Ten Years After Chopping Wood, I'm Invincible

Chapter 198, You Are Still A Little Conscience

Meng Xing mobilized the formation attribute of the system and looked at the rune drawn by Zhuo Lingyan on the soap paper. This soap paper is made of special materials, which is different from ordinary soap paper, so the drawn rune will not soak through the paper. The film can also absorb the vitality of heaven and earth.

Meng Xing immediately saw some mistakes and pointed them out.

Using this formation board also has great advantages, that is, you can use formation to trap the enemy or kill the enemy without the formation master to set up the formation.

This formation plate is equivalent to using spells to describe the formation base. When using it, you only need to activate the formation base, and to activate the formation base, you can solve it with a single stroke of vitality.

Therefore, this is equivalent to turning complicated things into things that ordinary practitioners can use.

It is like the mobile phone in the previous life, the internal structure is complex, and people who do not understand the principle cannot make it, but ordinary people can use mobile phones, and everyone can use them.

The formation attribute points obtained by Meng Xing are like understanding the principles of mobile phones, but they are not manufactured by various machines, and can only use the cultivation spells of Taoist disciples to display formation or describe the formation.

Transforming the formation is like repairing a mobile phone. It is trimmed according to the original parts. You cannot add parts at will, and the basic things are still the same.

Through Meng Xing's guidance, Zhuo Lingyan nodded frequently, as if realizing something.

Zhuo Lingyan's Array Teleportation Array has been well researched, but every test is a failure, lacking some of the heaven and earth rules of Yin & Yang.

At this moment, Meng Xing made up for these deficiencies.

Zhuo Lingyan immediately depicted it, consisting of three arrays, each of which depicted a complex rune.


The three arrays were suspended in mid-air, and the vitality of heaven and earth rushed in, forming a black hole vortex. The black hole was deep and long, as if leading to an unknown world.

Zhuo Lingyan quickly drew three identical array disks, put them in the storage bag, and then pulled Meng Xing next to him and flew towards the black hole vortex.

"Hey! Hey! Why are you pulling me? Don't test me as a guinea pig, test yourself." Meng Xing struggled.

Zhuo Lingyan smiled and said: "This is the formation you pointed out. If there is a problem, we will bear it together. If we die together, it will be born on a different day and die on the same day. It will be cheaper for you."

If you are my lover, it will be cheaper for me to play games with me. Meng Xing complained in his heart.

Under the cover of the black hole vortex, Meng Xing was already struggling, and followed Zhuo Lingyan to the teleportation tunnel.

The two people seemed to be traveling in another time and space, surrounded by endless voids, and the two people were advancing very fast in time and space.

Zhuo Lingyan also looked a little nervous and scared, and held Meng Xing's hand tightly.

It turned out that I was timid and pulled me here. Meng Xing was speechless, unable to shake her hand away.

If you can travel back to the original world, the fun will be great. Meng Xing thought to himself.

In the future, if you can create a space-time teleportation array, can you travel back and forth between ancient times and modern times? Living a monogamous life in modern times, and living a life of treasures in a golden house and groups of wives and concubines in ancient times, is simply the ultimate dream of a man.

Meng Xing was imagining it.

The next moment, two people appeared in one place, as if hiding their bodies, suddenly flashed out, and landed on the ground.

Looking up, there is a huge city in front of you, majestic and vicissitudes, simple and mottled, revealing a majestic and magnificent scene.

"The capital? We actually came to the capital." Zhuo Lingyan was stunned for a moment, and said, "Is this teleportation too far away? I thought it would be in Qingzhou."

Gyeongju is the domain of Daomen Leizong.

Meng Xing was also a little surprised when he heard the words. He didn't expect to come to the capital of the Daqin Empire.

Meng Xing is also the first time to see it. Guangyang County and Wuyang County are naturally incomparable to this imperial city of the Daqin Empire.

At this time it was early in the morning, the white sun was beginning to open, and the surroundings were quiet and there were no pedestrians.

Zhuo Lingyan smiled slightly: "It's good to locate the capital, and you can come to the capital often in the future, and you don't need to fly with the sword, it's tiring to travel long distances."

It's still too tiring to fly with Yujian. If those students who came to the capital to take the exam, wouldn't they be exhausted? Holy Maiden is Holy Maiden, pampered. Meng Xing thought to himself.

"Let's go back, let's go back and rest first, and come back here at noon to play." Meng Xing said.

With this teleportation array, it is convenient to go anywhere, and it is safer than flying.

Zhuo Lingyan nodded, took out the teleportation array disk that was engraved just now from the storage bag, and said: "With this teleportation array echoing each other over there, we will not go wrong when we go back."

When describing the teleportation array, it has already been made to locate each other, so there will be no mistakes.

The three array disks were suspended in mid-air, absorbing the vitality around them, tearing apart a black hole vortex.

The two threw themselves into the black hole vortex again, and at the same time, Zhuo Lingyan also waved his hand and quickly put away the three arrays, lest this array fall here and be taken away by others.

Soon, the two people reappeared in the yard of Jianchi Peak, and they appeared exactly under the original black hole vortex.

"Successful, I have studied for so long, and finally I have researched this disk teleportation array." Zhuo Lingyan smiled and said happily.

She was also amazed in her heart, it seems that Meng Xing is really powerful, and his research on the way of formation is simply unparalleled.

The more I get along with him, the more unfathomable he feels.

"This is my credit. You may not succeed if you study the year of the monkey, the horse and the month. Well, we will not owe each other in the future." Meng Xing said.

"Also, you can make me three sets of this array, and two sets of Vast Sea Trapped Immortal Formation. After you're done, leave here as soon as possible."

"You... do you want to cross the river and demolish the bridge, use me up, and then drive me away?" Zhuo Lingyan's chest heaved with anger, and the strong goodwill that had just surged to his heart disappeared instantly.

"Your bridge is not easy to use at all. It should be demolished. Also, I didn't use you. We are a deal, a fair deal, and businessmen should naturally look like businessmen." Meng Xing said, turned around and left , which cannot be rejected by the other party.

"My bridge is not easy to use at all, should it be demolished? Am I a bridge? I am a living and stunning beauty." Zhuo Ling's fumes rose, thinking that this guy must have been his opponent in his previous life, and he was here to get angry. own.

Zhuo Lingyan angrily portrayed the five array plates, and while engraving, he took the array plates as the object of venting.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party knew how to form and couldn't be fooled, Zhuo Lingyan wanted to play tricks on the formation plate and let him suffer a big loss. He had to make him cry.

In the room, Meng Xing lay on the bed and slept soundly. After explaining to Zhuo Lingyan for almost a night, he was mentally exhausted.

When he got up, it was already in the morning, and he saw Zhuo Lingyan lying on the bench in the pavilion, asleep, with a jade-like face, frowning slightly, and looking pitiful, but a little less. stubborn.

Meng Xing went to the dining hall to chop firewood for an hour as usual, and then came back with a bag of breakfast in his hand.

Seeing that Zhuo Lingyan had gotten up and was still drawing the array, Meng Xing said, "Have you drawn my array?"

"Okay, here it is!" Zhuo Lingyan stretched out his hand, and fifteen arrays appeared on the ground, exactly five.

Meng Xing put breakfast on the table in front of her and said, "You seem to be eating dry food these days. This is breakfast for you."

"You still have some conscience." Zhuo Lingyan snorted.

Meng Xing checked it carefully and said, "Do you have a storage bag, give me one."

The small copper storage space cannot be found by others, but the storage bag does not matter. This is a Taoist thing, although it is very expensive, it is not that no one uses it.

"Here it is!" Zhuo Lingyan was also very happy, and threw him a storage bag.

Meng Xing put the array plate in the storage bag and said, "Okay, you can leave after you eat."

"Got it!" Zhuo Lingyan rolled her eyes at him, feeling like he was driving a duck.

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