Technological Hegemony

Chapter 405 Losing humanity, losing a lot, losing animality, losing everything!

North America, California, Silicon Valley.

Before Star Technology's semiconductor conference started, the Western Semiconductor Alliance also held a meeting. The bigwigs ate and chatted together. At the same time, they were very interested, waiting to see the jokes on the other side of the Pacific, looking forward to those Chinese people being the laughing stock of the whole world.

"God bless America, even the weather is on our side. It has been raining in Shanghai for a week. In the past, the rainy season in the south of the Yangtze River was concentrated in June and July. This year is abnormal, and it started in mid-May." Someone said. He laughed and joked: "The rain at the conference site is getting heavier and heavier, and I'm afraid it will drench those Chinese people into drowning chickens."

The rotating chairman Houllier chuckled, gloating: "It would be good to have more rain, I hope it can wake up those yellow-skinned monkeys. Recently, these East Asians are so arrogant that they have forgotten who they are. We, they probably still speak Japanese now!"


Everyone laughed, completely ignoring the fact that Huaxia is not France, and Huaxia did not choose to surrender, but the fact that the War of Resistance to the end.

ASML Chairman Peter Winko frowned, "We should remember a day, May 14, 2019."

"Why?" someone asked puzzled.

Peter Winkle said, "Because on that day, the concentration of carbon dioxide officially exceeded 415PPM. You may not feel it just by hearing this number, but do you know that only in 2000, the index was only 350PPM."

"There is no doubt that the rate of increase in carbon dioxide concentration is becoming faster and faster, and the unpredictable future is approaching step by step. There is an old proverb in the Netherlands that no matter how difficult it is now, the days will always get better."

"But from today's point of view, on the contrary, the future is becoming more and more terrifying. As we all know, our Netherlands is the only country in the world whose average altitude is lower than sea level, so I will not joke about the abnormal weather in China , because if global warming is not reversed, we, the Netherlands, will be the first to die.”

Everyone felt bored, they were just joking, and the Dutchman took it too seriously.

Soon after, the live broadcast signal spread to North America. As the saying goes, the Star Entertainment Group, which Shen Lang is in charge of, has obtained the exclusive copyright without hesitation. common sign.

"The guys in the White House are too exaggerated. Once their sanctions are issued, those Huaxia companies will definitely pee their pants in fear and dare not to support Xingchen Technology. After all, if they are sanctioned by us, it can basically be regarded as a global siege.

"Chairman Houllier joked.

But soon, when they saw the picture clearly, the laughter stopped abruptly, replaced by shocked expressions and rapidly constricted pupils.

In the torrential rain, the 80,000-person stadium in Shanghai was packed.

Although the stadium has a roof, the audience in the front row will inevitably be troubled by the wind and rain. However, the harsh climate and the threat of North America cannot stop these Chinese people from their determination to restore the glory of their ancestors. After all, this is a semiconductor. Technology The most shining crown of the industry.

"Awesome! It rained so much that it all went to Shanghai?"

"The rain is a trivial matter. The most amazing thing is that they didn't take the North American sanctions seriously. I don't know if the North American authorities will get angry when they see today's scene?"

"Just those white-skinned pigs, our boss said, if we lose the North American market, there is also the China market, but if we lose the China market, we will have nothing."

"It makes sense. Luo Jia also often said that running a business is like being a human being. You must always remember where your roots are. At this critical moment, you have to bite your back molars, otherwise you will let people poke your spine for the rest of your life."

The melon-eating crowd talked a lot, and when the scheduled time came, Luo Jia stepped onto the podium under the global attention.

It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous, but the experience and growth over the past few years made Luo Jia learn to be calm. His eyes quickly swept across the audience, with a smile on his face as usual.

People in high positions often have airs, and geniuses tend to be arrogant. Luo Jia has none of these problems. He is very approachable and humorous, both in temperament and in the way he speaks.

"Hello, everyone, I'm Luo Jia." Luo Jia said with a smile: "When I came to the stage just now, I felt that the atmosphere was a bit oppressive, and it seemed to be a kind of tragic and solemn, don't be like this, today I put the Everyone is called here, but they just feel that life is too boring and want to do something with you.”


Do something?

Luo Jia's words were very interesting, and everyone couldn't help laughing.

Luo Jia waited for the laughter to stop, and continued: "Not long ago, I told you a story. In history, there have been countless powerful enemies around us, such as Baiyue and Huns. One counts as one. These powerful enemies Either I was killed by Huaxia, or I was assimilated, after thousands of years, all the enemies are dead, only we are still alive."

"When I was telling this story, everyone was very excited, so I didn't have the nerve to tell you that the story was only half told."


Luo Jia made a fool of himself, and immediately made everyone not calm. The reason why Luo Jia told the story at the beginning was to hope that everyone would be more confident, and stop thinking about worshiping foreigners and fighting against foreigners for thousands of years without dying. The people on this land are not soft bones.

But there is another half of the story? What will be the second half?

The corners of Luo Jia's mouth curled up, and Luo Jia said lightly: "The second half of the story is like this. From ancient times to the present, the powerful enemies surrounding us have not only been killed, but each of these killed enemies counts as one. What Baiyue, Xiongnu, none of the enemies killed by our China can be revived, they all completely and forever disappeared in the long river of history!"

"Okay, the story is over, everyone is welcome to come here at the risk of heavy rain and sanctions. Today, we will show you some things, some technologies. Tomorrow, we will launch a war against the enemies of the West called semiconductors." War, after many years, your names may be written in the textbooks of your children and grandchildren."

"Long story short, Semiconductor Summit starts now, please watch the big screen!"

Sure enough, he was a guy who didn't play his cards according to common sense. He was fooled by Luo Jia's move, and the scene was emotional. Everyone felt as if they were about to become national heroes like Huo Qubing and Wei Qing, leaving a strong mark in history.

Some people may think that Luo Jia is too radical and a bit nationalistic.

Those who said this may have forgotten one of the most basic facts, when the world is full of dangers, whoever is cowardly will have to pay the price.

Liu Cixin once said that if you lose your humanity, you will lose a lot, and if you lose your animal nature, you will lose everything.

In the face of the head of state's butcher knife, the Jews were gentle and obedient. However, did the head of state let them go?

When the brave Polish 18th Cavalry Regiment, holding sabers and spears, rushed to the German 19th Panzer Army led by the famous general Guderian in an almost tragic and crazy way, using flesh and blood to block When the steel floods, the Jews have already lost completely.

It's not because they lack wisdom, nor because they lack faith, but because they no longer have blood, and a nation without blood is not worthy of living on this planet.

After World War II, Israel was established. The Jews killed all sides in five consecutive Middle East wars in an almost hysterical manner, and defeated the entire Arab world. They fought fiercely with all their neighbors in the way of an eye for an eye, and swore revenge to the end. .

People couldn't help but turn pale with shock. The Jews who were killed by the head of state to the point of bleeding, the Jews who were thrown into the incinerator like lambs, how did they change? Overnight, it became so ruthless, so cruel! ?

The reason is very simple, because after paying the price of blood and tears, the Jews finally realized that in this world, if there is no madness, there is no survival!

And so the spirit, which is called wolfishness, returned to the Jews.

So they survived in the Middle East, known as the powder keg, protecting their homeland and raising their children and grandchildren with a mere small area and a population of only nine million.

In all fairness, the Jews are not good people. They are xenophobic, closed, cunning, and suspicious. However, they are qualified to continue to exist in this world. There will be no second head of state who dares to destroy the Jewish family, because everyone in the world knows that These guys are ruthless enough!

Luo Jia's attitude towards nationalism has always been very clear. He doesn't deny it, and he doesn't think there are any problems. Lining up to watch Huaxia explode in situ.

The Chinese nation is different, because among all the ancient civilizations in the world, only we have continued to this day, and we can find answers from history for everything we encounter.

According to history, if the Chinese nation becomes the world's largest, there may be big troubles. The trouble is not that we invade outsiders, but that we are too kind to outsiders.

Look at those Chinese kings in history, they either rewarded this or rewarded that all day long. They save face and like to spend money recklessly. They need to be corrected!

See how shrewd Queen Victoria is, issued a few private plunder certificates, and encouraged people all over the country to go out, rob money, food, and territory, robbed food from other races, and ate the stomachs of their own people. This is the right way.

All in all, Luo Jia's opening with a very personal style is just a small episode in this semiconductor summit, and the real highlight has already been presented, appearing on the huge projection screen.

It was a semiconductor architecture diagram, with messy lines outlining the complete plan of Star Technology and the current stage of implementation.

The introduction is full of obscure technical terms. This is a typical style of straight men of steel. They are only responsible for telling everyone the situation in a down-to-earth manner. As for people not being able to understand the diagrams and technical details, that is your problem.

"My goodness! Chinese compilation!"

"Based on Chinese, the underlying logic of the computer!?"

"And a brand new processor architecture!"

"The instruction set is also brand new!"

"Isn't this too strong? It turned out to be a Chinese instruction set!?"

Fortunately, there were many technical elites in the audience. After a brief silence, the scene was finally completely ignited.

As the rain became heavier and heavier, the waves of human voices also surged higher and higher, like an unstoppable torrent, quickly centering on Shanghai and rushing to the whole world!

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