The Beautiful Swordsman Came with a Barbecue

Chapter 749 Kong: Give the old man a face

Kong took a deep breath, saw that he was directly ignored by the Zhanye detachment, and almost couldn't get up in one breath. Just when he didn't know how to deal with it, another small ship flew over the top of his head.

Before Kong had time to think about how to treat the small boat and the people it carried, a slash that was so sharp that even Kong felt his skin tingle suddenly flew towards the bottom of the small boat.

"Hawkeye?! Dare to attack the old man?!"

This sharp slash made Kong instantly recognize who the attacker was. However, he was also extremely puzzled. After all, as Hawkeye Mihawk, he shouldn't have done such a thing.

It's not that Kong thinks that Mihawk doesn't dare to attack him, but that Mihawk will never make a move in this way. According to common sense, Mihawk should land first and give his opponent enough time to prepare before making a move.

This is his style, and it can also be said that he has always pretended to be like this in the past, but today, before Kong even saw Mihawk's coffin boat clearly, he actually started to do it.

"Damn it! Do you think this old man is a piece of rubbish blocking the way?!"

After thinking about it, he felt that there was only one reason, that is, Mihawk didn't regard him as a powerful enemy at all, which made Kongji very angry. Although he was old, he was still able to eat!

In the nearly hundred-year-old body, a tyrannical and unparalleled strength suddenly burst out. The muscles that were already very strong swelled again at this time.

Above Kong's double fists, the thick domineering energy was also flowing and entangled rapidly, his hands instantly became extremely black, and those eyes, which still had power, were locked on the flying slash.


The moment the fists slammed, even before the slash was touched, the air was torn apart, and there was a crackling sound. The next moment, both fists slashed and collided, but there was a flash of light on Kong's resolute face. Stupid.

The resistance soldiers who watched this scene did not see the shocking scene as expected. The sharp slash disappeared in an instant, just like a strong wind tearing through the smoke.

'Is the young man Hawkeye too weak, or is it that the old man has become stronger after not making a move for so many years? '

Even Sora couldn't understand it. He never thought that Mihawk's slash would be so easily resolved by him. After all, people say that Mihawk is the world's number one with the same reputation as Skyler. Great swordsman.

And Skyler's slash. That was the extremely fierce slash that slashed Charlotte Lingling, Edward Newgate, and Kaido. Could it be that Mihawk didn't live up to his name?

But this is not right, after all, with Skyler's temper, being able to become friends with Mihawk proves that Mihawk has been recognized by Skyler in terms of character and strength.

In the final analysis, is it because his old body of Longzhong has sprouted new branches? All of a sudden, the empty body was full of pride, Whitebeard, the remnant of the old era, was abandoned by the new era, and Kaido was also cut off by the sword of the new era.

But he is empty, the former admiral of the navy, has crossed the era, and is still a hero standing at the top of the sea!

With a firm mind in his heart, he looked into the sky and was about to shout, but found that the small coffin boat had long since disappeared. He quickly scanned, only to find that Mihawk's coffin boat had followed Zhanye detachment's The direction flew away.

Seeing this scene, Kong Na's mood of talking about being a teenager was instantly broken, and he finally understood that Mihawk was not trying to attack him at all, but was just rowing.

The face that was still proud of the spring breeze in the last second turned gloomy and iron in an instant. Kong felt that he had never been so ashamed in his life as today, and he was played by the younger generation twice in a row!

Looking at the direction where the two ships, one big and one small, were flying, a trace of anger and anxiety flashed across Kong's gloomy face, because the direction these people were going was Pangu City!

Although Kong didn't issue a military order, he may have promised to go out. This time, if the coalition forces want to overthrow the world government and kill the five old stars, they must pass through him first, and he will stick to it until he falls before letting the coalition forces pass .

But no one expected that when the war had just begun, and it could not even be called an outbreak, the detachment led by Skyler suddenly passed him and went straight to Pangu City.

"Everyone! Give it to me."

Kong just wanted to issue an order to snipe down the warships and coffin boats in the air, but just as he opened his mouth, an anxious guard ran over and said in a panic:

"Commander Kong! It's not good! Rebels! The rebels are starting to climb the Red Earth Continent!"

The person who came also brought a broadcast panel, even though Kong was in a hurry to chase Skyler back, but his eyes still involuntarily fell on the screen of the broadcast.

With just one glance, Kong instantly forgot about going to chase Skyler back. In the broadcast screen at this time, huge phone bugs were wriggling quickly on the cliffs of the Red Earth Continent.

Although the broadcast panel is not big, the picture is very clear, and the people on the phone bug can be clearly seen in the sky, which is the team of the Navy and the Revolutionary Army.

The two also switched the screen, and another screen showed countless giant phone bugs climbing the Red Earth Continent. There was almost no difference between the two screens.

However, after carefully surveying the space of the battlefield before the battle, I instantly knew that this was a rebroadcast from the first half of the Great Channel, and the coalition forces launched an attack at the same time. This is the encirclement trend!

"Isn't this the technology of Germa 66?! How could it fall into the hands of the coalition forces?!"

Kong suddenly felt that things were not going well. Originally, the world government was out of weakness, with insufficient manpower, insufficient high-level combat power, and insufficient ammunition.

After all, the coalition forces consist of the navy and the revolutionary army, and the coalition forces composed of the Shichibukai, and they have received arms from Wano and technology from Vegapunk. It is already an impossible task to defeat such a coalition force.

Now, the coalition forces have suddenly moved out Germa's technology again. If it's just the phone bug battleship, it's okay, but what about clone soldiers? At that time, the coalition forces may even control the casualties to be extremely low, right?

But Kong is really worrying too much. After all, the Revolutionary Army obtained arms and technology from Germa 66, which was less than a month ago. The distribution of arms and phone bug warships is already very limited.

As for the clone soldiers, the training period is as long as five years, and they need a lot of supplies. At the beginning, Germa 66 didn't need large-scale breeding, and they needed to fight around to supply the breeding of clone soldiers.

The Revolutionary Army can't wait another five years, and internal conflicts will erupt any longer. In addition, the Revolutionary Army is not that rich to breed a large number of clone soldiers that can affect a huge war.

This technology was originally a gimmick for Germa 66 to sell war. What Germa 66 is really useful for is their arms and biotechnology.

Of course, most countries didn’t understand, so when they heard that Germa 66 had the ability to breed clone soldiers, they were all tempted. If there were no accidents, Germa 66 might start selling in a few years.

However, even if the coalition forces don't have Germa 66's clone soldiers, they only have phone bug battleships and ammunition, which is enough to affect this war.

The most important thing is to combine the ammunition of Germa 66 and the arms of Wano country. Now, there are no other large quantities of arms on the market. To put it bluntly, all the firepower is in the hands of the coalition forces.

In this way, even if the world government can withstand the first wave of attacks, without backup forces, supplies and ammunition cannot be replenished and guaranteed, so it can be said that it loses the qualification to fight a protracted war.

"Is it Totland?"


Sora asked in a low voice, the resistance army holding the broadcast panel didn't hear clearly, and Sora didn't repeat it, just shook his head, he wasn't old enough to think that this little soldier knew the answer.

His question was more like talking to himself, or he was dissatisfied with his pre-war preparations.

Some time ago, due to the disturbance of the Revolutionary Army, Germa escaped from the control of the CP to the New World and entered the Totland sea area, and has never been heard from since.

Kong has never regarded Germa as the strength of the coalition forces before. After all, Germa 66 is supposed to hate the coalition forces, or in other words, hate Skyler.

If it wasn't for Skyler's interference back then, perhaps Germa 66 would have already become the king of the North Sea. Germa has been a puppet of the world government for a long time, and the culprit is Skyler.

Because of this, Kong has always believed that Germa 66 will not choose to cooperate with the coalition forces, but now that he thinks about it, he is too arbitrary.

Totland has become a member of the coalition forces, and Germa 66 has entered the Totland waters, so what room for rejection is there, disagree? Do they need to agree? Will it be ready to use soon?

And looking back, the revolutionary army suddenly disturbed CP's attention at that time, which gave Germa 66 a chance to escape, which may be strange.

However, when this incident happened, Kong was still the commander-in-chief of the whole army who didn't want to take care of anything, so he didn't pay attention to it, and he didn't read the investigation report of CP at that time.

This kind of work mistake made Kong feel a little powerless. Although he knew in advance that he might not be able to deal with it, but he didn't do any work and just sat and watched all this happen. This is unforgivable for Kong.

Kong can make many excuses. For example, the CP at that time was controlled by Lu Qi, a "traitor". Even if he noticed it at the time, CP would not provide him with complete and accurate information.

Or make excuses from himself, for example, he is too old and has been away from the front line for too many years. After all, in fact, since the end of the Justice Crusade 20 years ago, he has gradually transferred his work to the Warring States.

And when he took up the position of commander-in-chief of the whole army in the world government, he has never had any real power, just being a mouthpiece.

But no matter what kind of excuse it is, it must solve the current problem and save the world government before it can be qualified to refute. Now he can only keep a dark face and quickly think about countermeasures.

As for Skyler. Now the coalition forces have given out three bottles of poison, two bottles of poison from the back and belly of the Red Earth Continent, and Skyler's cup of poison that reaches the heart.

With the current resistance strength of the world government, resisting one of the bottles is enough to make the resistance army in a hurry. Today's Kong can only choose one to resist.

At this time, the three-party offensive launched by the coalition forces can actually be divided into two directions. The large troops coming from the front and back are in one direction, and the Zhanye detachment led by Skyler is in another direction.

With Skyler's strength, and the sword-tip attributes of the Zhanye Detachment, after they arrived in Pangu City, their target was undoubtedly the representative of the highest power in the world-the Five Old Stars!

The large coalition force is aimed at winning at the grassroots level. It can be said that Skyler is going to beheaded, and the large force is here to participate in the war.

In an instant, Kong made up his mind decisively. Compared with the survival of the five old stars, war is more important. He looked at his adjutant and said:

"You inform the Knights of God to be careful of the enemies coming from the first half of the Great Channel. At the same time, you lead half of the people to support!"

"Old Marshal, but this side is the strength of the navy!"

The old adjutant said worriedly, but Kong nodded and said: "Because most of what I'm facing is the navy, I don't need too many troops.

On the contrary, most of the coalition forces that came from the first half of the Great Channel are revolutionary troops. They have no friendship with the old man, so in order to delay them, a large number of troops must be used.

Even if it is the Knights of God, plus half of the resistance force, the old man feels that it is not enough, so I can only say... try your best. "

Hearing this, the old adjutant had nothing to say, nodded and said, "What about Pangu City?"

"Huh! Let those old guys deal with it by themselves. The old man's ability is limited, and he has no skills to spare, so he can't go to support."

As Kong said, showing a look of helplessness, he also persuaded himself in his heart: 'If the representative of the highest power who has been in charge of the world government for so many years is really a waste, then it might be better to die! '

"Yes! Old Marshal!"

Hearing this, the adjutant nodded thoughtfully, knowing that his old officer was planning to play the favor card. Suo Ran, the favor card, could not make the coalition forces retreat, but it might be able to delay for some time.

Of course, if the team leader is the generals promoted by his old officer when he was the admiral of the navy, but if it is the new generation, then it will be troublesome.

But at this time, the adjutant had no other choice, so he had to respond quickly, ordered half of the personnel, and went to support. For a while, the crowded Hong Kong became a little loose.

On the cliff of the Red Earth Continent, Drago, who had switched from his Winter Grama to a phone bug battleship, also looked helpless.

If it wasn't for Schuyler's refusal to obey orders, they wouldn't need to rush to attack the red earth continent with an altitude of 10,000 meters, even if they rushed to attack, they wouldn't be able to achieve the effect of a surprise attack.

As the phone bug battleship climbed to the top of the Red Harbor, a hint of enlightenment appeared on Drago's helpless face.

He understood why the group of old guys in the Navy headquarters chose to give up the opportunity to participate in the war to show off to the young people. The co-authors guessed that the opponent they were going to face was Kong.

And Kong looked at Dorag on the phone bug battleship, and he was also a little surprised. He thought it would be that brat Garp, or the best leader of the Warring States, but he never expected that it would be Dorag.

It's just that the current world government, and the current him, are not qualified to choose opponents. Looking at Drago, Kong said:

"Don't look, the world government can't take out anyone else, your kid's opponent is only the old man!"

Looking at this old marshal, Dorag's mood is also extremely complicated. He has not experienced two changes in the navy like Skyler did. Kong was the only marshal he served in the navy.

Although he also chose to leave the Navy during the time of Kong's leadership, this does not mean that Dorag does not respect Kong.

In the darkest age of the navy, Sora led the navy to survive. Without Sora's persistence, there would be no such legendary navy as Sengoku, Zefa, Crane, and Karp.

There were no later three generals, Chi Huangqing, and even Skyler, who did not show enough strength at that time, was highly valued by Kong, and even made an exception for Skyler to put on the cloak of justice.

Half of the credit for the navy's great prosperity in the past two decades should be given to Marshal Kong who stood firm in the darkness before dawn.

Moreover, at this time and space is almost a posture of blocking the enemy. Standing in front of the coalition forces and forcibly ordering generals, Drago also guessed Kong's thoughts. For this marshal, Drago doesn't mind giving face.

He took a deep breath, and was about to open his mouth to negotiate with Kong, and when he satisfied Kong's desire to delay time, suddenly two figures sprang out and went straight to Kong.

"Luffy?! Ace?! Damn it, come back to me!"

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