The Age of Giant Ships and Cannons

Chapter 297: Unlocking the New Superstructure Assembly Center

Under normal circumstances, the construction time of a conventional mobile fortress is 50 years, but Li Qing only needs 5 years.

The advanced mobile fortress took 80 years to build, but Li Qing only needed 8 years.

The Moon of War took 200 years to build, but Li Qing only needed 20 years.

The construction time of the mobile battle star is 600 years, but Li Qing only needs 60 years.

But this is only a standard period, and the specific completion time will vary slightly depending on the engineer's ability and the total manpower invested.

In other words, even if the construction of the mobile battle star starts now, it will take at least 50 or 60 years to see the construction of the mobile battle star.

"There is still a lack of time!"

We can only hope that human civilization can persist longer in this great change and survive until it rises.

At the end of the meeting, Li Qing left Da Luo Tiangong, returned to the territory, and then turned his head to enter the universe in the palm.

It is worth mentioning that as humans choose to join the Feonuo revivalist camp, Jialanling and Jinmen may not need to evacuate.

The edge of the territory of the Feonuo revivalists themselves was at the edge of the Zutar star field at its peak. If human beings join the Feonuo revivalists, it is equivalent to their vassals, and there is no need to expel the vassals.

Of course, the main reason is that Zutar and Tianjin Starfield belong to the edge of the ancient territory of Feonuo revivalists, and the location is not important.

If it is its core area, even if it is a vassal.

Either abandon the existing territory migration. If the Feonuo revivalist can successfully revive and defeat the Ada guide, they may find a suitable star field for the vassal to rebuild the country.

However, it is more likely that it will be integrated and merged by the Feonuo revivalists and become part of the Feonuo revivalists, which is equivalent to having multiple races in a civilization.

But don't expect a high status, even if it is merged, it is a second-class race, or a servant.

The Feonuo revivalist is an extremely xenophobic trend of thought. The defeated ones are either exterminated or treated as slaves. It is impossible to give you the same status as your own.

Entering the palm universe, Li Qing first took out a series of ship mother chips extracted from the pioneer database, and began to strengthen them with destiny points according to the requirements of the lords.

The needs of different lords are different, but most of them choose to mainly strengthen ships, and relatively speaking, there are much fewer people who strengthen weapons. Only the top three lords choose to strengthen their weapon accessories.

In the end, more than 200 destiny points were strengthened. In addition to strengthening the weapon accessories three times each, the escort ship and the dreadnought battleship were strengthened 25 times each, and the lost titan and the lost aircraft carrier were strengthened 5 times each.

Taken together, the total consumed

Weapons 26*3=78 points.

Escort 25 points.

Dreadnought 50 points.

Lost Titan and Lost Aircraft Carrier add up to 50 points.

Combined, a total of 203 points were consumed, plus his reward of 21 points, a total of 224 destiny points, not much, not less.

According to the agreement, he needs to prepare twenty-five fearless divisions every year and distribute them to the fourteen Star Sea Lords according to the destiny points they contributed.

The weapon configuration is according to their requirements. Those with enhanced weapon accessories will be equipped by the way, and those without enhancements will use level 6 technology. They will send enough blueprints for these every year.

In addition, the construction of the Lost Titan took more than a year, and it is not counted in it. It will be sent over when it is built.

In addition, as one of the extra rewards, Li Qing also asked them for a group of naval architects and chief engineers, including several flagship chief engineers for each lord, and a chief designer for the mobile fortress.

After the chief designer of this group of mobile fortresses is in place, he will transform them into negative stars, and then preside over the construction of the mobile battle star.

As for now, Li Qing entered the core of the high-dimensional fortress and began to use destiny points to repair the high-dimensional fortress.

Unlike the previous repairs, since the last time he used destiny points to activate the core power furnace of the fortress and repaired a certain mechanism inside the palm universe, now he can initially try to actively repair a certain area with destiny points.

However, it is only limited to the edge areas of existing unlocked areas, and cannot be specified to repair unknown areas.

However, Li Qing doesn't need to repair the unknown area at this time. What he lacks most now is the dock for building mobile battle stars.

No nonsense, a full twenty-two points of destiny were thrown into the core of the universe in the palm, and it turned into a force that could not be described in words and injected into the high-dimensional fortress. It was almost instantly felt that a large number of areas inside the high-dimensional fortress were being unlocked.

At the same time, he also knew that the destiny points needed to unlock a complete superstructure assembly center are a full three destiny points to unlock a large area. He now has twenty-two destiny points, which can unlock seven superstructure assembly centers, and A little extra.

"It's still a little bit worse!"

The star fortress contains twelve mobile battle stars and thirty-six war moons. There are a total of eight superstructure assembly centers, except for one to build other ships, and only seven mobile battle stars can be built at a time.

It will take at least two rounds of about 120 years to complete the construction of the battle star, plus the 20 years of the month of war, it is estimated that it will take 150 years to complete a star fortress.

Fortunately, the superstructure assembly center can be unlocked in the future. I hope to seize some opportunities to earn more fate points in this chaos.

As soon as many superstructure equipment centers were unlocked, Li Qing began to mobilize manpower and material resources to prepare for shipbuilding.

First of all, take out a superstructure assembly center dedicated to the construction of the moon of war, a total of 36 moons of war are all launched, and now the preparations are in advance, and the construction can start after the talents supported by the lords are in place.

Among them, some of the accessories of the Moon of War were used to equip the high-level fortress of Cybertron, and an additional six-level dark matter technology weapon accessories will be prepared later to configure it.

This will cause the combat effectiveness of this Moon of War to decrease slightly, but the impact is not significant.

The remaining six superstructure assembly centers began to build mobile battle stars, one battle star blueprint obtained from grave digging, and five mobile battle stars contained in the star fortress.

Among them, the battle star obtained by digging graves is the sixth-level dark matter technology version, and the star fortress contains the seventh-generation dark energy version.

This means that at this time, besides the regular ships, Li Qing has launched six mobile battle stars, thirty-six war moons, two high-level mobile fortresses and seven regular mobile fortresses.

When the construction of the mobile battle star is completed, his power will basically take shape at that time, and it is already worthy of any civilization below a higher civilization.

It is worth mentioning that the construction of the battle star in the Changzhong universe is divided into a large number of modules smaller than the black hole gate, and then sent out for assembly after they are all built, not directly in the palm universe.

However, this is also a preliminary idea. There are two preparations. If the gate of the black hole continues to expand to the point where it can accommodate the entry and exit of the battle star in a few decades, it will be assembled directly in the palm of the universe.

Coming out of the universe in his palm, Li Qing was not idle, nor was he in the mood to continue extracting the energy of the stars to transform it into matter. He immediately returned to the territory, summoned the core members of the territory, and arranged tasks.

The construction of the originally planned huge structure was temporarily suspended until he returned from Feonuo's restoration of the empire before making a decision.

If it is certain that Jialan collar will not be taken away by Feonuo's revival empire, it will naturally come back and continue to build.

If Feonuo restores the empire and wants to take back all the territory, there is no other way but to suspend the construction and wait for the future to see the situation to decide whether to continue.

Half a month later, Li Qing teleported to Jinmen through the star gate. This time, the meeting point of the mission was in Jinmen, because the envoy from Feonuo's revived empire stayed in Jinmen.

The reason is naturally that Jinmen is in the old territory of Feonuo's revived empire, but the Human Headquarters is not in it.

When Li Qing returned to Jinmen, everything in the galaxy was as usual. Ordinary players had no idea of ​​the vicissitudes in the galaxy. They hadn't even heard of the name Feonuo Revivalist, and it was still the same as usual.

When Li Qing came over, half of the other members of the mission had already arrived. Two hours after his arrival, other members of the mission also arrived one after another.

There are twelve members of the mission, consisting of three lords and nine military lords, as well as a large number of staff, a total of about 500 people. They are going to gather here, and after meeting with the ambassador, they will go to Feonuo to restore the empire.

This ambassador is just an envoy sent by the Feonoo Restoration Empire to various young civilizations. If they agree to join the Feonoo Restoration Empire, they need to go to the headquarters of the Feonoo Restoration Empire in the name of the United Empire of Mankind and sign a treaty .

The treaty will spell out in black and white the rights and obligations of the overlord, and those of their vassals.

At that time, these ambassadors will need to negotiate with Feonuo to revive the empire and strive for better rights and obligations.

The vassal states are also divided into levels, and they are all vassal states. The rights and obligations may be two different worlds, and they all need to fight for them.

Although it is embarrassing to be a dog, it is not unacceptable to be a dog for an awakened higher civilization.

But the most important thing is that there is still no way, you can't fight, you can't run, you can only choose one side.

When you become stronger in the future, you can choose to become independent again.

There is no need to worry about being annexed by the suzerain. Ordinary civilizations may do this, but awakened higher civilizations will not, because they look down on them. In their eyes, the conventional civilization of human beings is a primitive man.

Who would be willing to annex these primitive people into their own civilization? They don't like it.

When everyone was together, they went to meet the ambassador of Feonuo's Revivalist.

The ambassador arrived a day earlier than them and was arranged at the embassy.

On the way, Li Qing got the information about these ambassadors that the Yu family had collected early on. Li Qing was surprised to find that Feonuo's revived empire turned out to be a silicon-based creature, a strange-looking stone man.

The overall appearance of the Feonoo species shown in the data is humanoid. The head and body are combined as a whole, and the shape looks like it is made up of many rectangular blocks. There are many colors, and there are many golden lines on it.

There are two bright lights on the head, which are probably the eyes. There are no nostrils and mouths, and silicon-based creatures do not need to eat.

The arms and legs are not connected to the main body, but separated, but there is a layer of tangible electric light between the hands and feet and the body.

The electric light exudes strong psychic power, which shows that this ambassador is also a psychic user.

Psychic energy is the power of the mind, so apart from soulless species like robots, both carbon-based and silicon-based creatures can become psychics.

All in all, the appearance of this Feonoo species is quite pleasing to the eye, at least in Li Qing's opinion, it is more pleasing to the eye than the species of Ada's mentor.

However, being pleasing to the eye is only pleasing to the eye on the outside. When they saw the messenger himself, his superior attitude instantly broke up the good impression they had formed before.

When the messenger saw them, he said in a proud tone:

"The supreme emperor gives you the chance to change your destiny, submit to the mighty Feonuo to revive the empire, and your entire race will have the chance to survive!"

Several lords and military leaders present, including Li Qing, felt an unknown fire welling up in their hearts in an instant, but they were all old foxes, and did not reveal what they thought in their hearts. After speaking, he immediately said:

"As early as when I was serving the guards of Servanti, I heard about the prestige of the great Feonoo Star Sea Empire, and I was very yearning for it. This time I heard that the great Feonoo Star Sea Empire will once again lead the order of the galaxy. Our civilization has already made a decision , willing to submit to the rule of His Majesty the great Emperor Feonuo, we are the mission to meet His Majesty the Emperor, and we are preparing to go to the Empire to have an audience!"

these words

Li Qing didn't know how to comment. Anyway, he could clearly feel the ambassador's joy, and even his tone became a little kinder. He said appreciatively:

"It's a very sensible choice."

After a good start, Li Qing saw how an old fried dough stick politician fooled an alien who was immersed in the glory of his own civilization and couldn't extricate himself.

Several lords have experienced too much, and they didn't know how to adapt because they were in high positions. They were completely stooped, and they collected a lot of information about Feonuo's civilization before they came. The words opened Li Qing's eyes, and he felt that he had learned a lot.

It was not his turn to speak the whole time, except for nodding and laughing. After some communication, the attitude of this ambassador from Feonuo has changed drastically. The arrogance he had at the beginning has long since disappeared, and he is like a good friend.

After the exchange was over, everyone was relieved to personally send the ambassador on the road.


Several lords looked back at the other members of the mission, Ye Cangqiong said with a smile:

"It seems that we can still communicate."

Lord Xiao Bieli nodded and said:

"I hope that Bruwan will jointly choose to support the Ada mentor, so that we have the opportunity to deal with them with the power of the Feonuo revivalists."

The last lord of the mission was Luoyang Chang, His Highness Chang Yongchun. He turned around with his hands behind his back and prepared to go back, saying:

"Just like what we thought at the beginning, if Bruwan United wants to gain more autonomy, they will also choose Ada mentors, but they don't know the true strength of Ada instructors. If they choose Ada instructors, this will It's our chance."

His Royal Highness Ye Cangqiong nodded, and said to the military leaders of the mission:

"Get ready, everyone. We will set off tomorrow to go to Feonuo to revive the empire. We will hold a meeting in another hour to discuss everyone's tasks after going to Feonuo to revive the empire."

Li Qing shrugged and followed back.

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