The Beast’s Blood Boils

Vol 4 Chapter 682: Countdown to the final battle [8]

The wine is lily rum, the smoke is golden corn leaves, and the sugar is toffee latte. [m rapid update]

The voices of the people in the Beamon War Lab in the Chesang Continent were full of voices, and cups crisscrossed.

All military aircraft counsellors and tactical staff members put on brand-new military uniforms that were ironed early, and toasted with the chief of staff and General Pinto. I wish the Jiqiu festival, which is thousands of miles away, a great success. name.

Although the battle sequence is still affiliated to the Beamon Army, the battle laboratory is also a genuine staff unit under the name of the God of War Summer Palace. From formation, training to formation of the system, the capital chain, equipment and supplies required for the battle laboratory are all made up of Li Chamian took the initiative, and the military only allocated candidates.

In fact, the difference can be seen from the uniforms of all military aircraft counsellors and tactical staff in the combat laboratory. Staff officers of the Bimon regular army must wear armor and standard weapons, while the staff in the summer palace combat laboratory are not. Wearing a yellow woolen uniform and long riding boots, the golden fringe on the big cap and the golden plum blossom on the collar patch complement each other. The female staff in charge of document management is a large wave curly hair ironed with tongs and wearing a boat-shaped military cap. The nails are covered with narcissus codan, and the lips are painted red-their weapons do not have sharp swords or sharp knives, only magic sandboxes, quill pens, topographic maps and bone union treasure boxes.

If it were not for the purpose of monitoring the enemy's movements on the Dunau Wasteland, all the personnel of the combat laboratory should also go to the Avenue of Stars at Mount Hyjal today to press their palms, but the tension forces everyone to continue to stick to their posts and keep the supreme The glory is left to the brave warriors.

In recent times, the strings in the minds of these behind-the-scenes heroes have actually collapsed very tightly. Just smoking off cigars and cigarettes can be said to be a sack.

From October 26 to the present, it has been 16 days since the Mozu army arrived in the Dunau Wasteland.

In this nearly half a month. The demons have successively increased the invading army’s force to about 5 million; according to the real-time monitoring of the "Saruman Wizard's Eye", there have even been a large number of formed crystal organs that hate the samurai and some of them cannot be named. Of fresh troops!

Since October 28th, the movement of the Mozu army has never stopped. They marched out of the Florentine saline forest in three ways. The first group has about 400 alliances. To the east is Fort IF, and the soldiers point directly at the Duchy of Dolot. The second group has about six hundred coalitions, which are in a pincer-shaped two-way approach to the city of Feilengcui and Caiyu. On November 6, the vanguard of this group has entered the red alert area of ​​the two Bemun cities. It's not that they suddenly stopped, the war may have already started.

The Mozu’s Third Army has the largest strength and the most bizarre advancement.

An army of four million, like an overturned chess piece, crossed the southern wasteland with its teeth staggered and unregulated. It neither drove to the Southern Cross Forest in Per Province nor to the Smyrland of the Sunset Marsh. . Instead, a diagonal line was inserted horizontally, bypassing Feilengcui, and all rushed to gather along the Sanggan River downstream of the high **** of red soil.

Today is November 11. More than half of the Demon's Third Army has been drinking the Ma Sang River. From the high-altitude shooting and reconnaissance map, the Sang Gan River in the lower reaches of the Feilengcui has been dotted with mushrooms by a continuous sea of ​​military camp tents. In the jungle, when a bonfire is lit at night, it is almost comparable to the spectacular Hyper Galaxy.

No matter how much the military aides of the Bemun Kingdom racked their brains. It is also unable to penetrate the strategic intentions and focus of the offensive of the demon army.

The movement of the First Army is not difficult to figure out.

The 400,000 troops stationed on the wasteland outside Fort Ife have not been in a hurry to launch an offensive. It can be seen that they are advancing into the Duchy of Dolot just to involve the distribution of human forces. If they attack Fort Ife at this time, it is equivalent to human Stabbed in the back. It is tantamount to giving charcoal to the Sea Clan, and the Demon Clan obviously does not want such a result!

If the human army disintegrated in front of the Sea Clan prematurely, it would not be a good thing for the Demon Clan.

Qualified military staff can analyze the current subtle relationship between the sea clan and the demon clan. The two bands of robbers only formed a military alliance in name. It is strange that there are no different dreams and mutual calculations.

In other words, whoever stands on the current position of the Mozu will first let the humans and the sea clan fight both losses, and then come forward to clean up the mess. This kind of guidelines and main strategy should be said to have no beaks. \\mStarter\\

The movement of the Demon's Second Army is also obvious.

The 600,000 army is currently less than 30 miles away from Feilengcui and Caiyu City. Attacks can be launched at any time, but the Demon Race has stopped. The staff of Beamun dare not expect to have human luck. Now there is no Marine soldier in the Dunau Wasteland. The Demon Race has no scruples at all. Therefore, this demon army is very likely to replenish its energy, build siege equipment, and prepare for a battle!

In this regard, the military aircraft counsellors of the Bemun Kingdom were not very worried.

The Feilengcui on the south bank of the Sanggan River was originally a high **** of red soil with rich metal content. Since being burned by the forbidden curse of the "Earth Fire Burning City" for three days, the hardness of the city has already become Yasai Iron and steel, there are fierce and combative summer palace guards, and two aerial flowers. The demon army needs to check whether their teeth are hard or not.

As for the Jade City, although the Bimon staff of the combat laboratory dare not report the emerald-like expectations, the legendary sacrificial Mourinho is by no means a fuel-efficient lamp in everyone’s mind, not to mention that there are a large number of Jade City. The magic teleportation array and the seven-degree golden ring, if the situation is not right, Mourinho and Bruckner can lift their feet to flash people.

If the chief of staff, General Pinto has always tended to be conservative and prudent in the use of troops, he also expressed his limited concern to His Majesty the King that Caiyu City does not have much military value on the south bank of the Sanggan River. Staying in the southern wasteland and defending against the enemy, it is better to withdraw all the staff to the southwestern province and rely on the dangerous swamp terrain to deal with the Mozu army. After all, the strategic ferry that the Mozu urgently needs to seize is not in the jade mining city but in the grasp of Feilengcui.

It is said that the divine comedy shaman Richard Li Chamian also put forward the same opinion, hoping that all the soldiers in Caiyu City will retreat to the southwest for security. However, His Majesty the King combined these suggestions into a "risk assessment plan" and submitted it to Caiyu City. Mourinho, the chief priest of the swan, replied, but he almost didn’t choke the staff head up and down together: “The first responsibility of the nobles is to defend the soil, and retreat without a fight. We can’t do it yet. We have to retreat. Pain the Demon Race and retire!"

Many of the staff officers of the combat laboratory are from Wolfe from the Southeastern Province. The words of the swan chief priest undoubtedly hurt their hearts severely. So far, only Swan's descendants have retreated without fighting and gave up their ancestral territory.

However, the eyes of the masses are discerning. Everyone actually understands that the reason why the Phoenix sacrifice Mourinho is unwilling to give up the jade city and retreat to the sunset swamp in the southwest is not the reason that he said, but he wants to harmonize with the prosperous divine song Sa. This height proves that he, who was recognized as the number one worshiper in the past, is still no less inferior than Richard!

Judging from the pride of the Simai clan. This is absolutely certain!

After figuring out this relationship, if the chief of staff, General Pinto and His Majesty Thrall, Richard Mian studied repeatedly, he still gave up the idea of ​​persuading again. Regardless of the predecessors, the kingdom also supported a large number of magical teleportation arrays and seven-degree golden rings in Caiyu City. With Mourinho's wisdom, he would not be stupid enough to fight with the demons and never move, right?

The Demon's Third Army, with the largest force, is the only heart disease of the combat laboratory.

There is no doubt that this super army with a number of up to four million is the main force of the demons. However, no matter how much the staff of Beamon studied the movement situation of this group army, they couldn't figure it out.

Three of the five major provinces of Beamon are in the southern wasteland, of which the southeast Wolf province has been strategically abandoned. Only the southern province of Perl and the southwestern province of Smail remain. The main army of the demons did not divide their troops to find the trouble of these two provinces, but flocked to the banks of the Sanggan River and put on a posture of crossing the river into the capital of Shabak. Isn’t it a idiot and mentally retarded? behavior?

That's right... The first capture of the capital of the Kingdom of Beimeng can indeed play a strategic role in "successful in one battle", because the administrative hub of any country is killed, and the country can basically be declared subjugated, and Beimeng is no exception.

But... Shabak city is in the wilderness of northern Dunau!

The place where the main army of the demons is staying is the southern wasteland, and there is a Sanggan River in between!

In addition to the air force. The four million warriors of the main army of the demon race do not even have a navy. How can they cross the Sanggan River and push Shabak?

The Sanggan River is the mother river that traverses the Danube Wasteland. Most of this snow-water tributary is two thousand yards away, and the embankment is high and the current is turbulent. If you want to cross the river, you must find a suitable ferry—— According to this premise, it is logical that the four million soldiers of the Demon's Third Army should flock to Feilengcui!

According to the conclusive information provided by Li Chamian, the staff of Beamon have thoroughly studied the equipment of the Demon Race. It is undeniable that these bandits do have a large number of teleport crystals, but the magic teleportation array alone wants to help four million It is an absolutely impossible task for people and countless baggage to cross the Sanggan River. The Demon Race definitely cannot mobilize so many Liches to do this kind of rough work! Undoubtedly, these bandits do have a large amount of storage crystals, but this kind of crystal is a vacuum storage space and has a small load capacity. It is impossible to perform a large-scale leapfrog leap with a magic teleportation array like a seven-degree gold ring!

The core soul of leapfrog tactics is not the magic teleportation array, but the excellent room temperature clean oxygen storage space equipment!

In the final analysis, if the Mozu can really cross the Sanggan River by "Magic Teleportation Array, Storage Crystal", then why should they take off their pants and fart so much? Wouldn't it be more convenient to send all the large forces to Shabak?

Since there is no hope of crossing the river, what are these four million troops doing to the banks of the Sanggan River?

fishing? Catch shrimp? Take a bath? Yehe?

The staff of Beamon checked all the possibilities that should and shouldn't be thought of, and they were still at a loss.

Apart from Feilengcui and Jade City on the southern bank of the Sanggan River, there is no third city of Beimeng, and the aquatic people in the river have already evacuated to a safe area. The main force of the demons stayed on the river bank to sing that one An opera?

While tasting the delicious rum, while tasting the fragrant golden millet leaf cigarettes, the staff of the combat laboratory stayed true to their profession, and soon brought the topic to the movement of the main demon army.

The Headquarters of the Beamon staff, which clearly controls every move of the enemy. However, the enemy's strategic intentions were always invisible, which really made everyone feel a huge pressure. To be honest, the military technology used by Beamon today is not in the realm that other Aegean countries can imagine, let alone. With just the thousands of "Saruman Wizard Eyes", how many real-time intelligence the scouts had to spend their lives to obtain? This kind of magic equipment, called "reconnaissance satellite" by Richard, is all made of super-order monster eyeballs. It is simply the top item that military aircraft staff dreams of! With so many convenient conditions, and then lose in layout and response. To the opponent, it shouldn't be!

"General, would you say that the Demon Race will cross the Sanggan River with the help of the Sea Race?" A servant Leboai scratched his elven ears, waved away the smoke in front of him, and asked timidly Chief of Staff: "I heard that Sea Clan can use coral worms to make reefs... Sea Clan and Demon Clan are military alliances again..."

"But corals need to eat stones to build reefs. The stones on our Danube wasteland are scarce than the trees in the desert. The corals must not starve to death when they come here!" General Pinto said without waiting. Someone rushed to overturn this speculation.

"Look at what you said, doesn't the Demon Race have countless storage crystals?" The Bunnyman's staff was very disapproving of his colleagues' retort: ​​"Vacuum space pretends to suffocate. It is always okay to install stones?"

"What you said is not a way." The chief of staff shook his head hesitantly, and drank the wine in the glass: "But I want to set up a huge coral island on the Sanggan River that connects with the two sides of the river, not a month or two. It can be done in a few months, I guess the Mozu can’t wait that long!"

"Anyway, no matter what the opponent's idea is, we can't make the Mozu cross the river successfully!" General Pinto thought about it and said: "The Mozu is a land army. It's not those who are stupid and haven't studied land siege techniques. Mianxia told me that the military establishment of this band of bandits is very "modern"! The Aegean army expedition to foreign land. The most worrying thing is the logistics supply. Let’s take a look at how many civilians have been launched by the Muran Feiku people to ensure logistics last year? Take a look at the current demons,*, they have developed a real-time guarantee system for "vacuum storage equipment tube magic teleportation array". Whether it is an expedition for thousands of miles or a short-term war, it is as convenient as being in their own backyard! Such opponents really think about it It makes people feel like chicken skin."

"Oh..." All the staff members were suddenly a little frustrated. Since ancient times, all wars have been fighting logistics. In history, more than one famous general in the history of Bimeng has released rhetoric, as long as the logistics are effective. All land within the range of bow and arrow will be Bimeng territory.

Bimeng’s "Seven-degree Golden Ring Mou Magical Transmission Array" was originally a wonderful flower that dominated the Aegean continent. Even if its own forces were far inferior to the Haimu coalition in the early battles, Bimeng’s logistics system is at least better The clan is more "modern", and war is a systematic project from point to surface. The more solid the foundation, the closer to victory. Victory in the battle against the sea is at least half of the credit for the outstanding and efficient logistics system of Bimon.

But when the Mozu came, this advantage disappeared.

The same "modern" Mozu army has a population base and comprehensive national strength that far surpasses Bimon. The logistics bottleneck problem that the Haizu will encounter is impossible to see in them! How will this battle be fought in the future?

"General, why did Mianxia deliberately provoke the demons and the sea people this time?" A Fox staff suffocated a puff of smoke, and asked eagerly: "Perhaps I shouldn't say that, but this time Mianxia's decision It seems to be a bit risky. After all, there is a high-end decisive battle, and we are not sure of winning..."

"Youdao is "barefoot who are not afraid to wear shoes." Compared with the powerful "Sea Demon Alliance", the military alliance formed by the major countries of the Aegean is a group of barefoot fairies forced to the edge of the cliff." The chief of staff sighed. He took a sigh of relief and smiled at his little brother of the same race: "Therefore, we have more reason to fight for a chance to comeback where the fish die and the trapped beasts are still fighting."

"The dragon and the phoenix are not so easy to summon together, there is no better chance for a decisive battle than today!"

"Also... the great alliance of high-end Aegean forces requires a long time of preparation and careful coordination beforehand. Mian Xia has been busy with this matter for a long time, and it is impossible to find an excuse again and again. , Quickly squeezed all Aegean masters into a fist."

"The decisive battle of high-end forces is not a group battle of conventional arms. It's not about where there are more people and you are sure to win, and it is not that where there are fewer people, you can't win. , That's the end of the unrest — no matter who it is. To be honest, I think this is probably the only way for our Aegean League to win the world war!"

After drinking some wine, the staff's courage grew by three points, and they all expressed their feelings one by one, including some pessimistic arguments and presumptuous rhetoric that shouldn't be said.

"Mianxia's considerations are too idealistic! Even if it is a gamble, the "Sea Demon Alliance" cannot bear the excitement, and is willing to go down and fight with our Aegean race in the holy mountain! Does the clan have the guts?"

"Yes, the seniors of the Sea Clan and the Demon Clan are not idiots. To face this kind of high-end gambling style of "dead bird up and undead turn", no matter from their strategic or tactical point of view, it is not worthwhile! I If you are the kings of the Sea Clan and the Demon Clan, take advantage of the opportunity to gather the high-end Aegean power in the Jieqiu Ceremony, and the military demarcation line has a good opportunity to create a power to send troops to attack the Wangyou Valley Defense Line and the Kingdom of Bimeng!

"You idiot! If the Sea Race and the Demon Race don't dare to fight, wouldn't their faces and butts be lost? Which Lich King and Sea King can tolerate this shame? Why don't you think about the previous battles between gods and demons? The battle between the land and the sea, any of them almost smashed the Aegean into ruins! If you become the Lich King and the Sea King, you will not be pierced by the people of the world!"

"Look at what kind of dung you are spraying!" If you let it, General Pinto scowled and yelled: "When will you worry about the decision under the crown? The sea and demons take advantage of the void? They just enter. Look at that! Does it take 10,000 years for our Aegean masters to use the magic teleportation array and careful deployment and scheduling to return from Mount Hyjal to the front line of aid? Only after drinking two cups of yellow soup, he can't control his ass. ! Get me back to work!"

"General...Oh my God...General...It's not good..." A ghost staff who was waiting in front of the magic crystal ball to monitor enemy forces in the Dunau Wasteland in real time through the "Saruman Wizard's Eye", his face turned pale and stumbled The ground screamed and rushed in front of the chief of staff, and tremblingly handed over a top-altitude reconnaissance map that had just been printed.

Just glanced at the top map, Fox Chief of Staff fainted on the spot. (The animal blood is almost over, and the National Day is over, I wish you all a happy book)

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