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Murong night with two children to play until the sunset came down, the two children playing with the mud monkey in general, Yun Mu met and could not help but sigh.

Murong Night is simply too talented, and she has never been so dirty since she was young.

"Brother, is this your work of art?" Murong Yun pointed to two little mud monkeys and smiled at Murong Yunxiao.

Murong Night seemed to be in a good mood, and smiled blankly: "How is your brother's artistic talent?"

Murong Yun glanced at Murong Night: "I thought I was boasting about you? When did you become so faceless and skinless?"

Then he led two little mud monkeys to take a shower.

Murong Night looked at Murong Yun's hand and took a child upstairs. I couldn't help but feel very sad. It was really crazy to accompany the two little girls this afternoon, but I was also very touched. How did Murong Yunyi once be alone? Children with big ones?

Bringing children is really tiring, not only costly, but also a brain-consuming thing. Today's children are not good to bring, a ghost elf in general, fooling is not easy to fool.

The thoughts were raised so well by Murong Yun, so that Murong’s heart was even more moving.

When Murong Yunzhen led the children out again, Gong Yu, Murong Night and Murong Qingtian had three men waiting for them at the table. The butler was very intimate according to the taste of the family and chose to prepare. Local specialties.

Everyone's things are placed in a white porcelain plate, and the colors and flavors match the authenticity.

Two little hoes played crazy for an afternoon in the afternoon. They had already been hungry and had a chest back. At this moment, they saw the delicious food on the table. They ran over excitedly and squirmed the small body and climbed onto the chair.

Murong Yunxiao shook his head with a chuckle, followed him and sat down in the middle of the two little hoes. The two little gimmicks seem to have formed a tacit understanding. They are always sitting on the sides of Murong Yunyu from the left and right. Now they are also consciously emptying the middle position to Murong Yunyu.

Murong Yunxiao just sat down at the table, Murong Qingtian is ready to let everyone open the meal, Murong night's cell phone ringing.

Murong Qingtian slightly dissatisfied with a look at Murong Night, Murong night with a slightly apologetic look to Murong Qingtian said "sorry", he took the phone out of the restaurant.

When Murong Night came back again, his face was a little dim, and Murong Yun couldn’t help but ask: "Brother, how is the face ugly? Who is calling?"

Murong night looked at Murong Qingtian, and hesitated on his face. Murong Qingtian directly saw the expression of Murong Night, Shen Sheng said: "Let's say! It's all family, what can be avoided."

Murong Night was still a little hesitant, and Murong Qingtian was impatient with a cold face: "Say!"

Murong night hangs on the scorpion, a touch of opening: "Two uncles, two uncles are dead!"

Everyone is a glimpse, especially in the scorpion of Murong Qingtian, with an incredible sorrow and sadness.

Murong Yunxiao and Gong Yu turned their heads to look at Murong Qingtian. Murong Qingtian’s look was a bit complicated, but the hands on the table still sold him.

Murong Qingtian’s hands trembled slightly, but he was obviously able to feel his depression.

Murong Yunxiao walked to the side of Murong Qingtian, kneeling down and looking at him on the side of Murong Qingtian. The warm little hand covered some old hands of Murong Qingtian: "Dad..."

Murong Qingtian waved his hand and gestured to Murong Yunxiao not to persuade him, but Zhang mouth asked Murong Night: "What time?"

Murong’s night sound was slightly cold: “Yesterday.”

For Murong Haotian, his heart is also very complicated. On the feelings of Murong Yutian must be his second uncle, but on the reason that Murong Yutian has done too many things that he can't forgive, even touching his bottom line is not twice. He has given Murong Haotian many chances.

"Is it what you did?" Murong Qingtian's back directly leaned back on the back of the chair. He didn't look directly at Murong Night, but looked at the plate in front of him. He was afraid to hear the answer.

But what surprised him was that Murong said calmly: "No! He hid in the United States. Zhuang Yaru did not know where to get the news, secretly chased the past, and then found other women he raised in the United States, Zhuang Yaru because of this and He quarreled, and the two men moved their hands during the quarrel. Zhuang Yaru accidentally injured him and killed him with a knife."

When Murong Qingtian listened to Murong’s words, his heart settled down. The most feared thing was that Murong’s hands were contaminated with blood. He can allow him to kill and set fire, but at the time he could not accept his own killing. Now that it is not Murong Night, there seems to be some slight happiness in my heart.

But at the same time, it seems that he still holds a glimmer of hope and continues to ask Murong Night: "Is the message reliable? Can't make a mistake?"

Murong night shook his head: "I am sure. The news is from the fourth, and after that incident, I let the second and fourth to stare at him. First, I want to guard against him. Second, I also want to slap some of his evidence, so that he can no longer let him have the capital to move other thoughts that should not be there. But I did not expect that, I got such news."

"That is now Zhuang Yaru..."

"Zhuang Yaru seems to be irritated, now crazy, being locked up in a madhouse."

Murong Qingtian’s gaze, hesitantly looked at Murong Night.

Murong night looked at Murong Qingtian nodded slightly: "I don't believe that it would be such a coincidence that the fourth child has already checked."

Murong Yunxiao suddenly thought of her mother, some eagerly asked: "That, my mother now?"

"Oh my mother... She was softly banned by her second uncle. The last time you saw her situation, it was very bad. She suffered from severe depression. In fact, she has committed suicide several times, but the second uncle People saw that she was very tight and had no success. This time the second uncle died, other people were busy with his aftermath, and she ignored her. This morning she found that she had committed suicide by cutting her wrist."

Murong Yun took a cold breath and his face was slightly pale. Although Murong Yunxiao does not like her mother, because she abandoned her when she was so small, she would not care for Gu Yuqi, but the last time she saw her look, the mood was complicated, and now she suddenly heard her. Suicide, the mood will be a bit stagnation, she does not know Gu Yuxi know if this news?

Originally a good meal, now because of this unexpected phone call has become a bit dull, everyone has to go to rest after eating.

But it must be a holiday trip. On the second day, everyone went around in the housekeeper's arrangement. In such a special scenery in a foreign country, the haze seems to be temporarily blown away. For a few days of travel, the housekeeper arranged it very well, so that several people can play happily. I don’t know what the troubles are. It’s a pleasure, even some forget it.

Finally, the trip is over, everyone has to embark on the return journey. On the last night, the butler prepared a barbecue in the courtyard.

In addition to the Murong Yunxiao who can't drink alcohol, and the two children, the three men actually drunk a little drunk. Everyone drank too much, and the words became surprisingly numerous.

Gong Yu just took the cuddly of Murong Yun's spoiled in her arms. As for Murong Night and Murong Qingtian, the father and son actually called a brother-in-law.

Unconsciously, the night was already deep. The two little girls fell asleep together, and Murong Yunyu wanted to take the two people back to the room, but the palace was not willing to let go, the children were generally tempered. Murong Yunyu was helpless, and let the butler hold the two children back to the room to settle down. Continue to be the humanoid pillow of Gongyu here, listening to the opposite of Murong Night and Murong Qingtian to continue the Hulu of Tiannanhaibei.

Suddenly, Murong was immersed in the night. He looked at the sky with a trace of sadness. The voice said to the sky with a sigh of relief: "Mom, I really miss you, are you still okay? Sorry, I didn't promise to be with you when I was young." I have told you that I want to be a famous painter and paint the most beautiful paintings like you. But I didn't do it."

Later, Murong night buried his head in the palm of his hand. It seemed to be crying. It seemed to be sad alone. In short, he left a deep imprint on the heart of Murong Yunxiao.


Three months later.

At the door of the delivery room, Murong Yunxiao, Murong Yu, Gong Yu and Gu Chengkang were kept outside the door.

Gong Yu took Murong Yunxiao sitting in the chair, Murong Yunxiao was nervous and kept looking at the door of the delivery room. He held a hand of Gong Yu tightly with his hands and almost pinched his hand bone.

Murong, who was more nervous on the side, kept moving in front of Murong Yunxiao. He suddenly stopped in front of Murong Yunyu for the 99th time: "Xiao Xiao, you have more experience in having children, how long will it take to come out?"

Murong Yunyi is also nervous and terrible. If she knows the question asked by Murong, she will not be so nervous.

"Where I know, every woman has a different child, and I don't know if it is smooth or not!"

The opposite side keeps squatting, and Gu Chengkang, who is shaking his legs, does not know whether he is talking to himself or adding to Murong. He whispers: "Oh, my mother had caught up with her dystocia when she was born, and she almost died of bleeding. Isn't this a child who has inherited her mother?"

Although he was whispering himself, but the corridor was still quiet, this small voice was just heard by several people, but he did not look at everyone's horrified look at his eight pairs of eyes, he continued to say: "No, no, no, no inheritance of her mother, this will not be inherited." [Small you are not wrong, how can three people be eight pairs of eyes? Uh huh, because Murong 煦 wears glasses. 】

Just when everyone was about to worry, the door opened and a doctor came out: "Congratulations, happy son, mother and son safe."

Suddenly everyone cheered and cheered. At this moment, Murong Yunxiao suddenly held a vomit of Gong Yu’s arm, and everyone was surprised.

Two hours later. Gong Yu helped Murong Yunxiao to walk in the corridor of the hospital, if the little **** waited for the care of the Empress Dowager Cixi.

"You slow down, the doctor said, you have just been pregnant for eight weeks, the fetus is still unstable, you have to pay special attention." Gong Yu seems to be afraid of disturbing Murong Yunyu, whispering in her ear.

Murong Yun licked his mouth and said: "I said, Mr. Gong, this is the speed at which the snail crawls. How slow are you?"

Gong Yu smirked, it was like a stupid child, this is the 28th time he was so stupid smile.

Suddenly his smile was very heavy, and he said very seriously: "Oh, no! I am going to call my eldest brother, let him come back to me right away. You are pregnant now to have a baby, you can’t worry about the business, the Murong family is so big. He has thrown it at you so much that he can't do it.

When talking about Gongyu, he really had to pick up his mobile phone to call Murong Night, but Murong Yun took a hand and pulled his hand. He said with a serious face: "No, you can't call the big brother. He is hard to do." We all want to do what we want to do, we can't drag his hind legs. Not to mention being a travel painter is not only his wish, but also the mother's wish, we can't be so selfish."

"Self-private? Where are we selfish? It is obvious that he is now leaving his relatives in danger, disregarding himself, and saying that we are selfish?" Gong Yu was very dissatisfied.

Murong Yun suddenly suddenly looked pale and his eyes stunned: "I can't do it if I can't! If you dare to ask the brother to come back, I will go and kill the child immediately!"

Gong Yu heard the words immediately, and pulled his head, his face sighed: "I was wrong, Xiao Yan, you must not kill your son, I immediately opened the seventh brother to help you take care of the Murong family. ”

Murong Yunyu raised the fierce look and said in a light way: "Well, what should you do, Murong family, I can do it alone, don't underestimate your wife's ability!"

Gong Yu still feels a little unwilling, looking at Murong Yunyu with a look of resentment, just like a small wife who is angry, no matter what he said: "That, Xiao Yan, do you want to think about it?"

Murong Yun’s domineering waver, the Queen’s demeanor: “There is nothing to think about, this is the case! Don’t say more.”

Although Gong Yu was not completely convinced in his heart, he had to nod on the surface.

"Well, let's go, let's go see my son! I must wait anxiously at this moment! I blame you, tempering." Murong Yun said that he accelerated his pace. The mouth is still licking this palace.

Gong Yu’s heart was nervous, and he followed him, whispering: “Oh, grandma, you are slow, slow down...”

At the corner of the corridor, a black figure flicked away. Ten minutes later, it appeared on the parking and rushed into the car. But he didn't drive right away, but dialed a phone call: "Hey?"

"what's the situation?"

"Gu Yu is born, Murong night seems to have really left."

"Ah That's good!"

"However, there is still an unexpected news."

"Oh? What?"

"Murong Yun is pregnant."

"Pregnant? Hey, her life is really hard, then let her wait for the child to be born and then start. I don't want to go too sin and go to hell, let her continue to squat for the time being! If she doesn't know how to be good, then she will blame me for letting the little one accompany her..."


At the other end of the ward, everyone immersed in the double happiness, is surrounded by a petite little doll-like person, softly teasing.

"Come on, dry your son and give one to the godmother."

"Oh, how do you rank this generation, you are my cousin, but you told him to be a son?"

"Hah, what is the relationship with a title? At the beginning, I said goodbye, my child is her cognac and her son. Her child is my son and cognac. We said good first. What happened after you, I don’t care..."

Then Murong Yun, who had not finished talking, suddenly screamed: "Ah... this stinky boy is really your son, he actually **** at me, this urine also sighed..."

Later, it was the laughter of a house that slammed the roof.

[in the whole drama]

[Author's elf Xiaoyan's words: Dears, first of all, thank you for your company for so long. Although the book is over, there will be a lot of follow-ups, and Xiaoyan will continue to update every day until the book is completely finished. . As for the content outside the Fan, it will cover the development of many characters in the book, such as: Yi Yichen, Qi Ge, Lian Can... There will even be a lot of books in the preface, Yun Muzhen and Gong Yu in the story of Mu Xiaguo. It’s even more exciting, so stay tuned! 】

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