The Basketball Court Swordsman

Chapter 392: :busy people

Shooting, scoring, scoring, lore, Henson didn't expect that in the first finals with Popovich, he would have to use a lore to determine the winner. Of course, Popovich did not expect that it was Al Horford, who was suppressed by Duncan for 48 minutes, completely killing the game.

The moment the basketball hits the net, Henson finally couldn't hold back. He softened and fell onto the bench. As Mike Brin said, the job of a basketball coach absolutely requires a super strong psychological support.

You can't be nervous when everyone is nervous. When everyone is afraid, you can't be afraid.

But the head coach is also human. The reason why they are not nervous or afraid is just because they are forcibly stretched. But when the game ended, Henson found that he could no longer stretch himself.

"The ball is scored! The ball is scored! The ball is scored! Is the goal valid!? This ball should be valid!?" Since the red light on the backboard was also lit almost at the same time when Horford took a shot, whether the goal was specific Effectiveness is not yet known.

The Spurs players naturally said that the goal was invalid, while the Pacers players...have already begun to celebrate the victory.

Horford rushed directly towards Henson, and jumped onto Henson who was slumped on the bench. He knows very well that the lore he just remembered, without the encouragement of Henson on the court, he could not have scored!

What Horford didn't know was that Coach Henson did something that ordinary people could not. But who cares? Horford only knew that Henson had done most of the lore just now!

Seeing Horford pressed on Henson, the rest of the Pacers also jumped up. So people discovered that on the bench beside the basketball court, the players of the Pacers played a stack of Arhats.

An Jiali is both happy and worried, and happy that the Pacers have completed the lore. The worry is that if this continues, Henson will probably be crushed a few ribs...

"Damn it, how could it be Al Horford!" On the other side, Popovich cursed to himself. The Spurs have been steadily moving forward throughout the game, and they have made no mistakes in 48 minutes. But at the very last attack, his judgment was wrong.

Horford was obviously in a slump throughout the game and failed to make a key shot before. But for the most desperate shot, he was not nervous... Popovich was puzzled. He has never seen such a situation before coaching for so many years.

When Henson was struggling to crawl out from under the players in disheveled clothes, he found that the referee had studied the replay and was ready to announce the final result.

Watching Popovich swaying his head and walking into the player aisle, watching the Spurs players drooping one by one, Henson also knew what the scene was just playing back.

The moment the basketball left Al Horford's palm, the referee suspended the video of the game. At this time, it is clear that the number of the timer on the backboard is 0.2!

In other words, Horford completed the shot before the end of the game, and the goal was valid!

"Congratulations, Al. Of course, I don't agree with the way you finally celebrated the victory." Seeing the referee's gesture that the goal was effective, Henson's hanging heart finally came down.

"Hey, thank you, boss." Horford was full of self-confidence, and he believed that he would not be afraid of Duncan in the next game.

Morale, something that sounds very metaphysical, can actually play a huge role in a game. Henson only used one word skill in the fight against the Heat, and he was prepared for this situation!

Once again, Henson's unique ability saved the team! He is very happy, his preparation can come in handy.

After the game, Al Horford undoubtedly became the focus of interviews by reporters. Henson, while supporting his waist with one hand and the wall with the other, walked slowly back to the locker room.

"You know Frank, I suddenly thought of a new rule." Walking beside Vogel, Henson started to complain.

"What rules? Our team has enough rules." Vogel laughed.

"No, this rule is absolutely new. After winning the game in the future, no one is allowed to celebrate victory by stacking Arhats."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Vogel couldn't help laughing, Henson was really a happy trouble.

At the press conference after the game, the reporters were expecting Popovich and Henson to fight an "epic" war of words. After all, it is well known that the mouths of these two coaches are as deadly as machine guns.

Although the Spurs lost this game, Popovich still had a chance to "get back one city" at the press conference.

But unexpectedly, the two coaches showed a very surprising "gentleman demeanor" in the press conference after the game.

"Coach Henson’s team performed very well. At the last moment, they withstood the pressure and completed the final blow. Of course, Coach Henson also played very well. If he hadn't kept a timeout at the last moment, It is impossible for the Pacers to get a chance to complete the final blow. It has to be said that Coach Henson's plan is in seconds." Popovich faced the reporter and praised Henson without hesitation.

Of course, Henson did not take the opportunity to taunt Popovich, "The Spurs are too stable, they are terribly stable. As I said at halftime, they never seem to make mistakes, and what we have to do Just try not to make mistakes. Although we won the game, it does not mean that the Spurs are easy to deal with. Coach Popovich’s strategy is great, he almost controlled the situation. It was just a little luck in the end. ."

The reporters look at me one by one, and I look at you. Is it possible that Henson and Popovich took the wrong medicine? They who are stunned by the universe on weekdays are extremely gentle today.

Henson didn't mean to save Popovich any face. To George Carl, who was also quite experienced, Henson never saved face. Of course, it is not because Henson lacks confidence. The Pacers came to the finals, they came to the O'Brien Cup. So no matter how hard the Spurs are, Henson believes that his team will win in the end.

The reason why he praised Popovich again and again is because he really has a sense of heroism. The reverse is also true, Popovich thinks so too.

If Henson hadn't acted on Horford urgently to reset morale, it would have been the San Antonio Spurs who won the game today.

The game started in a tense atmosphere, but ended in a peaceful atmosphere. Of course, Henson knows very well that this series of battles will not calm down.

Although the first game with the Spurs won the ball, Henson had lingering fears. Since the last round of playing the Heat, Henson no longer likes to rely on key offenses to win. To put it bluntly, it is unreliable to rely on key offenses to win, and there is the possibility of overturning at any time.

What Henson has to do is to suppress and control the audience!

Just as in the last three games of the Eastern Conference Finals, the Pacers did not give the Heat a chance at all, and Henson also controlled all the details on the court. As a result, the Pacers took out the Heat cleanly.

If every game played a key ball with the Heat, it was known that it was not the Pacers who played the finals with the Spurs.

So, although this sounds crazy, Henson also has to suppress Popovich and the San Antonio Spurs in the finals! Only in this way can we say that we are sure of the championship!

There was a two-day interval between the first and second games of the finals, which also gave Henson a chance to breathe. In the subsequent series, he didn't want to win the victory in such an exciting way.

So after returning home that night, An Jiali did not continue to "torture" Henson. She knew that this man would be very, very hard recently. If you don't want to see him fainting on the court, it's better to let him rest.

But before falling asleep, Henson received a call. Moreover, there is still one international long distance.

"Congratulations, Coach Henson. I know you can succeed."

Hearing the man's voice on the phone, Henson was stunned for a second. But soon he remembered that this was the voice of Giorgio Armani.

"Mr. Armani, it should be late in Italy now." Henson looked at his watch. It was past twelve in the United States.

"It's not so late, it's better... it's too early. Now, we are here at six in the morning. And I, just stayed up late to watch your game."

"Then I'm very glad that I didn't let you stay up all night for nothing."

"Now, you are the focus of the world. Henson. So two days later, I want to hold an Armani brand promotion event for you. Don't worry, I know you are very busy. So, this event in the mall will only It takes up to two hours of your time. Of course, if you think this will affect your preparations for the finals, then I won't force it."

Henson curled his lips, Armani is really looking for heat. But since the other party has called in person, how can I refuse it? Besides, for two hours, Henson should have taken it out.

"I have no reason or capital to reject you, Mr. Giorgio Armani."

An Jiali smiled slightly when Henson said that.

The down-and-out scout that no one knew at the beginning is now a busy person...

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