The Beautiful Swordsman Came with a Barbecue

Chapter 743 The Possibility of Sabo's Survival

Outside the monitoring room, Nurkic was holding a few photos with a face full of disbelief. At the same time, he looked at Skyler in the monitoring room, hesitating not to step in.

Everyone knows that the silent Monkey D family is the most terrifying. How could Nurkic, who has been with Skyler for 22 years, not know that when Skyler said he was going to kill Kaido, he didn't So dignified.

Nurkic is not sure whether Skyler is so dignified because of Sabo's affairs, or because of Sabo's affairs, plus the "business" that Vegapunk and Skyler told alone.

But no matter which one it is, Nurkic knows that at this time, a little bit of an introduction that can cause emotional changes can become a fuse. Not everyone can stop the rage of the Monkey D family.

For example, the impulsiveness of Garp's grandparents and grandchildren discovered this morning, if it wasn't for the fact that Warring States and Zefa were both in the headquarters, and Garp and the others happened to bump into the Zhanye detachment when they went out to sea, then the consequences would be unimaginable.

Garp, Ace, and Luffy still have someone who can stop her. If their chief is impulsive, Nurkic can't think of anyone who can stop her when her chief is impulsive.

Nurkic's pacing outside the monitoring room pulled Skyler back from her contemplation. She looked out of the door and said calmly, "Come in, have you found out the matter?"

Hearing his official's call, Nurkic took a deep breath, then stepped in, handed a few photos in his hand to Skyler, and explained at the same time:

"According to the observation and capture reports of the surrounding navies, dozens of special beams of light descended from the sky to attack, and the Kingdom of Lulucia vanished without a trace in an instant.

The royal family, civilians, inbound merchants, and garrisoned navy on the island have all lost news. The navy has not arrived to check the situation of the Kingdom of Lulucia at present, fearing that there will be aftermath of the attack. "

Skyler didn't say a word, looking at the photo in his hand, the photo was very blurry, it looked as if the camera phone bug hadn't woken up, and it was taken forcibly.

In the first photo, nothing can be seen, only a beam of light can be vaguely seen, but the beam of light is not clear due to the obvious dragging traces.

The second photo is the scene of Lulucia Kingdom when Guangzhu was a child. This one is a little clearer, and it is obvious that a gap suddenly appeared in the sea.

However, perhaps it was because the sea water filled the gap, causing the surrounding sea area to become turbulent, so the person who took the photo could not maintain the stability of the phone bug when taking the photo.

The third photo is a fairly normal photo, a vast sea area, except for some rough waves, there is nothing special about it.

In fact, the three photos, together with the words Nurkic narrated, have been able to restore what the witnesses saw at that time. Suddenly, dozens of unknown beams of light fell from the sky, completely "destroying" the entire island.

This level of attack, even among countless legends in the past 800 years, there is only one weapon that can cause it, and that is Hades!

Skyler read the three photos without saying a word, then put the photos down on the table beside him, and said, "Notify the navy stationed on Judicial Island, and let them pay attention to whether Judicial Island has been restored to the Island of Eternal Sun."

After the words fell, Nurkic had already guessed what Skyler was thinking. In fact, he already had the same guess in his heart. Got some ideas.

The so-called ancient weapon Pluto, the secret of making Judiciary Island eternal day for eight hundred years, and other unimaginable phenomena, especially those involving technology.

It's not how smart scientists were in the past, and the environment thousands of years ago did not have the material basis for creating these technological creations. No matter how powerful scientists are, they can't create something out of nothing.

And as long as there is, there must be traces, but in the past 800 years, there is no real evidence to show that the level of technology a thousand years ago surpassed the present.

And combined with their previous conversations, these incredible technological products may not come from the past, but from the future.

In Nurkic's heart, he has already regarded the secrets of Pluto and Judiciary Island Yongri as the same technological product, and the prototype of this product is the large stealth device researched by his wife.

Any piece of equipment can completely wipe out a warship from outsiders' sight, and invisibility is just the most basic function of that equipment.

Even allowing that machine to hide the warship is simply an anti-aircraft gun to kill mosquitoes, and such a small function also includes visual deception within a certain defense.

According to Deborah, even at this stage, that machine can do but not limited to stealth, change its shape, and even do all kinds of visual deception, for example, turning a warship into multiple warships .

As long as it is within the coverage area, what Deborah wants people to see, the machine can satisfy, and it is not difficult to switch between day and night.

What makes the equipment researched by Deborah powerful is not the functions it can achieve, but the principle it uses. The magnetic boy said that as long as he makes a little modification, it can become a great weapon.

That kid with little education can do it, let alone Deborah? It's just that Deborah doesn't need it, and Skyler didn't ask for it. After all, Skyler just said that he wanted to be invisible.

And the destruction of the Lulucia Kingdom this time may not be destroyed, but transferred, perhaps not only in space, but also in time.

This kind of function cannot be achieved by the machine developed by Deborah at this stage, but...she has already put forward a conjecture that it is possible to realize this function, that is, the unification of multiple forces.

And once Deborah's conjecture is verified and applied to that device, the experience of Lulucia Kingdom or Danjian Island can also be reproduced.

What made Nurkic more sure of his conjecture was the quantity. He had first-hand heard the report from the navy of the kingdoms surrounding Lulucia, so he knew what they saw more clearly.

Those beams of light, according to the Navy's account, say that there are fifteen, seventeen, or fourteen, or eighteen beams of light, but the most answer is sixteen beams of light.

And Deborah produced a total of sixteen pieces of equipment. At the same time, there were sixteen matching muzzles, portholes, and forts on Hades' drawings, which were born for those sixteen pieces of equipment.

Thinking of this, Nurkic was about to raise his hand in salute and put down his hand, and stopped when he was about to answer Skyler's words. He said to Skyler:

"Sir, before I go to deliver your instructions, I want to confirm one more thing with Dr. Vegapunk."

Nurkic's extremely rare failure to execute quickly made Skyler a little puzzled, but she believed that Nurkic would not do anything, so she nodded.

Seeing this, Nurkic also looked at Vegapunk, who raised his head and was a little puzzled, and asked, "Dr. Vegapunk, if this beam of light is the medium for jumping time and space, then

What will happen to the Kingdom of Lulucia and the people on it that have been transferred to other time nodes? "

Hearing this question, Vegapunk said without hesitation: "If there is no other Lulucia Kingdom at the node of time and space, or if there is no other substance, then maybe it will be fine.

But if the Kingdom of Lulucia already exists, or other substances, the overlapping of space over there will cause a collapse.”

As he spoke, Vegapunk glanced at Skyler, then picked up two metal balls that were pendulum-moving, and said: "First of all, we must understand a concept that particles cannot overlap, only waves can overlap.

For example, this iron ball is composed of particles. In any case, these two iron balls cannot overlap. If Lulucia Kingdom is regarded as a whole, it is an iron ball.

And other substances on another time and space node can be regarded as another iron ball. When two iron balls are stacked, the collision will disappear if it is light, and the collapse of the entire space will be caused if it is heavy. "

Nurkic frowned and asked, "So, will the Kingdom of Lulucia be destroyed?"

Skyler's face also became more and more dignified. She guessed just now that the Lulucia Kingdom and Sabo who might have gone to another timeline may still have life, but Vegapunk seems to deny this. a little.

But Vegapunk didn't seem to know that his words caused the two people to feel almost desperate, so he said in a relaxed tone: "Not necessarily."

Skyler was about to draw her sword. If Vegapunk hadn't finished speaking, she would really be unable to suppress her temper and cut Vegapunk.

Vegapunk touched his apple cover, and then continued: "It is true that there is no possibility of survival in overlapping, but it is not necessary to overlap, and it can be replaced.

It is enough to replace the same amount of matter in another time and space node with the time and space node that lacks the same amount of matter, or, even if there is no replacement, there may be escape and tunneling. "

"But." Nurkic picked up the photo and said, "The place where the Kingdom of Lulucia disappeared did not appear another island of equal size."

Suddenly, Vegapunk looked at Nurkic in the same way that he looked at Skyler, disappointed, regretful and with a hint of indignation, then he sighed helplessly and said :

"Have you been married to Deborah for so many years, have you learned nothing except some specious nouns? Or is your little head only able to accommodate those few words?

Don't talk about space, just talk about how many physical forms exist in your body? Or is it that your little brain doesn't even know this? "

Nurkic blushed and kept slandering Vegapunk's double standard. When Skyler made a mistake or said some "stupid" words, Vegapunk just sighed and advised.

And when it was the other person's turn to make a mistake, for example, he, Vegapunk, almost pointed at his face and scolded him. I don't know why Vegapunk has such a high tolerance for Skyler?

Is it possible that Vegapunk can still be the biological father of his own official? Otherwise, why is he so tolerant and pampering towards his own officials? Not just verbally.

For so many years, Nurkic didn't know that there was another person who wanted from Vegapunk the obsolete technology that he hadn't "donated" out.

Only the head of the family, the official, simply regards Vegapunk's research base as his own home, and takes whatever he wants, and Vegapunk has never refused or complained.

However, Nurkic didn't slander for too long. He quickly realized the good news in Vegapunk's words, and he quickly said:

"So, there is still a possibility of the Lulucia Kingdom surviving?"

"Of course, if the Kingdom of Lulucia doesn't exist, then we don't exist either, and the collapse will completely annihilate us all."

Vegapunk said as a matter of course, of course, he could not say that the Kingdom of Lulucia and the people or other creatures living on it are still alive, after all, time and space are too mysterious, and he has not lifted the veil yet.

In theory, the Kingdom of Lulucia must still exist in other nodes. As for the current situation, it cannot be determined without observation, but there is still a possibility of survival.

Hearing Vegapunk's confirmation, both Skyler and Nurkic showed joy on their faces. As long as there is a possibility of being alive, then there is hope of rescuing them.

As for how to save? Haven't found a way yet, but hope is enough.

Skyler stood up and said, "You go to inform the navy, and I'll contact Dorag."

"Yes, sir!"

Nurkic responded positively, and then quickly left the monitoring room, while Skyler called Dorag. At first, Dorag thought it was Skyler who comforted him.

But then Skyler directly took Vegapunk to explain to Drago, and Drago regained his excitement. After all, he finally had a way to explain to others.

Although it is just a glimmer of hope, compared to despair, no matter how small the hope is, it is still hope. It is the motivation that can make people calm down and move forward. Any trace is precious.

Dorag needs this hope, the Revolutionary Army needs it, and Skyler needs it too. After all, she needs to be responsible for Sabo's accident.

Although Sabo didn't fool her to find Im, and Lu Qi didn't ask Skyler for his ideas, but after all, it was Skyler who made the two "cooperate".

Apart from Sabo, the two things that make Skyler feel guilty the most, the first is that he was unable to save Tiger back then. Between the lives of this murloc and those slaves, Skyler can only choose the latter, of course, So did Tiger.

But this matter still made Skyler very concerned. After all, what Tiger showed was an extremely primitive and simple concept of freedom. Such a person, with a little guidance, can become the backbone of the revolutionary army and rescue more people. people.

It's just that Skyler at that time didn't have this ability. At that time, she didn't dare to say words like "I want it all". With her influence at the time, if she wanted it all, she might lose it all.

The second thing is the "gift" that Xiong gave back then. Every time he grows in strength and vitality, Skyler owes Xiong more.

She herself was ignorant back then, and kept overdrawing the treasure-like vitality of her body, even to the point where her body's potential could no longer be fulfilled.

If there is no bear, then Skyler may also be able to reach the top level of the sea by virtue of years of tempering and continuous improvement of skills, but she will become the threshold of this level.

Or goalie.

In this way, she is still qualified to participate in the highest-level battles or wars, but her influence on the situation will be extremely limited, and she will become a character like Wuwu Kakashi.

But Xiong used his gift to make up for Skyler's lack of vitality, and the price was that he, a powerful man with great vitality, could only linger on his last breath.

And the transformed life trajectory that could have been changed has become the only path because of this gift.

This made Skyler unable to change the bear's step-by-step reduction into a mechanical body even if he tried to think of a way, and even now, he cannot survive in a normal way.

Perhaps the gift was Xiong's own wish, but Skyler was never an ungrateful person or a person who pretended to be obedient when she got a bargain. She always remembered the help Xiong had given her.

If Sabo's accident is irreversible this time, it will become the third thing that makes Skyler regret it. It was the same in the beginning, but now, Skyler sees the possibility of redemption.

After the phone call, Skyler stood up and said to Vegapunk, "Do you have any other "business" to explain to me?"

Vegapunk opened his mouth to think, and wanted to say that Skyler seemed to have some information he didn't know about the last topic, but seeing Skyler's appearance, he chose to keep his mouth shut, shook his head, and said:

"Not for the time being. If you have more free time in the future and I can live to that day, let's talk again."

"Okay, by the way, do you want to meet with Deborah? I may have to lead the team to leave. If you have other things to talk to her, I will agree with her to leave the team temporarily."

Skyler asked, whether Deborah will follow the detachment next is not important to Skyler, because Deborah is not a combatant, and she will not be required to go to the battlefield in the next war.

It's just that Deborah said that she is willing to follow the detachment, and if there is nothing else, she does not want to leave the team.

But Skyler also knows that, for Deborah, Vegapunk is like a father, and now Vegapunk doesn't seem to live long, and he has confirmed this himself.

Therefore, perhaps for Deborah, this is the last chance to meet her "father". No matter how unreasonable Skyler is, she will pay attention to it.

After hearing Skyler's suggestion, Vegapunk was silent for a while, but still shook his head and said, "Forget it, I don't want to lose face in front of the students, maybe I won't be able to take care of myself after a while.

It might be a pity to take care of me, but leave it to my other clone robots, but at least it won't let her down on me.

And, maybe because of this, she will remember me even more? "

Skyler nodded without further persuasion, turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly seemed to remember something, and said, "Don't carry on with Deborah's research, and destroy all the files.

After I go back, I will also ask Deborah to stop researching and destroy the data. "

"No problem, this is not my project, it's okay for me to stop, as long as you can convince Deborah."

Vegapunk nodded, but seeing that Skyler had been staring at him and had no intention of leaving, he understood that Skyler was planning to watch him destroy the data with his own eyes.

With a helpless sigh, Vegapunk picked up the phone bug and dialed out. Not long after, a robot with "punk04" drawn on its body and the word "Zhi" on it came with a stack of unknowns.

"This is Pythagoras, and one of Dr. Vegapunk."

Vegapunk explained to Skyler, Skyler just nodded perfunctorily, and didn't mean to say hello, Vegapunk also looked at Pythagoras and asked, "Have you brought all the materials?" ?”

"Yes, I've taken them all, including the share that Edison actually counted, and I've taken them too."

After Pythagoras finished speaking, he handed the information in his hand to Vegapunk, who took it with a smile, but his smile stiffened quickly, and he weighed the hand holding the document.

Seeing this scene, Skyler frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Vegapunk was a little hesitant, but he still chose to put the materials on the workbench aside, and said, "It seems to be a little less, I don't know if it's my illusion."

As he said that, he began to look through the stack of documents. As a person who is born to remember all knowledge, Vegapunk's memory is beyond doubt, which is also one of the important factors for his high achievement .

And when he finished reading, his face became a little ugly. Deborah didn't fax many materials, but for the convenience of research, Vegapunk also copied many copies.

Now one is missing! This is not allowed by Vegapunk, because what he can't tolerate the most is failure. He looked at Pythagoras and asked, "Have you brought all the originals and backups from the island?"

Being questioned by Vegapunk, Pythagoras' eyes flickered, like breathing lamps, and soon, he nodded with certainty, and said:

"I have checked all the monitoring data, and the activity track of these materials, all of which are here."


Vegapunk shook his head directly, Pythagoras saw this, the breathing light flickered again, and then said: "If there is really a loss, then the most likely thing is that it was lost from your hands.

I have gone through all the monitoring data I can. Except for you, who has the highest authority, I have cross-checked the movement trajectories of all human beings, machines or other creatures, and found no missing data. "

Hearing that Pythagoras actually wanted to be angry with him, Vegapunk blushed with anger. He just wanted to refute, but the moment he opened his mouth, he thought of something.

Immediately, Vegapunk said in a panic: "Could it be. It's caught in the materials sent to Richards' home, right?"

Thinking of this, Vegapunk's face was sweating, he actually made a mistake!

Marlin Fand, in the study room of Reed's home, Reed Richards, the boy who was "given" by Skyler and had the same name as that Mister Fantastic, found a piece of information between the pages of the book.

"Interesting. Is this my mother's research? She can't even complete it? Haha~ It's so interesting!"

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