The Best Small Farm

Chapter 399 Thanksgiving

Driving to the racecourse, Ben had been waiting at the entrance for a long time, and when he saw Li Han and his party coming over, he hurried forward to say hello. Relatively speaking, Georgina, Pete and the other two horse trainers are a bit indifferent. Except for the racecourse, they rarely care about external affairs. As for Li Han, the boss, they are neither respectful nor contemptuous. On the contrary, Li Han respects these people very much. Those who are capable do not need to rely on interpersonal relationships at all. Of course, the racecourse still has to deal with the outside world after all.

Relatively speaking, Ben is a good candidate if he is more flexible, but he does most of the outside work. Ben's horse training skills are not as good as the three of Pete's, but his communication skills are much better. Li Han introduced Anne's identity. Ben has met Jennifer and Lingna. Dudu and Baobao are even more familiar. Dudu and Baobao often come to the racecourse to ride horses. "Ms. Kroenke, this way please." Hearing that Annie liked horses, Ben led a group of people to a separate stable.

This is where horseshoes are repaired, and a brown and black Quarter shook his head when he saw Ben approaching. This guy didn't want to stay here. Dudu ran over, and the somewhat restless brown-black horse lowered its head and rubbed gently against Dudu.

The little guy put his arms around the horse's head, giggled, and scratched. The big guy actually grinned humanely and dodged, amusing Li Han and the others. "What a smart little pony." Anne Walton glanced at the mouth of the teeth. This brown and black tall horse is probably three or four years old.

There is no place to run at this meeting, the training ring is occupied today, Georgina, Pete, and two other horse trainers, Ben was supposed to train the pony in front of him, but the track was icy, too slippery, and almost fell. Ben led the little black ball named after Dudu, and accompanied Li Han and the others for a walk. Anne Walton did not expect to see Georgina, and Georgina was a little surprised. Holding Heitan's head, he led him out of the horse pen.

"Aunt Anne."

Georgina handed the black charcoal head to the horse farm worker who was recording beside her, and was going to have a conversation with Annie. This is not a good place, it's a bit cold outside. Coming to the lounge, Georgina poured two cups of coffee from the coffee pot and handed them to Anne and Jennifer.

As for Li Han and Ling Na, they had to make enough food and clothing by themselves. The lounge was colder than the small building, and Dudu and Baobao went to add firewood, and the fireplace burned more vigorously. "Ben. Is there enough firewood for the racecourse?"

The firewood for the fireplace was low, and Ben took a sip of hot coffee from the mug. "I didn't expect it to snow so much a few days ago, so I was less prepared." "Well, there are still some on the farm, and they will be pulled down later. It shouldn't be too cold. How is the situation in the stables?"

"Although the temperature in the stables is lower than usual, there is heating, so it's not a big problem."

The same power generation equipment used on horse farms and cattle farms. The power is enough for the racecourse, but the office and the rest room use firewood. "That's good, I don't know much about this. You are an expert, so please pay more attention."

"I will.


Ben chatted with Li Han, and Annie learned a little about the racecourse, and heard that there was a horse whisperer. Annie was a little curious. Horse Whisperers are not easy to hire. The Li Han Racecourse is not too big and it is newly opened. It is not bad to be able to invite an ordinary horse whisperer, but I did not expect that there is a famous horse whisperer, so it is really difficult to invite.

Georgina said with a smile, Li Han felt a little embarrassed because of the two horses. "Hehe, this is also Han's ability to buy two champion horses at a low price." The champion horses, Big Black and Little Red Date, Pete asserted that these two horses have the potential to become champions.

This made even Jennifer and Lingna a little curious. Champion horses are not easy to come by. Besides, there are four good-spirited Kuats, especially Anne Walton, who knows a lot about horses. Surprised, I didn’t expect that the horses produced by the small racecourse are good, and they can become racehorses after training. Even if they can only participate in some small competitions or amateur competitions, they can still be regarded as racehorses. With a reputation, the price is at least three yuan for ordinary horses. five times.

Li Han himself didn't even think about it, and he wondered in his heart that the spring water was fed too much. Why didn't Pete and Georgina mention this trouble before. "The racecourse is well maintained." Anne praised on the way back. Li Han smiled wryly in his heart. He didn't know it at all. Presumably, Pete felt that participating in some unknown small competitions, amateur races, was not worthy of the title of horse racing.

Jennifer paid attention to what Li Han said. "These horses are a bit of a waste as riding horses." "Riding horses?" Anne Walton felt inconceivable. Even if they almost participated in a small competition, it was still a racing horse. A small number of eliminations might be sold to some Horse lovers keep, or as a good stallion, riding horses that are completely low-level horses that cannot participate in competitions. "It was agreed earlier that at most twenty good horses will be left."

Li Han and Liu Ming said, go first with sixty to eighty horses. Annie nodded, twenty horses were selected, and the rest of the horses could only participate in some small competitions or amateur events. Although they were overqualified for riding, they were acceptable. Keep twenty quarters and pick the best and race, maybe the stallions are good.

Jennifer intends to buy a few horses. Both Kroenke and Anne Walton are fond of horses, especially Alice Walton, who is obsessed with seeing a good horse. "That's no problem. Let me talk to Pete about choosing a spiritual stallion and three good mares."

Li Han originally only wanted to keep two spiritual horses, and planned to breed them by himself. The next generation should have a high proportion of spiritual horses, but Liu Ming heard that he pestered Li Han for one. Otherwise, it doesn't matter if you give Jennifer two horses, even so, Jennifer feels quite satisfied. "This horse may take longer to train." The higher the spirituality, the longer the training time, which is to tap the potential.

For the other horses, Pete expects to finish training next spring, but for a few spiritual horses, at least summer. Back at the small farm, Dudu led Xiaohongzao over. Xiaohongzao doesn't have too many personalities, but he is full of spirituality, just with a childish temper.

Annie likes it very much, but Li Han has no intention of selling Xiaohongzao. Jennifer and Lingna are helpless. This is a champion horse, and whoever owns it will not plan to sell it. Jennifer thought about waiting for the little red dates, or the birth of a big black offspring to buy one.

Li Han agreed without hesitation, Xiaohongzao's age is not a problem, Dahei is still too young. Li Han thought that after a while, he would exchange a good horse from the space to match the red dates, so the offspring would not be bad. Send off Annie and Jennifer and go back to the small building.

"Doo, baby, don't make trouble."

The two little guys had a fight when they met, and it was probably about the ownership of a little raccoon. The big little raccoon was completely abandoned by the two villains, chasing the little raccoon, and both little guys wanted it.

Li Han captured both raccoons, the big one was handed to Dudu, and Dudu's little mouth was pouted on Lao Gao, reluctantly. "Dudu, you brought this back, are you responsible for knowing?" "Oh." Dudu lowered his head.

The little raccoon handed it to the baby and said the same. "Baby, from now on, the little guy will poop and feed you. If uncle finds out that you haven't done well, then uncle will throw the two little raccoons into the mountain and don't want them anymore."

Sure enough, the two villains nodded vigorously, hugging the little raccoon tightly. "Okay, you two put the little raccoon down first, and bring the little book here. Dad has something to tell you." Dudu and the baby went to get the schoolbag obediently, and took out the little book and pen.

The small animals in the house are about to rebel. Li Han wants to assign tasks to the two little guys. Lambs, alpacas, and donkeys are not difficult, as long as they are kept in captivity, big wild boars and big blacks are big troubles. Li Han must arrange a good place, the big black bear is too lazy to come out in the small house now.

The big wild boar mingled with a bunch of beef cattle to grab the feed. It was pitiful. Most of the money the big wild boar earned from pulling the cart was eaten in its belly. "No." As soon as he said to let go, Dudu was unwilling, and shook Li Han's arm around him.

"Okay, okay, let's say this first, there are so many small animals in the house, so don't make a fuss and ask for that again."

Li Han didn't want to let the two little guys pull animals without restraint. Li Han was most afraid of the animals that Dudu brought back to the mountain that day, that would be a big nightmare. The hygiene of small animals in Li Han's family is implemented to everyone, and Dudu and Baobao each take their own responsibilities.

Guangguang can't just think about playing, whoever's pet will take good care of it, the two villains have a full sheet of paper. "Okay, that's the end of today's meeting." Seeing his mother coming back, Li Han clapped his hands together and said. "This kid."

Zhang Xiuying patted her son angrily. "What are you talking about, there is still a meeting, Dudu, baby, let's go play." The two little guys pretended to be good-looking and glanced at Li Han. "Go and play, and write a plan tonight, the time is arranged, show it to me tomorrow."


The two villains looked like they had heavy responsibilities on their shoulders, nodded their little heads vigorously, and ran to the side with their small schoolbags in their arms. Instead of playing, they took out their small books to write and draw. .

Li Han walked over and took a look. What time did he wake up in the morning, what to feed, or take a bath, and where to put the animal clothes? Seeing that the two little guys are working hard, Li Han should reward them.

I came to the kitchen and took out the pumpkin. The pumpkin is sweet and delicious now. I plan to make a special pumpkin and make a pumpkin pie. Scrub the casserole, apply oil and add seasonings, stick a layer of bamboo insulation, translucent, oil and seasonings can come over, cut pumpkins upside down on the bamboo insulation, as long as it does not fall off.

Ignite the fire, cover the casserole, simmer in oil, steam some pumpkin skin here, make pumpkin pancakes later, the two little guys write and draw, and Li Han is busy making snacks here. The pumpkin casserole is cooked with pumpkin pancakes, which is full of fragrance and served on the table.

The two little guys twitched their noses, cheered and jumped off their chairs and ran to greet them. "I can't eat too much, I'll have dinner later." "Yeah." The two villains held the pumpkin pie in one hand, and stewed the pumpkin cubes with a fork in the other hand.

The sweetness is oily, the pumpkin meat is soaked in the seasoning, the taste is excellent, and the pumpkin skin has a little crunchy oily fragrance, which the two villains love very much. "Mom, Aunt Xu, you guys should try it too." "My boy, this pumpkin is very oily. It's pretty good for you, big sister." (To be continued...)

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