Technological Hegemony

Chapter 277 The new energy summit, Enron goes crazy

It snowed heavily all night, and when I woke up the next day, there was no snow on the roads in the capital, let alone signs of freezing.

Vehicles drove fast along the road, and the traffic was not affected at all, but the snow-covered green belts on both sides of the road were still reminding people of how the heavy snow last night was raging.

"The capital city has experienced no blizzard in 20 years, and the snow removal artifact has made a stunning appearance to ensure the safety of the capital's road traffic." While having breakfast at the hotel, Hong Tao read the news headlines, "These reporters are really capable, aren't they super-large heaters? Well, the news report is good, it has become a magic weapon."

Li Moran took a sip of coffee, picked up the sandwich with bacon from the plate, and said slowly, "Although the large heater itself is not a new technology, it is powered by a wireless charging pile, so the truck can be towed. Running all over the streets with heaters, this simple and rude method of snow removal is only used by us, and other countries don’t have the conditions to use it. From this point of view, it is also a bit magical.”

"Simple and rude is not important, the important thing is to be effective!"

"It's nothing to waste electricity. Anyway, it won't take long before electricity will become the price of cabbage."

"What are you talking about?"

When everyone was discussing, Luo Jia came over with a plate.

Breakfast is self-service. Luo Jia seems to have a good appetite today. He took two fried eggs, sliced ​​ham, mushroom seafood soup, and a bowl of udon noodles.

Hong Tao said, "We are discussing the municipal use of industrial heaters to remove snow."

Luo Jia smiled, "We are working desperately to build power generation arrays, isn't it for the realization of energy freedom in the future? If you ask me, it's really nothing to remove snow with heaters. In the future, heaters should be installed under the road. When it snows, just Turn on the heater, and it is better to install an air conditioner, heating in winter and cooling in summer, that will be enjoyable."

After hearing Luo Jia's words, everyone burst into laughter again. It would be great if there was such a day.

After breakfast, everyone split up.

The new energy summit held in Beijing this time is very large-scale, and it is held in many places at the same time.

Star Technology is the flagship in the field of new energy, and their partners are from all walks of life, so no matter where the meeting is held, the participation of Star Technology is indispensable.

According to the schedule, Luo Jia met partners from the tire industry in the morning.

In fact, the large-scale mergers and acquisitions of domestic companies have never stopped. On April 10, 2018, Double Star Group defeated more than a dozen competitors such as Continental Germany, Michelin France, and Apollo India, and acquired Kumho Tire of Korea.

So far, Double Star, which has acquired Kumho, and Sinochem, which has acquired Pirelli, have become the duo in the Huaxia tire field. Another giant headquartered in Singapore, Giti Tire, has actually been controlled by Huaxia Capital.

Today, Xingchen Technology has officially entered the tire field, bringing unprecedented black technology content to the entire industry.

Like most commercial activities in the past, Xingchen Technology itself does not manufacture tires, but they provide the world's most advanced honeycomb solid tire technology and patents. The subsidiary Xingchen Chemical produces synthetic rubber with a price of more than 100,000 yuan per kilogram. agent.

This approach is obviously smart. Assuming that the net profit of each tire is 50 yuan, Star Technology can also take 25 yuan profit by selling patents and synergists, and it also avoids the trouble of mass production.

Double Star, a tire company headed by Sinochem, officially joined the partner camp of Star Technology.

Although entering this camp requires a large share of the profits to Star Technology, Sinochem and Double Star are willing, because if Star Technology makes its own tires, they will go out of business.

If not necessary, Luo Jia seldom does things to kill them all, and always leads everyone to make money together. As time goes by, the strategy of win-win cooperation makes Luo Jia in this world,

With more and more friends, even the Huaxia military is firmly behind him.

In the afternoon, Luo Jia came to Chang'an Hotel again, where he was going to explain the safety of autonomous driving technology to the transportation department.

Large-scale testing of autonomous driving technology requires the approval of the transportation department and cannot be done casually. Luo Jia's personal experience will help the approval.

To put it simply, Luo Jia needs to issue a military order to the transportation department to ensure that his technology will not cause major traffic accidents.

Dealing with higher authorities, although some procedures are cumbersome and boring, they have to be done.

Showing up with Luo Jia are the bosses of the three major automobile groups, as well as the bosses of Pacific Insurance and PICC, who will provide insurance services for the test vehicles.

As soon as he arrived at the Great Wall Hotel, Luo Jia met Professor Ouyang.

"Luo Jia, let me introduce you. This is Zhang Qimin, the R\u0026D director of Baidu Group. He is in charge of the Apollo project." Professor Ouyang introduced Zhang Qimin who was beside him to Luo Jia.

Luo Jia has always been easy-going in life, and he shook hands with Zhang Qimin cordially.

"There is still some time before the meeting starts, let's have a cup of coffee." Professor Ouyang suggested.

The three sat down in the corner of the coffee shop. Professor Ouyang and Zhang Qimin ordered two cups of Blue Mountain. Luo Jia felt that the lunch was a bit greasy, so he ordered a cup of black tea and a fruit platter.

Professor Ouyang and Luo Jia have a very good relationship. He didn't go around in circles, and said directly to Luo Jia: "Although I know that you have a competitive relationship with Baidu Group, Baidu's Apollo has already done this project of autonomous driving. I have accumulated a lot of road test data for many years, and I am very experienced in this area.”

"The project of electric vehicles has a lot to do with it. Both Star Technology and Baidu Group are our Huaxia companies. It would be great if you could cooperate."

After Professor Ouyang finished speaking, he looked at Luo Jia with questioning eyes, and Zhang Qimin was also full of expectation.

Luo Jia understands Professor Ouyang's mood. He is a top expert in the field of electric vehicles and often walks in the upper study. The national team has spent a lot of money on new energy and electric vehicles. Now the pressure is very high, and this battle cannot afford to lose.

And according to the rumors, when Baidu was able to squeeze Google out of China, they also had support in the study room. From the eyes of the big shots, it seemed that Star Technology and Baidu had the possibility of cooperation.

Luo Jia started to make love with each other, talking about him from left to right.

Cooperation is to share profits. Luo Jia doesn't think it is necessary to share profits with others, and Star Technology doesn't need Apollo's technology.

According to the original direction of the matter, Luo Jia made a fuss and it passed. Professor Ouyang is not a person without eyesight and can understand Luo Jia's thoughts.

But unfortunately, An Ran came at this time.

He was discussing cooperation with the motor company in the morning. Seeing that the ultrasonic motor project is about to be completed, the production of ultrasonic motors beyond the times requires partners to purchase new equipment. An Ran needs to arrange for them and seize the time to purchase and expand production.

"So you are here."

An Ran walked over and sat next to Luo Jia naturally. He saw that Zhang Qimin was relatively unfamiliar, so he asked curiously, "Who is this?"

"I'm the person in charge of the Baidu Group's Apollo project. Today I made a special trip to find Mr. Luo to talk about cooperation." Zhang Qimin said.

Luo Jia suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. An Ran's character is pure and straight.

So Luo Jia hurried to pull An Ran, telling him not to talk nonsense.

It's a pity that An Ran's thinking and speaking speed were too fast. Luo Jia didn't stop her, and An Ran blurted out, "Your system has more than a thousand loopholes at least. Is it necessary to cooperate?"


Everyone was dumbfounded now, and Zhang Qimin's face turned red.

Apollo is an open system, and nearly one million lines of source code have been released so far.

The disadvantage of an open system is that there is no place to hide. Everyone can see how well the code is written and whether each module is designed ingeniously.

Zhang Qimin did not expect that An Ran would be so disrespectful. He barely suppressed the anger in his heart, and said bitterly, "Mr. An, don't talk nonsense. As far as I know, you are a student of mechanics and electromechanical, and you are writing code." On the one hand, you are a complete layman, commenting on things you don't understand, you seem to think too highly of yourself, don't you?"

"We have hundreds of partners around the world, and we have conducted large-scale road tests in North America and China. If there are really so many loopholes, I'm afraid something will go wrong."


Luo Jia mourned for Zhang Qimin in her heart, it's not okay to provoke anyone, why did you provoke An Ran?

This man is absolutely untouchable by you!

After hearing Zhang Qimin's words, An Ran raised her eyebrows and said with a sneer, "I forgot that you didn't mention North America. In 2017, you only had four test cars in California, with a cumulative driving of 1,972 miles and 48 manual interventions. An intervention was required every 41.08 miles, the worst record for autonomous driving."

"Also in 2017, WAYMO, a subsidiary of Google, invested 75 test vehicles, driving a total of 352,545 miles, and manually intervening 63 times, with an average of every 5,595.95 miles, they only made manual intervention on the automatic driving system. The reliability is 136.2207 of yours. times."

"However, Google still felt that WAYMO's self-driving technology could not meet the standards, and voluntarily withdrew from the competition. As you, who are 136.2207 times worse than Google, how dare you say that the technology is mature?"

An Ran is worthy of being An Ran, the most hard-core steel straight man of Xingchen Technology, directly took the data accurate to four decimal places, Zhang Qimin was speechless, and his whole face turned green.

It's a pity that this straight steel man not only has an upright personality, but also speaks extremely fast. The revelation of Apollo's poor test data in North America is not the end, but the beginning.

After a short pause, An Ran continued to speak quickly: "In the positioning module, you used RTKGPS and IMU, but I didn't see the KalmanFilter plug-in from the source code. I don't know if you ignored it, or the technology is not up to standard. Didn't dare to let it out."

"The idea of ​​open source is very good, but it must have enough technology to support it. Just find an open source project in the field of robotics, ROS, Drake, etc. and compare the source code. It is not that you provide a framework and provide a bottom layer. Hardware drivers can support a large open source community."

"In addition, the starting price of the velodyne 64-line lidar you recommend is as high as 75,000 US dollars. As a Silicon Valley start-up company, velodyne's technology is at most second-tier in the world. To the sky-high price? I doubt it, do you want to do technology, or do you want to make money as crazy as you did search?"

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