Thank You, You are a Pirate, You are a Nobleman in the World

Chapter 330 Invitation from the pale lady

"I really didn't hide my ambition in the slightest!"

Salros listened to Stussy's grumbling, smiled at the corners of his mouth, and after a moment of indulgence, he said, "Ambition? Hehe, that guy does have it, but just now that he wants to become a nobleman in the world, this can be regarded as a joke!"

For what Blackbeard said, if you want to gain Doflamingo's power, others may take it seriously, but Salros doesn't even believe in punctuation.

How could the ambitious Blackbeard just satisfy a so-called world aristocratic status? What's more, the Celestial Dragons nowadays are not as cool as before.

"Does Your Highness really want to work with Blackbeard? I always think this person is very unreliable." Stussy committed himself to sit on Salros's lap, wrapping his arms around the latter's neck naturally.

Blackbeard's intention is very clear, is to cooperate with Salros.

More precisely, it is to be a dog for Salros.

"Hehe, you really value this jumping clown, let him face Whitebeard directly, and give him ten courage, he wouldn't dare!" Salros sneered, "but let him go and make Charlotte Linlin some trouble but it's enough. !"

"Whatever he can toss, it is the grasshopper from the queen of autumn, it won't last long!"

Salros has no interest in recruiting Blackbeard, even Hypnosis has no interest in controlling him.

The gods help the space together.

Salros once again met the pale lady LeBlanc.

Every time I saw this charming and familiar woman, Salros would sigh the magical greatness of the Creator.

LeBlanc didn't mind Salros's aggressive gaze sweeping her body at all, and even seemed to have no intention of showing her proud figure more prominently.

Compared to the unpleasant meeting between the two for the first time, LeBlanc became more confident at this time.

Beauty is an extremely powerful weapon for women!

"You talk, you can treat me as if I don't exist"!" Space customer service Orochimaru smirked. In the Hokage plane, Sage of Six Paths was looking for his trail like crazy. More than once, he was almost caught.

Even with the integration of many blood inheritance boundaries and rapid advancement in strength, Orochimaru was somewhat powerless when fighting the legendary Sage of Six Paths.

In order to prevent unnecessary accidents, Orochimaru simply stays in the foggy space when nothing else.

Hehe, thinking that back then, Xinjid, who was extremely embarrassed, was probably in the same situation as his own at this time. The only difference was that he also extended a "helping hand" at that time and let Xinjid come to his own world to avoid the limelight.

Nowadays, he is really a lonely family member. Messages sent to the new empress Acedes have never been brought back. If there is no death reminder in the space, he thought that the little girl who had been cold-faced was also killed by Salros.

Hehe, Acedes, who was placed by Salros, wouldn't let himself go to the world of beheading sisters to relax!

As for the Pirate Plane, Orochimaru believes that Salros will let him pass, but no one knows what the consequences will be. He dare not use his own life to test someone's bottom line!

The last choice, Rune World is not a last resort, Orochimaru does not want to venture into a place completely unfamiliar to him.

Salros warned Orochimaru, and Aunt Snake had become Uncle Snake again, and she should have changed her body through the Reincarnation Technique recently.

I have to admit that, in order to achieve immortality, Orochimaru no longer cares about any other issues.

At this point, Salros still admires, not everyone maintains such a perseverance.

"I have asked my people to go to Demacia. You don't have to worry about the rest. I told you about Mod Guyza last time. If you are interested, you can go to Fuguang. Island, oh yes, it's called Shadow Island now!"

"I think you should know what I'm talking about."

LeBlanc's complexion became stiff, and her rosy lips were pursed. The curvature was very charming.

Maud Guy throws a sword hanging over LeBlanc's head!

"It seems that Mr. Salros is confident that he can catch the princess in trouble. Here, should I say congratulations in advance?"

Regarding Sivir, LeBlanc really didn't want to mix her hands too much. She was not so crazy that she went straight to tease Azir's fragile nerves.

But Salros's people came too fast, right? Just as the front foot told him that Sivir was hiding in Demacia, he turned his head and sent someone over!

If one day, Salros appeared directly in front of her, LeBlanc probably wouldn't be surprised.

But she is not yet ready to face "visitors from other worlds".

Although Orochimaru did not participate in the conversation between the two of them, he kept listening with his ears.

In addition, he also heard Xinjid's introduction to the resurrected Shurima Empire, and he wanted to try the aspirational ascension ceremony!

"Congratulations, I can't talk about it. Until the end, no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents!"

Although he said that, Salros was very confident. Even if Mrs. Gray couldn't catch anyone, she could do it herself.

LeBlanc's beautiful eyes flowed, and she had a plan. "After this is over, I don’t know if Mr. Salros is interested in going to Fukuguang Island. Record."

Salros narrowed his eyes.

There are indeed many good things hidden in Fuguang Island, and there is a lot of rune knowledge that Salros cares about most.

After ascending, Salros' next goal is the rune power hidden in every corner of the rune world!

(Qian Zhaohao) "Hehe, I am really interested, but I hope I can go with Ms. Lovelan. I think the process will be very beautiful!"

Le Fulan chuckled sweetly, and a faint wave of flesh wafted up on her body.


Rune World.

Mrs. Gray, Carmel, easily crossed the ocean by crossing the gate, and appeared directly from Pearwater in the Royal City of Noxus on the mainland of Valoran.

The rushing mania made her feel very uncomfortable for her self-proclaimed grace.

Noxus's air was filled with enthusiastic restlessness, which might burst at any time.

"What a crazy collection!"

After complaining, Carmel swept away in the direction of Demacia in his memory.

What Mrs. Gray didn't notice was that after she left, a plump figure appeared. Looking at the tall figure going away, the mysterious person chuckled. .

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