The Almighty King of Sports

Chapter 944: Public opinion war

The European Times reporter said: "There are still one-third of people who believe that suspicion cannot be used as a reason for punishment. Others believe that Wang is innocent, and that since no forbidden ingredients have been detected, it means that Wang has not taken the Prohibition of drugs."

Chefilin smiled and said: "Look, more than half of the people think that the WADA's decision is absurd! This is still guided by public opinion! Therefore, public opinion still supports the king, I said so, Do you agree?"

The European Times reporter was startled: "But nearly half of the people support a thorough investigation of Wang."

"The minority obeys the majority! So, I think people’s eyes are sharp! Most of them know that suspicion is not enough as evidence of punishment! A global ban on a superstar player based on guesswork alone is the biggest Not fair!" Chefilin said.

"You make sense! I agree with this! But, after all, the World Anti-Doping Organization is an authoritative anti-doping agency recognized worldwide. If you UEFA no longer cooperate with them, then you think that the general public will Believe in your own anti-doping testing?" The European Times reporter said.

Chefilin stretched his hands and said with a smile: "So now, do you think the decision made by the World Anti-Doping Organization against Wang Fei can be convincing? Anyway, I think they are unconvincing! They did it. Such an absurd thing has left them without any authority! I have to doubt whether they have been controlled by some interest organization! They are using the trust given to them by global sports organizations to obtain some kind of improper Interests! I think the EU should conduct a thorough investigation of this organization! See what they really want to do? As for whether the public will believe in our own internal anti-doping testing, what I want to say is, in fact, Most of the anti-doping work has always been done internally by our UEFA! We have dozens of member units, of course we must ensure our fairness and justice! Because we are a community of interests, we Nothing that harms fairness is allowed to happen!"


Chefilin's words sparked a round of applause.

UEFA decided to terminate cooperation with the World Anti-Doping Organization, and the news quickly spread all over the world.

Media all over the world are reporting this incident.

But the report is clearly torn.

Because of the different positions of many media outlets, the content of their reports is naturally very different.

The most funny are some of the American media.

These media unswervingly support the World Anti-Doping Organization and believe that the decision made by this organization is correct.

Because the ingredients of the banned drugs cannot be found in Wang Fei's urine, this does not mean that Wang Fei has not taken the banned drugs!

From the perspective of the world's anti-doping development, the development of banned drugs is also rapidly updating!

Illegal drugs that could not be found for many years can be detected later with the development of science.

The incidents of large-scale use of banned drugs in the history of world sports were revealed several years later, which proved this point.

Therefore, according to this law, the World Anti-Doping Organization's suspicion of Wang Fei is reasonable. Wang Fei should cooperate with the World Anti-Doping Organization to conduct a comprehensive test.

Before it can be proved that Wang Fei is completely innocent, it is a normal operation to impose a global ban on him.

Such reports seem to be justified.

Naturally, a lot of fools can believe it.

However, most of the media in the world believe that the punishment decision made by the World Anti-Doping Organization this time is improper.

Suspicion must not be used as a basis for punishment.

This turmoil also caused an uproar in China.

The people of the whole country are very angry.

Everyone believes that this is likely to be a continuation of the conspiracy.

The hype during the Olympics was Wang Fei's admission of American citizenship.

Now, it is a direct attempt to kill Wang Fei directly with the drug turmoil.

The Chinese Football Association and the Basketball Association have successively voiced that this is a kind of framing, severely condemning this behavior of the World Anti-Doping Organization, and reserves the right to further counteract it.

Wang Fei was caught in the storm again.

Just when this unhealthy wind was blowing hardest, Real Madrid also held a press conference.

Wang Fei and Real Madrid President Florentino appeared at the press conference and accepted questions from reporters.

At this press conference, many reporters asked many sharp questions.

A reporter from the New York Times asked: "Wang, you said you have never taken banned drugs, but do you dare to swear by the Bible?"

Wang Fei smiled and said, "Of course, there is nothing wrong with it! Also, I need to remind you that I am not a Christian and I don’t believe in God, so even if I swear by the Bible, it doesn’t make any sense. ."

Wang Feixin said, of course I cheated.

However, if you are capable, use the test evidence to speak!

I still don't believe it, can you detect it with your current methods?

Can't be detected, and if there is no evidence, don't BB, okay?

Why do you swear by the Bible? How many of your political elites swear by the Bible, aren't they all lies?

"So, do you think that the World Anti-Doping Organization's punishment of you is reasonable? First of all, you have to understand one point. Why do so many outstanding sports superstars all over the world have to suspect you?" Another reporter asked.

Wang Fei put away his smile, and said coldly, "This is a kind of frame-up! It is absolutely unreasonable! The reason why they suspect me alone, can only say that they have prejudice against Chinese and even Orientals! This is a kind of Discrimination! I ask a certain organization to put away such colored glasses! Stop doing things that hurt the feelings of Asian people! Times are different! Looking at people with old eyes is doomed to a shameful failure!"

"How do you evaluate UEFA's decision? Do you think it is normal for the two major sports organizations to be torn apart because of you alone?" asked a reporter from the French team newspaper.

"Of course I support UEFA's decision! When an anti-doping organization makes terrible low-level mistakes, his credibility has been lost. In this case, it is better not to cooperate! And, I don't think there is no With the supervision of the World Anti-Doping Organization, there will be a flood of doping in European football! UEFA has a strong anti-doping department inside, and I believe that UEFA can do a good job in anti-doping!" Wang Fei said.

"Wang Fei, do you think this doping storm is a conspiracy against you? What organization do you think promoted this action against you?" a reporter from the Huaguo Global Daily asked.

Wang Fei smiled and said, "Of course this is a conspiracy! You know, people all over the world also know that they have engaged in a wave during the Olympics, and they slandered me and said that I had applied for American citizenship and succeeded. Joining the American nationality, becoming an American, questioning my qualifications to represent my home country. I also tried to stir up a political storm. However, I won’t name them. I just think it’s kind of a bit of them to be so directed at me. Little family. Their conspiracy to attack my motherland in this way will not succeed!"

"I hope this incident will not have any negative impact on you. You must firmly believe that not only the motherland and the people are on your side, but people with a sense of justice all over the world will support you this time!" The reporter said.

"Thank you! Don't worry! They can't affect my state! I played in the NBA for two years and encountered many, many things. I have survived. I countered these malice with a strong performance! I firmly believe that justice must Will defeat evil!" Wang Fei said.


There was warm applause on the scene.

After the press conference, Wang Fei received numerous requests from media reporters for exclusive interviews.

But Wang Fei refused.

It is really unnecessary to accept an interview at this time.

I've said everything that should be said.

Moreover, on the whole, the situation is still very beneficial to oneself.

Wang Fei returned to his residence.

Liu Meijuan greeted him, stretched out her hand and hooked his neck, and said, "My dear, if you want to drive some. Those people are mad dogs. Let's not know who they bite and whoever they catch."

Wang Fei smiled and said, "I have a good psychological quality, so I won't have any problems."

"Oh! I'm worried about you, now you are under too much pressure." Liu Meijuan said.

"Really? Then I want to release the pressure." Wang Fei grabbed Liu Meijuan's waist.

"Don't! There are so many people in the family. It's still during the day. It's not good. It's better at night." Liu Meijuan knew what Wang Fei meant, and blushed and said in a low voice.

"It's okay! I can tell by seeing it. I don't care, anyway, we are legal. Haha!" Wang Fei said.

"Huh! You gluttonous cat, you really can't help it." Liu Meijuan said.

The two went upstairs to the bedroom.

After some affection, Liu Meijuan went downstairs.

Wang Fei was lying on the bed and looking at the phone.

He found that the reports of the three-hour press conference had been published by major European media.

After reading it carefully, the report is obviously inclined to sympathize with oneself.

Even the New York Times report believes that the World Anti-Doping Organization's punishment action against Wang Fei this time is questionable. Without any evidence, a world-class superstar was given a global ban. This is A ridiculous act is definitely not convincing.

Wang Fei smiled.

He knew that public opinion should have been on his side now.

The European media almost unconditionally chose to support themselves.

Wang Fei knows that this is because he is now playing in La Liga.

He represents China's huge commercial interests.

This makes Europe's powerful sports organizations have chosen to support themselves.

"There shouldn't be any problems, right?" Wang Fei thought to himself.

He lay on the bed and opened his Baidu Post Bar. He wanted to take a look at what his fans in the Post Bar were talking about this matter at the moment.

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