The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 752: Think too much

After leaving the Hughes Aircraft Factory, I found a café casually. It is very quiet and suitable for business talks.


   "I have something to do, Jessica?" Ronan looked at Jessica Chastain on the opposite side.


   The actress has a relatively rare brown-red long hair, and she looks like an academic, elegant and quiet.


   Jessica Chastain said directly: "I received an audition invitation last week for a new project directed by great director Martin Scorsese."


   Ronan understood: "You are talking about "The Infinite Walker", right?"


   "Yes." Jessica Chastain said generously: "The agent told me that you directly invited me to audition by name."


   She smiled brightly: "I want to say thank you specifically to you today."


   Ronan waved his hand: "It's just an audition. Whether you can pass it depends on your performance in the audition."


After Jessica Chastain graduated, although she did not work hard at the bottom of Hollywood, she was still at a relatively low level. She felt very deeply about Hollywood and said: "Mr. Anderson, you can give me such an opportunity to compete. , It’s very rare for me."


   Ronan casually said: "You are welcome, I have seen your shooting on the set, you are very capable."


   Jessica Chastain’s smile and gratitude are behind, but she is puzzled. She didn't make a few scenes on the set of "Iron Man". Those scenes are all shots of flight attendants gesturing. Can you really see the level of acting?


   Entering this circle, I have heard and seen many things with my own eyes. Jessica Chastain is not only happy to have such an audition opportunity, but also full of doubts.


  There are also many rumors about Ronan Anderson in Hollywood circles. The most widely spread is that he held Anne Hathaway and Scarlett Johansson in one hand, and had a lot of friendship with them...


   Jessica Chastain feels that she looks ordinary among Hollywood actresses.


   Is this red hair? She knew that some people had a soft spot for redheads.


   Finally, Jessica Chastain decided to test it out and asked, "Mr. Anderson, you gave me such a chance. Is there anything I need to do?"


Ronan, who is used to seeing all kinds of storms in Hollywood, immediately understood that Jessica Chastain was thinking too much, and said directly: "The role you audition for is a psychologist. Make more preparations so that you can pass the audition. ."


   "That's it?" Jessica Chastain was surprised.


   Ronan glanced at his watch: "I want to go back to the company, so let's stop here."


   Jessica Chastain hurriedly said, "Good... good."


   She rushed ahead of Ronan and paid.


   Ronan didn't argue with her either, probably so Jessica Chastain could feel a little more at ease.


   Out of the coffee shop, Ronan got in the car and told David to return directly to the Theory of Relativity Building.


   Of course, he is not so kind, and his mind is not so simple. Jessica Chastain passes the audition and will have a long appointment waiting for her.


   This one, the future can still bring a lot of money to Relativity Entertainment.


   When I went back, Ronan specifically called Will Smith, and then deliberately passed by on Hollywood Boulevard. Near Beverly Hills, he met Will Smith who was experiencing police life.


   The Los Angeles Police and Hollywood have always had a close relationship. The two sides have cooperated in numerous movies. The life experience of Will Smith has also received the full support of the Los Angeles Police.


   This is also conducive to the self-promotion of the Los Angeles police and the absorption of sponsorship funds.


   Will Smith has no power to enforce the law, and he is more often on the sidelines. Following Will Smith, there are a lot of media reporters.


   Ronan saw Will Smith's situation surrounded by the camera, and dispelled the thought of saying hello in the past, called Will Smith, and returned to the Theory of Relativity Building.


He first went to the floor where the post-production studio was located, and chatted with Jessica Felton for a while. Jessica Felton was looking after two aspects of work at the same time. "Fast and Furious 3" has started shooting. , The post-production of "Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End" has also reached the final stage.


This year, Relativity Entertainment’s top productions still start with the two series of "The Bourne Bourne" and "Pirates of the Caribbean", the "Bourne Bourne" trilogy is about to end, and "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: The Coffin of Souls" will also Will be released on time in the summer file.


In addition, this summer file, Embassy Pictures will also release a number of heavyweight movies, such as Shahai Entertainment Animation Studio’s first animated feature film "Despicable Me", DreamWorks Animation Studios latest masterpiece "Madagascar ", and the "Smiths".


   There is definite news that Jennifer Aniston has become a member of the green prairie, but staring at the paparazzi of the Brad Pitt couple, there is no real hammer such as photographs for the time being.


   There are no photos, no videos, and the attractiveness of editing alone is seriously insufficient.


  Professional paparazzi are very combative and very particular about professional ethics. They have to be photographed before they can be exposed.


   A shocking gossip is already in the making.


   Back to the office, George Clint called Ronan. Regarding the "Breaking Bad" project, Shahai Entertainment has negotiated with Vince Gilligan.


   Vince Gilligan is an old Hollywood qualification. Although the project was rejected by many production companies, it was impossible to get it at a low price.


  Of course, as a member of Hollywood, I won’t make wild offers.


   Shahai Entertainment bought out the project script and all subsequent related copyrights for US$2 million, and paid Vince Gilligan a US$500,000 project start-up bonus.


   According to the agreement, Vince Gilligan will serve as the screenwriter and producer of this TV drama project.


   Ronan didn't even watch the first episode, so he simply delegated the power to Vince Gilligan, who was solely responsible for "Breaking Bad".


   Besides, the investment in the first quarter was limited.


   The first season of "Breaking Bad" only has seven episodes planned. The total production budget is only 7 million U.S. dollars, including the cost of the project's copyright purchase.


   For today's Shahai Entertainment, this is just a small investment project.


   However, Ronan had great expectations for this project, so he took the time to meet Vince Gilligan.


   "I am very optimistic about your script." Ronan said bluntly: "That's why Shahai Entertainment started this drama project."


   Vince Gilligan said: "It is my honor to cooperate with Shahai Entertainment."


   Ronan said directly: "The project will soon begin preparations. I want to hear how you think about the production of this project."


Vince Gilligan knows Ronan’s weight very well. After a short period of thought, he organized the language and said: “In the beginning, I wrote this script based on the Oedipus myth. Walt is also a tragic figure. Bearing the tragedy of fate, unable to escape, so with Walter's middle-aged crisis-like character setting, he must face the double pressure of family and career."


   Ronan slowly nodded. The mid-life crisis can be said to be one of the most common themes in Hollywood movies and television, and it is also a widely accepted theme.


Vince Gilligan continued: "The turning point in Walt's life occurred when he learned that he was suffering from cancer shortly after his death. In order to allow his wife and children to have a prosperous life after his death, he decided to use himself He’s chemistry knowledge to manufacture and sell methamphetamine, starting a crazy journey that is gradually out of control."


He glanced at Ronan and saw that Ronan had no intention of interjecting, and then said: "Fighting for the family can be a very reasonable cover in the play, allowing the audience to accept the behavior of the male protagonist, even if they realize it is a cover. , But a father who worked hard for the future of his family, and a weak person who strayed into the drug trafficking industry, can also allow the audience to convince themselves."


   Ronan couldn't help but patted his palm lightly, and said, "Vince, you are very comprehensive."


   Frankly speaking, Ronan didn’t think about these things in depth when he read the script before, but Vince Gilligan’s setting was partly due to audience acceptance.


  The series is filmed and produced, after all, it is to be seen by the audience. As the male protagonist, such a drug lord who is increasingly cruel and cruel in the later stage, there must always be reasons for the audience to follow him.


   Vince Gilligan gave the most suitable one, and one of the most recognized in America-family!


   How many movies and TV series in Hollywood are reported under the guise of family nonsense, it is estimated that there is no statistics.


As a veteran of the industry, Vince Gilligan can see Ronan seems to approve of his rhetoric and philosophy, and he secretly breathes a sigh of relief, saying: "In the production of the series, I intend to use very Calm narrative style, because of the subject matter and the black profession that Walt is engaged in, try to minimize sensationalism or overly exaggerate the atmosphere, because the subject matter can make people feel that it is full of murderous and anxious plot tension."


   Ronan nodded slowly, and said, "You have a comprehensive consideration."


Inspired by Vince Gilligan, he added: "The tension of the plot is not achieved by external means such as language and character expressions, but permeates the plot and permeates the humanity throughout the work. In the portrayal."


   "The topic should be in-depth and moderate." Ronan reminded: "First of all, this is a TV series, and it must be entertaining."


   Vince Gilligan is not a newcomer to Hollywood, let alone any inexplicable thoughts, and quickly said, "Mr. Anderson can rest assured."


   The exchange between Ronan and Vince Gilligan lasted for nearly an hour. Ronan was basically satisfied with this veteran Hollywood practitioner.


   With Vince Gilligan as the screenwriter and producer controlling the direction of the project, Ronan is also more relieved.


   In the American drama production industry, screenwriters generally have a higher status than directors. Most of the producers are actually screenwriters, or even directly by screenwriters, and the status of directors is relatively low.


   When it comes to the film industry, the situation is reversed, and the screenwriter cannot compare with the director.



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