Technological Hegemony

Chapter 292 The Scientist's Revenge!


When Di Wuchang woke up from the soft first-class seat, the flight had already passed halfway, and in another hour and a half, they would arrive at Manaus, the largest city in the Amazon rainforest.

Di Wuchang rubbed his eyes, the long-distance flight and jet lag made him feel tired, just now he dreamed of his wife, a gentle Jiangnan girl, with water-soft skin and delicate and pretty facial features.

Thanks to the magic of making friends with the stars, Di Wuchang just dated with the intention of giving it a try, but in the end, he fell in love with his current wife at first sight when they met for the first time, and never left her again.

My wife is a history student, a girl who looks a little silly, she always burns the rice, or when she puts the bath water, she suddenly thinks of other things, causing the water in the bathtub to overflow.

Or when you are on a date, you are late because you took the wrong direction of the subway, and you come to Di Wuchang out of breath, and apologize to him in a panic.

In short, the wife who is already in graduate school, like a child who has not grown up, always does some unbelievable and strange things.

But Di Wuchang liked her very much, and the two got married shortly after they met. When his wife graduated from graduate school, they planned to have their first child.

"Mr. Di, can I ask something?"

Wei Chen's voice interrupted Di Wuchang's memory.

As the earliest employee of Star Technology stationed in Brazil, Wei Chen has been here for three years. He has become accustomed to wearing flip-flops and dating Brazilian women with big butts. Because he ate too much barbecue and drank too much beer, his weight finally soared to two hundred catties Above, the skin is also tanned by the sun.

In short, if Wei Chen didn't speak Chinese, everyone would think that he is a Japanese native of Brazil. In this multi-ethnic mixed country, there are many Japanese-Brazilians.

"Oh, what is it?" Di Wuchang said.

Wei Chen scratched his head, "Who are Wen Chengling and Wen Chengfeng? It's worth a trip for yourself? The Amazon rainforest, I heard that the mosquitoes over there are bigger than leeches."

Di Wuchang smiled, "Of course it's worth it, that is, Mr. Luo is inconvenient to go abroad now, otherwise, he would probably come in person."

Wei Chen was stunned.

Wen Chengling and Wen Chengfeng are actually worthy of Luo Jia's trip to Brazil to search for them in the Amazon rainforest. Can this be an ordinary person?

surely not!

After a pause, Di Wuchang said slowly: "In March 1978, the Chinese University of Science and Technology Junior Class, the first educational institution dedicated to cultivating geniuses in my country, was formally established, and it was the Nobel Prize winner in physics who proposed this idea. , Mr. Li Zhengdao."

"An Ran, Cao Yuan, Xi Zilan, Fang Yuanchu, etc., many leading figures in the company are all from the junior class of the University of Science and Technology of China."

Wei Chen nodded again and again, "I know that, Mr. An and the others all went to college at the age of twelve, they are really awesome."

Di Wuchang said, "Yes, I am also very envious of Mr. An's talents. However, the youngest record in the history of the junior class of the University of Science and Technology of China was not created by An Ran or Cao Yuan, but by brothers Wen Chengling and Wen Chengfeng. They are twins, who were only nine and a half years old when they entered school."

Wei Chen showed an unbelievable expression. He felt parched, so he hurriedly pressed the service light, asked the stewardess for two bottles of iced drinks, one for himself, and one for Di Wuchang.

"Nine and a half years old?" Wei Chen unscrewed the drink bottle and said, "Isn't it possible? Even the junior class of the University of Science and Technology of China has to finish high school courses. I was nine and a half years old when I was in the third grade of elementary school. The Wen family brothers are now in college?"

Di Wuchang smiled, "It's unbelievable, but with the current situation of our company, you should be able to understand that some people are born different, such as Mr. An, he and Mr. Luo are the smartest I have ever met in my life There are many people, and the gap between people may be much larger than we imagined."

Wei Chen stopped talking. Before he was dispatched to Brazil,

His deepest feeling in the company is depression. Geniuses are everywhere. If it’s a dragon, you have to coil up, and if it’s a tiger, you have to lie down. Star Technology doesn’t have many things, but there are many high-level people.

"Wen Chengling and Wen Chengfeng should not be regarded as geniuses. They are gods." Di Wuchang said, "And their growth experience is similar to that of An Ran. They first went to university in China, then went to North America to study for a doctorate, and then stayed in North America to do research."

"Among them, the older brother Wen Chengling works in lasers and is a tenured professor at Stanford University, and the younger brother Wen Chengfeng studied biological genes and is a tenured professor at Harvard."

"According to the normal trajectory, sooner or later the Wen family brothers will become famous on earth and become the top scientists recorded in the annals of history. Unfortunately, an accident thirteen years ago changed everything."

When Wei Chen heard this, he immediately pricked up his ears, "What happened thirteen years ago?"

Di Wuchang looked out the window and said in a regretful voice, "Thirteen years ago, the Wen family brothers took their parents to Brazil for a trip, and it was in the Amazon region."

"Their mother slipped and fell into the river, and was eaten by a group of piranhas, commonly known as piranhas. The father also jumped into the water in a panic, and also failed to return."

"At that time, the Wen family brothers were on the upper deck of the ship. They heard the cry for help and ran down in a hurry. Unexpectedly, it was too late. They wanted to save their parents, but they were firmly caught by the crew."

"The saddest thing in the world is this. The brothers of the Wen family witnessed their parents being eaten clean by piranhas. Listening to their screams, watching them change from two living old people to two white bones. It's a blow that no one can imagine or bear."

Wei Chen opened his mouth wide, as if he suddenly remembered something, took out the backpack he was carrying with him, and took out a yellowed newspaper from it.

Thirteen years ago, an article reporting that two North American tourists were eaten by a school of piranhas appeared on the fourth page of the newspaper.

"Mr. Di, you asked me to find this old newspaper because of the Wen family brothers!" Wei Chen said excitedly, "But it says that two North American tourists died."

"Well, that trip was to celebrate their parents getting green cards in North America according to the law of parenthood. They set off from North America, passed through Mexico and Colombia, and arrived in the Amazon region all the way, and their end point was at the end of South America. , Ushuaia, Argentina, is a trip across the Americas." Di Wuchang said, "They were holding North American passports at the time, and the news reported it like this, so there is no problem."

"Then what happened next?" Wei Chen asked anxiously.

Di Wuchang swallowed, "Brother Wen returned to North America with the remains of their parents. Since then, they have been devastated, and their personality has become withdrawn. They never contacted their former classmates or teachers, nor answered the phone or email."

"Gradually, people also forgot their existence. After another two years, they suddenly sold their houses, stocks, everything, and evaporated from the world."

"No one knows where they went, but judging from their consistent behavior, the tragic death of their parents can be said to be a fatal blow to them, and it is very likely that they are no longer in the world."

"Time passed like this, until seven years ago, someone accidentally found Wen Chengling's manuscript, which was about the research of ultra-ultraviolet light."

"As we all know, semiconductor manufacturing technology has undergone three generations of evolution from 1978 to the present, from ultraviolet light to deep ultraviolet light, and from deep ultraviolet light to extreme ultraviolet light, and the next generation of extreme ultraviolet light will be photolithography. The end point, super ultraviolet light, an epoch-making process that mixes traditional photolithography and laser etching."

"As the size of the chip becomes smaller and smaller, traditional lithography technology will become more and more powerless. Lasers must be introduced into the field of lithography to truly solve the problem and make the chip size one nanometer, or even one picometer. "

Wei Chen felt his heart beating faster, and he suddenly realized: "And Wen Chengling is a top scientist who studies lasers!"

"More than that." Di Wuchang said lightly, "According to Wen Chengling's manuscript, the laser lithography field plan he designed has reached 70%, which can be said to be quite mature. It should have subverted the semiconductor process long ago and won the Nobel Prize in Physics."

Wei Chen savored Di Wuchang's words, and an inexplicable complex emotion flowed in his heart.

The road to genius is often not smooth sailing. The Wen family brothers had a lot of misfortunes. If it weren't for that trip, they should have stood at the top of science, right?

However, if there is no such thing in the world, the tragedy happened just like that, which makes people sad and sigh.

Wei Chen slumped on the seat. He felt his blood pressure was a bit high, thinking that he should not eat too much barbecue in the future, and that he should lose weight.

"So, when you heard that the Wen brothers might be in the Amazon area, you came immediately, because the company's next step is to enter the semiconductor field, and we need Wen Chengling's technology. In this world, whoever gets this technology will Firmly grasp the lifeblood of the semiconductor industry." Wei Chen said.

Di Wuchang nodded, "You're right, Xingchen Optics is the third department established in the company. Since the first year of its establishment, the Optical Department has been researching lithography machines. It has been nearly four years now. , but it is still one step away from real success."

Wei Chen frowned, "I don't quite understand that the Amazon is a place of sadness for the Wen family brothers. Since they have already left, why do they come back? Facing a big river full of piranhas, wouldn't they feel sad?"

Di Wuchang smiled, "You underestimate the spiritual power of the Chinese people. Killing one's father is a vengeance. Since ancient times, we have been a nation with a tradition of revenge."

"Revenge?" Wei Chen found it inconceivable, "Just by two scientists who are powerless?"

"Besides, who are they going to take revenge on? Eat their parents' piranhas? How can humans take revenge on fish?"

Di Wuchang was silent at first, and then nodded slightly, "Based on what we have learned so far, although my elder brother Wen Chengling studies lasers, my younger brother Wen Chengfeng is a great biological geneticist."

"According to the customs records, shortly after the disappearance of the Wen family brothers, the Brazilian Customs has uncovered a series of dangerous creature smuggling incidents. Someone smuggled the most ferocious freshwater fish in China, black fish, into Brazil in large quantities."

Wei Chen was dumbfounded again. Wen Chengling was a student of biological genes. Not long after he disappeared, the most ferocious snakehead in China was seized by the Brazilian customs. Could it be that he wanted to cultivate the Chinese snakehead to kill all the piranhas in the Amazon River and engage in a fight? Biological Revenge?

If this is the case, the Wen family brothers are not only scientists, but also two out-and-out ruthless people!

Wei Chen felt the hairs on his back standing on end, and he thought of Di Wuchang's words again, according to the Chinese tradition, the revenge of killing one's father is irreconcilable, if one does not avenge one's revenge, one swears not to be human...

After a long flight, the plane finally came to Manaus, the largest city in the Amazon rainforest.

Wei Chen and Di Wuchang didn't know what was waiting for them ahead.

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