The Birth of the 9th Circle Wizard

Chapter 226 Sahal Bridge (1)

The interview with the broadcasting station ended unexpectedly quickly. After asking a few silly questions and taking pictures, it was over.

"What's this! I thought I would be baptized with questions for hours with the host after putting on makeup!”

Hae-seon's horns were so strong that even when he got into the car, he was excited.

“Is that possible? people this time

I have no interest in work.”

The head of public relations said as he started the car.

“Does it have to be at the level of Kon Ryun to give the interview you want?”

“What is that? A student wizard caught a member of Sahal's church, but it ended with a photo shoot... .”

“We are at war with the terrorist acts of Sakha in the world. Just catching a god and not an executive is not enough news.”

It was widely reported that the Sakha Bridge had touched the academy, but the student Ma

It was not noticed that the magistrates suppressed the Shinto.

Even so, the vice-dean made an appointment in order to use the students as bait.

"tooth… .”

Soon-won looked out the window.

He looked just like Seoul in the past, to the point where it's hard to believe it's virtual reality.

The shaking of the car, the feel of the glass, the sound of the wind. If he didn't realize that he was in virtual reality, he would think he was real.

In fact, people with mental illness

Wow, I wasn't aware that this place was virtual reality.


“Hey, hey!”

The PR team leader saw the truck fall in front of me. At the end of the signal, he seemed to fall over while trying to forcefully bite his tail.

“I have to be careful.”


Soon-won warned.

There was a high degree of mana cohesion around it.

A large number of wizards appeared.

“It may be that the Sahalgyo has appeared.”

“Ah, so in the middle of downtown Seoul… .”

The ship was peaceful.


The truck exploded.

Huge flames spilled onto the road and people started screaming, getting out of their cars and running.

“What, what?”

As if there was even a canister of oil in the truck, ignited oil spilled onto the road.

“Aren’t we supposed to get off too?”

Jiyeon said looking out the window.

Although it looked safe because of the distance, people in nearby vehicles got off and ran away.

“Wait, I’m going to call the bodyguards and ask.”

The cars in front and behind were the bodyguards. Security guards were also getting out of the car to check on the situation.

[This is Team A. I will come and see the situation. Team B and Team C wait.]

The bodyguard got out of the car and looked around.

It was the moment I saw it.


A bang was heard, and one of the bodyguards was shot and fell to the side.

[Attack! I'm under attack!]

Doo doo doo doo!

A gunshot could be heard, whether it was an assault rifle or a machine gun. The bodyguard's vehicle was pierced and the glass was shattered.

[Escape to Team B's car alley!]

Security vehicles, including those currently used by students, are enchanted with Shield by default.

I see you ignore it and destroy it

The gun the opponent was using seemed to be a gun that fired magic bullets, not a normal one.

Boo woo woo!The PR team leader was terrified and stepped on the accelerator and crashed the car. Soon after, Team C's vehicle behind them also heard the sound of an explosion.

‘I saw that only the security vehicle was destroyed without attacking this vehicle first… .'

I have no intention of killing him right now.

Just then, a man in a black hood looked over the front windshield and raised his hand.



The PR team leader was terrified, so he stepped on Axel more, but to no avail. The car floated up and the wheels began to spin.


“Woah ah ah ah ah!”

He picked up the car and threw it into the store next door. The students and the PR team leader inside screamed.



The moment Soon-won was about to strike a shield inside

it was Delay moved first.

A faint light shone from her ring, protecting the vehicle.


A vehicle that broke the glass of a cafe and overturned inside.

“Is everyone okay?”

They were all hung upside down without getting hurt by wearing seat belts. Soon-won was the first to untie the belt and get out of the car.

He took Ji-yeon and Hae-seon, and Byeong-woo and her team leader down.

“He is coming!”

Fortunately, the cafe was before opening.

As I ran towards the kitchen, I heard the footsteps of Sakhalin believers entering the cafe.

“No one inside the car!”

“Go to the back door! Chase!”

I had to run away quickly.

At that moment, what caught Soon-won's eyes was the manhole.

“Under me!”

Soon-won lightly lifted the thick, heavy manhole cover. Given the circumstances, no one thought it was strange.

“They go into the manhole!”


Jiyeon applied a barrier magic at the entrance. It was used so openly that everyone else could see it.

uOh, what is that?”

Haesun's question was answered by Jiyeon.

“It’s an artifact. It was given to me by my parents.”

“Is Jiyeon rich?”

“That's not important. Hurry and run!”

The PR manager was right.

The magic that he hastily unfolded with artifacts did not last long.

As the Sahalgyo believers threw magic, their durability was eroded and they started to crack.

“Come on, run!”

The underpass was very wide.

Because of the heavy rain, huge underground caves ten meters high in Seoul are spread out like a maze.

As I ran through the numerous stone pillars, I couldn't see the entrance that I had just entered.

Koo-! Koo-! Koo-!

The sound of the barrier breaking was heard.

Everyone is desperately different in the dark

After seeing them all, they couldn't take care of each other and they scattered.

'I'd rather be fine. At this point, I hear them... .'


As soon as the words were finished, the delay approached. It is thanks to the artifact that can see the field of vision as in broad daylight even in the dark.

“Oh, late. it's okay?"

“I’m fine, but I can’t see where the others have gone.”

The underpass is as complex as a maze.

It was close to a miracle that the two met again.

“I didn’t know that Seoul’s underpass could be this complicated.”

“I think Gangnam is an area prone to flooding, so the drainage canals were built so high.”


footsteps were heard.

Soon-won and Ji-yeon both noticed that it was a Sakhalin cult.

“I’ll take care of you, Soo-hyun, so stay calm.”

Jiyeon pulled out artifacts from inside her arms.

She puts on one of her rings, and she fires magic arrows from it.



It does not even consume the user's mana. It was a luxury artifact with magic crystals embedded in it.

“Come on, let’s go.”


Ji-yeon grabbed Soon-won's wrist and led him.

“Can’t you see anything? I like night vision, so follow me wherever I go.”

Sakhalin devotees are shouting here and there

A beating sound was heard, but the direction could not be determined, probably because the sound collided with the surrounding pillars.

It was also an advantage for escaping.

“Let’s go out through that manhole.”


When I opened the manhole cover and went out, the car sounded its horn to avoid me because it was on the road.

“Hey, it must be on the road.”

It was dangerous to go out like this.

I went down the ladder and started walking down the underpass again.

“Soohyun, you don’t ask anything.”


“I mean, I have multiple artifacts.”

“I have a lot of money, so I have it.”

“Usually they ask me how I got so much money.”

“Should I ask?”

"actually… .”

second amount!

There was the sound of something flying through the wind. It was a magic arrow.


blocked by the shield.

What Jiyeon was wearing was the JW Workshop's automatic defense artifact.

‘That’s… .'

You can tell by looking at the logo.

Jiyeon quickly fired her magic bullet.


This time the opponent was different.

She cut the flying magic bullets with her sword.

“Heh, looking at the reaction speed, it’s not magic, it’s an artifact.”

Any battle mage would defend it.

It was an unstoppable attack, but I blocked it with plenty of time.

“Are you an executive?”

Tension grew on Jiyeon's face.

He thought he was a difficult enemy to deal with with his expensive artifacts.

“Student wizards. If you follow me quietly, I have no intention of being harsh.”

Delay pulled Soon-won.

“Run away. I will take the time.”

“No, I have no intention of running away.”

“Now is not the time to be proud of yourself!”Seeing the two of them arguing, Cha Woo-ryeong, a Sahal school official, reached out and used magic with an absurd expression.

“I think you guys are misunderstanding something. Do you think one guy can run away just by taking the time?”


The floor was tied like mud and began to sink.

Because of the situation, Jiyeon decided not to hide herself but to show all of her skills.

“Ice Spear!”

Damn it!

Four ice spears were summoned and flew away in an instant, but they could not penetrate the shield of Chawoo-ryeong.

“I see that I spent a lot of money, but no matter how good the artifacts are, the artifacts are just artifacts.”

He was right.

If you can defeat all the wizards with artifacts, no one wants to learn magic the hard way.

No matter how good an artifact you wear, it will exceed the 5th circle of a mage.


‘It’s a different story if it’s a surprise attack.’

Soon-won used the magic without Ji-yeon's knowledge. The mana he let out began to gnaw at Chau-ryeong's shield.

“Why are the government bastards, including your academy bastards, so anxious that they can’t eat Mr. Kunlun? He is the one who will give us true rest. So be quiet... .”

“Fire Burst!”

Jiyeon did not give up because the attack was blocked by the shield.


Originally, the shield could not be broken, but soon-won had already put out a crack, so the shield was broken by the fire burst.


Cha Woo-ryeong rolled back.

That was it.

“Because these guys want to see you!”

He used bondage magic.

Ji-yeon fell into despair when he couldn't move even one of his fingertips. Expensive defense artifacts did nothing.

'Oh, no!'

He tried to speak out loud, but his mouth didn't move. What I feared more than death was being dragged to the Sahal Bridge.


Jiyeon and Soon-won fell asleep at Cha Woo-ryeong's magic. After confirming that the two were asleep, he took out a communication crystal to call his comrades.

“I’m Cha Woo-ryeong, and here… .”

He couldn't finish his words. It was because a cold blade was pressed against his neck.


The communication crystal is broken.

It didn't look like he was moving his hand or casting a spell, but it broke.

“Uh, how… .”

Cha Woo-ryeong looked at Soon-won with a surprised expression.

“Have you ever met Ambassador Kunlun? Where are you?”

“Do you want me to say that?”

“Because it’s virtual reality, you won’t die, but instead you can inflict hellish pain forever. You'd better say it right now."


Although it is a virtual reality world, the laws of physics are almost the same. Because of that, Soon-won put mana into Cha Woo-ryeong's body and hallucinated.

In the hallucination, Soon-won thrust a sword into his chest.


It's a fantasy, but it actually feels pain. This is because your brain thinks you are feeling pain and sends a signal to your body.

"I know that? You are in hallucinatory magic now. And in real life now, less than a second has passed.”

Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops!


He screamed like this, but his comrades didn't come running. Then he began to tremble with a frightened expression on his face.

“No, I will tell you. But I don't really know where Kunlun is, but anyone who knows where he is knows."

“Who is that?”

“Level 5 Executive Matthew.”

It was a name I had heard somewhere.

(Continued on next page)

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