"We want to take revenge for this revenge, but not now!" After

the leader finished speaking, a scientific researcher stood up directly

and said, "Leader, our Dragon Kingdom is not easy to bully, we can't just forget

it!" "Those who dare to offend my Dragon Kingdom will be punished even if they are far away!" "Well said! Those who offend our Dragon Kingdom will be punished even if they are far away!"

The conference hall resounded with the shouts of all

the scientific research personnel, and the blood of the people listening to it was boiling! Jiang Fan, who was sitting in the front corner, was also made hot in his heart

by the atmosphere of the scene! The dragon country has such a group of patriotic scientific research personnel, so why worry that the dragon country will not rise

! After everyone calmed down a little, the head of the group then said!

"I am very pleased to see everyone's sincerity to the country. "

I'm going to ask you a question now, do you know why our Antarctic research ship was so humiliated?" When

everyone heard the leader ask this, everyone didn't speak, because they didn't know the reason! "That's because

the navigation system used by our Dragon Kingdom is that of the Beautiful Country..."

The more than 10,000 scientific researchers at the scene then fell silent

! They all knew very well what the navigation system meant!

If their Dragon Kingdom really clashed with the Beautiful Country, there was no chance of winning at all.

Because as soon as the beautiful country turned off the navigation system of the dragon country, all the high-tech weapons

of the dragon country lost their effect! Although they hated the beautiful country to the extreme in their hearts, they had no way to

do it! There was nowhere to vent their anger, and each of them had an aggrieved expression

! At this time, I don't know who it was, and suddenly shouted!

"Our dragon country does not have its own navigation system, so if we research out one!"

As the scientific researcher's words fell, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up

! Yes, their Dragon Kingdom now does not have a navigation system, which does not mean that they cannot study it

! I think that at the beginning, when the Dragon Kingdom was first liberated, there was nothing, but now they have squeezed into the ranks of the powerful countries of Blue Star through decades of hard work!

"Yes, our Dragon Kingdom has a population of more than one billion, can't we still study a navigation system?"

"Isn't it just a navigation system, we can study it without eating or drinking

!" "As long as we are united, there is no technology in the Blue Star that we can't research in

the Dragon Kingdom!" "..."The

entire conference hall was full of emotions again!

This is exactly what the leaders want to see, as long as the hearts of the Dragon Kingdom do not fall, the Dragon Kingdom can become strong!

Hearing their shouts, the leaders were full of confidence in the development of the navigation system this time.

Then the leader motioned for everyone to be quiet!

"Your idea is also the idea of the Dragon Kingdom, the country called everyone here to develop a navigation system, and this time we have invested a total of 10,089 scientific researchers in the Dragon Kingdom.

The initial investment of 20 billion funds, later according to the situation, the funds will be increased again, in order to develop the navigation system project, we stopped the 128 scientific research project. It is to ensure the success

of the research and development of the navigation system..."The head of state explained to everyone the arrangements made by the state for the research and development of

the navigation system! Everyone was very excited when they heard this, and they were proud that they could participate in such a project! Liu Tie and several people from the Chang'an City Comprehensive Research Institute were extremely reluctant to come again, and they would hear the leaders say that they had come to participate in the navigation system project, and they were immediately excited!

Glad in my heart, fortunately they were forced to come, otherwise they would have missed the research and development of this major project! In

front of the stage of the conference hall, the leader continued to speak! "The navigation system research plan of our dragon country has been designed, and it has also passed the state's review!"

As soon as the leader said this, the quiet conference hall began to discuss again!

"The navigation system plan has been designed?"

Such a huge system, designed so quickly, our dragon country is really talented!

" "This is also amazing!" "

As scientific researchers, they are very clear that the most important thing in the research of a project is the design plan, and with the design plan, they can carry out the next experimental research stage!"

Yes, I also think so, the only people in the entire Dragon Kingdom can have such strength, and only these top scientific researchers are them

!""I didn't expect that we, the local scientific researchers, could follow the Taishan Beidou figure in the scientific research community to jointly develop the navigation system project, it is really an honor

!" Everyone then looked at the old dragon sitting in the front row

! Then, the head said to everyone!

"Next, please, Jiang Fan, the chief engineer of our navigation system project this time!".

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