The Best Director

Chapter 421 Nominated King

"The nominees for Best Original Score are: Alexander Desplat, "Cyrena"; James Newton Howard, "King Kong"; Jenn Kezmelik \u0026 Hans Zimmer, "Firefly" "; Gustavo Santalara, "Brokeback Mountain"; John Williams, "Memoirs of a Geisha."

"YEAH——" Dakota Johnson on the TV couldn't finish his words. The fans in front of the TV cheered for joy. "Firefly" has easily received the next two nominations! If Best Original Song is a bit of a surprise, then the soundtrack is a no-brainer. Who dares not to give it this nomination? There is definitely something wrong with his ears! The combination of Kezmelik and Zimmer is simply perfect. The original soundtrack CD of "Fireflies" is recognized by audiophiles as a heavenly CD. Listening to Zimmer's surging and majestic voice and Kezmelik's gentleness, lightness, leisurely tranquility, it is really a great enjoyment of life!

The two scoring masters both commented on themselves that "this is the best feeling in my scoring career." Miraculous Yang fully unleashed their talent potential and merged together to bring a musical shock. This is Kezmelik’s fourth Golden Globe Award for Best Score nomination, three of which were directed by Wang Yang; and Zimmer’s seventh. Regardless of the Golden Globe or Olska, the media and the public believe that the two have no rivals. .

Hans Zimmer, who was watching the live broadcast, also laughed happily. Almost immediately he received a congratulatory text message from Wang Yang: "Congratulations! Hans, I love your music!" He smiled and said "Thank you", although there was no second message. Although he was competing for awards, he did not leave the sofa. The journey of "Fireflies" was not over yet, and it would soon be Yang's time.

"The nominees for Best Supporting Actress are: Scarlett Johansson, "Match Point"; ... Rachel Weisz, "The Everlasting Gardener"; Michelle Williams, "Brokeback Mountain."

"The nominees for Best Supporting Actor are: George Clooney, "Crimson"; Will Riel, "The Producers"; Paul Giamatti, "The Man with the Fist"; Bob Hosking Si, "Mrs. Henderson's Gift," and..."

Dakota Johnson's paused voice made the audience feel nervous, and the fans all had a thought: "Blue Gloves!" The elegant, crazy and paranoid Blue Gloves...contributed a miraculous performance, Dakota Tower smiled and said: "Heath Ledger, "Firefly."" A photo of Ledger smiling was displayed on the big screen at the scene.

"Oh hoo——", "BANG!" Excited shouts rang out in the spacious living room. Ke Ke blinked her big eyes and suddenly couldn't suck food. Wang Yang and Jessica laughed and clicked on the fabric sofa. Palm, "Firefly" has three nominations, and "Firefly" has six nominations! Keke, who had lost her pacifier, continued to suck her mouth and was about to cry, "Zhuzhu, wait a minute!" Wang Yang noticed it first, picked up the bottle with most of it left, and winked at his wife: "Hot girl, isn't it? Will I be the one to feed you?" Jessica rolled her eyes and handed Ke Ke to him gently: "Be careful!"

"Haha! That's great." At the same time, the Ledger family was happier than anyone else. Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams looked at each other, both smiling. Malti heard the laughter. Tatsuya showed a baby smile, and they were nominated for Best Supporting Actor and Actor together! There is also great hope for the next Best Actor.

Michelle hugged her daughter tightly and said with emotion: "We should really thank Yang!" Ledger nodded and said: "Yes, I always say that." He picked up his phone and texted, Come on, Yang!

The great situation makes Flame fans excited! Thinking of the situation a year or two ago, Claire couldn't help laughing. Did Brad Pitt regret it when he rejected the blue gloves? Those media outlets that said Ledger "made a stupid decision" will rush to report this good news and more good news today.

Then Dakota Johnson announced the nominations for the best foreign language film. Two Chinese films "Husband" and "The Promise" were shortlisted, in addition to "Merry Christmas" (China); "Heaven Now" (Palestine); "Gangster" Thug" (South Africa). She looked at the list in her hand and continued to read with a smile: "The following are the nominations for Best Screenplay, Woody Allen's "Match Point"; George Clooney \u0026 Grant Haslov's "Good Night, and Good Luck"; Tony Kushner \u0026 Eric Ross "Munich Massacre"..."

"Oh my God." Jessica stood up with her mouth wide open, Yang, Yang, Yang, Yang...! Natalie, Rachel and others were silently chanting excitedly, and all Yang fans held their breath, just waiting for the moment of cheers!

The script of "Fireflies" has been praised again and again by film critics. Although it does not seem to have thought-provoking lines, some simple daily expressions are used just right, which is shocking and unforgettable. At the same time, each character has a distinct personality and his own humor. ; The stories are interlocking, the rhythm is masterfully mastered, and the background setting of the future world has created a new trend. In the media's prediction list, "Firefly" is not certain to beat the Academy Screenplay to win the award, but it is a sure thing to win the nomination!

"Larry McMurtry \u0026 Diana Osana's "Brokeback Mountain", and so on." Dakota paused, then laughed a little louder: "Young Wang \u0026 Joss Whedon, "firefly"!"

"YEAH——" Young fans are excited again. It is amazing that Young has received his third personal nomination this year and his second nomination for Best Screenplay! "She is a fan of Magic Yang, she likes Magic Yang! Absolutely!" Evelin pointed to the TV screen very happily, her tone full of affirmation, no one can escape her "Military Yang fan radar"! The question is, how many people are there? Natalie laughed out loud, and Rachel, Nancy, Annie and others were also smiling. Joshua, who had just gotten up after oversleeping, said in surprise: "Wow! How many nominations are there? How many nominations are there? "

"Fourth nomination!" Jessica's screams suddenly broke out in the living room. She jumped up and down crazily, rushed to the LCD TV and yelled: "I'm going crazy, I'm going crazy. !! The fourth one! Yang, your third one!" She hugged the TV and kept kissing it, and then rushed over: "Hoho, mommy is going crazy!"

On the sofa, Wang Yang held his daughter with his left hand and used the bottle to feed her with his right hand. He looked at Keke's little mouth in his arms moving and moving. It was so cute! He was surrounded by a huge sense of satisfaction, and the joy of being nominated was easily outweighed. He looked up at Jessica and saw that she was really beating her chest like crazy. He immediately covered Keke's eyes quietly, otherwise he was afraid that she would choke when she saw it. He reminded again: "Be careful, don't put that Two milk bottles fell down and the pigs still want to eat them."

"What!?" Jessica stopped like a brake and shouted in shock: "What? You... pay attention to my mood." Wang Yang hurriedly admitted his mistake: "Oh! My mistake - dear, you know How I love those two big bottles! I'm very, very...OK, I shut up!"

The announcement of nominations continues, and another somewhat surprising thing happened next! Among the six nominees for Best Actor in a Musical/Comedy, in addition to Pierce Brosnan ("Matador"), Johnny Depp ("Charlie and the Chocolate Factory")...Joseph Gordon-Levitt is also on the list! With his unknown and wonderful performance in "500 Days of Summer", this 24-year-old man who was born as a child actor received his first Golden Globe nomination!

"Sure enough, I knew it! If we cooperate with Qi Miyang, he will transform!", "Awesome!", "Another reason to watch!"...

Joseph's fans are naturally excited and happy, and Yang's fans are even more so! This is the first nomination for "500 Days with Summer"! Miraculous Yang, Miraculous Yang! Many media reporters and film critics were surprised and lamented that the Yanghei people were powerless. Wang Yang was injured and went into battle + the romance film produced under the condition of fast operation also rushed out! Does he have any weaknesses? No. This film, which will only be released on the 23rd, is getting more and more anticipated! Are there any other nominations?

Channel, Dakota Johnson said with a smile: "The nominees for Best Actress in a Musical/Comedy are: Judi Dench, "Mrs. Henderson Presents"; Keira Knightley, "Pride and Comedy" "Prejudice"; Sarah Jessica Parker, "The Stones"; Natalie Portman, "500 Days of Summer"..." As she spoke, a voice appeared on the big screen. The woman with short hair, her expression is calm, "Reese Witherspoon's "Sing Along"."

"BANG! Haha -" Keke blinked when she heard those two dear voices shouting together again.

"***! Too ***..." Natalie grabbed the pillow next to her and smashed it on the sofa. There was only a muffled sound and the sound of the TV in the whole room. She suddenly shouted: "It's cool! !Are you kidding!? Yang and Natalie, they are the best partners -" She picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table and was about to call Wang Yang, but when she thought that his family was probably having a warm and happy time, she changed her mind. And press the button to type the text message: "Hey Jan, I'm so happy that I got the nomination..."

Before she finished typing and sending the text message, her phone suddenly rang, almost startling her!

"Hi, Natalie, congratulations." Natalie muttered something and got through. Wang Yang's voice rushed out: "Man! This is my place! My place! San Francisco, my place!! My daughter Zhuzhu said, big sister, we have three strikes in a row——!” Jessica’s crazy scream came again: “I’m going crazy! Natalie, my God——” My ears are going deaf! Natalie was almost dumbfounded. What were they doing? Isn't Piggy nearby? Why doesn't he cry? She thought for a while, then said in a rough voice: "Excuse me, Miyako Yang?"

"Oh, cough! I am, yes...I am Wang Yang." Wang Yang was stunned and kept the breastfeeding posture; Jessica was also stunned, she kept bending over the coffee table and yelled on her mobile phone posture, press too quickly or wrongly? Who is that? The hands-free mobile phone then came out: "Hi, congratulations! How are you doing?" Jessica quickly looked at the phone screen and burst out laughing: "Haha, thank you, you are so bad!" Na Na over there Tali also laughed: "Hahaha!" Wang Yang laughed a few times in front of his daughter: "Hahaha." You wait, you wait...

the third time! Natalie Portman and Wang Yang have collaborated three times. "Juno", "T-21-TEAM" and "500 Days of Summer" have all been nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Musical/Comedy! This is also her fifth Golden Globe nomination (2/5).

"You must watch Summer!" Fans were already excited. Magic Yang doesn't understand romance movies? Yanghei suffered a major blow! All they know is that they must watch this new movie! Media reporters began to think about the news headlines to come: "Genius combination shows off again", "Young and Natalie return to the Golden Globe Awards together"...

Today is destined to be a happy party for Fire Movies, which has another winner in the Best Actor in Drama category! Russell Crowe, "The Man with the Fist"; Philip Seymour Hoffman, "Capote"... Heath Ledger, "Brokeback Mountain"; David Strathairn, "Good Night, Good Night" transport"! Ledger was once again nominated for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor! Regardless of whether the media people who were previously optimistic or negative have been hurt, what can they do? Just think about the news headlines waiting for you: "Ledger + Wang = Explosion", "The era of Heath-Ledger is coming", "Young's new genius dad combination"...

Wang Yang finally made a happy congratulatory call to Heath Ledger, which was a reply to the text message just now; the following award for Best Actress in a Drama Series, Fire Movie, had no achievements, and the recent "New Poison" Charlize- Theron was nominated for "Northern Storm", and Wang Yang also sent her a congratulatory text message.

"The following is to be announced for Best Director. The six nominees are." On the TV screen, Dakota Johnson seemed to be even more energetic. She smiled and turned over the list of envelopes in her hand, and she couldn't wait to check it.

The most anticipated nominations for Best Director are underway! Jessica calmed down and sat down on the sofa, 100% finalist! The best movie this year, with a global box office of 1.8 billion... Her heart was still clenching. This situation is all over North America. Natalie and Rachel can't take their eyes away. Yang fans such as Evelyn and Claire have their hearts high. Joshua, Ledger and other family members, friends and colleagues who support Wang Yang, countless Both eyes were looking at their respective TV screens, and Wang Yang, who was holding Ke Ke, also looked up.

"George Clooney, "Good Night and Good Luck"" As Dakota was revealed, George Clooney's handsome, wrinkled face appeared in the upper left corner of the big screen, and "Peter Jackson, "King Kong"" appeared on the right The top corner showed Jackson's fat, bearded face, "Ann Lee, "Brokeback Mountain"", Ang Lee's smiling face appeared in the second row on the left; "Fernando Merrills, "The Immortal Gardener" "Brazilian director Merrills appeared on the right, and Dataco couldn't suppress his excitement and said loudly: "Young-Wang, "Firefly"!"

"Wow——", "Ahhh!!!", "Magic Yang——" The whole North America burst into cheers! At this time, viewers of all channels only saw Wang Yang's photo in the lower left corner. The organizer used a new photo from this year. He was grinning slightly, his eyes were bright, and he looked so young and heroic.

"Stephen Spielberg, "Munich Massacre." Spielberg's old face with a white beard appears in the lower right corner, wearing small round glasses and smiling, in sharp contrast to Wang Yang.

The 25-year-old Miracle Young received his third Golden Globe Award for Best Director nomination (1/3)! After only three years, he once again entered the Golden Globe Awards with a science fiction movie! It didn’t make the world wait for another 20 years, and it didn’t let Yang fans feel the slightest disappointment!

"Why is he so cool!? Piggy, you have a cool dad." Natalie murmured in admiration, not knowing what she was thinking; Rachel applauded happily for a while, shook her head and sighed: " It makes people crazy." Scarlett smiled and frowned, and said lightly: "I'm a little jealous of Jessica again." The moment she heard ung, Jessica fell into a state of madness, as if possessed by an evil spirit. As if she was unconscious, she danced and rushed around the living room: "Ahhhhhhhh, piggy, huh, huh, mommy has gone crazy!! Five nominations, best director! Haha - the best !!Awesome, ahhh..."

"We did it." Wang Yang lowered his head and kissed Keke on the cheek, and she revealed a baby smile. He immediately felt so happy that he almost melted! "Jesse!" Wang Yang excitedly asked her to come and watch. It was unbelievable that the guy just gave birth to a baby three days ago. Now she can go and get a trophy from the 100-meter race, right? There was a loud sound of "Peng", and Jessica suddenly hit the floor: "Oh oh -" Wang Yang exhaled blankly, well, this is her first time since June this year Fall down, make progress! She's not cut out for hurdles anyway.

However, in the following time, Yang fans found that they were so happy that they watched the award nominations announced one after another. They should be super excited again and again, but they felt a little numb. Who could stop it? Where is Miraculous Yang?

"The nominees for Best Picture, Musical/Comedy are: "Mrs. Henderson Presents," "Pride and Prejudice," "The Squid and the Whale," "Singing Along," and "500 Days of Summer!"

"The nominees for Best Picture, Drama: Firefly! Brokeback Mountain, The Everlasting Gardener, Good Night, and Good Luck, A History of Violence."

The moment the fresh poster of "500 Days with Summer" appeared on the TV screen, the numb fans still couldn't help shouting loudly. Evelin raised her hands in the air: "I knew it!!" Claire grabbed her hair. : "I can't wait to write a movie review!" Although I have always said that I can't underestimate Miyazaki, not many people really thought that "500 Days of Summer" would be so popular. Are you sure? Magic Young told everyone that he never played tricks.

If we look back a year or two ago, few people thought that Wang Yang would make a comeback in just three years, and that a science fiction movie would once again win the Golden Globe! Countless Yang fans in front of the TV, the creators and stars of "Firefly", friends... everyone went crazy with excitement!

Big win! "Firefly" received 6 nominations, "500 Days of Summer" received 3 nominations, and "Brokeback Mountain" led the 63rd Golden Globe Awards with 7 nominations. The media all knew that they were busy, but the big winner, Flame, said "Okay" The drama is yet to come.”

Following the TV awards, "The Big Bang Theory" was nominated for Best Musical/Comedy Series and Best Actor (Jim Parsons, Johnny Galecki); "Prison Break" was nominated for Best Drama Series. Best Actor (Wentworth Miller); "Desperate Housewives" is nominated for Best Musical/Comedy Series, Best Actress (Marcia Cross, Teri Hatcher, Flytty -Huffman, Eva Longoria).

In terms of film awards, in addition to Best Foreign Language Film, Flame Films won a total of 16 nominations (23.8%)! In terms of TV, Flame Home Entertainment has 9 (15.7%)!

Wang Yang received 6 nominations for Best Picture Drama, Best Picture Music/Comedy, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Song, and Best Music/Comedy Series, almost completing the film and television awards. But now, he is still the undoubted "nomination king".

What about office buildings? Brain busted? The media all know that they are really busy now.

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