As soon as Umbridge took office, she began to use means to form gangs to consolidate her power and status in Hogwarts. She knew very well that it was impossible to control Hogwarts alone, and the Filch she had previously roped in was not as reliable as she thought. She needed more helpers to help share the pressure, create conflicts, and divert the attention of the students.

As a result, the investigation team was quickly established through an education order. Umbridge planned to use these privileged positions to win over the powerful Slytherin students. She knew very well that the descendants of pure-blood wizards liked such privileges.

Without any interference, Umbridge directly appointed Malfoy's group as members of the investigative action team, and granted them various powers of the investigative action team and a silver "I" symbol badge to symbolize their identity.

As Umbridge wished, Hogwarts soon fell into chaos. A group of Slytherins gained power and became arrogant and domineering. They began to use the power obtained from Umbridge to crazily suppress the other three schools. The college successfully diverted students’ attention.

There was no way, in just half a day, except for the emerald Slytherin hourglass, the gems in the Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff hourglasses had all been greatly reduced.

The students from the three colleges stared at the arrogant and domineering guys with gritted teeth, eager to pull out their magic wands immediately and teach each other an unforgettable lesson.

Facing Malfoy's provocation, Harry finally held back and looked at the Malfoy trio with disgust as they left laughing.

"Damn it!"

Ron kicked the wall hard, wishing to kill the other party. It was Malfoy and his group who subdued Ginny.

"What the hell are Fred and George doing."

"Calm down, Ron," Hermione reminded.

"How do you tell me to calm down? You saw it just now." Ron punched the wall again.

"Now is not the best time." Harry said with a gloomy face as he looked at Malfoy's leaving figure.

At least, you can't beat the opponent directly, otherwise you will get into unnecessary trouble.

Everyone was filled with anger, and they were extremely disgusted with the so-called investigation team, and they were even more disgusted with Umbridge who caused all this.

Those students who had beaten Umbridge felt that their attack was too gentle. Why didn't they slap the toad into the school hospital?

Many people ran to Albert, hoping that he could help find some solution.

Fred, George and Lee Jordan, who are experienced in making troubles, naturally will not sit still and wait for death. In their eyes, the arrogant and domineering investigation team is just a bastard (Albert's original words), and they are good test subjects for joke props. .

Taking the tips they got from Albert, the three gathered DA members and prepared to form a counterattack investigation team.

According to the guidelines from Albert, George listed ways to deal with the investigation action group: "You don't need to care about their provocations. The more you care, the more excited the other party will be. So just ignore the provocations of the investigation action group. Pretend you haven't seen them, especially when they are so high-profile and want to attract your attention, but you completely ignore them, the other party will feel more uncomfortable than you. After all, he can't continue to act cool. Of course, you can also use it to look at idiots. Looking at them with eyes, as for the point deduction issue, the points have been deducted anyway, so let them continue to deduct points."

In order to combat the Investigation Team and Umbridge, the Weasley twins officially announced that they will provide everyone with 40% off joke props at a blood-vomiting price so that everyone can have enough joke props to fight against the evil toad.

While the Anti-Toad Alliance was secretly planning how to deal with the Investigation Team and the Toad, Peeves, who had been waiting for Dumbledore to leave, finally let himself go.

Peeves no longer uses his old tricks of overturning tables, knocking over statues and vases, and bursting out from behind the blackboard during class.

With Albert's special funding, Peeves is now fully equipped and powerful.

It immediately threw a laughing bomb into the classroom in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and watched the students who were in class rushing out of the classroom under the smoke, laughing.

Umbridge, who was laughing wildly, was soon hit by a dung bomb. She laughed and looked at Peeves who was throwing the dung bomb, trembling all over.

puff! puff! puff!

Three dung bombs hit Umbridge's face in full view of everyone, and then Peeves pinched his nose and made a gesture of disgust, laughed and flew away.

However, the strange thing is that everyone looked at Umbridge who was laughing non-stop and felt it was particularly funny.

Ever since Peeves started causing trouble, strange things have happened one after another in the school.

At night, several students claimed to have seen terrifying giants in the corridors, and screams resounded throughout the castle.

To this end, Umbridge also hired Aurors from the Ministry of Magic to search the castle and grounds, but no trace of the giant was found at all.

According to the news that Nick, who almost frowned, overheard, Umbridge actually thought that this matter was probably related to Hagrid because Hagrid had giant blood.

As soon as he entered the hall, Albert heard a chaotic roar. Several Spike UFOs flew over everyone's heads. The roar echoed in the hall, almost making Filch's nose crooked with anger.

Every time they see the Wolf Fang UFO flying overhead, the students will subconsciously lower their heads to avoid being bitten on the head by the Wolf Fang UFO.

For the lucky ones bitten by the flying saucer, Peeves will change their hairstyle for free. Nowadays, you can always see people wearing weird hairstyles in classrooms.

A frustrated Umbridge tried to solve the students' hair problems, but the almost forgotten knowledge in her head was not enough to help everyone get out of trouble.

So, Umbridge couldn't bear it anymore and used the crushing spell to destroy the Spike UFO. As a result, the thing exploded directly on everyone's heads, which not only shocked everyone, but also sent several students to the school hospital.

Finally, Umbridge came up with a ridiculous solution, which was to let Filch use a mop pole to knock down those fang flying saucers.

As you can imagine, Filch had no results and was even fooled by Peeves.

Umbridge could only watch as students with all kinds of weird hairstyles appeared in class. Of course, these people could not all be victims of Peeves. They bought quick-acting hair dye from Fred. Sprays and elixirs for various hair styles.

When Umbridge needed help, various accidents occurred in the investigation team.

Draco Malfoy's head was dyed emerald green, and a small flower grew on his head.

As for the losers Goyle and Crabbe, they naturally won't be left behind. One has green onions sprouting from his nose and ears, and the other has a terrible skin disease that makes his body look like cornflakes.

The unlucky Meng Tai had diarrhea and fainted in the toilet. It is said that when he was found, the smell was terrible.

Pansy Parkinson's head sprouted antlers and a pig's snout, and photos were circulated around the school.

Cassius Warrington was found on the toilet in the girls' bathroom, half-undressed, with a profuse nosebleed from God knows what he was doing.

The other members of the investigation team had encountered some bad luck and were unable to provide any help to Umbridge.

No, they successfully helped Umbridge attract a wave of hatred.

However, Umbridge was not happy, because she found that as soon as she entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, all the students inside began to collectively faint, vomit, develop a severe high fever, or spurt nosebleeds from both nostrils.

Most of the students needed to go to the school hospital, and the only students in the classroom were the stunned Slytherin students.

What makes Umbridge most angry is that these guys insist that they have "Umbridge Syndrome".

A furious Umbridge ordered Madam Pomfrey to cure them and find the source of these mysterious illnesses. However, Madam Pomfrey still expressed her inability to do anything. Even if they were cured, they could still relapse at any time.

Umbridge naturally didn't believe this nonsense. She thought it was someone who was doing something wrong. Otherwise, how could all the students get sick at the same time, and only in her class? Even if she thought about it, she knew it was because they were resisting her class. usage instructions.

As a result, Umbridge locked up many students and tried to use various means to get them to reveal the root cause of the disease. However, she still couldn't find the cause. What was even worse was that she discovered that she also had signs of the symptoms of being infected. For example, when she was in confinement with others, she would suddenly faint, retching, nosebleeds, and fever.

Even if she knew someone was causing trouble for her, Umbridge had no idea what to do. How could she not find the source of the problem?

In the end, she threw in the towel and allowed the bleeding, fainting, and vomiting students to leave her classroom in droves while avoiding contagion herself.

Umbridge admitting defeat and looking for Shuyuan does not mean that the matter is over.

There have been previous cases, and everyone is no longer willing to believe in Toad's credibility. They think this may be another conspiracy of hers, and they are all careful to guard against her to avoid the recurrence of previous cases. This is especially true for the students of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. No one wants to be the next Colin and Ginny.

What everyone wants to know most now is when the toad will get out.

The topic that Albert heard most frequently was: how to drive Umbridge away.

Umbridge is definitely the most unpopular headmistress, if she can be considered a headmistress.

Being targeted by a group of students who were eager to cause trouble, Umbridge's life was not easy, especially since the members of the investigation team were admitted to the school hospital. She was under a lot of pressure and her temper became even more irritable than before. , but it didn't help at all, especially Peeves, who was pestering her like a devil all day long, constantly causing trouble for her, and making her mentally weak. Once she let down her guard, Peeves would grab her ears and scream loudly. Shouting: I’m grabbing your ears, I’m grabbing your ears!”

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