Technological Hegemony

Chapter 523: The Era of Robots Has Arrived!

The future roadmap planned by Luo Jia shocked everyone and the whole world. Starting from the most basic work, robots will replace humans step by step and become the main force for the development of the earth, and humans will engage in more meaningful work in the future.

The long river of history officially turned on this day and accelerated towards an unpredictable future. Assuming that Luo Jia's promises can be realized, there is no doubt that China will enter an unprecedented new world in a few years' time.

"Mom and Dad can retire? Receive pension from Xingchen Technology!?"

The body of the girl in front of the TV trembled violently, and she looked out at the deep night outside.

It is still very cold in the north in April, but the girl's parents have to work at night to clean up the garbage left by people during the day, because they are sanitation workers.

Due to well-known reasons, the salaries of sanitation workers are extremely low, probably slightly higher than the minimum wage. Looking around the empty room, one can see the distress of the girl's family.

The girl also had low self-esteem because of this, and she dared not talk about her family and relatives to her classmates. After school, she was afraid to walk through her parents’ area and meet them who were sweeping the street, so every time after school, she always had to walk more than two kilometers around the path.

At this moment, the girl opened the homepage of Xingchen Technology with a nervous mood, and read it intently.

"Long live!"

Soon, she jumped up excitedly. On its homepage, Xingchen Technology announced the detailed road map of the robot plan, among which was the city where the girl's parents were located, and it was one of the first cities to participate in the robot replacement plan.

Due to the high cost of the robot, the precise structure, and the increasing output, it will take a long time to complete the replacement of the robot. The girl's parents are undoubtedly very lucky. They will be able to retire honorably within this year and live a life that is not so hard , this is definitely great news.

As for where you will go after retirement, the website says the word "study". The security fund of Star Technology is not paid unconditionally. If you want to receive insurance from Star Technology, you have to enter a designated school to learn culture and skills.

Star Technology plans to acquire major technical schools and technical secondary schools across the country. No matter whether it is a national vocational school or a private Lanxiang Technical School, they are all on the acquisition list, and then use these schools as a platform to re-educate laid-off workers.

To put it bluntly, although there are several good vocational schools in China, most of them are just dawdling. Not only can they not provide the society with excellent industrial workers, but they are also suspected of spoiling other people's children. Vocational schools are not assets, but negative assets. They cannot teach and educate people, they will only destroy people.

After Star Technology took over these non-performing assets,

Can it change the status quo of vocational education festering?


As the ancients said, it is the fault of the father, lax teaching, and laziness of the teachers. A school cannot fulfill the responsibility of teaching and educating people. The principal and teachers should bear most of the responsibility.

On the website of Star Technology, it is clearly stated that once the Star Education Group is established, except for the recruitment of a small number of necessary administrative personnel, the rest of the front-line teaching positions will all use robots!

When it comes to responsibility, who could be more responsible than a robot? They will work hard in their posts, teach and educate people during the day, and clean up after school to keep the floor spotless.

As for robots with only elementary artificial intelligence, whether they are capable of taking on the duties of teachers is of course no problem, because vocational schools are not universities, and they focus on cultivating everyone's skills.

Gladwell once said in his work "Aliens" that the genius in people's eyes is extraordinary not because of superior talent, but because of continuous hard work and 10,000 hours of tempering. A necessary condition for an ordinary person to become a world-class master.

This is the famous 10,000-hour law. Ouyang Xiu once told us that skills are nothing but familiarity. As long as you are patient and practice hard, anyone can become a master. After all, we are not fools.

The key is that everyone’s current life is too exhausting. We have grown up in a highly competitive environment since we were young. In addition to going to school, we also have to go to various cram schools and learn various arts. After graduation, we have to work hard and find a partner. , Desperately earn money to buy a house.

The whole life of Chinese people is almost spent in hard work. This kind of life has cultivated our industrious and hard-working character, and it also leaves us no time to think about what kind of life we ​​want, what kind of life we ​​want. The career you like is what you like. The so-called success is your pursuit, or is it instilled in you by others.

Well now, Star Education was born, which is different from the elite training of Star University. The only mission of Star Education is to cultivate screws for the future road to stars and seas.

If you like machinery, please try your best to be an excellent mechanic. If you love swimming, please try your best to be an excellent lifeguard. When children are playing in the swimming pool, use your professionalism to protect our children. generation.

In fact, many contradictions in this society are due to lack of professionalism.

An unprofessional driver will drive the car into a ditch. An unprofessional construction company will crack the walls of the building and cause water to leak from the floor. The poor sound insulation of the neighbor’s house will make you toss and turn at night. You go to a restaurant to eat a bowl of noodles, and there is a disgusting thing about hair in the noodles.

A professional society will make people feel comfortable no matter what they do. They entrust their children to professional teachers for education, and they don’t have to personally tutor their children with their homework until late at night. They go to the bank to open an account, and the teller can do it quickly without long hours. Time queuing plus watching the face of the teller.

In short, Luo Jia hopes to make Huaxia progress in a more professional direction through his own efforts. As for the reason, of course, it is to meet the challenge.

With a smile, Luo Jia said very seriously: "Believe me, the road to the stars and the sea is by no means a smooth one. Along the way, there are scenery we have never seen before, and there are also dangers and challenges that we can't imagine. We will meet the challenges in our current state. , is obviously not enough, so this is the original intention of the establishment of Star Fund and Star Education, if life is a game, then we should try to improve our level in this game."

"Let me sort out the steps again. To join the insurance plan and receive the Star Fund, you must also join the Star Education and enter the career planning and training system."

"As for when you can graduate from school, it is a question that varies from person to person. After all, there is a huge gap between people. Some people are polite and courteous to others, while others are only good at beating up drivers. Not to mention losing his own life, but also implicating innocent people, the latter will have two choices, either to completely change their past mistakes through receiving education, or to never get a penny from the Star Fund."

Speaking of this, the audience in the audience nodded in approval. The Star Fund is not only a guarantee, but also a constraint. The necessary condition for receiving the support of the Star Fund is to become a qualified member of human society and contribute to the upcoming interstellar space. Contribute your own strength to the battle of civilizations, otherwise, please cool off and go there.

"To be honest, even though Huaxia has developed so many black technologies before, I have never envied them as much as today. Through Luo Jia's speech, I felt the huge gap with Huaxia."

"Yeah, when we were still arguing about political correctness, the Chinese people had already set their sights on the distant era of the big universe."

"The gap is too big. Compared with the lofty dream of Xingchen Technology, we are like a group of ignorant children."

"The good news is that there is no limit to the sale of robots. As long as we are willing to spend money, we can hire them. It's just a little more expensive."

"What's the use of hiring robots? Xingchen Technology welcomes the sea of ​​stars with robots, and we only use robots as a tool for capital to make money!"

Different from the enthusiastic anticipation attitude of the Chinese side, the melon-eaters in the West feel envious and jealous, and at the same time feel intensely confused.

Under the leadership of Xingchen Technology, the competition between the East and the West has not only become increasingly fierce, but has also gone in a completely different direction. Western people who have always liked to export values ​​​​to the world realized for the first time that what they believed in may not necessarily be true. That's right.

In this world, anyone who accepts the Western set of values ​​will eventually collapse. In the past, the West could use Chile as a model to promote Chile as the only developed country in South America, stable and rich, but now, the Chilean people use Protests and deaths illustrate that Chile does not equal intelligence.

Luo Jia continued: "We must protect the industries that have been impacted by the advent of the robot age, but there are still some industries that we must relentlessly and completely defeat."

“Number one of these is tourism.”

"As a person who loves his hometown very much, please forgive me that I really cannot accept the tourism industry. The annual deficit of more than two trillion yuan is too outrageous. It shows that the tourism industry in our country is already terrible and has reached the point where it must be thoroughly cleaned."

"I think the significance of traveling is not how far you can go, but how close you can be to your heart."

"I laughed at the sky, leaving Kunlun with my heart and soul. This is Tan Sitong's soul-stirring swan song. We live in the land left by our ancestors, but we have never seen the legend and magnificence of Kunlun. Isn't it a pity? "

"Lu You once wrote a sentence that said, "If we stand on the Great Wall, we will be empty, and the temples in the mirror will already be stained."

"We are the only civilization that has continued from ancient times to today. Yellowstone National Park in North America is really just a park, just a natural landscape, and every mountain and every river of ours carries the indelible memories of our ancestors."

"You asked me to buy tickets at a high price. Considering the cost of maintaining the scenic spots, I endured it, but after buying the tickets, you still have to trick me in different ways. This is beyond bearable. As a Chinese, Huaxia is my home. Traveling at home, but still being tricked by you? Shouldn’t such a tourism industry be killed!?”

There was warm applause from the audience, and Luo Jia had spoken to everyone's heart. As a Chinese, who hasn't experienced being cheated while traveling?

Originally, the purpose of traveling was to relax and face the sea, but it turned into a quiz of wits and courage by those unscrupulous scenic spot managers.

"Okay, that's all I want to say." Luo Jia looked around and said with a passionate voice: "If you believe in Xingchen Technology and our honest guys, then please look forward to the advent of a robot age!"

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