The Age of Giant Ships and Cannons

Chapter 358 Preparing for Gene Ascension

In the subspace, it was as silent as ever.

But this is not the case in the depths of the subspace that ordinary people cannot reach. Countless colorful cloud-like substances that ordinary people cannot see with naked eyes fluctuate in the subspace. Slowly undulating to the huge shapeless outline.

In the depths of the Warp, nothing is as peaceful as it appears on the surface.

On the contrary, it is very lively in the depths of the subspace, especially the places close to many spiritual virtual worlds in the subspace, where a large number of subspace creatures come and go.

Many people don't know that in the depths of the boundless subspace, there are actually a huge number of worlds.

It's just that these worlds are all spiritual worlds, and only non-physical existences such as various powerful wills, soul bodies, and spirit bodies can enter.

The famous Void Realm, also called the Psychic Realm, is a very famous world deep in the subspace.

At some point, a figure exuding strong distortions suddenly broke through a colorful cloud-like substance and appeared in a certain imaginary domain in the subspace. After flying for an indeterminate amount of time, the figure came to a cloud-like substance that was still changing. Quietly watching the front.

After a while, the large colorful cloud-like substance stopped at one place, and then twisted and spread out in a circle, and soon expanded to a huge range.

After a while, blue figures that couldn't be seen clearly emerged slowly from the distortion.

These distorted blue figures resonated with the distorted power of the strongly distorted figure standing in the subspace void, and circles of distorted waves spread far away.

The ubiquitous colorful cloud-like matter in the subspace was quickly pushed away.

I don't know how long it took, the twisted fluctuations slowly disappeared, and the figures of both sides disappeared at some point, and the area returned to calm.

But after an unknown amount of time, an invisible wave suddenly spread, and the ever-changing void began to become stable at some point.

At a certain moment, there was a sudden flash in the distorted void, and in the next instant, a densely packed colossus suddenly appeared in the empty void.

Those are huge battleships with transparent shapes, as if they were built of transparent materials, each one is very huge, the smallest size is comparable to a battleship, and the largest is bigger than a mobile battle star.

There are many light-like transparent tentacles on the surface of these transparent battleships, which can swing flexibly and gently, and all of them emit strong spiritual energy fluctuations.

Looking into the distance, more and more transparent warships are gathering here.

At the same time, in areas invisible to the naked eye of ordinary people, a large number of subspaces also gather here, just like a grand event.

Li Qing couldn't see such a scene, and he didn't know it. At this time, he was presiding over the overall situation in the capital of the empire, preparing to face the Aisha civilization and the Siris Star Empire in the northern part of the Perseus spiral arm, the Federation of Felosa, and Aisa. The challenge of the coalition composed of several fifth-level civilizations in the Seoul star field.

Shortly after the full-scale war between Feonoo's revived empire and Ada's instructors, the Aisha civilization united these civilizations located at the northern end of the Perseus spiral arm to form a coalition army, and formally attacked The United Empire of Mankind declared war on the domain.

Obviously, a single country occupies the five major star fields of the Perseus Arm, and the United Human Empire, whose power radiates a total of seven star fields, has made the remaining civilizations of the Perseus Arm feel a huge threat.

It turned out that the civilizations in the northern part of the spiral arm that had been at war for many years put down their hatred and prejudices under the dealings of the Aisha civilization and formally formed an alliance.

Including the Aisha civilization, a total of six fifth-level civilizations have joined the Percyon Alliance.

However, there are three fifth-level civilizations in the Aisar star field that are very weak, and the three can be combined to be comparable to the Ferosa Federation. Strictly speaking, there are only four fifth-level civilization alliances.

Through the observation of the sentinel array, at this time, the civilizations have assembled their fleets in a fortress galaxy originally belonging to the Tenania Federation of the Perseid Alliance about 2,000 light-years away from the outpost built by humans in the Aisar star field.

It is estimated that they have been prepared for a long time, and they have already started to assemble before announcing the establishment of the alliance. At this time, a huge fleet of more than 30 battle stars and 100,000 standard divisions has been assembled in that fortress galaxy.

Fortunately, the United Empire of Mankind has been building an outpost base in the Alsar star field over the years, and has been increasing its troops. In addition, the center of gravity of the empire has always been in the north, and the main fleets are not far away. scale fleet.

However, there are still many voices of worry within the empire.

After all, the scale is too different, and there is no natural danger to defend, unlike the three core fortresses in the former northern part of the empire.

The outpost that is currently being built is built towards the scale of the core fortress, but the construction time is not enough, it has not been completed, and it is not enough to guide the power of civilization to build the core fulcrum.

Li Qing didn't care about the heated discussions among the elders of the Elders' Association. What he was thinking about at this time was not this battle, but another point - whether to start the ascension of the whole people now!

At this time, it was during the battle between Feonuo's revival empire and Ada's mentor, and it had been fighting for two years. Both sides suffered great losses, and several civilizations were destroyed.

At this time, it doesn't mean that you can stop if you want. This requires a reasonable reason to give an explanation to the newly awakened empire and its vassals.

But what is more important is that the power displayed by the instructor of Ada at this time is beyond the power of Feonuo's revived empire. When he first awakened, he thought it would be easy to deal with an old enemy. Now that he has been fighting for decades, the strength of both sides has long I can feel it clearly.

It was also beyond Li Qing's expectations. He didn't expect that the hidden power of Ada's instructor was so strong that he could actually block Feonuo's revival of the empire head-on.

The Battle of Paradise has been fought until now, but it doesn't mean that it can be stopped as long as it wants, and the winner must be determined.

Li Qing's original idea was to continue to hang on, until he was ready to wake up.

But as the situation developed, he found that it was not a problem to hang on all the time. If he was too low-key, someone would come to provoke him.

And it's not fun to hang on all the time.

I can obviously be more powerful and have more status, so why do I keep hanging on?

After all, today is different from the past. The main reason for sticking to the strategic policy is that they don’t have enough cards. At that time, the idea was to wait for the star fortress to be built and have the power to protect itself before being promoted to a higher civilization.

But with the completion of the promotion of the universe in the palm, Shiyuan and another high-level mechanical battle star can complete the promotion at any time. At this time, he already has the power to protect himself, and it is too cautious to continue.

Moreover, the earlier the promotion is completed, the faster the strength can be improved.

Promoted from a conventional civilization to a high-level civilization, you will get a series of powerful BUFFs that only high-level civilizations can have, including faster shipbuilding speeds, which can accumulate strength faster.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three rhythmic knocking sounds sounded in the noisy venue, and the sound directly poured into the mind made everyone pay attention.

When they saw that it was Li Qing who was knocking, the venue quickly became quiet.

Li Qing clasped his hands together, and quickly scanned the audience with his eyes. The inexplicable coercion made everyone quiet, and soon even the slight touch sound disappeared.

For more than 20 years of dictatorship, he has not always been like this.

He didn't do anything in the past few years, but after five years, he began to consciously take over power and reduce military power.

By various methods, most of the military power in the hands of the Star Sea Lords and Military Lords was returned to the country, and only a small part was retained, so that they could retain some dignity.

There are not many remaining fleets, allowing them to guarantee the safety of themselves and their industries, and ensuring that they can easily suppress any forces that are not veterans of the empire, making them the most powerful class in the entire United Human Empire except Li Qing.

Even if they all add up at this time, they only have the combat power of more than a thousand standard divisions, and they can't make any waves at all.

Without military power, they can't even speak hard.

Li Qing was very satisfied with their reaction, cleared his throat, and said in a deep voice:

"Now the No. 1 head of state order of this year is issued. After the meeting, you can start preparing to mobilize the administrative stars after the meeting and start the genetic ascension of the whole people!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they had different expressions, but overall they were surprised with joy.

Xiao Bieli thought for a while, and asked:

"Führer, is the time ripe now?"

Li Qing nodded and said:

"I'm already prepared. I may not have the power to make progress, but I have enough power to protect myself!"

Xiao Bieli let out a breath, nodded and said:

"In that case, I have no objection."

Xiao Bieli had already seen it, and just now he just performed his duties and asked about it.

Then several members of parliament stood up and asked some questions, and Li Qing answered them one by one.

Ten minutes later, the Senate voted with a show of hands, with 278 votes in favor and 5 abstentions, completing the national genetic ascension resolution.

After the meeting, Li Qing immediately announced the order of the head of state in the name of the head of state of the empire, and the entire human civilization was boiling.

The national gene soars!

Once successful, it will mean that the fate of human civilization, a species, will undergo earth-shaking changes, which is also called the ascension of destiny.

Unlike individual genetic ascension, which only enhances individual strength, once the national genetic ascension is successful, the life level of the entire human being will be upgraded to a higher level. From the moment of successful destiny ascension, all human beings and their offspring will have been born with successful genetic ascension. The individual, forever and ever, will never fade away!

Even if there is an accidental extinction of human civilization in the future, the remaining human individuals will still be the same as soon as they are born, and they are inherently stronger than other species.

As soon as the order was issued, all the administrative planets and administrative regions of the entire United Human Empire began to act.

All the sealed bio-gene capsules are opened, and the personal bio-gene capsules distributed by the government in each household also start charging, injecting nutrient solution, and downloading the genetic evolution manual issued by the Imperial Institute of Biogenetic Sciences, which contains a set of standard genetic evolution equations .

This set of gene evolution equation is that the star-lovers and servants of light in the Imperial Academy of Biogenetic Sciences use human beings as samples. After completely analyzing all the genetic maps of the entire human being, after N times of genetic screening and tailoring, and then combining some genes that can be perfectly matched with human genes A set of super human genetic standard maps combined after the fusion of heterogeneous biological genes.

This set of super human genetic standard maps mainly highlights stability, adaptability, scalability, and sustainable reproduction.

In order to ensure that the genetic stability of human civilization will not be affected by any environmental and energy or other stimuli after their ascension.

Although preparations have been made for the national genetic ascension a long time ago, when the full ascension begins, various problems still arise.

There are even some people who oppose genetic ascension gathered together on the planet, and some cities held opposition demonstrations.

This is inevitable.

People have all kinds of natures, their hearts are complex, and there are all kinds of people.

For this kind of opponents, the local governments have implemented the countermeasures that have been well-drilled very efficiently, directly isolating these opponents within a certain range and allowing them to oppose, as long as it does not affect the overall situation.

The matter of genetic ascension for the whole people has been publicized for decades, and the government has already done what it should do. If it is still stubbornly opposed at this time, there is no way.

Since you object, then you don't need genetic ascension.

Anyway, the threshold of national ascension does not require 100% success, as long as the vast majority of individuals complete genetic recombination within a certain period of time, the national genetic ascension is considered successful.

Then this very small number of opponents can be counted in the ranks of losers.

When the genetic ascension of the whole people succeeds in the future, those losers and opponents will die naturally.

There is no need to do anything, and there is no need to even impose any punishment on them. After the successful genetic ascension of the whole people, the whole people are little supermen who have unlocked the genetic lock. They, primitive humans, cannot survive in this society at all.

Over time, it will naturally be eliminated.

During this period of time, Li Qing has been sitting in the capital, and has to receive reports from thousands of administrative planet executives and intelligence agencies in the five major star regions every day, to ensure that the internal preparations of the major administrative planets are sufficient.

Every three days, the preparation materials for the trillions of biological gene capsules in the tens of thousands of administrative planets in the five star regions are required, and they are determined time and time again.

It's a hassle, but make sure it's safe.

You must know that once the genetic ascension of the whole people fails, no matter how well prepared they are, at least 20% of the people will die on the spot, and more will suffer from various sequelae of genetic defects.

Even if it succeeds, it is only an individual success. This kind of genetic evolution state cannot be inherited. After several generations, the individual advantages obtained by genetic evolution will gradually fade with the generation of reproduction until it returns to the state of ordinary people.

Once it fails, it will be impossible to restart the genetic ascension of the whole people for a long time.

It is necessary to wait for the individual advantages obtained by the last genetic evolution to fade with generation after generation before starting again.

According to the experiments of the Institute of Biological Sciences, it is determined that it will normally take at least seven or eight generations of reproduction before it can be transformed into a state where the genes of the whole people can be re-ascensioned, which will take at least one hundred and fifty years.

Considering the lifespan of modern people and the age limit for different people to give birth to offspring, the actual time required is at least doubled.

In other words, once it fails, it will take at least three hundred years before the next genetic ascension of the whole people can begin.

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