The Ball at Your Feet

: 169 Discussion on Transfer

"Then we look at La Liga."

Deschamps didn't even say much, he denied all the other Serie A teams. Although Zhao Yaning was still unwilling, but in front of Deschamps, he didn't dare to argue anymore. After all, Deschamps is more than just a coach, he is also a Juventini, and discussing other teams in front of him is still not very good.

"You can choose from several clubs, Real Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Deportivo."

Deschamps stretched out his hands and counted these companies, "First of all, don’t think about Deportivo. They are already going downhill. Super Deschamps are already at the end. If we meet next season, we will even have a chance. Defeat them. And secondly, Valencia had better not go, they bought people purely nonsense. This season they bought Reviere, what kind of business is this called? I don’t use two right backs by myself, buy another one. Now, the coach and the management have absolutely no discussion on the issue of buying people. Such a team is brilliant, and it is destined not to last."

This is really true. Deportivo has indeed gone downhill. This super Deportivo, which had a brilliant record at the turn of the century, can no longer sustain it now. Although Valencia is also one of the giants in La Liga, it is not well-known after all, and the quarrel between their coach Benitez and the management can be heard in France, so it is naturally not a good choice.

"What about Real Madrid and Barcelona?"

"Real Madrid kind of team, you can't go if you want to. They are the best club in the world, do you know what that means? They can buy any player they want, so unless you are in the same position in the world Don’t have too many thoughts about Real Madrid.” Deschamps shook his head and asked Zhao Yaning to put out his thoughts, “Barcelona is more realistic.”

After all, Real Madrid is the best club in the world. They have enough confidence and strength to pick the players they like. No one can say no to Real Madrid, even Barcelona captain Figo is also a Real Madrid player.

This is what makes them different from other clubs: they dare to choose players from any club in the world, and no club in the world will be surprised by their privilege.

"So what do you think of Barcelona?"

Deschamps paused for a long time, carefully organized the language, and then spoke again, "But the Barcelona team is a Catalan team, some of their ideas, and some of the slogans of your country, are It’s not consistent. If you go there, you won’t be talking about him in the competition, but it will not do any good to your personal image."

What does it have to do with the country... Zhao Yaning said something in his heart, but he didn't justify anything.

Some words are scored to whom. For others, there is nothing to justify this issue, but Deschamps himself is a Basque, and he is more sensitive to identity issues. In this regard, there is no need to stimulate him.

But what Deschamps said is indeed a big problem. FC Barcelona is a very good club, but the problem is that the Catalan forces behind them are too nonsense. Zhao Yaning had even heard that the forces behind them were implicated in the monks exiled to India. Zhao Yaning really didn't dare to touch such things.

"I don't recommend that you go to Barcelona. Their national psychology is completely off the track." When Deschamps talked about this problem, his expression became a bit agitated. "You know that we are from Oskal Dunak, which is what you say. The Basques also want independence, but if we want independence, we rely on ourselves, and we want dignity to rely on our own people to work hard. Our approach is much harder than them. They stupidly think that learning from Gandhi is enough. Can the Castilians free them? Just kidding."

Zhao Yaning didn't know what to say about this. I have been in Europe for a long time, especially in a region with a serious tendency to independence like Corsica. He has also heard of these things. He really didn't think that the Catalans' chirping, endless protest marches were useful, but it seemed difficult to get him to identify with the Basque demonstrations, arson, riots, and fights. And compared to FC Barcelona, ​​Athletic Bilbao’s practice of playing only with their own people seems to be a bit too narrow. In the final analysis, football matters have nothing to do with politics. A nation thinks about independence and does not think about how to fight. Instead of thinking about how to fight, but holding football to talk about things, where is there a bit of national struggle spirit?

"Let's not talk about Barcelona, ​​and I don't want to go there. Let's talk about the Premier League, and after all, only the Premier League can go." Zhao Yaning turned the topic off, and there was no result in the discussion on this issue.

"Yes, only the Premier League. And speaking of your choice, you should only have Arsenal, Liverpool, and Manchester United."

Since the beginning of the new century, the situation in the Premier League is actually very stable: Manchester United and Arsenal are generally in the top two, followed by Liverpool, Leeds United and Chelsea.

Among these five teams, Leeds United is no longer able to do so. Their financial problems left them behind early, and after selling Ferdinand, they can no longer be regarded as a strong team.

Although Chelsea is also very good, and Deschamps played for the team, but their strength and reputation are much worse than those of the three.

Naturally, Deschamps did not know that there is now a rich Russia who is thinking about buying Chelsea and then investing heavily in it. What he considers is the Chelsea in his impression: the style of their team building at this time is entirely based on buying some obsolete stars from other leagues to play, relying on the excellent foreign aid and the residual heat of the stars to play. . Since Chelsea in his impression hadn't bought any promising new stars, he would naturally not introduce Zhao Yaning there.

"These three teams, the one I want you to go to most is actually Manchester United." Deschamps' words immediately made Zhao Yaning **** up his ears. He always thought that because of the relationship between Hollier and Wenger, Deschamps would be more supportive. Yes, it must be Liverpool or Arsenal, but who would have thought that Deschamps would think Manchester United is a good choice.

"Your temper is so good, it can even be said to be a bit soft. Therefore, I also hope that you will go to a team with an absolute leader. In that kind of team, you will be better at it..."

"But Manchester United is obviously the least clear one in the locker rooms of these three." Zhao Yaning hesitated.

The captain of Manchester United is Roy Keane, he is the absolute locker room boss-but that was before. Now Keane is getting older day by day, he will retire in the future, it is hard to say who will be the boss of Manchester United in the future. The newspapers hype the contradiction between Beckham and Ferguson every day, and no one knows who will be the boss of Manchester United in the future.

In contrast, Arsenal has Vieira and Liverpool have Owen. These two talents are considered the team's boss.

"Manchester United's absolute leader, isn't it Ferguson?" Deschamps replied, "I recommend to you, of course, it is a team with a more harmonious atmosphere. If you really go to that kind of team Can you adapt to a team with a big ball dominance?"

Deschamps knows Zhao Yaning's temper, which is why he wants Zhao Yaning to go to Manchester United. In Manchester United, although there is a elder brother in the locker room and the veteran of the team, there is only one Ferguson who really speaks the words. If Zhao Yaning goes there, with his character and style, he will definitely be loved by Ferguson, where he can stay like a fish in water.

In contrast, this kind of convenience is not available to other teams. Arsenal have stars like Henry and Bergkamp, ​​and there are also figures like Vieira. Anelka accused Vieira in his autobiography, saying that Vieira took out the thing in his pants and drew him in the face. There was no one among his teammates except Ashley Cole to speak for him. Although Deschamps knew that it was because Anelka asked for it, he still felt that the atmosphere in the dressing room was not good. And if Zhao Yaning went there and was bullied, he wouldn't even have a place to complain. Who among these European media is willing to avenge an Asian?

Although Liverpool is also a good choice, but there are many problems there. As a coach, Hollier is still good at coaching level, but his management ability is really not strong. Liverpool’s current top star Michael Owen not only stated in public that he is an Everton fan, but also spoke for the “Sun” last year.

In the Hesburgh tragedy, fans of Liverpool and Nottingham Forest squeezed and trampled due to watching football, resulting in 96 deaths. No one has ever come to a conclusion about whose fault it was. The "Sun" reported after the incident that Liverpool fans flipped through the wallets of the victims, attacked police officers, and at the same time peeed on the dead bodies, speaking a lot of insulting language to the Liverpool fans. This allowed Liverpool fans to take over unresolvable grievances with the "Sun" from then on. The fans even set up the Hillsborough Justice Movement organization to bring justice to the victims-in 2012, many years later, an investigation was conducted. The result was officially released. The truth of the tragedy came to light. The fans were innocent and the "Sun" also made an apology.

But before that, any Liverpool fan mentioning this matter is to fight the "Sun" to the end. This kind of thing is not only about football This kind of thing that is related to life, there is no room for compromise.

Also in a game in the future, Chelsea fans laughed at Liverpool for the Hillsborough tragedy. After the incident, even the Manchester United coach Ferguson, who had the most contradiction with Liverpool, made accusations against Chelsea, thinking that they had crossed the line. This kind of thing cannot be joked.

However, Irving did not stand for the "Sun" endorsement, which made the fans extremely angry. In this case, Hollier didn't have any corresponding measures, so Deschamps thought he was really bad. If such a thing happened to Deschamps' team, Deschamps would not hesitate to throw this man to the reserve team until he apologized. But because he was the winner of the Golden Globe Award, he shrank so much, it was really not the right way of management.

It is for this reason that Deschamps feels that Manchester United is Zhao Yaning's best choice.

"You should make your agent more active in that area. That's the best choice for you."

Zhao Yaning hesitated for a moment, and said, "However, my agent said that he contacted Arsenal."

"Arsenal is not impossible, but there are still some problems."

Deschamps explained to Zhao Yaning, “You know, Arsenal’s funds have never been very wealthy. Their signings also value the cost-effectiveness. Even if they are signings, it is impossible to spend too much money. If it is. In the past, depending on the relationship between the teams, I would also agree with you to play under Coach Wenger. But now, the club is in some trouble, we need money, if you let you go at a lower price, the club will lose money. ..."

These words made Zhao Yaning raise his head, "Is the club's economic situation that bad?"

"Of course, our situation is very bad now."

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