Episode 34

Flowering Ceremony (4)


Usually, it was a word referring to newly hatched baby dragons, but at some point it became a word referring to the babies of higher dragon species.

The ‘hatchling’s lair’ discovered by Heukseol was also the place where such a hatchling stayed.

However, if hatchlings were weak because they were called ‘cubs’, that wasn’t the case either.

A dragon is a dragon even if it is a baby.

It was also the offspring of a high-ranking dragon known for its superior intellect and magical abilities.

Its strength was not at a level that a single human could do.

Moreover, if you think about the habit of higher-ranking dragons that terribly cherish their offspring.

Hunting hatchlings means the same as taking care of a ‘herd’ of higher dragons.

It’s hard to find in the first place, and even if you find it, there’s little chance of survival.

Even more so Ragnar, who is said to have inherited the dragon’s blood.

I had no choice but to revere such a hatchling, so I was careful in many ways.

‘But the hatchling’s den strangely lacked such an adult.’

Heukseol was also very nervous when he first discovered the hatchling’s den. I wondered if I had touched an unknown area by mistake.

However, after a careful search, I couldn’t find anything other than the hatchling.

From this point on, Heukseol started to have greed.

– The dragon likes treasure.

The long-held legend holds true here too.

A considerable amount of gold and silver treasures were kept inside the cave.

Along with several sources known to have disappeared a long time ago.

‘Among them, there was a treasure that Heukseol paid attention to.’

-Madodoseo (魔道書) Amon (Amon).

I didn’t know why there was a book related to dragons and hostile relations with demons stored here.

That alone was enough to make Black Snow’s eyes roll over.

In particular, Amon is so outstanding that he is nicknamed the ‘King of the Old Gods’.

It was judged that a magic book bearing the name of such an existence would be of great help in strengthening Ragnar’s power.

So, Ragnar immediately killed Hatchling and collected the Sorcerers.

However, Theo did not know what happened after that.

From what I heard, it was only known that it fell into the hands of a certain successor, and it was never revealed to the outside world.

All I could do was speculate that it might have been obtained by someone who colluded with Heukseol.

‘But if that book is a relic of the Great Dragon, contrary to what is known, and Hatchling was the guardian… … ?’

When I talked with Kirson, it was clear from the circumstances that Heukseol also knew about the existence of the artifact.

You must already have quite a few relics.

It was clear that the collection of magic books had taken place in the same process.

‘It’s not just black snow. It’s clear that Aksionon and Hangryongdo are also collecting artifacts.’

So, Theo was thinking of collecting the magic books first before they noticed the existence of the magic books and moved.

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Like the Moonbaek Sword, this must be of great help to him.

‘The question is how to get down there… … .’

Theo narrowed his eyes.

The blue light seen through the sheer canyon was too far, so it was dangerous to go down recklessly.

In addition, the situation is driving wildly until a snowstorm.

It was not possible to secure the sight, and it seemed that it would be difficult to correct the balance.

‘I’ll have to find another way.’

Theo brought his hand to his back, remembering how the black snow had landed here in his previous life.

To the Zweihander, which still reacts to blue light and makes a rattling noise.

“But before that, I think we need to get rid of the flying flies.”

A place where I turned my head with a small self-talk.

Whip whi… … !

Above the white snowy field, only the sound of the wind could be heard, but nothing could be seen.

However, the senses that were heightened by the heart of the dragon were talking.


It was the number of those who had been watching him from a while ago.


Theo twisted his body sideways and pulled out the Zweihander.

The dragon’s heart and danteon heated up as the mana flowed towards it by itself.

-Magic Resonance!

and soaring flashes.

<Dragon’s Claw>

Chow ah!


The flash cut through the ground and shattered a rock in the distance at once.

The snowfield melts in an instant due to the frictional heat, and even the blizzard is disturbed and shaken.

On top of the broken pieces of rock, the three swordsmen landed wide apart and landed in different places.

“Uh, what power… … ?”

“what is this! It wasn’t like this just three days ago!”

“I think this calculation is a bit wrong?”

They were surprised to see Theo, who had become so strong that it couldn’t even be compared to the first flowering ceremony.


Theo was able to realize that the emotion on their faces was not ‘fear’ but ‘heartbreaking’.

No, it was closer to the feeling of ‘fun’ to be exact.

A hunter’s appearance when he encounters a prey with good taste.

“Hyde, Kao, Rune. What’s going on here?”

Theo quickly scanned the three faces, narrowing his eyebrows.

“Hey, what is this! hey! Kao, Rune! Our great chief remembers even our insignificant names. What should I do because this is so embarrassing?”

The leader of the group, Hyde, burst into laughter.

The other two giggled as well.

The more that happened, Theo’s eyes sank deeply.

Hyde’s party.

They were the ones Theo could not have known.

‘The three idiots of Buksan.’

The biggest problem of Ragnar, who pursues the law of strong self-respect, is that there are too many human beings.

Guys were one of them.

Those three people, even if they were civilians, had no hesitation in looting and arson if they were defined as ‘enemies’.

In particular, the massacre committed in the town of Buksan was so terrible that public opinion was not good even in Ragnar.

‘Officially counted 761 dead and over 220 missing. It’s like a pretty big mountain village has become a mess. There were quite a few protests.’

Theo knew the horrors better than anyone else because he had done the work himself.

They are the most evil among the talents of the same age as Theo, so I was thinking of getting rid of them in advance if I had a chance someday.

I followed myself… … ?

Something smelled.

“Is it Axion?”

“yes? Why does his name appear here?”

Hyde tilted his head, then burst out laughing lightly.

“Ah, you think Axion sent us? Hey, but a person has pride, how could he be manipulated by his classmate? My stomach felt full when I saw the idiots who were supposed to be the Gyoryonghoe or whatever, straining their shoulders.”

Theo thought of Axion, who had glared at him the entire time they moved to the winter mountains.

I thought there would be some tweaks at this Flowering Ceremony.



“A bastard bastard like you is higher than you could ever imagine. of course.”

In an instant, Theo’s eyes sank deeply.

“The head of the senate.”

“… … uh?”

Hyde is shocked and startled.

“Looks right.”

“Hey, what are you? how… … !”

“I was just stabbed. Do you use it only after it shows like that?”

“Who is this fucking bastard?”

Hyde blushed when he realized that he had been made fun of by the bastard he’d been ignoring.

“The head of the senate had a lot of complaints about me. As a purist, he must be dissatisfied that a lowly guy took the top spot.”


Discriminants who claim that only legitimate people can bear the name of Ragnar.

These factions, formed around the head of the Senate, Wolfgang, have been pests that have eaten Ragnar for a long time.

It was also an obstacle that Theo could not overcome in his previous life.

By the way.

It didn’t seem to be any different in this lifetime.

“Seeing that the examiner didn’t follow, it seems that there is a collusion between the two.”

“Hey, look at this? I’m too quick to notice. yes. Your shit is thick, you bastard.”

“Don’t you have any intention of hiding it now?”

“I’m going to die anyway, so what does it matter?”

Even if Hyde said that, since he was caught behind the scenes, he thought that they could only survive if Theo was removed from here.

‘Even after committing an atrocity in Buksan, I was released without any punishment. There was an order from Wolfgang. It seems that they were connected from the beginning.’

The three idiots of Buksan were one of the senate’s hounds.

How many more of these guys will there be?

It was a matter for Theo to think deeply about.

‘To collect the artifacts, I’ll have to run into Heukseol in the future… … Hangryong, Heukseol, and even a purebloodist. I never thought there would be so many things to worry about.’

Of course, I had no intention of stopping.

Because in order to seize Ragnar’s presidency, these were the mountains he had to overcome anyway.

“It’s embarrassing that the blood of a lowly person is spilled on the noble winter mountains.”


Hyde slowly drew his sword.

“Well, if you take it down that cliff, it will disappear quickly buried in the snow, so who knows?”

The other two, Kao and Rune, moved slowly and found Theo’s blind spot.

“Let’s stand like that, kid. Didn’t you know the subject and live for a while? If I had just been crushed, the lifeline would have been long. hehehe!”

“Did you say too much? Even if you are lucky enough to become a chief, you don’t act proud, don’t you learn swordsmanship from the lord of Maehwa Palace? I’m really dumbfounded.”

“Guys, don’t be too hard on yourself. Before that guy dies, won’t he give us something good?”

Hyde’s greedy gaze turned to the Zweihander in Theo’s hand.

Docheolmun’s treasured sword.

Rumors that Demon Lord Kirson had already handed over a greatsword for Theo had already spread all over the Winter Law.

Kao and Runn also moistened their lips with red tongues, as if their mouths were watering.

“That too. Then don’t bother me, let’s kill it comfortably.”

“a. so will it work? Because I’m grateful, I should rather let them live longer, even if it’s just for one minute.”

“Ughh! Pervert, are you trying to torture me again?”

“Oh, did you hear? Hee hee.”

They flirt with each other as if they had already put Theo’s life in their hands.

It meant that I had already done similar things like this many times.

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

Little ones who were only fifteen.

‘As expected, they were the ones who shouldn’t be left alive.’

I couldn’t even listen to it anymore.

Theo slowly pulled out the Zweihender from his back.


[Drake’s Blade]

Type: Zweihander, Artifact Accessories

· Damage: 30~50 – 80~115

Equip condition: Strength 90, Agility 30

· effect

– Critical damage applied with a certain probability when hitting

– Decreases the target’s defense by 30

– 50% chance of worsening wounds

– Indestructible


The greatsword, which was created by combining the lesser drake’s claws and teeth with adamant and other high-end materials, was amazing from the description window.

Not only does it increase the destructive power with a certain probability, but it also cancels the defense of the enemy it collides with.

This meant that there was no weapon like this in man-to-man combat.


The effect that caught Theo’s eyes was different.

-Increased chance of wound aggravation.

What made it difficult to hunt the Lesser Drake was the strength that came from its size.

It was because of the terrible toxin that was buried in his teeth and claws.

A biological poison that rots the skin with the slightest touch.

That is exactly what applied to this Zweihander.

– I’m not sure what the hell I’ve made, but I can say at least this one.

While handing over the sword, Kirsson said while biting into a pipe.

– Giving something absurd to a guy who can’t even walk properly yet.

In Kirson’s eyes, Theo would still be a new chick, so it was only natural.

That must mean that it looked dangerous in her eyes as well.

“Hey, can you lift that properly?”

Greed filled Hyde’s flirtatious eyes.

Seeing the frail-built Theo holding up the Zweihender made me laugh.

“It is not heavy. By the way.”

[Muscle Strength: 101]

“I don’t think it’s to the extent that I can’t catch you guys.”

Good Deuk-

Theo’s body began to change little by little.

All of the additional stats he had gained from reaching level 17 over the past three days had been poured into [Strength].

[The coefficient of strength has exceeded 100.]

[The hidden function has been released, and from now on, strength will be imbued with monstrous power.]



Type: Special Ability

· Effect: Increases the destructive power of the weapon in your hand, and increases your attack power by 5% for 5 seconds when the opponent hits.


For a moment, Theo felt Drake’s blade lighten.

As expected, [muscle strength] reached three digits, and it seemed that a new big change had taken place.

And the momentum that spreads fiercely around him.


[‘Skill: Lesser Drake Fear’ encroaches on the battlefield!]

thump thump-!

My heart started beating wildly.

The ground rumbled so loudly that Hyde’s gang could hear it.

“What happened all of a sudden… … ?”

Momentarily, Hyde’s face got tired of reading the unusual expression.


Theo threw himself away quickly, as if not giving them a chance to think more deeply.

nettle liquid-


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