid the sword, the sword came down on the spot.



The Death Knight tilted his head. He looked around his head to find out who had enchanted him.

‘I can’t notice.’

It's not even the Lich King, and there's no way even one Death Knight will notice Soon-won's magic.

“Who helped?”

He didn't have time to think deeply.

This is because the Death Knight has moved again.


The sword and the sword continued to collide.

The studio came and went without even giving me a moment to breathe. It was Kang Jeong-cheol who became increasingly disadvantageous.

It was because it was Kang Jeong-cheol who consumed his stamina when he said boiling.

The Death Knight had no need to breathe, nor the muscles that accumulated her fatigue.

“Huh… Huh... .”

I looked at my teammates.

There were no team members who could help him. Everyone was mixing a skeleton soldier and a sword.

Kang Jeong-cheol's sword gradually slowed down.

Kiki Kick Kick!

Death Knight was confident of victory and laughed.

Kang Jeong-cheol was upset, but he realized that in the current situation, all he could do was hold on to the Death Knight for a long time.

each was

“As soon as you defeat the Skeleton Soldier, run away! Death Knight will try to draw as much time as I can!”

He switched from attack mode to defense mode to reduce his stamina consumption.

The Death Knight noticed that and began to attack more and more fiercely.



That's weird.

Obviously, I should be getting tired, but I have gradually gained stamina. The body is energized, and the movement of the Death Knight is getting slower and slower.

was losing

‘Who the hell?’

What is clear is that now is an opportunity.

Kang Jeong-cheol's sword struck the Death Knight's wrist. I couldn't keep up with the sudden movement, and Death Knight couldn't pull out his wrist.Pussack!

My wrist was cut off and the sword fell to the floor. The Death Knight tried to retreat quickly, but Kang Jeong-cheol was faster.



Smash the skull down and cut it in two pieces

abandoned The bones that make up the body crumbled to ensure that the attack went in properly.



The team members who just defeated the skeleton soldier were amazed. He told me to run away and he had caught the Death Knight.

“Did you say Suhyun? I'm envious of having such a team leader as the team leader. Learn a lot.”

"of course."

On the other hand, Kang Jeong-cheol had a bewildered expression on his face.

“Who gave me a buff?”

“A buff?”

“Yes, when I was running out of strength, someone applied a fairly high circle buff to the enemy’s right place. If not, it was the energy of the 8th circle... .”

At those words, the wizards burst into laughter.

“There are no 8th circle wizards on the recon team. Aren't hidden powers coming out of us when we're in crisis?"

“No, obviously… .”

I looked around the team members.

I shake my head as if not everyone is sleeping

it was

“Huh, really. It's like the devil sings. Anyway, let's go back."

Soon-won dispels the magic hanging from the fog. Then the sense of direction as well as the fog began to disappear.

“The fog is going away.”

“I don’t know if this was just for reconnaissance. If it was going to disappear anyway... .”

“Isn’t that because we defeated the Skeleton Soldier and the Death Knight?”

If that's true, it's a reward, but

There was no evidence. The wizards returned to the camp and reported this and that.

"Well done. After all the achievements are put together, I will go back and award the prize.”

Said the executive wizard who received the report. Han Ji-hee was not seen in the executive tent.

‘It must be disturbing.’

Han Ji-hee, who cannot use magic, is just an ordinary woman. She will be lost in a situation that she cannot and should not speak.


Soon-won's party, who was just about to leave, saw the tent open and Han Ji-hee entering.

“Did you say Jung Soo-hyun?”

"Yes? What do you mean?”

“I have a favor for you.”

She motioned for Han Ji-hee to follow her.

Soon-won looked at the other wizards, but he looked like they didn't know either.

'It's not likely that the identity was found.'

She didn't shed any clues.

If it had been discovered in the first place, Shinjoi would have appeared excitedly.

When Han Ji-hee reached her remote place, she turned her body and she looked at Soon-won.

“Can you take Seyeon out of the gate?”


It was an unexpected word.

“It’s a very dangerous place for Seyeon, who hasn’t even graduated from the academy. I want her to take the child out.”

“Aren’t all entrances blocked?”

Jihee Han shook her head.

She took one of her marbles out of her arms.

(Continued on next page)

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