Chapter 168 The Navy releases a strange recruitment advertisement, and Kaido learns that Big Mama has been killed!!

“What? Are you planning to expand your conscription? ”

Sengoku looked at Ron with a confused face. This proposal really frightened him.

The Navy’s current strength is already very large, and its combat effectiveness is also extremely high.

There is no need to continue to expand conscription. Which one is this inspector general thinking?

“Yes, we need to continue to expand the size of the Navy.”

Ron nodded and said very seriously, this is related to his physical progress.

“However, the current military expenditure is already extremely expensive, if you continue to recruit… I’m afraid that the financial side is not very good. ”

The world government’s annual military expenditure is fixed. Just enough for a year’s worth of the Navy.

If the army is expanded, it means increasing expenditure.

But the money given by the world government will not increase, which will inevitably affect the welfare of these soldiers now.

Therefore, the Warring States were not very much in favor of the decision to conscript. Ron patted Sengoku on the shoulder and said, “You don’t have to worry about money, I’ll talk to the Five Old Stars.” ”

“And didn’t we just seize a shipment of treasure?”

“That’s enough for now.”

Sengoku suddenly looked around and then whispered.

“But… With so much treasure, shouldn’t we hand over to the world government? ”

“If you keep it for yourself, I’m afraid it’s not good.”

After all, the number here is too large.

If it is one or two billion, you will stay and stay. Ron smiled, then said, “Rest assured, those 5 old guys don’t dare to have an opinion, and the money will stay at the naval headquarters as the initial fund for recruit recruitment.” ”

“Put this matter on my agenda as soon as possible.”

When the Warring States heard this, he couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air.

There are even some dark coolness, after all, this money is too much, if they are left in the Navy, it will certainly greatly improve the treatment of naval soldiers.

Since there was Ron’s words, the Warring States were relieved.

After all, since the last time I visited Mary Joa with Ron, I have seen Ron’s position in Mary Joa and seen the attitude of the five old stars towards Ron.

Therefore, the Warring States were convinced of what Ron said.

“Well, if that’s the case, then do as you say.”

“But how fast are you talking about as soon as possible?”

Sengoku asked.

“Right now.”

“You immediately advertise for conscription.”

Ron thought for a moment and then said.

“What? Right now? That’s too fast! ”

The Warring States are confused, and this inspector general is really doing things with great vigor. He even said he would do it.

But now it is not in the naval headquarters. How do I post a recruitment advertisement? There is no channel to publish newspapers!

The Navy has official newspapers, which are usually used to publish some important news.

“How? Is there a problem? ”

Ron said lightly.

“There are some problems, if we want to advertise for conscription, at least we have to go back to the naval headquarters.”

“We don’t have anything here, so we can’t just send out newspapers out of thin air.”

Sengoku shook his head, indicating that he was somewhat powerless. Ron sighed helplessly.

“O Warring States, if you are called a wise general, why don’t you know how to be flexible?”

“You’re just too dead-headed, you should change it.”

Hearing Ron say this, Sengoku’s face suddenly turned black.

It is really a bit embarrassing to be educated by a young man like this, but the other party is strong after all, and the Warring States do not dare to say anything.

“How can this be adapted? No matter what, we need to go back to headquarters. ”

The Warring States helplessly spread out their hands.

“It’s really not wrong to say you don’t know how to be flexible.”

“Since it cannot be released through the official channel, it is not enough to change the channel.”

Si ~ Warring States was suddenly stunned, a little confused. Only to see Ron beckoning into the distance.

“Bring Morgaons here!”

As a member of the underground forces, Morgaons was of course among the invitees of the banquet.

This guy is the president of the World Economic Daily. Control the world’s largest source of information.

His newspaper can cover every corner of the world, even if it is a small island where there is only one person, and the seagulls can still deliver.

His coverage is wider than that of the official channels. At this moment, Morgaons was escorted up by Darth Vader.

The big bird fell to its knees the moment it saw Ron. Immediately show heartfelt.

“Morgaons is willing to serve the Navy!”

This guy is really a model of a time-conscious person, directly surrendering, without hesitation.

It makes everyone around you stunned. Shout out incredible.

Because Morgaons is usually a guy who doesn’t succumb to anyone. Even the Navy’s request has been rejected several times.

In his principle, maintaining the independence of the press is paramount.

But now, this guy has changed his former iron bones, his attitude has taken a 180-degree turn, and the speed of surrender can be described as surprising to everyone.

This is mainly a live report that Moorgans participated in the war on the top, and saw first-hand the fierceness of this guy.

That’s why he would be so positive at this moment.

Because he knew that even if he hesitated for a moment, he might be killed by the bald inspector general, and then quickly send the navy to clean up his property, and it was estimated that in less than a day, he would be able to take over his newspaper.

After all, the Four Emperors’ Aunt who was still in the sky a moment ago was cleaned up in the blink of an eye, and the Navy did not even leave a pot.

“You’re pretty smart.”

Ron smiled.

“Inspector General, if there is anything that can be used by me, you will do as you are told.”

“I promise to finish!”

Morgaons rubbed both hands and said very flatteringly.

“You see, isn’t that the problem solved?”

Ron turned around, patted Sengoku on the shoulder and said, “Communicate with him, be sure to send out the recruitment advertisement today.” ”

Warring States face black line.

Subsequently, he communicated with Morgaons. Meanwhile.

50 warships also left Cake Island and headed for the Kingdom of Peace.

I have to say that the efficiency of Morgaons is really fast. It only took half a day.

All the typesetting had been completed, and he immediately instructed his newspaper to replace the newspaper that had been issued today and begin to work overtime to print it.

Out of curiosity, Ron took the sample and looked at it.

Then I couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air.

I saw that on the entire front page, there was a huge photo printed. It was Ron who punched Big Mama!

I have to say that Morgaons is indeed professional, and I don’t know when the photo was taken, this angle really exerts Ron’s momentum to the fullest.

Just looking at the photos can feel the endless sense of oppression. Then there’s an advertisement for the Navy’s conscription.

The advertising words are even more speechless.

“Want to follow such a strong man? Want to punch the Four Emperors and kick the Seven Martial Seas? Want to uphold justice? Then come on! Join the Navy family! Just contact the nearest Navy department to sign up! ”

“If it’s a man, join the Navy!”

The deadline is indicated at the bottom.

Ron covered his forehead, the advertising slogan was too hot to see.


The news that Big Mama had been killed by Ron reached the Naval Headquarters. Kaido, who was fighting with Karp, also got the news.

He even knew that Ron was now heading full speed towards his base camp

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