The Ball at Your Feet

: 167 The Route of Development

The game ended soon.

Monaco took the top spot from Lyon with a 3:1 victory.

In this game, Zhao Yaning was also selected as the best player.

The title of "The Magician of Monaco"-"Football 365" contains praise for Zhao Yaning.

"Zinedine Zidane in Asia?" "——The comments of "Team Daily" are more sensible, but they are also full of praise for Zhao Yaning.

"Flick by or always open undefeated? "--Even a newspaper that stands on the opposite side of the "Lyon Daily" can't question Zhao Yaning's achievements.

‘Zhao Yaning’s strength in this game is enough to silence any critical critic. What is even more surprising is that he played the midfielder only because of an ingenious idea of ​​coach Deschamps, rather than the result of deliberate training. We can see in the game that his aura of passing, excellent interspersed running position, and amazing dribbling breakthrough are just improvisations when he temporarily kicks the midfielder. If he can be fixed in his position On the front waist, we still don't know what kind of performance he will have in the future. ’

The newspaper "11 People" interviewed Juninho. Although Zhao Yaning’s performance was very exciting, Juninho’s free kick was already his fifth free kick this season. The number of goals scored from free kicks like this is very surprising.

Beckham is considered a recognized free kick master, but his career has the highest number of goals scored in a single season, with five goals. It's just that his record is strong because he was 98-02 for four consecutive seasons and scored five free kicks in each season. His perennial stability is what makes him terrible.

Only this season, because of his contradiction with Ferguson, coupled with the changes in Manchester United's tactics, his chances have dropped a lot, and the number of goals scored in free kicks has also dropped.

But Beckham's record of more than five free kicks in four consecutive seasons is still there, and it is still the only one in the five major leagues. In the future, this record will be broken by Juninho’s record of at least five goals scored in free kicks every season for seven consecutive seasons from 02-09. At the same time, in these seven seasons, Juninho Austria also scored eight goals from free kicks for two consecutive seasons, tying Mikhailovich's record.

Although people don't know what kind of miracle Juninho will create, they are still very interested in the number of goals he has scored.

"Actually, my free kick is based on Zhao Yaning's free kick in Monaco." Juninho immediately confessed Zhao Yaning when facing the interview. "His free kick is very creative and treats me. Is very helpful."

And when people asked Zhao Yaning about this, Zhao Yaning felt dumbfounded: it was obviously Juninho taught him how to play, how could he learn it from him?

"My free kick footwork is to learn from Juninho." Zhao Yaning was unwilling to take the credit of Juninho, "I learned his footwork, his power movements, and his technical characteristics. Creativity? I don’t remember that I had such a creative idea. Maybe he realized it himself. It has nothing to do with me."

Although Zhao Yaning hopes that he can retain some fame, he is still unwilling to do this kind of greed of others' credit for his own creativity. If you want your own honor, you can play for it yourself. It is enough to strengthen yourself with the system to make him feel embarrassed. If he takes the credit of others as his own shamelessly, he will not be able to do such shameless things.

But in this case, in the eyes of the media, it is natural that he and Juninho tout each other. Some media praised him for his modesty, but others called him hypocritical. Zhao Yaning didn't care much about this, anyway, he didn't have a guilty conscience to do this.

While "Football 365" studied Zhao Yaning's strength in depth, "Team Daily" was doing another thing.

‘We have always lacked sufficient knowledge of Asian football. The development of Asian football is slow and the level is low. Our knowledge there is only a small number of people who play in Germany and a small number of Japanese football. However, we have always lacked China, the country with the largest population in the world. Enough attention. But now, we see how strong Zhao Yaning is. Maybe we all underestimated the strength of Asian football. We should pay more attention to it to help it develop. In the past days, French football has helped African football complete its path to strength, and the important task of helping Asian football intensify may be in front of us. ’

"They don't really regard themselves as the savior, do they?" Deschamps was very dissatisfied with the pretentious statement of the "Team Daily". "It is clearly the players we selected, and the talents we cultivated. Became the Ligue 1 league, the credit of French football. If these guys don't give up this arrogant and arrogant mentality, sooner or later they will not be able to maintain their current detached status in football."

For this kind of comment, Deschamps has his own dissatisfaction. He thinks that Zhao Yaning deserves more attention. Compared with "Football 365", the attention of "Team Daily" is more pleasing. Without such news, Deschamps still had slight dissatisfaction.

"But that's okay, don't ruin the player's future development for your own happiness." Coach Petit's views on these things still follow the traditional view of the Dutch youth training. The media intervention is very annoying. "I know this is a rare skill you have as a coach. You will feel that you are proud of doing this. But this is not good for your child’s development, so don’t always talk about it."

Deschamps nodded, he was unwilling to argue with Petit about the development of young players.

"Actually, I'm about to ask you about this." Deschamps pointed to the newspaper about Zhao Yaning. "It is actually a good idea to let him play in the middle. I think he seems to be better in the middle. And he himself prefers to play in the middle."

"He played well, it's just that Lyon was not familiar with his passing habit and was caught off guard. By the next game, it will change a lot." Petty shook his head, "Joy can't play yet. In the middle, there is no rhythm control. The ability to threaten the ball is sometimes looming. The ability to hold the ball behind the front of the penalty area in static is completely lacking. The ability to cooperate with the striker in a small area and quickly tear the opponent's defense is insufficient. He is still far away from things."

Petit paused when he said, "And most importantly, his hard ability is extraordinary. The reason why Joey is a good player, and can even be called a star, is because of his extraordinary ability. What is called a star? Those who can rely on their personal abilities to complete tasks that were originally tactical cooperation. For example, Ronaldo’s striker ability and Qizu’s propulsion ability, these originally had to be tactical cooperation to complete, they completed it alone, so He was called a star. Joey was on the wing. His extraordinary ability, fast advancing ability, and ability to break balance were enough to make him a star, but when it came to the middle, he was at best one of the better tactical coordination. The link is not enough to be called a star."

"You are right." Deschamps thought for a while and admitted this statement.

In fact, if Monaco is a team with poor results, it is still possible to sacrifice some results to hone Zhao Yaning's ability to play in the middle, but Monaco is now a championship contender. Such a team is not Will sacrifice performance for the talent that a new star might have.

"Moreover, the reason why Joey suddenly broke out in this game is because the tactical awareness that he had neglected before was taken seriously by him in this game. This kind of improvement is indeed fast, but it is not enough to be called. For ability. After all, the ability of tactical awareness has its upper limit. In this game, Joey should realize that it is not how good his tactical awareness is, but that his technique still has shortcomings. What he should think about is how to make up for his technical shortcomings, not how to think about tactical awareness when he is less than twenty years old."

Deschamps realized what he had overlooked: Coach Petit was a supporter of the French youth academy, and it was impossible for him to support Zhao Yaning to develop tactical awareness at this age. Premature development of tactical awareness can easily strengthen the players’ tactical adaptability. On the one hand, it is indeed beneficial to the players to perform better, but on the other hand, it may also consume the players’ fighting spirit and make the players reluctant to do so. Work hard to hone the technique.

Zhao Yaning suddenly woke up. It was a good thing for his tactical awareness to rise, but if it caused him to become addicted to these things and ignore the technical training, it would be a big trouble.

"In fact, you don't need to talk about this issue, I have to talk to him. It's not only about how to train, but also about his future development route."

"Do you also think he is more suitable for developing to the middle?" Deschamps asked rhetorically.

"Good wing players are centered, and vulgar center players are winged. This was originally a basic concept of football. When Joey was first introduced, I had not thought about these issues carefully, but now, I think I have to Think about it." Petty paused, "I don't know how much potential Joey has, or whether he can become my ideal midfielder, but I think it's worth a try."

"It's just that when you ask questions, be gentle. Don't let him think that you are forcing him to play as a midfielder. I think he is actually good at playing as a forward. If you put more effort into off-the-ball running and shooting, it may be possible. To play forward..."

"Why does someone who can play a midfielder play a forward? A midfielder is the soul of a team, and a forward is nothing more than a sharp knife. How can it be as important as a person's soul even if it is a sharp sword?"

The position of the midfielder, after all, is the king of the field. No matter how good the forward is, without the support of the midfielder, it will be difficult to make a difference. He and the midfielder, who control the rhythm, position, position, and opportunity of everyone in the court, are not the same after all.

"However, forwards score more goals after all. Young people, after all, still like to be pushy."

"When Platini was the top scorer for three consecutive years, he played as a midfielder." Petit immediately refuted his words. "Zico, who averaged close to one goal per game, also played as midfielder. Who said that in a football game? It must be a striker to score more goals? The position is dead, and the style of play is alive. Who said that the goal efficiency of the front midfielder must be worse than that of the striker? If you want to show the limelight, you have to have that strength, really. With enough ability, you can score a goal in any position. Earn more goals by getting closer to the goal? That is the idea of ​​nothing promising."

Petit shook his head, disdainful of Deschamps' words, "What is the limelight, is there any more limelight than the midfielder? The most eye-catching football field is always from the middle. Take the ball, go straight to the line of defense, and ride the players in the company. That kind of shock, especially in the penalty area, can be compared to someone who sneaks in the penalty area and finds a chance to shoot? Look at Zizou, look at Ronaldinho Look at Maradona, that kind of playing style, let people know at a glance that he is the most dazzling star on the field, the most eye-catching focus, that kind of brilliance, how can a few goal figures be reflected? of?"

Petit’s words made Deschamps smile. This is indeed Petit’s idea. The technical supremacy is deeply ingrained in him. But Deschamps understands it in his heart. In this year, publicity is a very important job. In the face of people who don't watch or understand the ball, they will recognize the number of goals scored in vain. If players want to make money, they have to cooperate with merchants and cooperate with merchants. Naturally, they have to have glorious data. Petty doesn't understand or disdain to understand this kind of commercial football, but if Deschamps also pretends It's not enough to be confused.

Fortunately, Zhao Yaning is still young, and there are still many areas where technology needs to be improved. Therefore, Deschamps did not argue with Petit. There is still a long way to go. He still has to decide how to go.

"If you really think it's good to talk to him like this, just go and talk to him. But I still think that even if you play a midfielder, you should also teach him some skills to hold the ball behind you and adjust your shots. Skills, as well as some knowledge and basic skills that other shooters should have. If he is more threatening in the middle, it will be of great help to us."

Petit nodded, "Of course I don't need you to tell me about this. When should I talk to him?"

"Wait until I finish talking with him." Deschamps thought for a while, "I have to talk to him about the transfer."

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