Technological Hegemony

Chapter 537 They Build Airplanes, We Build UFOs!

Luo Jia went to COMAC because of the large aircraft project. After getting off the car, he met the president Li He in the exhibition center. He led two tall and fat white men to visit. After asking, he found out that the white men were from Europe and Officials of the North American Aviation Administration.

If COMAC wants to sell its aircraft to the world, it must first obtain airworthiness certificates issued by Europe and North America, but Luo Jia found that things are not that simple. Considering competition, Europe and North America are not willing to issue airworthiness certificates. It seems that they are deliberately making things difficult.

With a slight smile, Luo Jia took the initiative to greet her, introduced herself, and learned that the officer sent by the North American Air Traffic Management Bureau was called Farrell, and the European Air Traffic Management Bureau was called Collins.

They looked at Luo Jia with unfriendly eyes. After all, in the context of the Western media, Luo Jia, the leader of the Iron Boys Group, is a notorious demon who desperately attacked Western industries and hired a large number of rogue lawyers. Competitors launched a legal siege, very hateful.

"This test flight will be carried out over the East China Sea. We have prepared ground propulsion demonstrations and all-round monitoring installed on the test flight aircraft, so that everyone can have a more comprehensive understanding of the aircraft's performance." Li He explained to everyone.

The flight test is a relatively dangerous thing. Except for the two test pilots, the rest of the crew members are robots sent by Star Technology. Luo Jia and the others observe remotely on the ground. Thousands of sensors will collect a large amount of data to build a test flight model. , and based on the collected data, discover hidden problems.

After leaving the exhibition hall, Luo Jia saw the aero-engine produced by himself in the empty yard. Although Xingchen Aerospace also uses a turbofan structure, the energy comes from electricity. The engine is an ultrasonic motor, not a traditional internal combustion engine.

The other parts of the aircraft are consistent with the previous design, but with the efforts of Xingchen Technology, a lot of localization has been done. The flight control is written by the software department, the fuselage is customized by the material research institute, the main control computer, and the landing gear. , tires, and even cabin seats all come from the chemical fiber factory under Xingchen Chemical.

Some western technologies are also used, such as Musk's Starlink. I have to say that at this stage, Starlink is really a miracle. It is the only Starlink network on earth. , only this one, there is no other choice. In addition, small parts such as pitots and static pressure holes are also imported.

For some reason, Luo Jia was not surprised, and felt that everything in front of him was so ordinary that it was terrifying.

The ultrasonic motor is obviously a sharp weapon built for the era of the big universe. It is nicknamed the space motor and has stronger capabilities, but it is limited to subsonic flight.

Although it has adopted so many unrivaled technologies, the aircraft looks the same as it did decades ago, with ordinary gliding takeoff and landing, and ordinary rotor steering.


Luo Jia frowned,

As a person who will die without innovation, he really has no interest in this kind of aircraft product that only switches from fuel to electric power, and the rest of the design is still in common with the last century.

The engineers excitedly introduced the excellent performance of the large aircraft, but what Luo Jia saw was overkill.

What makes Luo Jia even more dissatisfied is that Western experts are pointing fingers, testing according to their standards, and conforming to the rules they set, and all decisions are in the hands of the West.

On the way back to the company, Xu Chunbiao was still driving, but the atmosphere in the car was much more depressed than when he came here. Luo Jia was thinking, and Shen Lang was also looking at the river outside the window for a long time without saying a word. Xu Chunbiao felt that the two were strange, so he chose Shut up and didn't bother them.

Just like this, he went back to the company in silence and got out of the car. Shen Lang was going to the office, but Luo Jia was going to lie down in the meditation center. He always lay down when he was studying, and then opened more and more folders in his mind. The golden dome has been transmitting continuously for many years, and Luo Jia's study pressure is also increasing year by year. He must spend more than half of his time on learning new knowledge.

"How do you feel about the large aircraft project?" Luo Jia asked Shen Lang.

"I think projects that cannot be fully controlled by us are always troublesome." Shen Lang scratched his hair with a smile and said, "If it were our own project, the result might be different."

This seemingly insignificant sentence made Luo Jia's eyes shine. It is worthy of being a rare military genius. What Shen Lang said was the most important point. The large aircraft project is not led by Xingchen Technology, so it cannot be used in Their will runs through the project, and that's the root of all trouble.

Assuming that Xingchen Technology is the main body of the large aircraft project, will they care about the West making things difficult?

Obviously, no.


Early the next morning, there was a regular meeting of the Authority.

Luo Jia was rarely late. When he entered the conference room, others had already been waiting for a long time. Cao Yuan even took out a handheld device and started playing. Although Xingchen Technology has been trying its best to resist the invasion of foreign cultures, for those who have long been entrenched The cultural influence, change will take time.

For example, Nintendo's handhelds, in the context of rampant mobile games, handhelds, a product invented in the last century, have gradually become a minority, but they still have the support of diehard fans like Cao Yuan, and they will never give up. This is the power of culture.

Nokia, which used to be extremely powerful in the field of mobile phones, collapsed immediately once its products failed, but its cultural influence can last for generations, including Luo Jia himself, who still likes to watch Japanese manga. Culture is called the world's first hegemony, and it is by no means a joke.

"Sorry, I'm late." Luo Jia said with a smile, this approachable boss has always been unassuming, and will review things if he does something wrong.

"Have you stayed up all night? You look like you haven't washed your face." An Ran muttered looking at Luo Jia's gloomy face.

In fact, during the recent period, Luo Jia's mental state has improved a lot. Since discovering the secret net, Luo Jia has mastered the ability to fugue and study in sleep.

Logging into the secret net is a kind of mental withdrawal. The body is obviously resting, but Luo Jia's mind is studying. You can even use the flower of reincarnation to go to Azure Star County where Lan Yu is, so the situation of studying all night is greatly reduced. up.

"I went to see the big plane with Shen Lang yesterday, and I had some ideas, so I made it overnight." Luo Jia explained.

Everyone was slightly startled, and they inevitably had a little more expectation in their hearts.

There is a breakfast prepared by the administrative department in the meeting room, both Chinese and Western styles, with a variety of varieties. After all, the regular meeting of the management bureau is also called a breakfast meeting. Several leaders take advantage of the breakfast time to gather together to communicate. The meeting is short and fast, without delaying other work.

Luo Jia picked up a set of pancakes with his left hand, pulled the whiteboard with his right hand, and wrote quickly.

"Our plan needs to be changed." Luo Jia said solemnly: "According to the company's predetermined goal, first solve the problem of superconductivity, then lay superconductor roads and railways, and finally realize magnetic levitation. Although this plan is perfect, it takes too long gone."

Everyone nodded. As the largest scientific research group in the world, Star Technology has many plans. Maglev belongs to the long-term plan, which took more than ten years. An easy thing to do.

Reality is not fiction. The emergence of maglev must first solve the problem of superconductivity. Cheap superconducting materials that can be mass-produced are the pre-technology of maglev. It is not enough to install a few high-power electromagnetic coils on the car.

After eating the pancakes, Luo Jia drank a few more sips of mineral water, and then said to everyone: "To solve the problem of airplanes, we don't necessarily have to learn how to build airplanes in the West, we can also use other things to kill the airplanes! "

Kill the plane?

Everyone was surprised, obviously their thinking was impacted, but this is not surprising, Luo Jia has always had the habit of whimsical.

"Yes, we have to think about a question, what is the essence of an airplane?" Luo Jia looked around the audience, and then said in a deep voice: "The essence of an airplane is transportation, as long as it can achieve fast and long-distance transportation, whether we use airplanes or Dumbo, the result is the same, nothing more than sending people and goods from one place to another in the shortest possible time."

"The problem now is that we don't have the right to speak about airplanes. If we build airplanes, we have to meet Western standards and get stuck by them."

"So we have to find another way, take a road that they haven't gone through, and can't control us, kill them by overtaking in a curve, and get rid of the so-called Western standards..."

Luo Jia talked eloquently, and everyone listened with enthusiasm. Overtaking on curves has always been the habit of Star Technology. Facing the rules set by the West, Star Technology broke the rules time and time again, forcibly overtaking, leaving countless wonderful achievements that can be called legendary.

There was no sound in the meeting room. Everyone was waiting for Luo Jia's decision, and they were very excited.

However, when Luo Jia said his prediction, everyone was taken aback.

"Since the West has controlled products like airplanes, we won't make airplanes, we'll make flying saucers!" Luo Jia said in a deep voice.


After everyone listened, they almost sprayed, what the hell is a flying saucer? Have you read too much science fiction?

"I knew you would think things wrong." Luo Jia shook his head and said, "I admit that the name of the flying saucer is influenced by science fiction and magazines, and there are some gimmicks. To be precise, my plan is called butterfly vertical take-off and landing. Convenient public transport system."


All the smart people present quickly figured out the key point from Luo Jia's words, the aircraft that can take off and land vertically doesn't even need the airport?

Modern airports are often tens of kilometers away from the urban area, and it takes a long time to go back and forth, which is a huge pain point. If the vertical take-off and landing system can operate in the urban area, wouldn’t it be as convenient as taking a bus?


Luo Jia also said another word, public transportation?

Could it be that he intends to use a flying saucer that takes off and lands vertically to create a new mode of transportation?

If this mode of transportation can be successful, it will not be a matter of transforming airplanes, but changing the entire transportation system!

Big plan!

This is absolutely a big plan!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help looking at Luo Jia, only to see a sunny smile on his face.

"The West doesn't want us to subvert their aircraft hegemony, so we will overthrow the entire transportation system!" Luo Jia said with a slightly cold look.

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