The Birth of the 9th Circle Wizard

Chapter 171 Confrontation (1)

“It has begun.”

The mist disappeared below the mountain as referee Nadelian waved his hand. There, giants and dragons were fighting wildly.

“What is that… .”

“Titans and dragons.”

Nadelian explained.

Titans and dragons are originally from Middle-earth.

filthy races.

Humans, dwarves, elves, and beasts were creatures created to maintain peace.

They lived a long time and threw away the fate that was given to them.

No longer caring for Middle-earth, they were all focused on expanding their power for their own safety.

“Because of this, the battle between the two races has been going on for over a thousand years. It's a fight that won't end until one side is gone."

Soon-won and Jihee can say what they want

It came out of Delian's mouth.

“You make the two races stop fighting. That is the duty of this floor.”

The task of this floor was not to catch and kill one dragon or one titan, but to destroy one race.

“How many titans and dragons are there?”

Jihee asked.

Nadelian lifted the map in the air without touching his hand.

“Nine titans and eleven dragons.”

It wasn't as much as I thought.

However, I did not think that the difficulty of the mission was lowered.

“Why do the two races fight for so long?”


“After fighting for such a long time, there must be a reason why it doesn’t end.”

At Soon-won's question, Nadelian patted his palm.

“Good question. That is because of the unique abilities of the Titans and Dragons.”

“A unique ability?”

“As you know, dragons are masters of magic. Conversely, the Titans are immune to magic.”

“Then the titans can catch and kill dragons, aren’t they?”

“It’s not as easy as it sounds. Because of their huge and heavy body, the Titans are slow and cannot fly. Dragons, on the other hand, can fly and can teleport with magic.”

It was said that the dragon could not make a valid attack against the titans, and the titans could not catch the dragon.

Jihee doesn't like this situation.

seemed to

“Is there any reason to get rid of one race?”

“If we were to talk about the world you live in, would you understand if I explained that the robots built to maintain peace no longer maintain peace, but instead destroy cities and keep supplying carbon dioxide while fighting amongst themselves? ?”

“The God who caused all this… .”

“God has the power to make everything, but he has no power to control it.”

Soon-won thought hard about how to solve this mission.

“Can I hear the details of how the titans and dragons fought, what happened, and how they died, if any?”

"Sure. I have plenty of time and enough to eat.”

At the top of the mountain was a hut.

Upon entering there, there were traces of Nadelian living alone for a long time.He has been there for three days without a break.

talked about what had happened.

Soon-won and Ji-hee listened to his story outside of their sleeping hours and came to a conclusion in the end.

“I must stand with the titans.”

"Eww "


Jihee had the same thoughts as Soon-won.

The titan boasted such a large size that the smallest was 10 meters tall.

Although she has the strength and size to be ignorant, she was constantly tormented by dragons for the sole reason that she could not use magic.

"Leader. All the fields were burned and disappeared.”

A titan ran into the cave and said, The dragons were using all sorts of tactics to cut off the food lines of the titans and dry them to death.

“My little lizards. If caught, it will rip off the branches.”

Captain Titan came out of the cave.

Then the de who was flying in the surrounding sky

The dragons retreated hastily.

Baltar, the strongest among the titans, was a person of interest to the dragons because he could easily throw a rock the size of a house.

The number of dead dragons was over two digits to the extent that Dragon Lord told him to step down unconditionally when the titan captain appeared.

“Write. those cowards I don't know when the last time I jumped on it."

The titans chase and the dragons run away.

Then, if you turn your back, the dragon will attack you. get rid of food to drink

He was using a trick to dry the blood.

“I can’t believe that I can survive for two years without drinking a sip of water anyway, but you’re doing that shit.”

It's simply annoying.

The dragons have already done everything they can to fight the titans.

There have been times when caves have been demolished, guiding them into traps, and even causing volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.

Each time the titan had to move his residence.

“Captain, some humans have come... .”

A titan standing on the perimeter brought Soon-won and Ji-hee.


Normal humans do not even come close to the dwelling place of the Titans. It was because he did not know when the dragon would come and what he would do.

“What’s going on?”

He looked at the two humans who had followed his men to the cave. He could sense the smell of thick mana from both humans.

“Are you a wizard? Aren't the dragon's servants not?"

It was natural for Baltar to be suspicious. Among the various techniques the dragon used against the titans, it was because there were times when humans were used.

“I will be honest.”

Soon-won did not try to deceive them with his cunning remarks. From the process of entering the tower to the events that happened to get here.

And he talked about everything up to this floor's mission.

“It’s hard to believe, but it doesn’t smell like lies.”

Soon-won nodded his head.

“But why did you choose to stand with us titans? Why didn't you choose to stand on the dragon's side?"

“The reason is simple. Because a titan can catch a dragon, but a dragon can't catch a titan."


“We are both wizards. If you go to the dragon's side, you're not even as magical as them, and not as smart as them. It won't do you any good if you go.”


But on the side of the titans, the dragon

There is a way to catch it.”

“What is it?”

“I will explain that at the gathering place.”

* * *

A huge island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean was home to dragons.

Thanks to their huge and heavy body, the Titans had an advantage in fighting dragons until now, but their only weakness was the sea.

I swim when I'm in the deep sea

Because they could not breathe and could not breathe, the Titans could not even get close to the sea.

That is why the dragon tribe decided to set their habitat as an island.

“Lord! It’s a big deal!”

“What’s going on?”

A young man ran to the old man who was looking at the sea with a bored expression and gave a report.

“Arza and her daughter have been kidnapped.”

“A kidnapping? Aren't the two enjoying themselves on the continent right now?"

“Yes, I just got out of the hatchling ring.

Arza, her mother, followed her saying that she was worried about her daughter playing alone... .”


“It must have been from the Titans.”

"no. What does that mean?”

The lifespan of a dragon is usually 10,000 years, but the dragons living in this world magically prolong their lifespan and do not die unless an accidental death occurs.

And the only accident and death was the Titans.

That said, dragons are titans.

I wasn't very afraid of

The reason is that it is large and strong, but when it comes close, it is enough to dodge it by teleporting it.

“After receiving the rescue request magic, when I went to the site, the surrounding area was full of dirt and footprints of the Titans.”

“No, I don’t understand.”

During their long years, dragons transform into different races to relieve their boredom and live their lives.

They change into humans and live for decades, then change into dwarves or elves and live again.

Living for ten years and experiencing a variety of experiences is what the dragons call play.

Because the transformation magic was perfect, there was no way for elves or humans who used magic to detect it, but even more so for the titans who did not know how to use magic at all.

“How did I even get caught this year… .”

“Let me guide you there.”

The two dragons were located on opposite sides of the planet and used ultra-long-range teleports casually.

“Huh… .”

When we arrived, there were traces of a fierce fight that was so intense that the surrounding mountains collapsed and the stream of the river changed.

“I don’t understand. There is no way the titans have learned magic.”

Even today, two dragons were sent to scout. There's no way you can't not notice any changes.

“I have to see with my own eyes what happened.”

Magically, I began to read the memories I had here in the past.

A human wizard first formed a magic circle

I was able to see all the scenes where I made a trap and the Titan appeared after hiding.

“Did a human intervene?”The problem was that the level of magic was enough to deceive the dragon.

In the meantime, I was directly managing the level of human wizards to prevent this from happening, but it was impossible.

“It didn’t fall from the sky, what… .”

When both dragons are subdued, the human wizard marks the floor.

there was

To a person who does not know magic, it looks like he is doing nothing, but Rod could see that he was leaving a message.

“Huh… .”

I quickly cut the past video and went to the place where the message left by the human was.

“What are you going to say… .”

This is an unreadable message unless you are at least an 8-circle wizard. Rod began to look closely at my dragon.


As Rod closed his eyes and fell deep in thought, the dragon that followed him panicked and called him.


“Yes, Lord.”

“Gather all dragons together.”

“May I ask why you are doing this?”

“It could be an end to a long war.”


Nine dragons gathered in the place where the Titans lived. Seeing the dragon filling the sky, the referee Nadelian put on a surprised expression.

“Soo-wan is good. You are already fighting a battle.”

I looked down at the bottom of the mountain with a look of anticipation. The titans did not step out of the cave.

“Hey, are you going to polymorph into a humanoid and enter directly without bombing magic from outside the mountain?”

I thought it was because of the two dragons held hostage.

“Hey, I want to see these two groups fighting in person.”

Nadelian is dangerous, but he decided to go down and see for himself. Because he couldn't miss the showdown of the century.

♦ ♦ *


When Nadelian approached the cave, a powerful earthquake occurred with a huge explosion inside.

The cave entrance is likely to collapse, but there is a magic trick to prevent it.

While the surrounding area was devastated, only the cave with the Titans survived.

'where… .'

hurriedly went inside.

A common facility large enough to accommodate both the titans and dragons appeared.

There, a geometric magic circle filled the ceiling, floor, and walls of the cave.


Nadelian looked inside with a surprised expression.

The bloody smell that filled the cave.

Most of them were dragon blood.

“How did this happen?”

Soon-won and Ji-hee stood with the titans looking exhausted.

The dragons were nowhere to be seen.

“Oh, are you here? The fight is over.”

“No, this easy? What happened?”

(Continued on next page)

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