The Almighty King of Sports

Chapter 951: Public opinion hasn't overturned

Morey's wife sighed and said, "If Mr. Fertitta insists on firing you, I think he will insist on his own opinion even if there is pressure from public opinion!"

"Haha! That's not necessarily!" Morey said with a smile.

"Why?" the wife asked.

"Fertita doesn't have a strong will. You have to know that if he is determined, he might have fired me when things first came out last year." Morey said.

"Okay! Honey, then you can try it. I think if you can't get Fertitta to withdraw your willingness to fire you, it will be difficult for you to find a new job in the NBA, and there will be no more teams Offer you a position!" Morey's wife said. ,

Morey went back to the house, he came to the study, sat in the boss chair and muttered for a while, and then he posted a message on Twitter: "Thanks to Mr. Fertitta, thanks to the Rockets, I know, you guys I fired me because you need the Chinese market too much, and I understand this!"

There are not many words, but the beginning is thanks.

Then he pointed out that he was fired because the boss needed the Chinese market, and he could understand this.

This short sentence hides a huge grievance.

When Morey sent the news, he left the phone on the desk, leaned on the chair, closed his eyes and rested.

However, his heart is really messed up at the moment.

He has been working in the Rockets for 14 years.

He didn't know what he could do after losing his job.

Because of that incident, it is estimated that after leaving the Rockets, as his wife said, no NBA team will provide him with a position.

That would be catastrophic.

The hotel where Wang Fei stayed.

He was talking to Liu Meijuan in the room, and his cell phone rang.

When Wang Fei looked at his cell phone, Alyssa was calling.

Wang Feixin said, how could Alyssa call me now?

He still connected to the phone.

"Wang, Morey was fired." Alisha said excitedly on the phone.

Wang Fei was immediately surprised: "What? Morey was fired? When did it happen?"

"Just now, Morey himself posted a post saying that he had been fired." Alisha said.

"This is really good news!" Wang Fei laughed.

"Yeah! They should have let him go! If they could let him go soon, maybe the Rockets would not suffer such a big economic loss!" Alisha said.

"It's not too late! We have a proverb in China: It's not too late to make up for it! Haha! They finally wake up. The Rockets still rely on China's market if they want to make money!" Wang Fei said.

If Morey has been fired, then Wang Fei will have no worries about retiring from the jersey provided for him by the Rockets.

"Wang, would you agree to Fertitta's invitation to participate in your jersey retirement ceremony?" Alisha asked.

"Haha! I have called Fertitta again and turned down the invitation to attend the ceremony. Let's wait! Wait until a certain time, and then finish the ceremony." Wang Fei said with a smile.

When Morey was killed, Wang Fei was also happy and relaxed physically and mentally.

"That's OK! The Rockets will definitely retire your jersey! They need to use this method to please the Chinese fans." Alisha said.

"I think so too!" Wang Fei smiled.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Meijuan asked, "What are you talking about? It's so lively, you look in a good mood."

"Morey was fired." Wang Fei said.

"Oh! That's really a good thing! So you won't have any worries about going to your jersey retirement ceremony." Liu Meijuan said.

"I think my jersey retirement ceremony must have been postponed. Don't worry! Don't be afraid of late for a good meal!" Wang Fei said.

Look back at Morey again.

He sat in the chair for half an hour, then he eagerly opened his Twitter to see the situation.

At this time, there were already dozens of comments under Morey's tweet.

Morey doesn't actually have too many fans.

Moreover, the time is too late.

It’s good to have dozens of comments in half an hour.

Morey didn't read the comment, but was anxious to see who the repost was.

He now needs some big V to repost this tweet.

He saw six or seven media reporters reposting this tweet.

Among them are reporters from major media such as the New York Times, CNN, and Washington Post.

Morey clicked on these reposts. He wanted to see the comments that these reporters had when reposting.

New York Times reporter Turner: "The boots finally landed and Morey was fired. This is a matter of time. After all, the Rockets are now in a difficult situation, their income is plummeting, and their results are not very good."

CNN editor Thompson: "More than a year has passed, did the Rockets boss settle accounts after the fall? But I think he can understand his behavior, no one will bear an employee who makes himself lose money! It is a good choice to fire Morey. !"

Washington Post reporter Jackson: "People shouldn't blame Fertitta. He has suffered a huge loss. In the past year or so, he has lost more than one billion US dollars. He has lost a lot. Dismissal is right."

After reading these reposted comments, Morey suddenly turned a little black.


What's this?

These guys who originally supported me firmly, now they don’t support me anymore?

Does public opinion seem to be changing?

If that were the case, it would be terrible.

Morey looked back at the comments below his tweet.

"You should resign yourself!"

"You mangy dog, you made your boss lose hundreds of millions of dollars. What is wrong with you?"

"Morey, you really can't blame Fertitta for this, he has done his best to you!"

"I knew that you would be fired, maybe you have been waiting for this day?"

"If Morey is fired, I will resolutely boycott the Rockets game in the future! Morey lost his job to defend democracy and freedom! This must be remembered! To fire Morey is against democracy and freedom!"

"Upstairs, NMSL! Is it necessary to make the boss lose money for democracy and freedom?"

"Mr. Morey, I sympathize with you, but I think this is what you deserve!"

"The entire United States should stand up against junk rockets! They should not fire Morey!"

"Wrong, it should be trash Morey! He has worked for the Rockets for 13 years, and he did help the Rockets do some good business, but he is sorry for his boss! He made his boss lose too much money !"

Morey flipped through the comments one by one.

The more he watched, the colder he became.

That's it!

It seems that this time is really over.

The direction of public opinion has completely changed.

They used to support me in a swarm, but now they are gloating.

This is not a good phenomenon!

Morey was a little unbelievable.

In fact, after Morey sent this tweet, Fertitta is also paying attention to the impact of Morey's tweet.

He was very worried that there would still be the same turbulent public opinion that strongly supported Morey more than a year ago.

But fortunately, it did not appear this time.

Fertitta breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought for a while, and decided to send a tweet to explain why he would fire Morey.

"Thanks to Mr. Morey for his contribution to the Rockets! However, the club is very difficult now, we have lost a lot of money, if this loss continues, the survival of the team will become a problem! So, we have to make this difficult decision."

Fertitta said in this tweet.

He didn't say anything else but said he was losing money. The team had reached a critical point and had to change the general manager and try his luck.

How else?

This tweet didn't mention any controversy.

Fertitta meant to play down the turmoil and mention his own losses.

After posting this tweet, Fertitta went to read the comments below Morey's tweet.


The comments still haven't overturned.

Netizens have calmed down now.

Everyone sympathized with Fertitta, thinking that firing Morey was a good decision.

In fact, Fertitta is also doing intense public relations work. He is asking people to call the reporters of the big media, hoping that they can understand their decision.

In short, this evening was a shocking night for Morey and Fertitta.

This night, Morey slept almost all night.

He is always paying attention to the comments and reposts under his tweets.

He is eager to use the pressure of public opinion to get his boss back to fire his fame.

However, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

This is also true.

Morey has been swiping his phone.

The one-sided support of his public opinion that he expected but never appeared.

In the morning, his wife came over.

"Honey! Why are you so haggard?" Morey's wife exclaimed.

Morey smiled bitterly and said: "I think, I'm really over. No one supports me anymore. Everyone thinks that I should be fired."

"It’s okay, it’s not the end of the world, dear, we have to cheer up! Even if we leave the Rockets, we can also do other jobs. Even if we can’t do other jobs, we can also try to start a company, Do some business of your own." His wife comforted Morey.

"You are right! I shouldn't be decadent for this." Morey said with a smile.

He went to wash his face and cheered up.

Then, Morey insisted on driving to the rocket base by himself.

He is going to go through the resignation formalities today.

Although he wants to leave, he feels that he must be calm and calm, and not let others laugh at him.

Arrived at the rocket base and parked the car.

As soon as he got out of the car, he saw Harden just getting out of the car.

"Hi! James, good morning!" Morey smiled and waved to Harden.

Harden glanced at Morey, smiled and said, "Darryl, you are finally gone. Seriously, it makes everyone breathe a sigh of relief."

Morey was startled.

He didn't expect Harden to speak so directly.

"Don't you want me to go?" Morey asked with a wry smile and shook his head.

"What do you say? When you were here, all of our businesses were seriously affected by you. You made us a lot less money! Do you think we still like you?" Harden raised his eyebrows and said , "If you were wise, you should have left by yourself. Of course, I know, you can't bear your money and your position! But, you hurt us so badly, do you know?"

Morey didn't know what to say.

Harden glanced at Morey, turned and walked away with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

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