The Bald Monk in the City

Vol 2 Chapter 722: The woman with the black mist

Val is a strong female human being. She won the ruling power of this primitive tribe before the tenth growing season arrived.

Val did not know why he called Val, like other people in the tribe, their names often had some simple and crude meanings.

Perhaps it was the roar of a certain beast, or the reverberation of wind in certain circumstances.

These natural voices were quickly adopted by these primitive humans who had not yet separated from the chaotic wisdom.

This is of great significance to the advancement of the entire human civilization.

But Vale still didn't know why she was called Vale, a certain kind of thinking that was different from other primitive humans, so she gave herself a name with some unknown meaning.

Unlike the tribes, after meeting their food needs, they began to perform more instinctive behaviors.

After getting enough things, Val will always think in chaos.

The tribe has not yet formed primitive writing or language, but through long-term running-in, people in the same tribe can get some simple messages through certain calls of the same frequency.

For example: hazards, food, and even more complex ones can be more vaguely defined to a certain forest area.

Of course, this is not a formed language, it can only be regarded as a chaotic way of communication.

In this way, several years passed, and Val began to become an outlier of the tribe.

People gradually discovered the differences in Vale's body, even though people have not formed any religious-related culture here.

But just as it is difficult for wolves to accept a similar species with a mutated coat color, people cannot accept a chief who will not age.

So Vale's short life as a chieftain came to an end with the brutal expulsion of the same kind.

She began to wander on the wild land, like a ghost without a body.

What she didn't know was that in a certain piece of black fog above her head, a bald head had been staring at her quietly for thousands of days and nights...

Yi Qiu looked at Vale below. At first, he didn't know how this obviously wrong primitive female human existed.

He was full of curiosity about this wild world.

In a sense, the scene here also corresponds to a certain extent in the physical world where he is.

This is quite new to Yi Qiu.

He only learned about the reckless years of civilization from books, and even the information in books has lost its original face in thousands of years of day and night.

He is not a fan of this area, but it does not mean that he will have no interest in it.

Undoubtedly, everything that Yi Qiu is exposed to now is enough for those related researchers to make them crazy.

Perhaps some scholars of the origin of reckless civilization will have a strong interest in this.

Unfortunately, this is not a real scene.

It is just a phantom simulated by the endless steps through the relevant memory fragments. Although it looks extremely real, it is just a phantom.

However, Yi Qiu only has some subtle freshness. He is more often engaged in meditation practice and paying attention to this special primitive female human.

His eyes with golden luster did not stop on her strong body.

But through the flesh and blood that was full of vitality, I saw a deeper place: her consciousness and soul.

The souls of these primitive humans are very different from the human souls of advanced civilizations.

This difference is even greater than the difference in their limbs.

The human soul of a developed civilization is shining with all kinds of vague and confusing light of thinking. There are good, evil, noble, filthy...

Just quietly savoring it is enough to show the life of this mortal thing.

However, Yi Qiu has never done such a delicate work. More often, he simply judges whether he is hostile or not.

And now, the primitive human souls that Yi Qiu encountered were somewhat like extraordinary beasts with some special powers.

It is full of unstoppable wild animalism, but some spiritual flashes have begun to become active...

In fact, Yi Qiu's original plan was to meditate in a quiet place until the end of time or he could no longer persist.

However, after exploring the primitive human tribe for the first time and discovering Val, whose soul is quite abnormal, Yi Qiu directly followed her.

Yi Qiu found that in the depths of Val's soul, there was a certain time and space power overflowing.

Although Yi Qiu is not good at using this power, he is familiar with the taste.

Because when tearing apart the connection points of the plane with his bare hands, he occasionally has the opportunity to cross with this power.

Although it is not clear what kind of ambiguous relationship Vale and Olistan have, there is no doubt that there must be some connection between them.

If Yi Qiu had time-space-related abilities, he might be able to explore it through Val.

Maybe you can directly dig out the incarnation of Olistan, and then directly solve it...

However, intuition gave Yi Qiu an alternative inspiration.

He felt that there was something special in Val.

It is not necessarily a tangible matter, or a special energy, or even a special revelation, it is very possible.

Yi Qiu once used the power of Fate's Peep to Vale, and he found a very rich golden light in her.

Very rich and pure, Yi Qiu didn't even see any negative forces mixed in it.

But this golden light is very cryptic. It doesn't appear directly in Yi Qiu's field of vision, but is deeply hidden in a certain chaotic time and space in the depths of Val's there is no Sky Eye Strength, Yi Qiu felt that he might not be able to discover this thing.

Judging from the state of this golden light, it is between the misty past and the chaotic future, but not the present.

Yi Qiu didn't understand what this state really meant, but he knew that following Val would be able to trigger some special events.

In fact, if it wasn't that the power hadn't reached the level of destroying a natural planet, Yi Qiu wouldn't mind trying another way to open this space-time test.

But now, Yi Qiu didn't find any creatures that could threaten him in this space-time test plane.

Yi Qiu didn't know how strong Olistan's incarnation was, but based on the current information, Yi Qiu felt that it didn't take long to tear it apart.

In this way, Vale started a wandering life in the wild world with a cloud of black mist that would always hover over her head...

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