an era of chaos.

The more chaotic the world is, the more scammers are infested. Mo Kim, a housewife living in Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do, received a phone call one day.

"Hello. This is Prosecutor Lee Ho Kim of the Seoul District Prosecutors' Office. Did you call because it was found that the Nonghyup bankbook was used as a cannon bankbook?”

"Yes? Is my bankbook a cannon bankbook?”

“Have you ever sold a bankbook?”

"no. No, I never did!”

“But there are records of it being used by criminal organizations. Kim Mi-na could also be punished.”

“I am not really. It’s embarrassing.”

“Then do not hang up the phone now to check it, and go straight to the bank.”

"Yes? Yes!"

From then on, as if possessed by something, he moved as the prosecutor ordered. He went to the bank ATM machine and deposited money.

“But the reason for depositing money… .”

“Mina Kim’s bankbooks are all identified by criminal organizations, so it is only a matter of time before they take the money. Once the money is transferred to the prosecutor's office, it must be protected. Oh, you know?”

"all right."

It's an obvious trick that young people who use the Internet often don't get hit. But Kim Mi-na was an old man in her 60s.

“Thanks to Prosecutor Ayu, I was able to protect the money I saved from the money for her son’s wedding.”

"Hello? Inspector?”

I tried to make a call again, but I got a message saying the call could not be answered.

When she asked her acquaintances about something strange, she was told that she might have been subjected to voice phishing, and she was told to go to the police station.

“Hey, they file a case, but I have to say they can’t catch this. These guys are based in the Philippines or Thailand... .”

Mina Kim sat down on her floor.

When I told her husband, she shouted that she had been scammed of her money that she had saved from working all her life.

and her son, who was about to get married, went out to the veranda and smoked a cigarette.

A few days later, Mina Kim committed suicide by hanging her by the neck in her home alone.

♦ ♦ *

JSW Future Strategy Office.

Soon-won received a report from Team Leader Kim Soo-young.

“There are now over 120 billion voice phishing scams. They're very bad guys. rich in basic income

“Chinese Korean-Chinese voice phishing continues to target Korean citizens.”

Police can't catch them.

Police from Thailand, the Philippines, or China did not have the will to investigate even if they asked for cooperation, and in some cases, they were even in vain.

In addition, criminal gangs moved from house to house every month to avoid being pursued.

“Did you find the location?”

“Yeah, quantum computers are a real thing. In the present era, all government agencies and large corporations are protected in 1 second.

NS. We also found in the blink of an eye that we could go around dozens of foreign countries with a VPN to avoid being tracked.”

“Where are you located?”

“This is Cebu, Philippines. There are 17 members of the organization, 4 Koreans and 13 Korean-Chinese.”

The next one is simple.

Soon-won moved directly to the Philippines with an ultra-long range teleport. He confirmed that they were all gathered while tracking the location in real time with a satellite map through AR glasses.


He broke the door and entered.

The first thing you see is the car garage. From Lamborghini to Porsche, he was enjoying a luxurious life with money he ate out of others.

"what!"Loud intruder warning sound.

When the siren sounded, men with rifles ran out.

“Kill it!”

broke the door and came in.

Even if they didn't talk, I could tell that they didn't come for good things.

rz xr rr ir rz rz i period"一I-一I—一I-一I"—"ki

Bullets were fired, but there was no crack in one of the dozens of shields.

Killing them was as simple as stepping on an ant.

Puff puff puff puff!

A light wave of the hand caused an explosion in the air, killing four members of the voice phishing gang.

There was no room for screaming.


“Hey, that guy!”

News about Soon-won in the Philippines

There were people who recognized him because he was featured on TV.

“Kill it!”

"stop! I can't kill him!"

There was a man running from behind with a knife.

Even if he was hit directly, he would receive a shock from hitting the rock, but that was not allowed either.

Soon-won grabbed the guy's wrist and broke it.



Puff puff puff puff!

The rest were slaughtered in an instant.

only one person

Only the man who recognized Soon-won was left behind.

“Hey! Please save my life... .”

“Are you Korean?”

"Yes? Yes Yes!"



“The basic income system has started again. Here's what I've received so far. 5 million won a month is 60 million won a year. Was that not enough?”

“… that is."

The man saw anger in Soon-won's eyes. He noticed that no matter what he said, he wouldn't survive.

“Are you going to kill me?”

“If you give me an honest answer, I will kill you without pain.”

“Kick Kick! great."

The man gave up his humble appearance and sat down on his seat. He took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it.

“Whoa, why did you do that? When other people ride Avantes, I want to ride a Benz, and when others ride Benz, I

Isn't it human psychology to want to ride a shrew? Should I live my life differently from others? Huh?"

“Aren’t you unaware of the pain that other people are going through because of that?”

“It’s okay if it’s not me!”

Soon-won's expression turned cold.

As the life came out, the man began to shake his body. It was like a rabbit in front of a tiger.

“Then, as promised, without pain… .”

"Appointment? When did I do that?”

“Wow, what do you mean? Just before… .”

“Promises are meant to be broken.”

Soon-won placed a hand on the man's head. He was terrified and struggled, but to no avail.

“Wow, what are you going to do!”

“Just 100 years. Live in pain for 100 years. If you sincerely reflect on it, it might end there.”

“What are you talking about… .”


When the man closed his eyes and opened it, it was a pure white space where he could not see anything around him.

“What, what?”

A man appeared there.

He was a man who looked just like him.

Chunkyung! Chunkyung!

A chain suddenly appeared and wrapped around the body, and the lock was locked.

When his limbs were immobilized, a man who looked just like him approached him with his cleaver.

“Hey, stop!”

Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops!


The knife was pulled out, but there was no blood.

He was ill, but he was terribly sick and did not die.

Soon-won looked down at the sleeping man. As he fell asleep leaning against the wall, he was mentally attacked by Soon-won.

1 hour in real time.

During that hour, he has to suffer 100 years in a virtual space. And after an hour of current time, his body was supposed to explode.

“If you reflect on the inside, let it explode before the time runs out.

But if he had that kind of conscience, he wouldn't have even started a crime in the first place."

Reflection through pain is not true reflection. The tears of penance seemed distant to him.


Soon-won disappeared by teleporting.

The man sat leaning against the wall, drooling and staring blankly into the air.

♦ ♦ *

High-ranking politicians were having a meeting at an upscale bar in Gangnam.

The faces of the gathered people seemed very serious.

“What the hell is this?”

“Isn’t it North Korea’s work? Cyber ​​troop hacking?"

“Does it make sense to take only the assets of pro-Japanese descendants?”

Then one of the politicians pointed to the TV.

“Look at that.”

At SW Company, under the order of President Jung Soon-won, a house was given to the Korean War veterans of 6.25.

There were rumors that they would build a self-driving car and pay a monthly pension of 30 million won.

"that! that! that!"

“Maybe that guy?”

The faces of politicians turned cold.

A person with a pity for who had robbed their property appeared.“That guy! It's clear what he did!"

“Let’s report it to the police!”

“Are you reporting to the police? What do you say? Assets passed down to you by your pro-Japanese ancestors, you put them in a Swiss bank, but they got hacked?”

“Isn’t it a country ruled by law?”

“He is a world hero. It is the wizard Jung Soon-won that even the president of the United States is skeptical and noticing. police? Prosecution? army? Who killed the living god?”

Members of Parliament bowed their heads.

Instead of revenge, I thought that I would be lucky if there was no more trouble.

♦ * ♦


A world where everyone is happy.

It is true that the happiness index rose in Korea, which was freed from eating and drinking, but the number of violent crimes also increased.

[The serial murder case has occurred again in Daegu.]

Thousands of police officers were mobilized to go undercover to catch the serial killer, check the CCT V, look at the car's black box, and investigate, but could not catch them.

He was filmed walking around with a mask on his hat, but this guy is on Mt. Daedeok.

He hid in the house and escaped CCTV.

“It seems that the criminal disguises himself as a hiker and enters Mt. Daedeok, then changes clothes in the mountain and descends on another hiking trail.”

The perpetrator was very cautious.

Because there are CCTVs and black boxes in the city, there was no choice but to take pictures of the escape route.

On the other hand, since there is no CCT V only on the hiking trails in Mt. Daedeok, they were bullied by going up the mountain, getting off the trail, changing clothes, and going down the other road.

“Because of the fine dust, many people wear masks, so hikers are not identified.”

China has significantly reduced the amount of fine dust reduction. In Korea, it is precisely because all factories in China were moved to the west to take notice of Soon-won.

But it wasn't perfect by itself. This is because there was a factory in Korea and there was not only fine dust but also yellow dust.

“We need to put in more manpower.”

There was an uproar in Daegu, but the culprit was never caught.

Soon-won learned about this through the news and told Team Leader Kim Soo-young.

“Replay the images stored in 500 million bee robots.”

It was an instant.

The culprit was an ordinary office worker in Dong-gu, Daegu.

This fact was notified to the police and the perpetrator was caught immediately.

[The serial killer who caused a stir in Daegu has been caught. While angry Daegu citizens are calling for the execution of criminals, the Republic of Korea is effectively abolitionist.

to… .]

That was against Soon-won's heart.

Soon-won pressured the political and financial circles to resume his execution.

[This is a special notice. The president could not condone the brutal behavior of this Daegu serial killer and ordered the death penalty. The Human Rights Commission and the UN have notified that the Republic of Korea will put economic pressure on the implementation of the Four Brothers Act again.]

It was fixed the next day.

The UN suddenly changed its position.

There was a lot of talk about why they changed, but everyone knew.

“Where does the money that the criminals favor until the death of the prisoners come from? Isn't that the people's tax? Are you going to pay all that money? Huh?"

The UN Secretary-General wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief as he dealt with the man sitting in front of him.

“Um, sorcerer Jung Soon-won is all right. Not like that.”

Executions were carried out in the Republic of Korea, where no executions have been carried out since December 30, 1997.

61 death row inmates disappeared in the dew of execution.

The four were re-examined with a quantum computer under Soon-won's special order and found not guilty.

(Continued on next page)

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