The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 1115: The Croods

   For these two projects, Ronan gave the green light and got the copyright as quickly as possible.

   Reid-Carolin has already cooperated, so it is not difficult to talk about it.

   The author of "Argo" is not well-known, and no work has been adapted into a movie in the past. Faced with a copyright bid of $2 million from Relativity Entertainment, he surrendered in just two days.

   Compared with the former, Ronan pays more attention to the latter. After taking the copyright of the adaptation of "Argo", he specially called the screenwriter responsible for the adaptation to give some suggestions.

  Because this film is to be successful, it must be tricky, especially the theme and content adhere to the so-called "American political correctness" position.

   Needless to say, the complicated relationship between the United States and Iran is clear to anyone who has understood the international situation.

  As a Hollywood film company, and the film market is mainly in the West, it is conceivable that the position occupied when adapting the script.

   The film will describe the incident from a seemingly relatively neutral standpoint, and will turn the Iranians into Hollywood fans.

   The previous film, the scene of escaping from the airport, fully exposed the "true face" of the Iranian soldiers...

   Ronan knows very well that in order to make a profit, this film must be run during the awards season and Oscars. Political correctness is an option that cannot be ignored.

   Therefore, the Hollywood standard political thriller genre structure is very suitable for the adaptation of this project.

   The intense and exciting last-minute rescue mode, the morally distinct American theme of good and evil, also does subtraction in the choice of events, making the story as simple and direct as possible.

Coupled with the necessary background paving and the implantation of real news materials, the theme of the film becomes thicker. Elements such as the CIA and the Hollywood film industry and political issues occupying the moral commanding heights can add some topicality and Visibility.

   As for what the Iranians would think, it is not within the scope of the adaptation.

  From another perspective, this is a typical American pretentious personal heroism movie.

   reflects the true history? Don't be kidding, let alone Hollywood, look at the film adaptations of real events in the world, which one is not a small part of it is still reliable, and most of them are made up by nonsense?

   This project is included in the future plan of Shahai Entertainment, and preparations will not begin until next year at the earliest.

   There is no award-winning project for Relativity Entertainment this year. The main feature of the awards season next year is "The Fantasy Drifting of the Youth Pie" being filmed by Ang Lee.

   After a short absence from the awards season, Relativity Entertainment will soon come back.

   At the Oscars, Relativity Entertainment has achieved four consecutive best film titles. It may not be impossible for five consecutive titles, but the odds are low, and the price paid may increase infinitely.

Relativity Entertainment’s main energy this year has all been placed on commercial films. Up to now, the top three positions in the North American box office charts have all been occupied by Relativity Entertainment’s films, namely "Avatar" and "Alice in Wonderland." And "Iron Man 2."

  Behind, Relativity Entertainment and Shahai Entertainment’s animated feature film "Crazy Primitives" and live-action movies "The Hunger Games", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Captain America" ​​were released.

   Among the top ten in the North American box office list this year, Relativity Entertainment can get at least six or seven places.

   The power of Relativity Entertainment in movies has entered a period of eruption after years of operation and copyright accumulation.

   On the first Monday of November, Embassy Pictures released this year’s third animated feature film, "Crazy Primitives" produced by Shahai Entertainment Animation Studio.

  As an animated feature film released in the same year as "Avatar", and there are no particularly intense or shaking shots, many clips of "Crazy Primitives" are produced in 3D format.

   The rest was also converted into 3D format in post-production.

   In short, this is an animated movie with some amazing 3D pictures.

   Because of the use of 3D technology, "Crazy Primitives" also created a single film investment record for Shahai Entertainment Animation Studio, with a production cost of up to 90 million US dollars.

   In terms of character design, Shahai Entertainment Animation Studio accurately grasped the trend of society, placed female characters in a more important position, and broke the dominance of the family patrilineal line.

   is unique especially in the image design of the characters.

   The character design in the film is very interesting, which is neither different from the exaggerated appearance of general cartoons, nor is it completely realistic.

   Those prehistoric cavemen were made very strong and looked like a wall.

  Moreover, female styling—such as the heroine Aipu, who has strong thighs and sturdy calves—is very different from the way in many cartoons that specifically refine the legs of female characters.

The animal characters in    have the huge successful experience of the minions. Shahai Entertainment Animation Studio mainly highlights the animal characters-cute!

   Those weird animal characters should be different from real animals, but they should not be exaggerated to be too wild.

  The role of a cute person can become a hot spot for peripheral sales.

   This animated feature film can be said to be full of highlights. An American football hunting game that just opened is enough to arouse the interest of the audience and firmly press them on the theater.

   In addition, the values ​​of the film are naturally pleasing. Although very old-fashioned, they are the most pleasing type in the world.

   family! family! Still family!

   No one can deny the importance of home. The family is the foundation of human society and emotions. The familiar family relationship has been exaggerated with humor in the background of primitive times.

   The reaction of primitive people to new things is also an outstanding part of the film.

This is a movie suitable for the whole family to watch. Children can see themselves who are rebellious and hungry for new things. Parents will resonate with primitive people who don’t know how to communicate with children but love them deeply. Old people can Enjoy the warmth of the family from the film.

  In the real world, every family has hard-to-read scriptures, and the problems are all sorts of strange, but most people always love their families.

   Of course, as the work of Shahai Entertainment Animation Studio that has established its own style, the biggest feature of "Crazy Primitives" in terms of expression is still funny.

   The animation studio under Relativity Entertainment's style is very different.

   Pixar moves to the left and Shahai animation moves to the right.

This "Crazy Primitives" follows the usual animation style of Shahai Animation Studio. The characters are not beautiful or even ugly, but they are as cute as ever. The whole film is full of nonsense and funny. Unloading the burden of work and life, there is only one piece of relaxation left.

   As for depth, you don't have to think about it. For the so-called depth, it is better to watch European art films.

  The in-depth animation film represents "Robot Walli". From its release in June to the lower end of North America, the global box office and commercial revenue created the lowest point since Pixar Studios entered the new century.

   Yes, the movie is very classic, even a masterpiece in the animated feature film.

   But for the film company, this result is not ideal.

   More than 200 million U.S. dollars of funds have been smashed, and the income is not as good as that of Shahai Entertainment's investment of 60,000 to 70,000 U.S. dollars. As an investor, of course he will not be satisfied.

   Another point, there is no room or need to make a sequel to this conferred work.

   For the current Hollywood business operation model, this is a failure.

With the help of the 3D popular wave driven by "Avatar" and "Alice in Wonderland" in the market, Shahai Entertainment Animation Studio has also launched its signature through the "Little Yellow Man" series and "Kung Fu Panda", and this is also the first time this year. A true -3D animated feature film, "Crazy Primitives" has received enthusiastic response after its release, and the audience's reputation has also been excellent.

   On the first weekend in North America, "Crazy Primitives" won $62.21 million in 4230 theaters, making a good start for Relativity Entertainment in the holiday season.

Animated feature films have always been operating in the long-term, and most of them tend to be relatively stable. Although the next weekend after the release, they faced DreamWorks Animation Studio’s "Madagascar 2", but ten days after the release, the North American box office still easily exceeded 100 million, reaching 11268 Ten thousand U.S. dollars.

The overall development of DreamWorks in the past two years has been relatively smooth, and it has also ushered in a box office hit in the field of animated films. With the good foundation laid by the first film, "Madagascar 2" has a big hit, with 63.1 million in the first weekend. Dollars are received.

   "Crazy Primitives" relied on a good audience reputation and strong publicity and distribution capabilities of Relativity Entertainment, and it was easy for the North American box office to exceed 200 million US dollars in the end.

Due to the relatively low project investment of Shahai Entertainment Animation Studio, the total cost of " Crazy Primitive" is only 150 million US dollars even if the publicity and distribution costs are included. The global box office is enough to achieve high profits. .

  Moreover, many character images in the film are also conducive to the sales of peripheral products.

   In this world, the peripheral products of animated feature films are becoming more and more cute and attractive.

   The former item is even more important than the latter.

As Thanksgiving Day is approaching, more commercial films begin to be released together, and theaters will become crowded again. Some of the films are too long and gradually lack the audience’s interest, so they have to go down the stage to free up enough screenings for new films. space.

   After half a year of screening of "Avatar", the audience gradually decreased, and few people bought tickets to enter the theater.

  Actually, since two months ago, the ordinary 2D version of "Avatar" has been uninterested, and it has been offline in theaters across the United States. It is now shown in 3D and IMAX3D theaters.

   But in this fast food era, it is obviously impossible for "Avatar" to realize "Titanic" in North American theaters for nearly a year.

   Cinema companies are not allowed, they also want profits.

   "Avatar" was completely offline from North American theaters and ended the screening trip with a record of $788.56 million.

   In the international market, similar to the "Titanic" ten years ago, the overseas box office is nearly three times that of North America, and the global box office is currently as high as US$2.756 billion.

   The overseas journey of this film is far from over. Some overseas markets have just joined the ranks of screenings. The global box office will eventually exceed 2.8 billion US dollars.



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