Technological Hegemony

Chapter 666 To deal with elemental power, you need a vacuum cleaner...

Chapter 663 To deal with elemental power, you need a vacuum cleaner

"Since they want to come, let them come. Everyone just wait quietly. Anyway, those stupid soldiers will not be able to find anything in the end." On the industrial ship to which the clown circus belongs, a man wearing an old-fashioned gown The old man stroked his beard and said calmly.

Hearing what the old man said, the chattering control room suddenly became quiet.

The old man's name is Nelson, and he is the head of the clown circus.


After the spaceship docked successfully, the airtight door opened, and the soldiers in blue combat uniforms quickly boarded the ship. There were hundreds of them, with expensive equipment and well-trained. They should be different from the ordinary army, they are elite special forces and the like exist.

Nelson didn't care, so what about the Special Forces? Elements and spores belong to two completely different life forms, and the gap is huge. At this time, Nelson treats human beings as if gods despise mortals and ignore them at all.

"Everyone is here, what can I do for you?" Nelson's face changed rapidly, his cold demeanor disappeared without a trace, and instead he put on a smiling face.

"I don't need help, as long as you obey the order." A captain with a helmet said solemnly: "Everyone gather on this side! Face the inner deck!"

Driven by the soldiers, the staff of the clown circus were pulled into the warehouse and stood in a row along the wall.

Standing in such a posture, and being pointed at by a pitch-black muzzle, everyone in the circus felt uncomfortable. There was an illusion of being escorted to the execution ground and shot. They couldn't help complaining. According to legend, the water-shaped civilization is gentle and gentle, and they are a group of modest gentlemen. , How could he be so arrogant?

"Excuse me, what did we do wrong? Why are we being treated like this? Don't we respect human rights?"

A middle-aged lady protested loudly, she seemed to be the financial staff of the circus, but before she could finish speaking, she was roughly pushed aside by the soldiers.

"I think you have lived in a peaceful age for too long?" The soldier held the lady's neck and said in a deep voice: "Anyone who interferes with military operations will be executed immediately without explanation!"


Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged lady heard the sound of the ion accelerator opening the safety, and the cold muzzle was pressed against the back of her head. She was so scared that she cried on the spot.

at this point,

Everyone understood that these soldiers were not joking, and no one could bear the crime of obstructing military affairs.

At this time, with a series of hurried steps, Scar strode into the cabin. He was also wearing a military uniform and covered his entire face with a helmet.

The reason why Luo Jia proposed this risky plan was precisely because of his trust in the ability of scars. After all, scars were originally designed by biological civilization to deal with elemental forces. The so-called ultimate weapon of the biological system is time to show its power.


The old man was startled suddenly, suddenly felt a dangerous aura coming from behind him, he was familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for a moment.

The old man wanted to turn around, but was held down tightly by the soldier with the muzzle of his gun, unable to move. From the corner of his eye, he saw Scar taking out a highlighter.

Swish Swish Swish~

With just a quick glance, Scar can tell who is human and who is the puppet controlled by the original elements. The clown circus is also a well-known team of stars. There are more than 2,000 people including actors and logistics. controlled part of it.

After confirming the identity, the scar draws a big cross on the back of the puppet with a highlighter. The highlighter uses a special branch paint, which sparkles and is extremely difficult to remove in a short time.


"How is this possible!?"

Witnessing this situation, Nelson was startled, feeling the coldness behind him. In this world, there are not many people who have the ability to peek into the secrets of the elements. Today, the other party obviously came prepared.

what can we do about it?

Nelson thought quickly, but before he could think of the answer, some puppets couldn't hold back, became emotional, and roared like a beast from their throats, trying to fight against the military.

"Don't move!"

"Move again and shoot!"

And those soldiers realized that something was wrong, they shouted loudly and raised their weapons high.

In the blink of an eye, the situation took a turn for the worse, and a battle was imminent.


Nelson kept complaining. The elemental power has a strict hierarchy. The higher the level, the higher the wisdom. The low-level elements below have limited thinking ability and don't know how to bear it.


With the first gunshot, the warehouse immediately turned into a battlefield, and flames erupted everywhere. The army shot violently at the elemental puppets, and crazily poured a special ammunition containing Kro alloy.

Since Crow alloy can be used as a cage for elemental power, it naturally has a strong inhibitory effect on the magical life form of the original element, but the value of Crow alloy is expensive, and no one is willing to use Crow alloy to make bullets.

This batch of Crow metal bullets is the stock on the Hercules. The mechanical civilization made a lot of them in the past to meet the needs of the war, and they just come in handy now.

Sure enough, the Crow alloy bullet had a huge impact on the elemental power, and the elemental power was shot out of the parasite one by one. This feeling is a bit like the separation of the soul and the body in the movie. From the human brain, colorful dust-like existences float out .

"Don't stop, keep shooting!"

The firepower poured down again. Although the Cro alloy bullets were not enough to destroy the elements, they could prevent the elements from gathering. Whenever the elemental forces were about to gather into a larger individual, the soldiers would use continuous shooting to re-strike them. scattered.

Although this tactic is targeted, it is still not the solution. After all, there is always a moment when the Kro metal bullets will run out.

At this moment, the scar that hadn't flared up all this time also made a bold move.

I saw him leaping high, his battle uniform torn apart in an instant, revealing his rapidly inflated figure, his crimson color and huge pincers, like a half-human, half-lobster monster.

The ultimate weapon of biological civilization, the star beast!

The strongest technology of biological civilization, cell regeneration and reorganization!

Every cell in the scar is like a Lego building block, which can be combined and transformed at will!


Sensing the threat, the elemental power swarmed up, and the colorful elemental dust instantly surrounded the scar, trying to invade his brain and control his thinking.

At the same time, the elemental force also launched a fierce attack on the surrounding fighters, causing seven or eight fighters to dodge and fail to get hit, and fell to the ground and howled, their brains were torn in pain, like millions of ants eating brain cells.

bang bang bang~

There was a lot of gunfire. Once human beings are invaded by elemental forces, they are basically useless. With tears in their eyes, the soldiers shot at their comrades and sent the infected comrades on the road with their own hands.

On the other side, the elemental power was surprised to find that he could not occupy Scar's brain at all, and strengthened the blood-brain barrier to block the entry of elements.


Since you can't control your brain, then destroy Scar's internal organs and tear him apart!

The tiny elemental forces that seemed to be like molecules quickly began to erode, but they soon discovered that it was still useless. Every cell in the scar's body could reproduce and regenerate infinitely. Patch it back.

In other words, the scar's brain is absolutely closed, and at the same time, the whole body regenerates infinitely! It is a magical creature that never dies!

This is the final answer handed over by the biological civilization, using the undead star beasts to fight against the original elements!

If human beings are a typical group of intelligent life, relying on division of labor and cooperation to win, then elements are individual intelligent life, which cannot reproduce and are rare in number, but the individual is extremely powerful.

Star Beast VS Elemental.

The only way to deal with elemental power is to create individuals stronger than them!

Even though Luo Jia exhausted all the tricks and invited scar, the ultimate weapon of the biology department, the situation on the scene was still not optimistic.

Elements are immortal, they are like smoke flying all over the sky, they will gather at the slightest opportunity, attack the army's defense line, and cause huge damage in a short time.

The floor of the warehouse was already full of blood, but there was still no sign of the end of the battle. The situation of the army was becoming more and more difficult, and Scar was scrambling left and right in the encirclement of elemental forces, consuming a lot of energy.


"Get rid of them!"

"Humanity can no longer support it!"

"We are the immortal elements!"

The shouts of the elements came, and they stepped up their counterattack. The soldiers on the scene retreated one after another, and their faces became more dignified.

At this critical moment, a team suddenly appeared, and as soon as they appeared, they completely reversed the unfavorable situation of mankind.

The troops that appeared this time were robots, or mechanical legions. Seeing that the situation was not good, Luo Jia finally gave the order to let the invisible mechanical legions fight!

"how is this possible!?"

"It turned out to be those damn robots!?"

"Retreat! All retreat!"

The mechanical legion is an old opponent of the elemental power. Although this mechanical legion is mainly composed of small-scale star claws, it still surprises the elemental power. It is too late to think about why the mechanical legion will reappear after so many years. The elements He started to run away on instinct.

I saw that behind those sharp claws of the stars, there was a device similar to a vacuum cleaner. The whole was made of Crowe alloy, which used electromagnetic siphon to quickly absorb elemental dust and stored it in the Crowe alloy tank.

It would be fine if there were only one or two Star Claws, but the key is that there are too many of them, and they are too bullying.

It was dark, on the floor, on the walls, in the corridors, in the ventilation ducts, unknowingly, all of them were covered with sharp claws of the stars, more than tens of thousands.

Luo Jia wanted this effect. The scars and the army absorbed the firepower, and the mechanical legion took the opportunity to enter stealthily on a large scale. After the nets were set up, they suddenly exerted their strength.

Like a torrent of steel, tens of thousands of star claws suddenly exploded, and the scene was thrilling. Countless black shadows quickly swept across the warehouse, and with lightning speed, almost all the elemental power was collected into the Kro alloy tank .

It took only a few seconds before the battle was over, and the tens of thousands of star claws became invisible again, turned into ghosts, and quickly retreated from the battle scene, their movements were unbelievably neat.

"My God, is this the Mechanical Legion?"

"My God, what the hell did I see just now!"

"It's unbelievable. This is the power that singled out the entire universe. Fortunately, they didn't fight us this time."

"The mechanical clan will come out with stars again, the universe is a pill!"

At this moment, the most shocking thing is not the elemental power, but the warriors of the water-shaped civilization. They are all stunned, with a ghostly expression on their faces.

The number one scourge of the stars, the machine clan, they are back!

I have a cold, I have been off for two days...

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