Technological Hegemony

Chapter 259 Industrial software will be completed in February next year

It was a Sunday, a day that was supposed to be a holiday, but Luo Jia showed up in his office at six in the morning as usual, made a cup of black coffee without sugar, and started his day's work.

Before officially starting work, Luo Jia used to meditate first, leaning on a chair, opening countless folders in his mind, and reviewing what he learned last night to deepen his understanding and mastery.

When the time came to seven o'clock, Shen Lang arrived at Luo Jia's office. He was not very happy recently, because Luo Jia asked him to finish high school courses at Xingchen University and wait for the exam to pass before starting professional studies.

So now Shen Lang can only see the teacher on Sundays and Xingchen University's holidays, and spends all other time studying hard in school.

In addition, every Sunday, Luo Jia would take Shen Lang home to visit his parents and have a feast of lamb chops. Even An Ran and Li Moran had never enjoyed such treatment. It is not difficult to see Luo Jia's love for him. How much attention is paid.

"I've already read this week's study report." Luo Jia said to Shen Lang, "Your Chinese and history studies still need to be strengthened. Although I know very well that you are more interested in science than liberal arts, as a Chinese People, it is absolutely impossible not to read history.”

"As the so-called history is like a mirror, history is like a mirror. Familiar with history can prevent us from making mistakes that the ancients made in the future, and language is the foundation of Chinese genes. Both our history and philosophy are based on Chinese. , if mathematics is the foundation of science, then Chinese is the foundation of Chinese culture.”

Shen Lang nodded slightly, what the teacher said was always so reasonable.

"Come on, let's go to the software center." Luo Jia stood up and said.

Weekends are days for love, there are fewer people in the company, and everyone goes out for more dates.

The Star Battleship community is filled with the smell of hormones. Many straight men have lived in the houses allocated by the company with their girlfriends, and those who stay in the company either have urgent tasks, or are single just like Luo Jia.

Walking out of the elevator, you can see many colleagues who work overtime on weekends. Everyone greets Luo Jia enthusiastically. As a boss who has no airs, Luo Jia has a good relationship with all colleagues, and the colleagues respect Luo Jia more than others. Not out of fear.

There are more than a dozen people sitting in the conference room, including Li Moran, the president of the software department, several big names in the field of industrial software, Bai Xianyong, Wei Jianing, and Chen Liwu.

As soon as Luo Jia brought Shen Lang into the conference room, everyone congratulated in unison, "The hardware department has done really well recently!"

"After a series of combined punches, we have established a firm foothold in Europe, where the competition in the global automotive field is the most fierce. It is really not easy."

"My classmate who works in Spain told me that the sales of electric vehicles from East Asia Group are crazy, and the order is half a year away!"

In Star Technology, the software corps and the hardware corps are not in a competitive relationship, but comrades in arms fighting side by side. Although the people in the software department praise the hardware department desperately, the colleagues in the hardware department also admire the software department very much.

Industrial software is not like auto parts, and only professionals know about it. However, the software department has been working in obscurity for more than a year. Now they are only one step away from the lifeline software that rules the industrial system. By no means under the hardware department.

Luo Jia smiled, "Stop flattering each other, both hardware and software are indispensable to the company.

What are you meeting today to discuss? "

Li Moran said, "We are discussing the issue of fees. So far, our four major industrial software have all achieved more than 50% market share."

"The problem we are facing now is that for large enterprises and special industries, it is not enough to use general industrial software. Profitable."

Luo Jia nodded slightly. Industrial software is a very complicated existence. It is also computational fluid dynamics. The functions required by automobile companies are definitely different from those that build aircraft, and those that build aircraft are different from those that build satellites.

The software center currently has more than 10,000 employees, 80% of whom serve industrial software, but most of them do not work at the headquarters, but go deep into various industries to actually understand the needs of industrial departments and continuously improve software versions and functions .

Almost all industrial software used by large enterprises around the world are tailor-made. After all, different industries have different needs, and it is only natural to charge for customized versions of industrial software.

Luo Jia said with a smile, "Yes, not only the customized industrial software will be charged, but also the launch of new functions in the future. After all, the reason we put so much effort into developing industrial software is not for charity."

"Let me make two requests. First, the fees should be reasonable. After all, the whole world is on board our pirate ship. If the fees are too high and everyone jumps ship, it will be our failure. I heard that recently Industrial software groups, are they all working on free versions?"

Bai Xianyong nodded, "Yes, after all, the market has been severely impacted by us, and half of the world's share has gone to us. If they don't work hard, they will really lose their pants."

Luo Jia said, "This is market competition. It was because they charged too much that they gave our free industrial software a chance. The same thing must never happen again, so charging is okay, but the cost must be reasonable. "

"Second, after the EDA project is completed, the industrial software department should be independent. Based on the current situation of the industrial software department's huge monthly losses, the department can be independent, but the finance is still managed by the headquarters. All competitors are dead. Before the end, no matter how big the hole is, the headquarters is responsible for filling it for you."

Luo Jia's confident speech gave everyone great confidence.

Is the software center losing money?

It’s a big loss. The profitable Star Search and Sky Eye have become independent. The Star System and Star Industry software are free. The software center now loses tens of billions of dollars a year.

However, Luo Jia exchanged huge losses for the two major hegemonies of the operating system and industrial software, and its strategic significance cannot be measured by money.

Coupled with Star Search and Sky Eye, as well as the star dating derived from Sky Eye, Luo Jia has obtained a lot of bombs in the software field.

Luo Jia asked Li Moran, "When will the EDA project be completed?"

Li Moran calculated in his mind, "EDA is the most complex among the five major industrial software, and the development progress is relatively slow. It is estimated that the project can be handed over in February next year, before the Spring Festival."

Luo Jia let out a sigh of relief. It was not easy. It took almost two years before and after. The number of employees increased directly from 5,000 to 15,000, and the cost was tens of billions. The huge pit of industrial software is finally about to climb out. .

When walking out of the software center, it was past noon, Luo Jia and Shen Lang went to the restaurant for dinner, and he told Shen Lang seriously that he would take him to see a newly developed magnetic suspension system.

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