The Basketball Court Swordsman

Chapter 685: : Brush or hero?

Henson tiptoed out of Emily's room, with a storybook in his hand.

As always, Henson just finished telling Emily's bedtime story. Henson didn't find it bothersome to put his daughter to sleep every night, but he still felt that this was the happiest moment of his day.

"Henson, I just said I'll come." An Jiali stood outside the door. Although she had given birth to a child once, she was still unique.

"You have been very busy in the game recently. I see Silas sent you a lot of game videos."

As Henson's wife, An Jiali did not deliberately go to Henson's work. But An Jiali knows his work status at any time.

"Yeah, the game in the past half month is more difficult than the one in January. I don't know how the league arranges the schedule, so that the Western Conference teams are concentrated in this month." When it comes to work, Henson feels Some headaches.

"So, just concentrate on your work. Don't worry, I will take care of Emily."

"It doesn't matter, being with her occasionally makes me relax." Henson smiled and kissed his wife's forehead. "You go to rest first. I'll watch the video for a while and come right away."

"Well, don't work too late."

"Of course."

So again, Henson walked into his study at night. Since having a family, Henson's time is not all his own time. Therefore, every minute and every second must be arranged properly.

The Chinese coach opened the folder Silas had given him. There was a bunch of game videos in it. Just looking at the dense video files, Henson felt a big head.

In 82 regular season games a year, even fans rarely watched all of them. No matter how exciting the game is, it will be exhausting to watch dozens of games.

But no way, the next half month of the game is very special. First of all, the Western Conference team Henson has few encounters, so they don't know much about the other side. They must use video to make up for it.

Secondly, in the next 8 games, every opponent is very strong. In order to ensure the victory of the game, Henson can only achieve excellence.

These two points completely eliminated the possibility that Henson could be lazy.

In fact, Henson does not study the video so carefully now when he meets every opponent. When encountering opponents who are weaker than himself or who are already very familiar, Henson can win even if he does not need to study the video too carefully.

For example, to illustrate that the Skywalkers opponents of the New York Knicks, Henson does not need to study them at all, because the research is nothing.

The Knicks went to Zion Williams this season. They played with no system at all. They can lose or lose. So even if you study the Knicks video, you can't study anything.

But after that, the opponents are different. How can we defeat the opponent without first fully understanding the opponent?

Sun Tzu's art of war is well said, knowing oneself and one's opponent, and never end of battle.

Although watching the game, he was almost vomiting, but Henson still had to press the play button.

If you want to become a legend, you must pay a price.

Russell Westbrook is probably the most controversial player in the league today. Fans who like him have a deep affection for him, and fans who hate him hate him. The unprecedented "tortoise slaughter conference" in the past two years, I am afraid it will be difficult for any other star to reproduce it

But the strange thing is that no matter what your attitude towards him is, you can't change his style of playing. Until now, Westbrook is still leading the Oklahoma City Thunder in his own way.

For example, today, facing the Brooklyn Nets, Russell Westbrook once again used his way to end the game.

But don't underestimate the current Nets. Although this team was miserable by the brain-disabled general manager Billy Gold, it's basically a relief now.

First of all, the growth of D'Angelo Russell, No. 2 in 15 years, is surprising. This season, Russell averaged 21 points and 7 assists per game, which is undoubtedly the data of a superstar point guard.

People joked that if you form a team with the old Lakers, you can probably make the playoffs.

Secondly, the other players of the Nets also played well. Players such as Joe Harris, Jarrett Allen and Spencer Dinwiddie have played very well this season.

Therefore, the basketball team is an out-and-out playoff team this year. Although their 36 wins and 33 losses record may not be enough in the West, they are indeed a strong team in the East.

But today, the Oklahoma City Thunder has suppressed the budding Nets. The main reason is that Westbrook completely dominates Russell on both ends of the offense and defense!

D'Angelo Russell met Westbrook's strong block on the offensive end and hit a layup. Westbrook personally grabbed the rebound under the cover of Steven Adams, and then quickly advanced to it. The frontcourt, complete a dunk dunk.

It can be said that this is almost the epitome of today's game. Russell Westbrook won the game in the most disliked way.

"108 to 96, the Oklahoma City Thunder's performance will definitely make the Nets players feel extremely frustrated. They worked very hard, but still can't hold the victory. I have to say that in terms of hard power, Oklahoma City Thunder must be even better!"

At the end of the game, the commentators looked at the data sheet of the game.

D'Angelo Russell is indeed not capable of Westbrook. Although he scored 21 points in the game, he only made 6 of 18 shots and shot only 33.3%.

Outside the three-point line, Russell made 2 of 8 shots. With a body like Westbrook, it is very dominant on the defensive end.

As for Westbrook, it's another triple-double. 31 points, 12 rebounds and 11 assists. If you change to someone else, this data will definitely be blown.

But when it comes to Westbrook, the media will criticize Westbrook instead. Don't ask why, the question is the brush.

But even so, Westbrook was still sought after by reporters after the game. After all, he is the best player in today's game. Who can interview him without interviewing him?

Westbrook was sweating profusely, enjoying this hard-won victory. Triple double data? He didn't think he did something wrong. He has always maintained a vigorous and competitive spirit in the game, he continues to output on the court, do his best to help the team. So he really didn't know what he did wrong.

In fact, Westbrook was right, it was wrong, he was too stubborn. He always wants to dominate the game in his own way, but sometimes, the way he dominates the game is too extreme.

"Congratulations, Russell. Another triple-double statistic. If you can keep up this last month of the season, then you will become the first player in NBA history to average a triple-double per game. How about this? Look?"

"I'm very happy to be able to set a record, but the team's victory is naturally the first." Westbrook answered without thinking.

"Oh? But many people outside said that you are just a data brush. They think you can't continue to lead the team to victory. Especially, or when your next opponent is the Indiana Pacers." The reporter smirked. He started to do things!

"Then you can be optimistic. A few days ago, the Indiana Pacers fell in Philadelphia. And we will be the second team to defeat the Pacers in a row."

Westbrook finished speaking and turned away angrily. He could hear that the reporter was mocking himself both in and out. Once again, he didn't know why, so he was hated by the media.

But Westbrook also knows how competitive sports wins and loses. As long as they can win, everything will be fine.

And there is nothing more precious than winning a game with the Pacers.

The game has not started yet, this "nuclear warhead" from Long Beach is ready to detonate itself at any time.

"Break the Pacers, break the Pacers..." Westbrook kept thinking so silently in his heart.

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